Wednesday, August 16, 2017

ICE Announces Unprecedented Prosecution of White Supremacists

Dallas, TX - August 16, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Prosecutors in the Northern District of Texas have wrapped up what is believed to be the largest prosecution in the nation’s history of individuals connected to violent white supremacist gangs, announced John Parker, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas.

This investigation was led by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS-CID) Gang Unit and the Dallas Police Department Criminal Intelligence Unit with assistance from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI); the Garland (Texas) Police Department Neighborhood Police Officer Unit; the Collin County (Texas) Sheriff's Office; and the Texas police departments of Mesquite, Sherman, Denison and Sulphur Springs.

The 89th and last defendant to be sentenced in this case, Jeramy Weatherall, 29, of Dallas, Texas, was sentenced Thursday by U.S. District Judge Jane J. Boyle to 20 years in federal prison, following his guilty plea in March 2017 to one count of possession of methamphetamine with the intent to distribute.

Out of 91 defendants charged, 89 were convicted, one remains a fugitive and is believed to be in Mexico, and one died before trial began. Those convicted received a combined total of 1,070+ years in federal prison. Casey Rose, 36, of Mesquite, Texas, was sentenced to life in federal prison, following his conviction at trial in September 2015 on conspiracy, drug trafficking and firearm charges.

“The Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and the Aryan Circle have essentially been decimated in North Texas,” said U.S. Attorney Parker. “The outstanding collaborative work of the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Dallas Police Department helped ensure that each of the 89 defendants who were arrested have now been convicted and sentenced.”

“Strong law enforcement partnerships and the hard work of all those involved led to a successful investigation and the resulting prosecutions,” said Department of Public Safety Region 1 Commander Jack Webster. “We continue to work with our law enforcement partners to proactively protect the citizens of Texas in an ever-changing threat environment.”

“The Dallas Police Department is proud to have participated in this investigation that resulted in 89 convictions of dangerous gang members who terrorized communities with their criminal activity,” said Interim Dallas Police Chief David Pughes. “It is a great example of the success of local and Federal Law Enforcement working together with the United States Attorney to ensure that the worst career criminals are brought to justice.”

The defendants were members of the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas (ABT), the Aryan Circle, the “Irish Mob,” the “Dirty White Boys,” the “White Knights,” and the “Peckerwood” – all of which are violent white supremacist gangs. Each of these gangs is an organized crime group, but in recent years, the white supremacy ideology of each of these groups has taken a backseat to traditional criminal ventures, such as drug-dealing. The defendants in this case included several high-ranking members of these organizations.

Particularly noteworthy is that collectively, the defendants were held accountable for 956 kilograms (about 2,108 pounds) of methamphetamine, with a conservative street value of just under $10 million, as well as possessing and using 88 firearms and dangerous weapons.

Combined, the 89 defendants had been previously convicted of 736 crimes. Of the 736 previous convictions, 234 were drug-related offenses; 76 were violent offenses; 36 were gun offenses; 37 were burglaries; seven were sex or child abuse offenses; and one was a murder conviction. Fifteen of the defendants were deemed “career offenders” under the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. Some defendants had as many as 25 prior convictions. And only six of the 89 had no prior convictions.

Assistant U.S. Attorney P. J. Meitl, Northern District of Texas, was in charge of these prosecutions.

Our Race-baiting Leaders Choosing Sides.

The host of Your Voice America, Bill Mitchell, voiced his frustration on Twitter about how objectionable the mainstream media is when it comes to anything Trump says.

He tweeted:
Trump: "I disavow and condemn all hate groups including white supremacists."
Media: "Trump refuses to condemn white supremacists!"

I happen to agree with him. How can anyone say that condemnation of ALL hate groups, INCLUDING white supremacists, is not condemning white supremacists? It's illogical, and only closed-minded bigotted people will follow what the media is saying blindly. I hope they know that.

Senator Thom Tillis (R - NC) decided to try to look good by jumping on the media-created bandwagon against ONLY white supremacists by saying, "When it comes to white supremacists & neo-nazis, there can be no equivocating: they’re propagators of hate and bigotry. Period." Does he think that by shutting down the KKK and such groups that he will end the bigotry? There is still the BLM to contend with, and if they aren't dealt with the same time that the KKK is dealt with, and in the same manner, the BLM will get a foothold and grow that much stronger and more terrorizing. I hope he knows that.

Senator Todd Young (R - IN) offered what he thought was a solution, by saying, "This is simple: we must condemn and marginalize white supremacist groups, not encourage and embolden them." Apparently he thinks that by not listening to people he doesn't like, he won't have to deal with their problems, which, in the long run, become all of our problems. Does he even need to keep his job? I hope he is also planning to "marginalize and condemn" the black hate groups also.

Senator James Lankford (R-OK) cut into the conversation by stating, "Our words must not create confusion. The supremacy of any race is abhorrent, unAmerican & should be condemned by everyone. Full stop." Now that is the most sensible thing I've heard just about anyone say.

Senator Tim Kaine (D - VA) showed his Democrat ignorance about what happened in Charlottesville by chiming in, "Charlottesville violence was fueled by one side: white supremacists spreading racism, intolerance & intimidation. Those are the facts." He obviously got his "facts" from somewhere else other than Charlottesville. It was fueled by BLM and ANTIFA throwing rocks, urine, feces and spraying innocence rally attendees with pepper spray. The car attack came later.

House Representative Kathleen Rice (D-NY, 4th) called Trump a racist while sticking up for Black Lives Matter by refusing to acknowledge their part in what happened. How hipocritical is that?

Senator Susan M. Collins (R - ME) made sense when she stated, "The violence in Charlottesville was caused by racists & hate groups. We must unite against them." I think she may have a future.

Senator Marco Rubio (R - FL) blamed the organizers of the events 100%, even though they did not have anything to do with the attacks. I am glad I didn't vote for him, and that he isn't my President.

The Democrats in the House and the Senate are all chanting "There is only one side!" By doing so, they are negating the fact that the left side exists, the one that they are on. It will reflect against them during the next election, I am sure.

I hope they know that we are all watching them trip over themselves now. Only those telling the truth will survive the next election.

To Remove or Not to Remove, blaming both sides....and more

While the UN calls for Trump to stop detaining illegal immigrants and enact an "open border" policy,
House Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA, 15th) compared Trump to being a Nazi on his Facebook post by saying, "Brave Americans have taken on Nazis before. President Trump is on the wrong side of the beach. Hate loses." Mr Swalwell, I suggest you get that beam out of your eye so you can see straight, because you just showed your own hate.

John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN, 2nd) has decided to retire next year, rather than run for re-election.

Former Secretary of State and black woman, Condaleeza Rice, said on "Fox and Friends" three months ago, "I am a firm believer in 'keep your history before you.' So I don't actually want to rename things that were named for slave owners. I want us to have to look at those names, and realize what they did, and be able to tell our kids what they did and for them to have a sense of their own history.” I wonder if she has the same feelings today.

What is happening today reminds me of this:

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Another Democrat House Representative, Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR, 1st), decided to chime in about Trump's Presidential qualifications with, "Waiting two days to call racism evil isn’t just a failure in presidential leadership; it’s shameful. Sadly, I’m not surprised by the President’s lack of action. President Trump has advisors who are racist and hateful. I’ve called for the resignation of Steve Bannon, who has a long history of supporting white supremacists, since the day he was appointed. Now it’s time for him to be fired. The President’s delayed and wholly inadequate response to the domestic terrorism in Charlottesville is a new low, and we must never accept this as normal." I'd like to remind her that she is not qualified to "fire" the President. The only people qualified to "Fire" the President is the American People, and they elected him because they didn't like HER.

White Nationalist members of "The Traditionalists Worker Party" are planning to exercise their First Amendment rights to Free Speech by holding a rally in Lexington, Kentucky to oppose the planned removal of two Confederate statues from the lawn of the former Fayette County Courthouse. House Representative Harold Rogers (R-KY, 5th) voiced his concern by saying, "America is a nation that defends peace worldwide and we should strive to live in harmony on our own soil. I condemn the hateful, divisive language and brutal actions we witnessed in Charlottesville, Virginia and I extend my heartfelt condolences to the victims and their families. Democracy and diversity are part of the cornerstones of our great Nation, and bigotry and racism reverse the progress we’ve made. I pray that the violent displays in Virginia will not be repeated in Kentucky."

If they really intend to do this, I would suggest they send out a nation-wide Press Release to all media stating their intent to hold a peaceful rally and distancing themselves from BLM and ANTIFA who might show up. I would also suggest they find a lawyer to see on what grounds they can sue the BLM and ANTIFA and the city itself if need be to ensure that their right to hold a peaceful rally is protected. They should be ready to sue if it is interfered with in any way whatsoever. Yes, the First Amendment is their right, too. I don't have to agree with them to defend their rights. American Soldiers do that every day.

On August 14, 2017, people were seen protesting outside of Trump Tower today calling for no KKK no President Trump and supporting the BLM. While the BLM also has First Amendment rights (as long as they are peaceful), they are no better than the KKK in how they have contributed to the upheaval and division in the nation today.

Trump finally won my approval with this:

Go Pence GOOOO!

Black Christian Leaders Detest Claim That Trump Is the 'Driver' of Racial Division in America
Christian Post
August 14, 2017

"Don't make our commander in chief a villain when in actuality it is more the villainess of the media in terms of making something where nothing is," Vaughn stated.

Lincoln Memorial vandalized with graffiti, park police say

CBS News
August 15, 2017

National Park Police (NPS) said they are working to remove graffiti from the Lincoln Memorial that was discovered before dawn on Tuesday.

"[Expletive] law" was written in red spray-paint on one of the columns.

A monument preservation crew is using a mild, gel-type paint stripper that is safe for use on historic stone, CBS affiliate WUSA-TV reports. The crew will evaluate after each application, but treatments will be applied as necessary until all of the graffiti is gone.

Another act of vandalism in silver spray paint was discovered on a Smithsonian wayfinding sign in the 1400 block of Constitution Avenue, the NPS told WUSA-TV.

New SHOCK theory emerges about Charlottesville driver’s “motive” and it’s blowing MINDS

Allen B. West
August 14, 2017

Department of Memes reported that police officers in Charlottesville believed the driver was not acting maliciously, suggesting he was scared by the protesters on every side of his vehicle and he did not know what to do.

Congressman Curt Schrader stated on a Facebook post: "The racist scenes from Charlottesville last weekend were incredibly disturbing and have absolutely no place in our society. There are so few things in this world that are crystal clear, but this - neo-Nazis, white supremacists, propagators of hate and violence - is one of them. I'm disturbed that the leader of this country doesn't seem able to recognize that," once again, only focusing on one group of racists that were there. The BLM and ANTIFA were also present at the rally.

Then, Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO, 5th) decided to chime in with, "Lordy, lordy. I now believe that the President's natural inclination is to make matters worse. He ran a White House that had become a mess, but he has magnificently and proudly turned it into a Mess Hall. Equating the Klan and the Nazis with civil rights organizations and those whose very existence is based on destroying huge segments of the American population is a maze from which escape might prove nigh impossible. Anyone who justifies this behavior needs to fill out an application to work in the West Wing." It is the opinion of the editor of The Ponder that Cleaver is jumping on the bandwagon of anti-Trumpers here. I haven't heard Trump try to justify anything.

Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX, 17th) put in his 2-cents worth by stating, "The bottom line is that white supremacists and neo-Nazis are evil and should be stopped. It is time for Americans to stand united as a nation to counter hatred and division of any kind."
While his statement did say "hatred and division of any kind", it still maintained the focus that the white suprmacists were the only ones at fault for what happened in Charlottesville.

Congressman Denny Heck (D-WA, 10th) is calling for the firing of Steve Bannon. "Actions speak louder than words, Mr. President. Fire Steve Bannon as I asked you to do Saturday morning, and show us you are serious about fighting the ugly extremism and racist ideology of the KKK, neo-Nazi groups, and other white supremacist hate groups," He said in a Facebook post calling for leadership. He, true to form, forgot to mention that there are those in congress who sympathize with Black Lives Matter.

And then...

Pence Destroys Liberal Media for Criticizing Trump Over Charlottesville

Politics Liberty
August 13

Speaking during a visit to the South American nation of Colombia, Pence said that it was appropriate to criticize not only the white supremacists behind the “Unite the Right” march but also counter-protesters on the scene.

This makes me want to work on Pence's Campaign next election. Go PENCE GO!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Charlottesville: Commentary by Shonda Ponder

Senator Bernard Sanders (I - VT), who blames President Trump for the violence in Charlottesville, made the following statement concerning the violence in Charlottesville:

"The white nationalist demonstration in Charlottesville, Virginia, is a reprehensible display of racism and hatred that has no place in our society. I am disgusted by the news, and my thoughts are with those in the Charlottesville community and around the country who have been targeted. While this incident is alarming, it is not surprising. Hate crimes and shows of hostility toward minorities have recently been surging. Now more than ever we must stand together against those who threaten our brothers and sisters."

Never mind that the Rally, which was not intended to be a "White Supremacist" Rally, did not invite the KKK, BLM or ANTIFA. They just decided to show up and get their name in the paper -- as usual.

If you want the vetted facts, click HERE

BTW. We're all aware of who paid for the civil unrest during the Obama Administration with the Black Lives Matter riots, aren't we? Guess who decided to show his handiwork again? Click HERE My bet is that he had a lot to do with what happened in Charlottesville. As a matter of fact, I'd bet he had more to do with it than Bernie's nemesis, Trump, did.

This is an eyewitness account from a post on Facebook:

Michael Wyrick

"I was at the Unite the Right Free Speech Rally. It was simply a FREE SPEECH rally. Yes, some folks waved the Confederate Flag, and yep, a lot of folks were waving the American Flag as well. I did not see or meet any "White Supremacists". I did not see or meet any "White Nationalists". Most of the attendees were white, true. However black folks, Hispanic folks, and Asian folks were also represented. NO ONE ... again NO ONE advocated violence. Absolutely NO ONE was "protesting". We were there to hear the speakers. Close to noon (when the rally was scheduled to start) may have been about 11 or so, the park already packed, we were suddenly attacked by Antifa and BLM. They were spraying pepper spray, mace, spray paint, throwing paint, lighting spray cans and yes spraying fire at the rally attendees. Obviously several fights did then break out along the outside edges of the park. The clash really was over in just minutes. The lying media, even Fox News are spewing lies and it is sickening."

All of this is so familiar to me, because when I was the president of America's Media Alliance, I remember attending the rallies of our members that were not KKK rallies, in which the KKK showed up. I've seen this before when I was president of America's Media Alliance. We would have a rally and the opposition would try to paint us as racist white trash. Never mind there were a lot of different races involved who want the same thing.

Loving the Confederate Flag does not make you racist, by the way, and getting rid of historical monuments is not going to change history.

After working with the AMA, I no longer trust our "leaders" when it comes to how they perceive these kinds of events. Before the election, I was a "Cruz-er". Cruz made these comments in his statement:

"The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, anti-Semitism, and hatred that they propagate. Having watched the horrifying video of the car deliberately crashing into a crowd of protesters, I urge the Department of Justice to immediately investigate and prosecute this grotesque act of domestic terrorism."

While I don't dispute what he has to say about Nazis, KKK and white supremacists, he failed to include Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA in his tongue-lashing of what was evil about the protesters. After all, they started all of the commotion. This is disappointing to me. It is also disappointing to me that the President did the same thing, and the main stream media is having a hay-day with the misconception.

Remember, the media thrives on mob rule...and trying to create it. Only in protecting free speech can we fight the propaganda that is obviously driving the lies about what is happening in Charlottesville.

Finally, I find it all a nightmare; not just because it happened, but because some of my best friends are now focused on how evil White Supremacists are, and are making the mistake of lumping them together with the original rally attendees. They have allowed the whole "Freedom of Speech" argument to burn red. Some are even going so far as to cry for the removal of the monuments that represent our history, because they are "a reminder of the evil in our past," while at the same time, failing to acknowledge the black supremacists who also attended the rally.

We don't need to get rid of White Supremacists and what they stand for. We need to hold accountable those Supremacists, WHITE AND BLACK, who do harm to other people and their property in the name of Free Speech. There are better ways to make your point known...more peaceful ways.

I cry inside because the evil in our past is what we NEED to remember. A popular quote from George Santayana, who said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" is applicable here. None of us have owned slaves, and none of us have been slaves -- at least in the sense that they were during the Civil War -- but we are still fighting with each other over the ideals that led to it's riddance.

Only by remembering and vowing "Never again" can we rid our nation of the hate that permeates this present war.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Rep. Gosar Introduces Bill to Seek Justice for "Downwinders" Negatively Impacted by Government Nuclear Testing

Washington, D.C. - August 14, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) released the following statement after introducing H.R. 3531, the Downwinders Compensation Act, which will ensure partial restitution to victims who now have cancer and other serious medical issues as a result of being exposed to nuclear fallout and radiation during government testing:

“A strong military is absolutely vital to ensuring our national security, but the testing of government weapons should never jeopardize the well-being and health of Americans,” said Congressman Gosar. “Unfortunately for countless bystanders, this was not the protocol in years past. The exposure to cancer-causing carcinogens from atmospheric nuclear tests by the government has inflicted serious health implications, affecting the lives of thousands of Arizonans.

“Since my first term, I have I heard several gut-wrenching stories from individuals who now have cancer or have lost loved ones due to federal government negligence. For Congress to deny these victims the right to even file a claim is intolerable. It’s time for Congress to quit the cowardice and stand up to the injustice.”

“Congressman Gosar’s bill gives the help and recognition that the people of Mohave County who have suffered from the government’s radiation tests have long needed,” said Mohave County District III Supervisor Buster Johnson.

Gary Watson, Mohave County District I Supervisor, said, “Mohave County is pleased and excited to join forces with Congressman Paul Gosar who continues the fight to secure Radiation Exposure Compensation Act Amendments for our residents who were adversely impacted by nuclear weapons testing. As Chairman of the Board, and Supervisor District 1, We appreciate the continuing efforts of Congressman Gosar to expand the eligibility boundaries to ensure justice for Mohave County residents exposed to government radiation testing.”

“I have been working with Congressman Gosar's office, traveling throughout Arizona, Nevada and Utah giving my Downwinder's presentation to City Councils and Board of Commissioners in support of Congressman Gosar's efforts to bring that portion of Mohave County, Arizona and Clark County, Nevada, previously left out of the RECA bill, into compensation,” said Sherri Hanna, Mohave County resident and Downwinders advocate. “Congressman Gosar has worked tirelessly on behalf of all Downwinders. We are truly grateful for his efforts.”

From 1945 to 1962 the United States government conducted nearly 200 atmospheric weapons development tests as part of our nation’s Cold War security strategy during an era when other hostile nations were also engaged in nuclear weapons testing and proliferation. These tests exposed thousands of innocent Americans to cancer-causing ionized radiation from nuclear fallout.

When the injuries were discovered, Congress subsequently provided an apology on behalf of the nation and passed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990, or RECA, to establish a trust fund for partial restitution to individuals—commonly referred to as “Downwinders”—who have contracted certain cancers and other serious diseases that can be directly attributed to the radiation exposure from the nuclear weapons testing.

While the Act which established RECA was well-intended, there are serious boundary flaws that have prevented otherwise eligible Americans from receiving justice and the compensation to which they are entitled. Americans that reside in counties in close proximity to where the testing occurred are excluded from this program for no logical scientific reason, including people that reside in Mohave County, Arizona and Clark County, Nevada. This bill corrects this injustice and will provide compensation to qualifying individuals not included in the 1990 Act that deserve restitution. New claimants under this act are subject to the same burden of proof as all other claimants currently covered.

In 2014, Congressman Gosar held a field hearing in Kingman, Arizona in regard to the Downwinders of Mohave County, Arizona. At the hearing, Congressman Gosar heard a range of testimony, from expert reviews on the law and medicine to the personal stories of actual Downwinders. Witnesses included a Congressional Research Service (CRS) analyst, Mohave County officials, the Chairwoman of the Hualapai Tribe and several local residents who either developed radiation-induced cancer themselves or have family members who died from radiation-induced cancer.

The four original cosponsors that joined Congressman Gosar in introducing this legislation include: Mark Amodei (NV-02), Trent Franks (AZ-08), Ruben Gallego (AZ-07, Raúl Grijalva (AZ-03), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-09).

House Reps Condemn Free Speech Rally in Charlottesville

Washington, D.C. - August 14, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) issued the following statement condemning the Free Speech rally in Charlottesville, Virginia:

“I am deeply saddened and revolted by the hate and violence taking place in Charlottesville, and am praying for the victim killed and others injured. The racist and anti-Semitic views embraced by white supremacists have no place in our nation And the riots and theft and police attacks and interfering in a peaceful rally by the BLM also do not have a place in our nation.
and do not reflect core American values of equality and religious freedom. We are all created in the image of God, and I strongly condemn such detestable views against fellow human beings. I thank the many brave law enforcement officers responding to the violence today. I am also extremely saddened to hear that two were killed in a Virginia State Police helicopter crash in the Charlottesville area this afternoon. My prayers are with their families and the law enforcement community as they mourn this loss."

Representative Gene Green (D-TX) stated:

“I stand with the rest of America and condemn the actions of the white supremacist groups that were responsible for the violence this weekend. Okay. Now, why didn't you include the BLM and ANTIFA's violence as well? Is it okay for them to instigate and attack just because they didn't murder anyone? The actions that took place in Charlottesville do not reflect the values that America stands for and should not be tolerated. Racism, bigotry, and hate have no place in our country and we must continue to disavow the white supremacists But not the BLM? that were responsible for the violence. My thoughts are with the families of Heather Heyer, the two Virginia State Troopers who tragically died defending justice, and the city of Charlottesville.”

Congressman Griffith said, “I am appalled by the displays of racism and hate in Charlottesville this past weekend. The idea of white supremacy is contrary to our belief, as Virginians and Americans, that all men and women are created equal. That's right. All men are created equal. If the BLM can do it, so can the KKK. Again, where is your condemnation for the BLM who were at the rally instigating the violence? I condemn this bigotry and the violence it inspired that caused death and injury. The victims of Saturday’s car attack are in my thoughts and prayers.

"I also mourn the two Virginia state troopers killed in the helicopter crash. They made the ultimate sacrifice as part of law enforcement’s effort to prevent violence and protect innocent lives from the forces of hate this past weekend.”

(if it is in red, it is the editor's comments)

Charlottesville reignites Lee NAACP fight for removal of Confederate symbols in Fort Myers

Ft. Myers:News-Press

The images from the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that ended in upheaval and death Saturday led James Muwakkil to a Robert E. Lee statue in Fort Myers.

Muwakkil, the president of the NAACP in Lee County, placed an American flag at the statue on Monroe Street.


It was a FREE SPEECH RALLY not a "White Supremacist Rally". White Supremacists just happened to show up.
I think the NAACP should be outlawed. Look at what the name means: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. By their very name, they are racist. They only work to advance colored people. God forbid we have a NAAWP. I am not racist, but I am sick of this being a one-sided issue.

South Florida activists host vigil for victims of Virginia white supremacy rally

Ft. Lauderdale:Sun-Sentinel

About 30 people came out to Cathy and Bob Anderson Park in Hollywood to speak out against racism and intolerance Sunday.

Protesters came donning signs and shirts with taglines such as “Refuse fascism” and calls to take down Confederate flags and monuments. The demonstration was meant to honor the people killed and injured protesting white supremacy in Charlottesville, Va. just a day before.


Okay, since we are getting rid of all the symbols that represent people and ideas that we don't agree with,
let's get rid of the statues of Santa Claus in front of department stores at Christmas, and lets take down the statues of Martin Luther King, Jr. (who I totally admire, btw) around the nation, and all the statues of eagles that represent the freedoms we have according to our First Amendment, including Free Speech. While we are at it, since we are getting rid of the Confederate Flag, we should also get rid of the American Flag.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am for any of this at all, but if we are going to applaud people who call on suppression of Free Speech as a way to solve the race issue, I think we should be willing to give it up for ourselves, as well as make sure NO ONE has that freedom anymore.

Demonstrators in Colorado cities protest white supremacists

Ft. Collins Coloradoan

Demonstrators marched and waved signs in at least four Colorado cities after a white supremacist rally in Virginia turned deadly.

Rallies were held Sunday in Denver, Durango, Fort Collins and Lafayette.

In Fort Collins, marchers chanted “Everyone is welcome here. No hate, no fear.” One demonstrator’s sign said, “Make racists ashamed again.”


While I applaud the fact that they are doing what they think they should to fight hate, I question their perception on the reasons they felt they had to. Are there signs in that crowd that decry the actions of the BLM along with those that decry the actions of the KKK? If not, isn't that being racist?