Thursday, November 2, 2017

Amicus Briefs Demonstrate Broad Support for Equality in Masterpiece Case

Source: Freedom for All Americans

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Briefs filed with the U.S. Supreme Court today indicate broad support for ensuring all Americans – including LGBTQ people – are treated fairly and equally when accessing public businesses. The Court will hear oral argument in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case on December 5th, and businesses large and small, conservatives, people of faith, and municipal leaders from across the country agreed in a series of briefs that businesses open to the public must serve everyone.

At the heart of the Masterpiece case is the question of whether nondiscrimination laws can continue to be enforced without sweeping and dangerous exemptions. The case itself involves a Colorado bakery that refused to sell a cake to a same-sex couple celebrating their civil marriage. This action was in direct violation of Colorado’s nondiscrimination law, and both the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and the state appellate court ruled in favor of the couple.

“In seeking an exemption from his obligation to serve everyone equally, the business owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop is asking the Supreme Court to grant him a sweeping license to discriminate,” said Kasey Suffredini, acting CEO and president of strategy at Freedom for All Americans. “The dozens of friend-of-the-court briefs filed this week and signed by thousands of experts, scholars, and organizations showcase the diverse support for equal treatment and fairness for all. Nondiscrimination laws allow states and local governments to protect their residents from unequal treatment. These laws ensure all of us can participate in public life, and nothing should undermine that promise in America.”

FFAA supported the development of multiple briefs filed today – including a faith brief, a municipal leaders brief, and a small business brief. The faith brief features nearly 1,300 clergy from approximately 50 faith traditions across the country, representing half a million congregants. The municipal brief features more than 150 mayors representing 50 million constituents from big cities and smaller municipalities across the country – many of whom were activated through FFAA’s Mayors Against LGBT Discrimination program. And the small business brief features leading small business organizations, including Main Street Alliance and the American Independent Business Alliance. Collectively, more than 61,000 small businesses from across the country are represented on the brief.

“Our work to achieve an America where every single LGBTQ person lives free from discrimination will be enormously impacted by the outcome of this case,” added Suffredini. “As hostile legal challenges wind their way through our courts and the administration seeks to undermine equality, it’s incumbent upon us to share stories that illustrate the devastating consequences of discrimination and mobilize our allies.”

Recently, the Trump Administration announced it would support the bakery in seeking an exemption from the existing nondiscrimination law. The administration’s action is reflective of a larger effort to roll back or eliminate LGBTQ Americans from nondiscrimination protections.

The Supreme Court will hear oral argument in Masterpiece on December 5th. For the latest on Masterpiece and other key pieces of litigation, you can visit FFAA’s Litigation Tracker.

Freedom for All Americans is the bipartisan campaign to secure full nondiscrimination protections for LGBT people nationwide. Our work brings together Republicans and Democrats, businesses large and small, people of faith, and allies from all walks of life to make the case for comprehensive nondiscrimination protections that ensure everyone is treated fairly and equally.

See more headlines about the Masterpiece Cakeshop at The Ponder News Web Site by clicing here

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, Representative Sean Patrick Maloney Lead Congressional Amicus Brief in Masterpiece Cakeshop Case

Source: Senator Tammy Baldwin - (D - WI)

Protect Your Family

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) announced the filing of an Amicus Brief in support of equal rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community and other marginalized groups in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. A ruling for Masterpiece Cakeshop could create a “license to discriminate” allowing businesses to deny service to Americans, including LGBTQ people. Senator Baldwin and Representative Maloney were joined on the brief by 35 Senators and 174 House members.

“I support religious freedom and the freedom of full equality for every American. Our religious beliefs don’t entitle any of us to discriminate against others and I don’t believe that any American should face discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation - whether it’s at a bakery, a hotel, or a doctor’s office,” said Senator Baldwin. “It is simply wrong to discriminate against any American based on who they are or who they love. If an individual has the ability to pay for a service and is not in violation of the law, they should not be turned away.”

“We wouldn’t let a hotel owner refuse a room to a person because of their race or allow a restaurant to deny service to a couple based on their religion – and we can’t let that same kind of discrimination apply to Americans based on their sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Rep. Maloney, a Co-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus. “This is about fairness and the civil rights of all Americans – religion should not be used as a sword to inflict harm on minority groups.”

“If a business is open on main street, it must be open to everyone, regardless of who they are or whom they love,” said Sarah Warbelow, Legal Director, Human Rights Campaign. “It is important for the nation and the Supreme Court to affirm the equal dignity of every single American. Thank you to Senator Baldwin, Congressman Maloney and all of the members of Congress who have spoken up against the type of discrimination at issue in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v the Colorado Civil Rights Commission case.”

“As this friend-of-the-court brief makes clear, a ruling for Masterpiece Cakeshop would be ruling for discrimination, a violation of the Constitutional right to equal treatment under the law,” said Ian Thompson, legislative representative at the ACLU. “It would set a dangerous precedent with implications that go far beyond this case and this couple, jeopardizing long-standing anti-discrimination protections. The ACLU applauds the leadership of Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, Senator Tammy Baldwin, and the 205 other Members of Congress who joined them to make their commitment to equality clear. No one should ever be refused service by a business that is open to the public simply for who they are or whom they love.”

"In this country we believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom from discrimination,” said Harper Jean Tobin, Esq., Director of Policy for the National Center for Transgender Equality. “If civil rights laws could be ignored in the name of religion, businesses across the country from hotels to hospitals could put up a 'transgender not welcome' sign. On behalf of the nearly two million Americans who are transgender we thank the Members of Congress who are standing up against a license to discriminate."

In 2012, same-sex couple Charlie Craig and David Mullins were denied a wedding cake by Masterpiece Cakeshop because of their sexual orientation. The shop’s owner, Jack Phillips, cited religious objections to same-sex marriage as a justification for his refusal. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that the shop could not lawfully deny services to individuals based on their sexual orientation under the Colorado anti-Discrimination Act and required the shop to provide staff training and issue reports on steps taken to come into compliance with the ruling. Masterpiece Cakeshop appealed the ruling, which was eventually upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court. The shop appealed the decision, and the United States Supreme Court granted certiorari. The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on December 5th. If the court finds that a business owner’s religious conviction or expressive intent trumps civil rights laws, it could undermine local, state and federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination an accessing public accommodations.

In the friend-of-the-court brief, signers urge the Supreme Court to affirm the Colorado Civil Rights Commission’s initial decision to require Masterpiece Cakeshop to comply with the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act. The brief considers the history of federal nondiscrimination laws, such as Title II of the Civil Rights Act, and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and how rulings regarding those statutes apply to the pending case. Signers warn that the outcome of the case could have broad implications for the civil rights of groups that already face discrimination and that creating exemptions to public accommodations laws – in this case based on a business’s arguably expressive conduct or religious belief – would undermine the government’s interest in prohibiting discrimination against minority groups.

The brief is supported by the Human Rights Campaign, the American Civil Liberties Union, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), Lambda Legal, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Employment Law Project, National LGBTQ Task Force, National Women’s Law Center, People for the American Way Foundation, SAGE, Transgender Law Center, Equality California, Equality Delaware, Equality Florida, Equality New Mexico, Equality North Carolina, Garden State Equality, and One Colorado.

A full version of the brief is available here.

See more headlines About the Masterpiece Cakeshop at The Ponder News Web Site

Teen childbirth linked to increased risk for heart disease

Source: American Heart Association

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Women who became first-time mothers as teens were significantly more likely than older mothers to have greater risks for heart and blood vessel disease later in life, according to new research in Journal of the American Heart Association, the Open Access Journal of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.

Researchers found that women reporting a first birth before the age of 20 scored significantly higher on Framingham Risk Score — a measure commonly used to estimate the 10-year cardiovascular risk. In comparison, women whose first births occurred at older ages had lower average risk scores: The lowest cardiovascular risk, however, was among women who had never given birth.

“Adolescent mothers may need to be more careful about lifestyle factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including maintaining a healthy body weight and sufficient physical activity,” said study lead author Catherine Pirkle, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Office of Public Health Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu. “Clinicians may need to pay more careful attention to women’s reproductive characteristics, and more intensive screening of cardiovascular-disease risk may be required of women reporting early childbirths.”

While previous studies found that women who had several pregnancies had higher cardiovascular risks, here, among women who had children, the number of lifetimes births did not affect cardiovascular risk.

Pirkle notes that women who had never given birth may have miscarried or terminated pregnancies, but would have experienced dramatically lower average levels of pregnancy-related complications. Therefore, they would have no, or much shorter durations, of pregnancy-related stress on the body, which may explain the lower average risk scores in that group.

Investigators obtained information about age at first birth for 1,047 women participating in the International Mobility in Aging Study in 2012. Study participants were between the ages of 65 and 74 and were from Canada, Albania, Colombia and Brazil. Using the Framingham Risk Score, the investigators connected age at first birth to risk for cardiovascular disease.

The findings must be confirmed because this study relied on self-reports of childbirth history which could be affected by memory loss in this older population even though participants were screened for dementia. In addition, many young mothers from the poorer countries may not have survived to the ages of 64-75 years represented in the study, limiting the strength of the findings.

“If adolescent childbirth increases the risk of cardiovascular disease risk, then our findings reinforce the need to assure that girls and adolescents have sufficient sexual education and access to contraception to avoid adolescent childbearing in the first place,” Pirkle said. “If the association is mediated by lower educational attainment, poorer health behaviors and other factors caused by young motherhood, then our findings also suggest a need to provide more support to young mothers.”

Co-authors are Nicole T.A. Rosendaal, M.S.; Beatriz Alvarado, Ph.D.; Yan Yan Wu, Ph.D.; Maria P. Velez, Ph.D. and Saionara M. Aires da Câmara, Ph.D. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the National Institutes of Health Fogarty International Center supported the study.

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Pondering about the New York Terrorist...

Click Here to read them all:

November 02, 2017
American Legion National Commander issues condolences to New York City terrorist victims
The Ponder News
"Today's senseless attack upon innocent civilians is just another reminder of why The American Legion is fully committed to defeating terrorism," Rohan said. "We have always maintained that it will be a long protracted struggle but we must support our men and women in the military and in law enforcement. The first responders again performed admirably and we are grateful to the brave officers who stopped the attack. We pray for the victims and their families."

November 02, 2017
The Ponder News
Yesterday, as Americans went about their daily lives in New York City, a radicalized coward tore down a busy bike route driving a rented flatbed truck, plowing down all those in his path. The noise of bikes crunching and the cries of the injured rang out. The terrorist rushed forward, ramming directly into a school bus, injuring children inside. He fled the scene, sending bystanders into a panicked frenzy until peace officers apprehended the radical Islamic terrorist. Just blocks from the World Trade center, 8 individuals lay dead and at least 13 more were injured.

November 02, 2017
The Ponder News
President Trump has stated that his administration is in the process of terminating the Diversity Visa Lottery program, and is asking Congress to work to get rid of this program. I support the President’s decision and action to end the Diversity Visa Lottery program.

November 02, 2017
Congresswoman Tenney Statement on New York City Terror Attack
The Ponder News
“Our hearts break for the victims of today’s horrific terror attack in New York City that killed eight and injured eleven. We are grateful to the NYPD and our first responders, our front line of defense here at home, for their swift action. As New Yorkers and as Americans we stand united against the threat of terrorism.”

November 02, 2017
Wilson Statement On Tuesday Terrorist Attack In New York City
The Ponder News
"This afternoon’s terrorist attack in New York City was as cowardly as it was senseless. This is another reminder that we must win the Global War on Terrorism overseas to stop terrorists from threatening American families here at home. The people of New York City have faced challenges like this before, and their strength and unity always inspire us. Roxanne and I will keep the victims – including those who have lost their lives and those who are injured – in our prayers."

November 01, 2017
Feinstein: President Must Not Sow Division
The Ponder News
“In the wake of a national tragedy, the president has an obligation to bring the country together, not sow division. It’s deeply troubling that the president’s response to a terrorist attack appears to be driven by this morning’s commentary on Fox & Friends...

November 01, 2017
Senator Graham Statement On NYC Terror Suspect
The Ponder News
U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) issued this statement on potentially holding the suspect in the New York City terror attack, Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, as an enemy combatant for intelligence gathering purposes.

November 01, 2017
The Ponder News
“The terrorist attack in New York is the latest brutal, horrific example of the war that radical Islamist extremists are waging against our nation and our way of life. From Orlando to San Bernardino and Boston to Manhattan, we must not consider these attacks on our homeland in isolation, but rather recognize them for what they are: acts of war. As such, the New York terror suspect should be held and interrogated—thoroughly, responsibly, and humanely—as an enemy combatant consistent with the Law of Armed Conflict. He should not be read Miranda Rights, as enemy combatants are not entitled to them. As soon as possible, the administration should notify Congress how it plans to proceed with the interrogation and trial of this suspect...

November 01, 2017
NYC terror suspect charged with supporting ISIS
ABC News
The man accused of plowing into people on a lower Manhattan bike path Tuesday had apparently been planning the attack for a number of weeks, police officials said today.
"He did this in the name of ISIS, and along with the other items recovered at the scene was some notes that further indicate that," John Miller, deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism of the NYPD, said this morning of the attack that killed eight. "He appears to have followed almost exactly to a 'T' the instructions that ISIS has put out in its social media channels before with instructions to their followers on how to carry out such an attack."

November 01, 2017
Trump Says He'd 'Certainly Consider' Sending New York City Attacker To Guantanamo Bay
Yahoo! News
President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he would consider sending Sayfullo Saipov, the suspect in Tuesday’s terrorist attack in New York City, to the notorious U.S. military detention facility in Guantanamo Bay.

“I would certainly consider that, yes,” Trump said in response to a question from Major Garrett of CBS. “Send him to Gitmo.” Trump also urged “quick justice” and “strong justice” for Saipov, calling him “this animal.”

November 01, 2017
Press Conference After Deadly Driver Kills 8 in Manhatten
Source: New York Mayor's Office
The Associated Press reported: "A man in a rented pickup truck drove onto a busy bicycle path near the World Trade Center memorial Tuesday, killing at least eight people and injuring several others in what the mayor called “a particularly cowardly act of terror.”"

The Ponder has acquired the read out and video of the press conference from the New York Mayor's office that came after the attack.

November 01, 2017
Rep. Maloney on Suspected Terror Attack in Lower Manhattan
Source: Carolyn Maloney (D-NY, 12th)
“Today's terrorist attack was a preplanned barbaric act of violence against innocent civilians that deserves the condemnation of every citizen of every nation. Yet even in the face of such savagery, I know that our city is too strong, too resilient, to let terrorists dictate how we live. We intend to carry on with the same vigor and determination that lights up our city every day, even in the darkest of times.

November 01, 2017
The Diversity Lottery
The Ponder News
Washington, D.C. - November 1, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today released the following statement on the revelation that the man who committed yesterday's terrorist attack in New York City came to the U.S. through the notoriously flawed diversity visa lottery program:

American Legion National Commander issues condolences to New York City terrorist victims

Source: The American Legion

Indianapolis, IN - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- American Legion National Commander Denise H. Rohan issued the following statement regarding today's truck attack in New York City.

"Today's senseless attack upon innocent civilians is just another reminder of why The American Legion is fully committed to defeating terrorism," Rohan said. "We have always maintained that it will be a long protracted struggle but we must support our men and women in the military and in law enforcement. The first responders again performed admirably and we are grateful to the brave officers who stopped the attack. We pray for the victims and their families."

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Source: Ted Poe (R-TX, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- "Yesterday, as Americans went about their daily lives in New York City, a radicalized coward tore down a busy bike route driving a rented flatbed truck, plowing down all those in his path. The noise of bikes crunching and the cries of the injured rang out. The terrorist rushed forward, ramming directly into a school bus, injuring children inside. He fled the scene, sending bystanders into a panicked frenzy until peace officers apprehended the radical Islamic terrorist. Just blocks from the World Trade center, 8 individuals lay dead and at least 13 more were injured.

We must not allow terror to strike fear on American soil. Our full resources must be directed to destroy terrorism. Today, terrorists use social media to recruit, fundraise, spread propaganda and domestically radicalize future supporters. It comes as no surprise that the dastardly terrorist who carried out yesterday’s rampage appears to have meticulously followed attack instructions that terrorist groups like ISIS have publicized online. Meanwhile, the United States does not have a whole of government approach to combatting terrorism on the cyber battlefield. Congress mandated a strategy to do just that, due in March 2017, nearly 8 months ago. I urge this Administration to move quickly on this national security priority to prevent another attack taking innocent American lives again."

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Source: John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- “The terrorist attack in New York City yesterday that killed eight innocent people and injured 12 others is a terrible tragedy.

Officials have said the suspected perpetrator came here in 2010 through the Diversity Visa Lottery program. Apparently, he was influenced by the radical Islamic terrorist organization Islamic State.

President Trump has stated that his administration is in the process of terminating the Diversity Visa Lottery program, and is asking Congress to work to get rid of this program. I support the President’s decision and action to end the Diversity Visa Lottery program.

We have allowed far too many people into this Country, and we have to do a much better job screening those whom we let in.

The American people are some of the kindest, most sympathetic people in the world. We have allowed many millions to immigrate here over the last 50 years. No other country has even come close to allowing as many people to immigrate as has the U.S.

Unfortunately, many immigrants are not assimilating when they come here. We need to slow down much of this immigration and strictly enforce our laws. We especially have to be more careful when allowing immigration from Muslim majority countries.

Our entire infrastructure- our schools, hospitals, roads, jails, sewers, our overall economy- could not handle the rapid, massive influx of people we would have over the next few years if we simply opened our borders. We must have a legal, orderly system of immigration and it must be enforced.”

See more headlines at The Ponder News Web Site

Congresswoman Tenney Statement on New York City Terror Attack

Source: Claudia Tenney (R NY, 22nd)

Active Advantage: Run here for savings

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) released the following statement after the tragic terror attack on New York City:

“Our hearts break for the victims of today’s horrific terror attack in New York City that killed eight and injured eleven. We are grateful to the NYPD and our first responders, our front line of defense here at home, for their swift action. As New Yorkers and as Americans we stand united against the threat of terrorism.”

See more headlines at The Ponder News Web Site

Wilson Statement On Tuesday Terrorist Attack In New York City

Source: Joe Wilson (R-SC, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - November 2, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) released the following statement in response to the Tuesday afternoon terrorist attack in New York City:

"This afternoon’s terrorist attack in New York City was as cowardly as it was senseless. This is another reminder that we must win the Global War on Terrorism overseas to stop terrorists from threatening American families here at home. The people of New York City have faced challenges like this before, and their strength and unity always inspire us. Roxanne and I will keep the victims – including those who have lost their lives and those who are injured – in our prayers."

See more headlines at The Ponder News Web Site

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Feinstein: President Must Not Sow Division

Source: Senator Dianne Feinstein - (D - CA)

Washington, D.C. - November 1, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has released the following statement on the terrorist attack in New York City:

“In the wake of a national tragedy, the president has an obligation to bring the country together, not sow division. It’s deeply troubling that the president’s response to a terrorist attack appears to be driven by this morning’s commentary on Fox & Friends.

“There’s a distinct contrast between the response to the attack in New York and the attack in Las Vegas. In the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting in which nearly 60 people were killed and hundreds injured, it was ‘too soon’ to discuss banning bump-fire stocks and other policies to prevent gun violence.

“Now in the wake of the attack in New York City, it’s apparently not ‘too soon’ to reiterate calls for a travel ban and paint all immigrants with the same broad brush.

“The president sets the tone of the national conversation in wake of a terrorist attack. That conversation must be measured and based on the facts.”