Showing posts with label brain injuries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain injuries. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Electricity, Brain Injuries, Disaster Loans

Golden presses SBA over issues with disaster relief access
Source: U.S. Representative Jared Golden (D-MN, 2nd)
July 12, 2024
“It is the responsibility of the SBA to provide these loans in a timely, efficient, and predictable manner. Nearly six months after the disaster, these businesses are mired in an inefficient, broken system and may ultimately go out of business without the necessary resources to rebuild from the storms,” Golden wrote in a letter to Isabel Guzman, administrator of the SBA. “ … I ask you and your staff to investigate how the SBA operates these programs and ensure the issues are resolved.”

Gillibrand Announces Legislation To Address Epidemic Of Traumatic Brain Injuries In Service Members And Veterans
Source: Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY)
July 12, 2024
Service members who regularly fire heavy weapons are at increased risk of brain injury as a result of repeated exposure to explosions or blasts from their own weapons and explosives – otherwise known as blast overpressure. These brain injuries can cause depression, anxiety, cognitive problems, hallucinations, panic attacks, violent outbursts, suicidal tendencies, psychiatric disorders, dementia, and a variety of other serious health problems. At least a dozen Navy SEALs who have died by suicide over the past decade were later found to have suffered blast injuries, and many more service members have complained of health issues after blast exposure. Despite this, the Pentagon has struggled to properly investigate the impact of blast overpressure, effectively track the prevalence of blast overpressure-related injuries, or offer appropriate care to service members and veterans. Gillibrand is calling for more research and better treatment for those affected.

Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia Demands Accountability from CenterPoint Energy for Power Outages Endangering Community Safety
Source: U.S. Representative Sylvia Garcia (D-TX, 29th)
July 10, 2024
“With scorching temperatures in the area, CenterPoint’s inability to restore power more quickly is creating a public health crisis forcing people to recover from a Hurricane while they survive extreme heat,” said Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia. “As a resident of Houston and CenterPoint customer, I am tired of CenterPoint’s excuses. Houstonians demand answers and want accountability. Our constituents must be assured that this never happens again.”

I'll tell you what, Sylvia, why don't you reach into your pocket and hire and train a bunch of electricians for the job, and while you are at it, get your chainsaw out and see if you can remove all those trees laying across the electrical lines that the hurricane blew down so we can get them back up. Let me know how fast you can make that happen. Seriously, you sound like a spoiled brat.