Monday, October 30, 2017

Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act Introduced in the House

Source: Ted Poe (R-TX, 2nd)

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Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representatives Ted Poe (R-TX-02) and Mike Thompson (D-CA-05), and U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) re-introduced bipartisan legislation to level the energy playing field by giving investors in a range of clean energy projects access to a decades-old corporate structure whose tax advantage is currently available only to investors in fossil fuel-based energy projects. The Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act is a straightforward, powerful modification of the federal tax code that could unleash significant private capital by helping an emerging class of energy-generation and renewable fuel companies to form master limited partnerships, which combine the funding advantages of corporations and the tax advantages of partnerships.

“For years, the United States has allowed our energy security to be subject to turmoil and mayhem in the Middle East,” said Representative Poe. “It is in our best interest to pursue a comprehensive energy strategy that encourages the domestic production of all energy. This common-sense tax credit will help the United States do just that.”

“This bipartisan bill will make it easier and more appealing for private capital to be invested in renewable energy,” said Representative Thompson. “We need to take a comprehensive approach to America’s energy future. By leveling the playing field and treating renewable energy the same way we do oil and gas, we can create jobs, diversify our energy infrastructure, and allow for the creation of more renewable energy sources and technology."

“Clean energy technologies have made tremendous progress in the last several decades, and they deserve the same shot at success in the market as traditional energy projects have experienced through the federal tax code,” said Senator Coons. “By updating the code, the bipartisan Master Limited Partnerships Parity Act levels the playing field for a broad range of domestic energy sources -- clean and traditional alike -- to support the all-of-the-above energy strategy we need to power our country for generations to come. This practical, market-driven solution will unleash private capital and create jobs, and that’s why it has earned broad support from Republicans and Democrats in Congress as well as think tanks, business leaders, and investors. Updating the tax code in this way will help increase parity and ensure that these energy technologies can permanently benefit from the incentives that traditional energy sources have depended on to build infrastructure for more than 30 years.”

“The United States has the largest and most efficient capital markets in the world, yet our renewable energy companies rarely have access to those markets,” said Senator Moran. “In order to grow our economy and increase our energy security, sound economic tools like master limited partnerships (MLPs) should be expanded to include additional domestic energy sources. The MLP Parity Act will allow the renewable energy sector to utilize the MLP structure for project development making it accessible to a broader and deeper investment pool that can drastically reduce the time and cost associated with deploying new energy technologies.”

A master limited partnership (MLP) is a business structure that is taxed as a partnership, but whose ownership interests are traded like corporate stock on a market. By statute, MLPs are currently only available to investors in energy portfolios for oil, natural gas, coal extraction, and pipeline projects.

These projects get access to capital at a lower cost and are more liquid than traditional financing approaches to energy projects, making them highly effective at attracting private investment. Investors in clean energy projects, however, have been explicitly prevented from forming MLPs, starving a fast growing portion of America’s domestic energy sector of the capital it needs to build and grow.

Newly eligible energy resources would include solar, wind, marine and hydrokinetic, fuel cells, energy storage, combined heat and power, biomass, waste heat to power, renewable fuels, biorefineries, energy efficient buildings, carbon capture utilization and storage.

In the House, the MLP Parity Act was cosponsored by Representatives Ted Poe (R-TX-02), Mike Thompson (D-CA-05), Mark Amodei (R-NV-02), Peter Welch (D-VT-AL), Jerry McNerney (D-CA-09), Paul Gosar (R-AZ-04), and Earl Blumenauer (D-OR-03).

In the Senate, the MLP Parity Act was cosponsored by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Angus King (I-ME), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Martin Heinrich (D-NM).

End Outsourcing Act Introduced in the House

Source: Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd) has introduced the End Outsourcing Act, legislation that would update the United States tax code to reward companies that invest in American workers and penalize corporations that outsource domestic jobs and factories.

“For too long, our tax code has incentivized companies to outsource American jobs instead of investing in workers and communities here at home,” said Pocan. “We give corporations that ship American jobs overseas a free pass while workers suffer the consequences. Rather than reward companies that relocate to other countries, we should use our tax code to incentivize firms to invest in our communities and put American workers back on the job. The End Outsourcing Act is a strong step forward in protecting American jobs, growing wages, and strengthening the middle class.”

Specifically, the End Outsourcing Act:

  • Prohibits companies from receiving tax breaks for outsourcing jobs and factories, and claws back tax credits and grants related to the operation and maintenance of a facility closing to relocate abroad;
  • Establishes tax incentives for companies that relocate foreign jobs to rural and impoverished communities in the United States; and
  • Ensures that federal contracting policy takes into consideration whether companies have outsourced domestic jobs.

    The legislation has been endorsed by the AFL-CIO, the Communications Workers of America (CWA), the United Steelworkers (USW), and the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW).

    Source: Robert Pittenger (R-NC, 9th)

    Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC-09) formally introduced the No Abortion Bonds Act, which prohibits the use of federal tax-exempt bonds to finance construction of abortion clinics.

    “Under a loophole in the current law, cities, counties, and states can issue federally tax-free bonds to finance construction of abortion clinics,” explained Congressman Pittenger during a speech on the House floor. “These tax-free bonds are intended to finance schools, hospitals, and infrastructure, not abortion clinics. This legislation applies the spirit of the Hyde Amendment to the tax code, by preventing tax-free bonds from going to abortion providers.”

    Congressman Pittenger introduced the No Abortion Bonds Act during a Wednesday afternoon speech on the House floor. Click here for full video.

  • In 2012, New York City issued a tax-free, $15 million bond for renovation of Planned Parenthood’s national headquarters.
  • In 2007, Sarasota County, Florida floated an $8 million, tax-free bond to pay for a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.
  • In 2007, the Illinois Finance Authority approved an $8.05 million tax-free bond to pay for a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Aurora.
  • In 2006, the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency granted a $5 million tax-exempt bond for a Planned Parenthood clinic in Worcester.

    State and local governments are allowed to finance construction of schools, roads, and hospitals with special bonds exempt from federal tax. These tax breaks for the investors, which cost the federal government billions in revenue, lead to lower costs for the borrower. Federal taxpayers therefore subsidize the project, in addition to being ultimately responsible for the loan should the borrower fail to pay.

    While the 1976 Hyde Amendment prohibits the use of taxpayer-funding for abortion or abortion-related services, a loophole allows these infrastructure bonds to be used for abortion clinics.

    Congressman Pittenger’s No Abortion Bonds Act:

  • Removes the tax-exempt status of any bond that flows to an abortion provider or abortion clinic.
  • Includes exemption for clinics that only perform abortions in cases of rape, incest, or danger to the life of the mother.
  • Includes common sense exemption for hospitals.

    Congressman Pittenger’s No Abortion Bonds Act is co-sponsored by Rep. Franks (R-AZ), Rep. Smith (R-NJ), Rep. Black (R-TN), Rep. Hartzler (R-MO), Rep. Walker (R-NC), Rep. Hudson (R-NC), Rep. Luetkemeyer (R-MO), Rep. Wagner (R-MO), Rep. Chabot (R-OH), Rep. Duncan (R-SC), Rep. Mooney (R-WV), Rep. Gibbs (R-OH), Rep. Jenkins (R-WV), Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL), Rep. Jones (R-NC), Rep. Biggs (R-AZ), Rep. Dunn (R-FL), Rep. Lipinski (D-IL), Rep. Rokita (R-IN), Rep. Banks (R-IN), Rep. Hice (R-GA), Rep. Palazzo (R-MS), Rep. Webster (R-FL), Rep. Rothfus (R-PA), Rep. Lamborn (R-CO), Rep. Norman (R-SC), Rep. Yoho (R-FL), Rep. Johnson (R-LA), Rep. Flores (R-TX), Rep. Duncan (R-TN), Rep. Cramer (R-ND), Rep. Rohrabacher (R-CA), Rep. Moolenaar (R-MI), Rep. Gohmert (R-TX), Rep. Messer (R-IN), Rep. Babin (R-TX), Rep. Noem (R-SD), Rep. Brat (R-VA), Rep. Kinzinger (R-IL), Rep. Williams (R-TX), Rep. Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Fortenberry (R-NE), Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA), Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Roe (R-TN), Rep. Scott (R-GA), Rep. Wittman (R-VA), Rep. LaMalfa (R-CA), Rep. Rouzer (R-NC), Rep. Harris (R-MD), Rep. Davidson (R-OH), Rep. Hultgren (R-IL), Rep. Weber (R-TX).

    Congressman Pittenger’s No Abortion Bonds Act is supported by Americans United for Life, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Susan B. Anthony List, National Right to Life, the Eagle Forum, March for Life, Family Policy Alliance, North Carolina Right to Life, and the North Carolina Family Policy Council.
  • Norton Gets Promise from Treasury Inspector General Concerning Investigation into Threats to IRS Employees

    Source: Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.)

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) at an Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing asked Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russel George about press reports on an increase in threats to Internal Revenue Services (IRS) employees and “potential vulnerabilities outside agency headquarters.” NBC4 reported that “federal investigators have launched 1,556 investigations into possible threats against agency employees from taxpayers since the beginning of the year.” George said his office was currently working with the IRS’ security division to investigate such threats and potential security vulnerabilities and offered to brief Norton and the Committee on his findings at the conclusion of the investigation. Norton pressed George that, in addition to a congressional briefing, a report of findings, recommendations or remedies would be important to reassure employees and the public. George responded that he thought a report with necessary redactions might be appropriate.

    “I appreciate that the Inspector General has taken the increase in threats to IRS employees seriously and is pursuing an investigation,” Norton said. “I will be working with his office to ensure he has the necessary resources to investigate threats against IRS employees and any potential security vulnerabilities. Our federal employees deserve a safe working environment.”

    Perry Supports Presidential Emergency Declaration on Opioids

    Source: Scott Perry (R-PA, 4th)

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement in the wake of President Trump’s declaration regarding the opioid crisis:

    “I thank President Trump for declaring the opioid crisis a public health emergency. His action today allows federal officials to redirect existing health resources and reduce bureaucratic delays that slow our efforts to fight this battle. 175 people die from a drug overdose every day - causing heartache and pain for countless American families. The people battling addiction are our family, friends and neighbors – they’re not just statistics and numbers.

    This is one issue where Republicans and Democrats stand together. In recent years, Congress has passed bills like the Comprehensive Recovery and Addiction Act and the 21st Century Cures Act to provide hundreds of millions of new funding and other tools to help our communities; I was proud to support these efforts. Pennsylvania recently received more than $26 million to increase access to treatment, reduce unmet treatment need, and other prevention and recovery activities. We have much more work to do, but I’m glad we’re working together with President Trump to continue the fight.”

    Perlmutter, Thompson Introduce Legislation to Keep Communities Safe, Help Prevent Future Gun Violence Tragedies

    Source: Ed Perlmutter (D-CO, 7th)

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Congressmen Mike Thompson (CA-05), Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, and Ed Perlmutter (CO-07), Vice-Chair of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, introduced H.R. 4142, the Safer Communities Act of 2017, legislation aimed at reducing and preventing gun violence by keeping guns away from people who should not have them. The legislation closes the gaps in current federal gun policy by clarifying and expanding existing federal prohibitors related to mental health, substance abuse, history of violence, and other risk factors; provides states with the tools needed to strengthen and enforce gun violence prevention laws; provides resources for mental health crisis intervention services; and improves records reporting into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

    “After nearly every gun violence tragedy, we’ve heard many say that guns are not the problem, mental health is. The Safer Communities Act we’ve introduced today would address that problem and keep guns out of the hands of the dangerously mentally ill,” said Rep. Thompson. “While those suffering from mental illness are far more likely to be victims than perpetrators of violent crimes, we recognize that improving our mental health system, and keeping firearms from those with other risk factors such as a history of substance abuse disorders and violence, can help prevent gun violence. And by improving intervention services, boosting evidence-based research, and giving law enforcement more tools to get guns out of the hands of those who pose a danger to themselves or others, we can make our country safer and get people the help they need, while also respecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners.”

    “This is a common sense proposal to reduce the likelihood of individuals suffering from mental illness from accessing firearms. It’s important to keep guns away from individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others and instead provide them with the mental health services they need,” said Rep. Perlmutter. “We’ve seen far too many tragedies in our communities and we must take steps to prevent future tragedies by making gun violence less easy, less frequent and less deadly.”

    The Safer Communities Act of 2017 clarifies and expands existing federal prohibitors to help keep guns away from those who are determined to pose a danger to themselves or others. Specifically, the legislation prohibits the purchase or possession of a firearm by individuals subject to involuntary outpatient commitment if a court finds they pose a significant and dangerous threat to themselves or others. Current federal law has been interpreted to apply only to inpatient commitments.

    Recognizing that states play an important role in preventing gun violence and ensuring safe communities, the legislation provides states with the tools needed to strengthen and enforce gun violence prevention laws. Specifically, it further supports federal and state partnerships by providing grants to states to strengthen gun violence prevention laws that prohibit individuals with certain risk factors such as a history of dangerous mental illness, substance abuse, and violence from possessing firearms. For example, states could:

    ·         Create laws that enable law enforcement to petition for a warrant to temporarily remove firearms when there is probable cause to believe that an individual poses an imminent risk of harm to self or others. The process by which a warrant is obtained and a gun is removed must be consistent with due process; and

    ·         Create laws that temporarily prohibit the purchase and possession of a gun after an involuntary hospitalization on an emergency basis due to serious mental illness;

    The legislation also requires the FBI to expand its current alert system so state and local law enforcement can pursue cases where prohibited persons try to purchase guns – particularly those prohibited due to serious mental illness.

    Thompson and Perlmutter’s bill also provides resources for mental health crisis intervention services, boosts mental health research, enhances information sharing and research on gun violence, and improves the submission of mental health records into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the database used to determine whether or not a prospective buyer is eligible to buy a firearm.

    The bill changes the outdated and stigmatizing “mental defective” terminology currently used in federal firearms statute and replaces it with “ineligible due to disqualifying mental status.”

    Finally, Safer Communities Act of 2017 establishes a minimum restoration standard, ensuring a fair restoration process of firearm ownership rights that balances public safety with individuals’ rights. One year after an individual’s involuntary commitment ends, they may petition the court to have their rights restored. The application must be accompanied by a clinical opinion of a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed mental health professional. After considering a variety of factors, the judge would determine if restoring gun ownership rights is compatible with the public interest.


    Source: Steve Pearce (R-NM, 2nd)

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Steve Pearce today introduced H.R. 4146, the Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance Act of 2017, to provide needed improvements to the service-disabled veterans’ life insurance program (S-DVI). Disabled veterans have a challenging time receiving life insurance through the civilian sector due to their physical or mental injuries incurred during their time in service. This bill will update the nation’s current S-DVI premiums and disability provisions which are based on mortality and annuity tables from 1941.

    “Veterans injured in combat face many challenges as they return home and adjust back into civilian life. What makes it even more challenging for veterans and their families is having to accept an antiquated insurance system that does little to provide the quality care and services they deserve. For over 70 years, the S-DVI program has been basing their costs off the assumption that veterans only live to an average age of about 62 years old. The legislation I’m introducing will modernize this program to lower premium costs for veterans and provide increased funds to the families of deceased veterans.

    Our nation’s veterans sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and liberties, and we must honor our commitments to them. This legislation reforms the S-DVI program to provide protection and certainty for service-disabled veterans and their families, breaking down the barriers that affects the livelihoods of veterans across the nation. It is beyond time to enhance the S-DVI program, and I will continue working with my colleagues and veterans in New Mexico to stand by my promise to the men and women who bravely stepped up to serve and protect our nation,” stated Rep. Pearce.

    H.R. 4146 amends Title 38 of the United States Code to adjust the S-DVI cap based on the 2017 inflation rate, increasing the current cap from $10,000 to $95,000, and will create a process for adjusting the cap based on inflation each year. This bill will increase the filling and enrollment limitation from 2 years to 10 years, and includes enrollment waiver options.

    Current premium rates charged for S-DVI coverage are based on Annuity and Mortality Tables from 1941. Under this new legislation, S-DVI premium rates will be determined using current industry standard tables, and will be updated every 5 years after that.

    The Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance Act of 2017 is supported by the Disabled American Veterans (DAV), the Fleet Reserve Association (FRA), and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW):

    “DAV strongly supports Rep. Pearce's legislation to update and strengthen VA's Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI) program which will make a real difference for many disabled veterans, their families and survivors. The S-DVI program was designed to provide affordable life insurance coverage to disabled veterans unable to purchase private insurance due to their service connected disabilities, however its cost and benefits have been seriously eroded over the past 50 years. Rep. Pearce's legislation will modernize the S-DVI program by using current actuarial data to lower premiums as well as adjusting for inflation to significantly increase the benefit payout,” stated Garry Augustine, DAV Washington Executive Director.

    “The Fleet Reserve Association is in complete support of this bill and looks forward to seeing it passed in the House,” stated John Davis, FRA Director of Legislative Programs.

    “The Veterans of Foreign Wars strongly supports, H.R.4146, the Disabled Veterans’ Life Insurance Act of 2017. This important piece of legislation would remedy many of the issues that currently exist with the Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance program, such as updating the antiquated mortality and annuity tables, increasing the maximum benefit cap, and extending the enrollment eligibility to 10 years,” stated John Towles, VFW Deputy Director.

    H.R. 4146 is also supported by the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA).

    Rep. Scott Peters Supports Crack Down on Iran Ballistic Missiles

    Source: Scott Peters (D-CA, 52nd)

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) followed through on his promise to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its destabilizing activities in the Middle East, and pursuit of ballistic missiles by voting to support the Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act.  

    Congressman Peters strongly supports condemning and curbing Iran’s conventional weapons program and sponsorship of terror through strict sanctions. The Iran Ballistic Missile and International Sanctions Enforcement Act directly targets those activities by giving the President the authority he needs to stop the supply, manufacture, and financing of such harmful weapons. In addition, it does not undermine the internationally negotiated Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), passed by the United States along with Russia, China, our European Allies, and Iran, which significantly restricted the path to a nuclear-armed Iran. Today’s action goes after Iran for its ballistic missile development. 

    “The Iranian regime continues to foment instability across much of the Middle East,” said Rep. Scott Peters. “From the beginning, I have maintained that while the Iran Deal is the best way to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon for many years, the United States and our allies must continue to hold their feet to the fire for their ongoing human rights abuses, support of terror activities, and ballistic missile program. The recent test of ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons goes directly against the calls of the United Nations Security Council presented under UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and passage of enhanced sanctions for this activity is an important step toward holding the regime accountable.”

    Rep. Peters continued, “These sanctions are part of a smart, tough strategy determined to stop Iran from maintaining its current path. This proposal not only cracks down on the development of dangerous weapons, but also targets those individuals at the heart of the foreign and domestic supply chains. This bipartisan approach is exactly the type of action we need to counter threats around the world and keep Americans safe.”

    House Passes Iran & Hizballah Sanctions Bills

    Source: Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ, 9th)

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representative Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-09) voted for the passage of three bills to take on the growing global threat of the Iranian missile program and the Hizballah terrorist organization. Rep. Pascrell was co-sponsor of all three bills, H.R.1698, H.R.3329, and H.Res.359 (details below).

    “We must continue sending a strong signal that the United States is serious about combating the growing threat Iran poses in the region," Rep. Pascrell said. "By clamping down on the financial support terrorist groups receive and additional sanctions targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program, we can pressure Iran to change course and take steps to reduce threats in the region. We cannot do this alone, so I hope our allies will join us in designating Hizballah as a terrorist organization and increase pressure on it and its members to cease and desist. These concrete steps will allow us to work towards a safer region and a safer world."


    H.R.1698 - Iran Ballistic Missiles and International Sanctions Enforcement Act

    This bill expands sanctions against Iran with respect to the ballistic missiles program of Iran. This bill would use targeted sanctions to try and halt Iran’s ballistic missile program. This bill would require the President to identify and sanction individuals and entities contributing to Iran’s ballistic missile program. In addition, the bill would require the executive branch to determine if Iran’s ballistic missile tests violate UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which “calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons,” and to determine whether responsible parties should be subject to sanctions
    H.R.3329 - Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017                             

    The Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act would impose new sanctions against foreign individuals and companies that knowingly assist, sponsor, or provide significant financial, material, or technological support to entities known to fundraise or recruit on behalf of the agents and affiliates of Hizballah. This legislation also requires the president to report to Congress whether the foreign financial institutions of Iran and other state sponsors of terrorism are facilitating transactions on behalf of Hizballah, and therefore should have additional sanctions imposed against them pursuant to U.S. law. In addition, the legislation would impose blocking sanctions against Hizballah for conducting narcotics trafficking and other significant transnational criminal activities, and strengthen reporting requirements on Hizballah’s racketeering activities and efforts by foreign governments to disrupt Hizballah’s global logistics networks and fundraising, financing and money laundering activities. To further expose the foreign terrorist organization’s rampant corruption, it also requires a report on the estimated net worth of senior Hizballah members and any individuals determined by the president to be senior foreign political figures of Hizballah.

    Urges the European Union to designate Hizballah in its entirety as a terrorist organization and increase pressure on it and its members.

    FRC Praises Trump Administration's Plan to Directly Address Needs of Christians in Middle East

    Source: Family Research Council

    Washington, D.C. - October 30, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- The Trump administration announced this week that it would address the needs of the Middle East’s Christian community by providing assistance directly, bypassing UN aid programs which have been largely ineffective in helping displaced Christians affected by ISIS.

    The announcement came as Vice President Pence spoke to a gathering addressing persecution of Christians:

    “Our fellow Christians and all who are persecuted in the Middle East should not have to rely on multinational institutions when America can help them directly. And tonight, it is my privilege to announce that President Trump has ordered the State Department to stop funding ineffective relief efforts at the United Nations. And from this day forward, America will provide support directly to persecuted communities through USAID.”

    Family Research Council President Tony Perkins remarked:

    “The Trump administration announcement is welcomed news to families and individuals in the Middle East who have lost their homes, their jobs and even friends and family at the hands of ISIS. I commend the president for following through on his promise to protect religious freedom by ensuring that the vulnerable among us are not targeted because of their religion, and are able to rebuild their lives and freely live out their faith in their ancestral homelands. I look forward to seeing the needs of these communities met on the ground, and stand ready to assist the president in making this happen. In the Middle East and elsewhere, America must do more to ensure that the human right of freedom of religion is cherished the world over,” noted Perkins.

    Travis Weber, Family Research Council’s Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, also commented on the Trump administration’s plan:

    “While our attention has been riveted by stories of ISIS’s defeat, the Christian communities left devastated in its wake will still need to rebuild and attempt to move on with their lives. For too long, the persecuted Christians of the Middle East—lacking political power and overlooked in the eyes of the world—have not received proper assistance in returning to their ancestral lands, the same lands the first Christians walked nearly 2,000 years ago. Meanwhile, Iran and other power players are trying to come in and ply their influence in the vacuum created by ISIS’s defeat. It is in these situations that protecting the freedom of religion—and inculcating society with a true understanding of this right—is most critical,” observed Weber.