Tuesday, July 25, 2017

NDIA applauds, offers its help to Trump effort to review defense industrial base

Arlington, VA - July 25, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- The National Defense Industrial Association applauded Friday President Donald Trump's intent to sign an executive order for a wide "whole of government" review of the defense industrial base, saying the action is a long time in coming and offering its hand in research and study.

"The review is long overdue," said retired Air Force Gen. Hawk Carlisle on Friday. "Fully understanding sound, solid ways to strengthen our industrial base is crucial to U.S. national security."

Comments from Carlisle, president and CEO of the Arlington, VA-based defense nonprofit organization that champions issues and policy for a strong defense industrial base, came after the White House announced Friday that Trump would sign the "Executive Order on Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States."

The order says the United States has lost more than 60,000 factory jobs and more that 5 million manufacturing jobs since 2001, Trade Policy Director Peter Navarro said during a press briefing. America's defense industrial base now facing increasing gaps in its capabilities, he said.

Carlisle agreed. "The United States must concentrate on its ability to stay ahead," he said. "We need to ensure that we maintain core capabilities and advance our manufacturing capacity and supply chain. We have to build better and faster, and we have to ensure that we have the workforce available to make that happen."

Warfighting capability versus capacity is among those issues. "We don't have capacity for what the nation is asking our warfighters to do," Carlisle said. For instance, he said, there is a shortage of fighter jets as well as pilots to fly them.

"We are on a precipice," he said, "and we are burning out our warriors."

Carlisle said NDIA is ready to work with both the Defense Department and industry to complete this review under the whole-of-government approach, which calls on diverse segments of government to study an issue for a common solution.

"Our 80,000-plus members are the best and brightest, and the reason NDIA remains a leader in defense and national security organizations," Carlisle said. "We are ready to get this examination started."

Trump was expected to sign the executive order Friday night; it is then due to be done 270 days later, likely by next spring. The Pentagon will lead the review, considered the first such assessment of the defense industrial base.

NDIA offers Carlisle and its broad base of defense industry experts for further comment on this executive order.

The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is the trusted leader in defense and national security associations. As a 501(c)(3) corporate and individual membership association, NDIA engages thoughtful and innovative leaders to exchange ideas, information, and capabilities that lead to the development of the best policies, practices, products, and technologies to ensure the safety and security of our nation. NDIA's membership embodies the full spectrum of corporate, government, academic, and individual stakeholders who form a vigorous, responsive, and collaborative community in support of defense and national security.

Bipartisan Tribute to Veterans and Those Serving in Congress Was Smashing Success

Washington, D.C. - July 25, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- On June 27, 2017, the Sixth Annual Bipartisan Tribute to Veterans and Those Who Serve honored military veterans and those who serve in the U.S. Congress at a summer kick-off reception with a powerful line-up of speakers and inspiring songs by renowned tenor Anthony Kearns.

The purpose of the event, in addition to calling attention to veterans’ causes -- was to recognize those who have continued their service to country in elected office. U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin was among the distinguished guests to attend. His presence underscored his commitment to working with Congress to reform the Veterans Administration.

A long list of veterans in Congress were represented by U.S. Representatives Mike Coffman (CO) and Steve Russell (OK) at the podium. Coffman, a Marine combat veteran is the only member of the U.S. Congress who served in both Gulf Wars and is the only veteran in the Colorado delegation. Russell was an Army Ranger and was part of the team that captured Saddam Hussein. Both are among the large group of Hill veterans with post 9/11 military service.

“I appreciated the opportunity to be a part of this important annual tribute. Those who serve our nation in defense of freedom must never be forgotten when they return home,” said Coffman, a Marine combat veteran, and distinguished member of the House Armed Services Committee.

Russell, who commanded the Army’s 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry in Iraq, and retired as a lieutenant colonel, said: “It is important to remember the legacy of those who serve our great nation in battle, and to have their perspective as lawmakers shape policy. Often, veterans are more hesitant to get involved in conflict because they understand the costs of war.”

Dignitaries included former Virginia Governor James Gilmore, New Zealand Ambassador Tim Groser, Irish Deputy Chief of Mission Michael Lonergan, Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan, and many other high-ranking officials from government, military, media, and the business sectors.

The evening began with a presentation of the flag by the Joint Armed Forces Color Guard, the National Anthem sung by Mr. Kearns, an invocation by Father Patrick Conroy, the Chaplain of the House of Representatives, and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Fame Academia and Will Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard is Vice President of Student Veterans of America, the largest student organization in the country.

The evening also featured Private First-Class Fame Academia and retired Marine Corporal Jeff DeYoung with his war-dog, Cena.

Ms. Jennifer Griffin, Fox News’ National Security Correspondent and the evening’s emcee, told the extraordinary story of Mr. Academia during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II. As a boy, his family helped downed U.S. pilots elude capture, at least one making it to safety. He joined the U.S. Merchant Marine and then the U.S. Navy in time for the Korean War. His Navy career saw his eventual appointment to the office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas Hinman Moorer.

Former Congressman and Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee Bob Livingston gave an inspirational introduction of former Corporal DeYoung, who told the story of his valiant and devoted dog, Cena, and his difficulties in re-uniting with him after they left the Marine Corps. Without the help of the humane organization American Humane, Cena, who saved Jeff’s life in Afghanistan, might never have seen Corporal Young again.

American Humane, the country’s first national humane organization, has been supporting the U.S. military, veterans and military animals since 1916 when the U.S. Secretary of War asked them to go overseas and rescue more than 68,000 wounded horses each month on the battlefields of World War I. Following World War II, American Humane helped pioneer the use of animal therapy to aid veterans returning to civilian life, aided children of military families, and has been bringing back retired war dogs, reuniting them with their handlers, and providing them with free specialized healthcare. Their newest “Shelter to Service” program rescues abandoned animals in the nation’s shelters and trains them to become lifesaving service dogs for veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injury.

The program included several patriotic and classic songs sung by world-renowned tenor, Anthony Kearns, fresh from starring in Donizetti’s opera, L'Elisir d'amore, in Ireland’s prestigious Lismore Opera Festival. His program featured well-known favorites such as “Somewhere over the Rainbow,” concluding with “God Bless America.” Of note, Mr. Kearns dedicated “Shelter Me,” a song he sang at the Pre-Mass Concert for Pope Francis I, to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-LA, and his recovery.

Mr. Kearns also dedicated a song from “Camelot” – the well-known musical about the King Arthur legend – to the memory of the late President John F. Kennedy, whose 100th birthday is being commemorated this year. Kearns headlined a sensational concert at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts last year, and sang at the gravesite of the late President at Arlington Cemetery in 2013. Kearns, accompanied by Jon Laird, said he was honored to return to the nation's capital to perform for such a distinguished audience.

The bipartisan reception and tribute was co-hosted by The Congressional Institute, The Washington Examiner, National Defense Foundation, Emergent, American Humane, the Veterans Campaign, and others. It was organized by Kirsten Fedewa & Associates, L.L.C., with hospitality by Beam Suntory, Beer Institute, and Wine Institute. Distillery diplomat John Vickers-Smith held a Maker’s Mark bourbon tasting for the several hundred guests.

Ms. Fedewa commented, “We have held this event annually since 2012 to help all Americans remember the sacrifices our veterans have made to protect our country as well as our strong national commitment to those who suffer from war traumas. This event honors those who have served our country not only once, but twice -in uniform and public service. We are grateful to receive so much support.”


Washington, D.C. - July 25, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA) issued the following statement on Democrats’ new economic agenda for the American people – A Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future:

“It’s time for us to tackle our toughest challenges with bold solutions.

“That’s why today, Democrats released an economic plan that’s a better deal for the American people. We’re calling for investments in our nation’s infrastructure, in apprenticeship programs that open up access to good paying jobs, and in advanced research to unleash innovation. Americans who work hard and play by the rules shouldn’t be crushed by prescription drug costs, student loan debt, or child care costs.”

“The graduate student who is working two jobs to pay for student loans deserves a better deal. The parent struggling to afford childcare and put food on the table deserves a better deal. The couple that has saved their entire lives for retirement deserves a better deal.

“Democrats are ready to get to work so the American people have an economic future they can count on.”


Reps. Maloney & Trott Move to Strengthen Anti-Female Genital Mutilation Law

Washington, D.C. - July 25, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representatives Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY-12) and Dave Trott (R-MI-11) introduced the bipartisan Stopping Abusive Female Exploitation (SAFE) Act, legislation that would increase the federal penalty for female genital mutilation from 5 years to 15 years in prison and encourage states to implement reporting requirements for suspected genital mutilation:

“Female genital mutilation is a disturbing abuse of women and girls not just around the world but also here at home and it is up to us to stop and properly punish this illegal exploitation,” said Rep. Maloney. “This practice has increased in prevalence in the United States over the last 30 years while it has decreased abroad. We’re clearly moving in the wrong direction. In 2008, ten global agencies called the practice a human rights violation and called for its elimination. The list of health risks associated with this barbarism is long and serious, including death, childbirth complications and newborn death. By increasing the penalty for this despicable crime and introducing a provision to encourage states implement reporting laws, we hope to make it clear that this behavior will not be tolerated.”

“The Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than 500,000 females in the United States have undergone or are at risk for genital mutilation and, this year, this staggering statistic hit home in Oakland County. In April, three physicians were arrested, suspected of performing over 100 female genital mutilations, most recently, out of their practice in Livonia, Michigan,” said Rep. Trott. “These doctors, and all those who commit these horrendous crimes against innocent children, must be held accountable for their unconscionable actions. We must protect our girls, and this legislation increasing the federal penalty is critical to eradicating this despicable practice from our communities.”

Under current federal law, female genital mutilation is punishable by 5 years in prison. The Stopping Abusive Female Exploitation (SAFE) Act would increase the punishment to 15 years imprisonment. Additionally, it implores states to enact into law reporting requirements for suspected female genital mutilation.

The Centers for Disease Control estimates more than 500,000 females in the United States have undergone or are at risk of female genital mutilation.

In stark contrast to other developed countries, the 5-year penalty for perpetrators of female genital mutilation in the U.S. is significantly shorter. For example, the penalty in the United Kingdom is up to 14 years imprisonment and in France up to 20 years imprisonment.

Congressman Lowenthal Sued to Remove Historic Pride Flag From Outside His Capitol Hill Office

Washington, D.C. - July 25, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Alan Lowenthal (CA-47) vowed to fight a lawsuit that seeks to force him to remove a historic Pride Flag from outside his Washington, D.C. Congressional office.

Filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the suit claims that the plaintiff is “offended and injured by the placement of the Gay Pride Rainbow Flag,” and requests that the court order the flag removed and declared a “religious symbol,” homosexuality be declared a “religion,” and marriage equality be overturned nationwide. He is also seeking $1 in damages.

Congressman Lowenthal was the first Member of Congress to permanently fly the Pride flag outside his Capitol Hill office. Congressman Lowenthal first flew the Pride flag outside his DC office in March, 2013 (and inside his Long Beach district office) to show his solidarity with LGBT Americans, in support of marriage equality, and in opposition to discrimination and violence.

“I fly the Pride Flag outside my office in support of every LGBTQ individual—those in my district, those in our nation, and those around the world,” Congressman Lowenthal said. “It is a symbol of both how far we have come on equality for all Americans and, as these incidents illustrate, how far we still have to go. It is a symbol of love, of peace, and diversity. I will fight this hateful attempt to silence equality and justice. We have come too far to allow the voices of bigotry and hate to win.”

In a separate incident involving a different individual earlier this year, a visitor to the Cannon House Office Building entered the Congressman’s office and angrily exclaimed his belief that the Pride Flag outside the office was inappropriate alongside the American flag.

Members of Congress have permanent fixtures outside each office to accommodate three flags, with two spaces going to the American flag and the member’s state flag. The third slot is used for a personal selection of the Congress member.

The man left the Congressman’s office, removed the Congressman’s Pride Flag from its holder, threw it to the ground, and proceeded to repeatedly stomp on it. The man was ultimately escorted into the custody of Capitol Police officers.

Following a lengthy investigation, Capitol Police were ultimately unable to identify the perpetrator.

Three other Members of Congress who fly the Pride Flag outside their D.C. offices were also named in the suit. They are Congresswoman Susan Davis (CA-53), and Congressmen Don Beyer (VA-08) and Earl Blumenauer (OR-3).

Monday, July 24, 2017

Kentucky told to pay attorney fees in same-sex marriage case


A federal judge has ordered Kentucky taxpayers to pay more than $220,000 in legal fees because a county clerk refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in 2015.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning on Friday ordered the state to pay $222,695 in fees to the attorneys of two same-sex couples and others who sued Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis for refusing to give them marriage licenses. He also awarded $2,008.08 in other costs. Bunning said the county and Davis herself did not have to pay.


Paralyzed Veterans of America Urges Open-Minded Debate on Future Funding For Veterans Healthcare

Washington, D.C. - July 24, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Paralyzed Veterans of America (Paralyzed Veterans) weighed in on options being considered to fund the veteran "choice" program, as the House of Representatives considers a vote on a draft bill, S. 114 as amended, on Monday, July 24. Priorities for the organization include open discussion on the best way to build up specialized veteran-centric services offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), while expanding access to non-specialized healthcare for veterans without cutting critical non-healthcare VA benefits.

"The notion of streamlining VA is a necessary discussion that must continue. The devil is in the details, though," said Sherman Gillums Jr., executive director of Paralyzed Veterans of America. "We do support the responsible 'right sizing' of VA, starting with the elimination of redundancies and ultimately using cost savings to increase reinvestment in VA's foundational services, such as spinal cord injury care. Offsets, at least in part, may be necessary in order to achieve that."

Offsets, or program and benefit trade-offs used for budgeting purposes, are not new to VA. Past offsets include fees and collections related to housing loans and extensions in the reduction of certain pensions used to pay for other benefits. However, this is the first time Congress is requiring VA to include deficit reduction as a component of the agency's plan to maintain and expand the VA Choice Program. Moreover, some veteran advocates have expressed staunch opposition to offsets because they require VA to employ a "rob Peter to pay Paul" approach to funding programs.

"Paralyzed Veterans' main concern is that using these offsets to pay for VA healthcare comes at the expense of expanding non-healthcare benefits, such as disability compensation," explained Gillums. "However, we are not prepared to simply oppose offsets because we believe VA is open to strengthening healthcare for our most catastrophically disabled veterans, which matters above all else. Paralyzed Veterans leads as an expert voice on the most complex healthcare challenges these veterans face, and we intend to use that voice to promote new ideas and progress."

"The bottom line is the discussion must continue with open minds on all sides," concluded Gillums.

Paralyzed Veterans of America is the only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated solely for the benefit and representation of veterans with spinal cord injury or disease. For 70 years, we have ensured that veterans have received the benefits earned through their service to our nation; monitored their care in VA spinal cord injury units; and funded research and education in the search for a cure and improved care for individuals with paralysis.

As a partner for life, Paralyzed Veterans also develops training and career services, works to ensure accessibility in public buildings and spaces, provides health and rehabilitation opportunities through sports and recreation and advocates for veterans and all people with disabilities. With more than 70 offices and 33 chapters, Paralyzed Veterans serves veterans, their families and their caregivers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (pva.org).

Michigan Welder Forces UAW Bosses to Settle Case for Illegal Discrimination and Retaliation

Ludington, MI - July 24, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys, Richard Dettman, a Ludington, MI welder, has won a settlement against United Autoworkers, Local 811 (UAW, Local 811) union officials and his employer Harsco Rail. The settlement dictates that Union officials and Harsco amend their collective bargaining agreement, as well as pay additional wages to Mr. Dettman for hours, worked between March 13 and April 23, 2017.

Since 1992, Dettman has worked as a Harsco welder and was a UAW member, but in February 2017 he exercised his right to resign his union membership. He had achieved “Journeyman” status because of his long tenure, which guaranteed him a $0.75 per hour premium based on the workplace contract. An employee’s “Journeyman” card is granted after years of apprenticeship or completion of work related qualifications.

Shortly after his resignation, union officials retaliated against Dettman by stripping him of his “Journeyman” card, and Harsco Rail lowered his wages under the union boss-negotiated monopoly bargaining contract. This violated not only the National Labor Relations Act but is contrary to Michigan’s Right to Work protections.

In response to the illegal retaliation, Dettman filed federal unfair labor practice charges against both the UAW and Harsco with the National Labor Relations Board, utilizing free legal representation from National Right to Work Foundation staff attorneys. Faced with clear evidence that they had violated Dettman’s legal rights, UAW and Harsco officials settled the case.
Harsco and UAW officials agreed to pay Dettman back wages for hours worked during March-April 2017. But the case was also a victory for all Harsco employees. Harsco and Union officials amended their monopoly bargaining agreement to respect Michigan’s Right to Work law. The agreement now allows any employee, union affiliated or not, to apply for and receive the Journeyman premium if they meet certain requirements.

“Rather than operating as an organization workers would want to join voluntarily, UAW officials resorted to illegal tactics against a worker who bravely exercised his rights under Michigan’s Right to Work law,” said Mark Mix, President of the National Right to Work Foundation. “As this case shows, passing Right to Work laws is only the first step in protecting the workplace rights of all workers. Without stringent enforcement of the law, greedy union bosses will do everything they can, including lowering workers’ wages, to stop workers from exercising their rights and resigning their union membership.”

Sunday, July 23, 2017

OUTRAGEOUS! KY State Senator tries to get sex from would be art student...

Spectrum News

More than 10 years ago budding photographer Jason Geis wanted to go to art school. He says a high-profile Kentucky lawmaker took an interest in his work and promised to help him.

Instead of help, Geis said he was groped and propositioned for sex. And that’s not all. When he turned to police for help, he says the whole thing was swept under the rug.

Relying on previously undisclosed police files, a hidden recording and interviews with Geis and the lawmaker, Pure Politics offers the following eleven month investigation into the allegations and why they were kept quiet for so long.


OUTRAGEOUS! I am posting this because everyone in the country needs to know about this and everyone in Kentucky needs to rise up against him!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Spicer resigns amid White House shake-up of press and legal teams

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s well-known press secretary, Sean Spicer, resigned Friday, as the beleaguered president shuffled his legal and communications team amid mounting investigations and legislative troubles.

The decision came after Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci, a New York financier, as communications director. Sarah Huckabee Sanders will take over as press secretary.

Spicer will leave the White House in August, he wrote on Twitter.

For months, Spicer’s daily news briefings were must-see television, although he took on a more behind-the-scenes role in recent weeks. Sanders had largely taken over the briefings, with most of them taking place off-camera.

Spicer hasn’t given a press briefing since June 23.

Speaking to reporters at the White House on Friday, Scaramucci said Spicer’s departure is “obviously a difficult situation.”