Saturday, July 13, 2024

Electricity, Brain Injuries, Disaster Loans

Golden presses SBA over issues with disaster relief access
Source: U.S. Representative Jared Golden (D-MN, 2nd)
July 12, 2024
“It is the responsibility of the SBA to provide these loans in a timely, efficient, and predictable manner. Nearly six months after the disaster, these businesses are mired in an inefficient, broken system and may ultimately go out of business without the necessary resources to rebuild from the storms,” Golden wrote in a letter to Isabel Guzman, administrator of the SBA. “ … I ask you and your staff to investigate how the SBA operates these programs and ensure the issues are resolved.”

Gillibrand Announces Legislation To Address Epidemic Of Traumatic Brain Injuries In Service Members And Veterans
Source: Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D-NY)
July 12, 2024
Service members who regularly fire heavy weapons are at increased risk of brain injury as a result of repeated exposure to explosions or blasts from their own weapons and explosives – otherwise known as blast overpressure. These brain injuries can cause depression, anxiety, cognitive problems, hallucinations, panic attacks, violent outbursts, suicidal tendencies, psychiatric disorders, dementia, and a variety of other serious health problems. At least a dozen Navy SEALs who have died by suicide over the past decade were later found to have suffered blast injuries, and many more service members have complained of health issues after blast exposure. Despite this, the Pentagon has struggled to properly investigate the impact of blast overpressure, effectively track the prevalence of blast overpressure-related injuries, or offer appropriate care to service members and veterans. Gillibrand is calling for more research and better treatment for those affected.

Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia Demands Accountability from CenterPoint Energy for Power Outages Endangering Community Safety
Source: U.S. Representative Sylvia Garcia (D-TX, 29th)
July 10, 2024
“With scorching temperatures in the area, CenterPoint’s inability to restore power more quickly is creating a public health crisis forcing people to recover from a Hurricane while they survive extreme heat,” said Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia. “As a resident of Houston and CenterPoint customer, I am tired of CenterPoint’s excuses. Houstonians demand answers and want accountability. Our constituents must be assured that this never happens again.”

I'll tell you what, Sylvia, why don't you reach into your pocket and hire and train a bunch of electricians for the job, and while you are at it, get your chainsaw out and see if you can remove all those trees laying across the electrical lines that the hurricane blew down so we can get them back up. Let me know how fast you can make that happen. Seriously, you sound like a spoiled brat.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Illegal Voting,

Source: U.S. Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ, 7th)
July 10, 2024
“Of course only U.S. citizens should vote,” said Rep. Gallego. “But this bill isn’t about that, it’s about making it harder for Arizonans to vote, including married women, servicemembers, Native Arizonans, seniors, and people with disabilities. This extreme bill’s only purpose is to disenfranchise tens of thousands of Arizonans, and I will not vote to take away the rights of Arizonans to stop something that is already illegal.”

Source: U.S. Representative Mike Garcia (R-CA, 25th)
July 10, 2024
“This bill takes common-sense steps to address those legitimate and undeniable concerns. It implements safeguards – such as requiring an individual to provide proof of citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections – that frankly should already be in place. I urge all my colleagues in the Senate – both Democrats and Republicans – to join this effort to better ensure our elections reflect the will of the American people.”

Illegal Voting, Education and Workforce, Congressional Stock Trading, SNAP, Cybersecurity

Over 1,400 Organizations Sign Letter Calling on Congress to Protect and Strengthen SNAP
Source: Food Research and Action Center (FRAC)
July 9, 2024
The letter urges Congress to ensure that benefit adequacy, equitable access, and program administration, remain core tenets of SNAP. More must be done to ensure that SNAP benefits reach all those in need, encompassing households with children, older adults, veterans, people with disabilities, and residents of U.S. territories, so that all individuals have access to the nutrition they need to thrive. To safeguard SNAP, efforts to create a cost-neutral Thrifty Food Plan must be rejected. This includes opposing any proposed cuts, such as restricting future Thrifty Food Plan benefit adjustments, which could result in nearly $30 billion in cuts over 10 years. Such a cost-neutral plan would also negatively impact Summer EBT, the Emergency Food Assistance Program, and Puerto Rico’s Nutrition Assistance Program.

Fitzpatrick & Golden Lead Bipartisan Coalition Demanding Vote on Congressional Stock Trading Ban
Source: U.S. Representative Brian Fitzpatrick, (R PA, 8th)
July 9, 2024
“Americans should rightfully expect Members of Congress to work relentlessly on their behalf to tackle the challenges facing our communities and country, rather than exploit their public position for personal gain,” said Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1). “We must bring this common-sense, bipartisan legislation to the House floor and, once and for all, prohibit Members of Congress from trading stocks. Our constituents deserve better, and it is time to ensure we deliver results that benefit them and our communities across the country, not the pockets and unethical enrichment of elected officials.”

Finstad Applauds Committee Passage of Education and Workforce Freedom Act
Source: U.S. Representative Brad Finstad (R-MN, 1st)
July 9, 2024
“I’ve met with local businesses, truckers, manufacturers, tradesmen, and healthcare facilities across southern Minnesota, and many of them are facing an unprecedented workforce shortage and an increasing need for skilled labor,” said Rep. Finstad. “The Education and Workforce Freedom Act ensures that young people, especially those entering the trades, have access to the programs and resources they need to meet the demands of today’s workforce and succeed. I am pleased to see that this legislation passed the House Ways and Means Committee and I look forward to its progress through the legislative process.”

Feenstra Supports Legislation to Ban Illegal Immigrants from Voting in American Elections
Source: U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra (R-IO, 4th)
July 10, 2024
“Illegal immigrants should never be allowed to vote in American elections. It is a privilege reserved only for American citizens,” said Rep. Feenstra. “That’s why I voted for legislation to require proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections and to ensure that states remove illegal immigrants from their voter rolls. We must ban illegal immigrants from voting in American elections.”

The bill heads to the senate, and Biden has vowed to veto it if it passes.

Source: U.S. Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL, 22nd)
July 10, 2024
“While Democrats work to help families make ends meet, invest in our children, support our seniors, and protect reproductive freedom, Republicans’ proposed funding bill would gut public education, hamstring the delivery of Social Security benefits, and prevent women from accessing reproductive care in any way possible,” said Rep. Frankel. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to reach an agreement on a bill that uplifts all of our families.”

Congressman Maxwell Frost Defends U.S. Assets from China, Russia Cyberattacks, Introduces New Bill to Enhance Cybersecurity of American Spacecrafts
Source: U.S. Representative Maxwell Frost (D-FL, 10th)
July 10, 2024
“Cybersecurity threats by organized crime leaders and foreign adversaries are increasing and evolving rapidly, putting at risk our reliance on space for communications, intelligence, and business,” said Congressman Maxwell Frost. “As we enter a new era of cyber threats, establishing a reasonable timeline for NASA to incorporate cybersecurity measures into their acquisition process is more important than ever. The Spacecraft Cybersecurity Act would safeguard NASA's space missions and continue to advance our country's leadership in space exploration that contributes to our economy, security, and understanding of space.”

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Ernst: Biden Is the Abandoner in Chief
Source: Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)
July 9, 2024
During her remarks, Ernst cited how Biden botched his Afghanistan withdrawal, emboldened Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, allowed Chinese aggression, and withheld weapons from Israel.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Legislation would bar TikTok from U.S. app stores if it does not cut ties with China-based parent company ByteDance

Washington, D.C. - March 17, 2024 - (The Ponder News) -- On Wednesday, The House voted on the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, legislation that would require TikTok to divest from its China-based parent company ByteDance if it is to continue operating in the United States. The legislation passed the House by a vote of 352 to 65. The bill would prevent app store availability in the U.S. for ByteDance-controlled applications, including TikTok, unless the applications sever ties to entities like ByteDance that are subject to the control of China, a foreign adversary.

“TikTok is a massive social media platform, with hundreds of millions of users in the United States,” said Congresswoman DeLauro. “That is why it is even more concerning that one of the United States most prominent adversaries, China, has control over the app. The app could be used to spy on Americans or to manufacture public opinion. That is dangerous for our national security and to our democracy. I voted in support of this legislation, to ensure that no foreign adversary is given license to spy on Americans and manipulate their opinions," said U.S. Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT, 3rd) after voting in favor of passing the bill.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Trump Allowed on Colorado Ballot

Washington, D.C. - March 6, 2024 - (The Ponder News) -- The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling on Monday, in Trump v. Anderson, that Congress, rather than states, is responsible for enforcing the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution when it comes to federal offices.

The ruling means Donald Trump is still eligible to appear on the Colorado ballot. Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision, Senator Ted Cruz (R - TX) said, “I was proud to lead 179 Members of Congress in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court supporting President Trump and arguing that states do not have the power to remove the leading presidential candidate from the ballot. I am glad that the Supreme Court agreed with our argument and unanimously overturned Colorado’s disastrous decision. I predicted that the decision would be unanimous, and the fact that the Court came together 9-0 was good for the Court and good for America. This decision is a major win for democracy and for the rule of law.”

Monday, March 4, 2024

McConnel to Step Down as Senate Majority Leader

Washington, D.C. - March 4, 2024 - (The Ponder News) -- Senator Mitch McConnell (R- KY) delivered the following remarks Wednesday on the Senate floor:

“As some of you may know, this has been a particularly difficult time for my family. We tragically lost Elaine’s youngest sister, Angela a few weeks ago. When you lose a loved one, particularly at a young age, there is a certain introspection that accompanies the grieving process.

“Perhaps it is God’s way of reminding you of your own life’s journey to reprioritize the impact on the world that we will all inevitably leave behind.

“I turned 82 last week. The end of my contributions are closer than I’d prefer.

“My career in the United States Senate began amidst the Reagan Revolution. The truth is, when I got here, I was just happy if anybody remembered my name.

“President Reagan called me ‘Mitch O’Donnell’. Close enough, I thought.

“My wife Elaine and I got married on President Reagan’s birthday, February 6th. It’s probably not the most romantic thing to admit, but Reagan meant a great deal to both of us.

“For thirty-one years Elaine has been the love of my life and I am eternally grateful to have her by my side.

“I think back to my first days in the Senate with a deep appreciation for the time that helped shape my view of the world. I am unconflicted about the good within our country and the irreplaceable role we play as the leader of the free world.

“It is why I worked so hard to get the national security package passed earlier this month. Believe me, I know the politics within my party at this particular moment in time. I have many faults, misunderstanding politics is not one of them.

“That said, I believe more strongly than ever that America’s global leadership is essential to preserving the shining city on a hill that Ronald Reagan discussed.

“For as long as I am drawing breath on this earth I will defend American exceptionalism.

“So, as I have been thinking about when I would deliver some news to the Senate, I always imagined a moment when I had total clarity and peace about the sunset of my work. A moment when I am certain I have helped preserve the ideals I so strongly believe. It arrived today.

“My goals when I was narrowly elected to the Senate in 1984 were fairly modest – do a good job for the people of Kentucky and convince them by doing so to rehire me for a second term! That was it. That was the plan.

“If you would have told me forty years later that I would stand before you as the longest serving Senate leader in history - I would have thought you’d lost your mind.

“I have the honor of representing Kentucky in the Senate longer than anyone else in our history.

“I just never could have imagined that happening when I arrived here in 1984. I am filled with heartfelt gratitude and humility for the opportunity.

“But now it’s 2024. As I said, I am now 82.

“As Ecclesiastes tells us, ‘To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.’

“To serve Kentucky in the Senate has been the honor of my life. To lead my Republican colleagues has been my highest privilege.

“But one of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter.

“So, I stand before you today, Mr. President and my colleagues, to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.

“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, however. I will complete the job my colleagues have given me until we select a new Leader in November and they take the helm next January.

“I will finish the job the people of Kentucky hired me to do as well - albeit from a different seat in the chamber. I am looking forward to that.

“So it’s time for me to think about another season.

“I love the Senate. It has been my life. There may be more distinguished members of this body throughout our history, but I doubt there are any with more admiration for it.

“After all this time, I still get a thrill walking into the Capitol and especially on this venerable floor knowing that we – each of us – have the honor to represent our states and do the important work of our country.

“But Father Time remains undefeated.

“I am no longer the young man sitting in the back, hoping colleagues would remember my name. It is time for the next generation of leadership.

“As Henry Clay said in this very body in 1850, ‘The Constitution of the United States was not made merely for the generation that then existed but for posterity – unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity.’

“So time rolls on. There will be a new custodian of this great institution. Next year, I intend to turn this job over to a Republican Majority Leader. I have full confidence in my conference to choose my replacement and lead our country forward.

“There will be other times to reminisce. I’m immensely proud of the accomplishments I have played some role in obtaining for the American people.

“Today is not the day to discuss all of that because, as I said earlier, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.

“There are many challenges we must meet to deliver for the American people and each will have my full effort and attention.

“I still have enough gas in the tank to thoroughly disappoint my critics and I intend to do so with all the enthusiasm which they have become accustomed.

“To my colleagues, thank you for entrusting me with our success. It has been an honor to work with each of you. There will be plenty of time to express my gratitude in greater detail as I sprint towards the finish line, which is now in sight.

“Mr. President, I yield the floor.”

“Today, we congratulate and thank one of Alabama’s greatest native sons. We’re incredibly grateful for Leader McConnell’s decades of service and leadership for our country. His legacy is unparalleled in the Senate’s history and will long outlast his tenure as Leader. He has always been a consummate statesman and stalwart champion of this venerable institution. I think Leader McConnell said it best—it’s time to make sure our next leader will be the majority leader, so we can preserve the American Dream for generations to come,” Senator Katie Boyd Britt (R-AL) said.

Congressman Introduces House Resolution Urging VP & Cabinet to Invoke the 25th Amendment Removing Biden

Washington, D.C. - March 4, 2024 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representative Ken Buck (R-CO, 4th) introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives last Monday, calling on Vice President Harris and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th amendment:

“The Hur report officially addressed what many Americans have long witnessed with their own eyes - that President Biden is no longer fit to successfully discharge the critical duties of his office. Numerous instances were articulated in the report, and have played out in full public view, showing President Biden’s apparent cognitive decline and lack of mental stamina. “The societal challenges and security threats our country faces are innumerable and require a chief executive with both strong mental and physical faculties. The time has come for the vice president and the Cabinet to put our country first and move forward on invoking the 25th Amendment.”

Read the full resolution HERE.

Read Special Council Hur's Report on President Biden HERE.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Nuclear Energy, Shrinking Products, Apprenticeship, Border, Murder Suspect, Veterans, Farmers, Nato

Today's News for February 28, 2024

Source: U.S. Representative Rick Allen (R-GA, 12th)
February 28, 2024
The House of Representatives passed H.R. 6544, the bipartisan Atomic Energy Advancement Act, which aims to incentivize and advance nuclear energy production in the United States. Included in H.R. 6544 is legislation Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) sponsored—the Nuclear Licensing Efficiency Act, which would improve the licensing review process for future nuclear projects by establishing updated procedures and timelines for reviewing nuclear licensing applications.

Senator Baldwin Introduces Bill to Crack Down on Big Corporations Shrinking Products Without Reducing Prices
Source: Senator Tammy Baldwin (D - WI)
February 28, 2024
For example, food products like name-brand cereals, chips, and crackers shrank the sizes of some of their products, while keeping the price stable. In the case of Cocoa Puffs, General Mills reduced its “Family Size” from 19.3 ounces to 18.1 ounces of cereal while charging the same price. Frito-Lay also reduced the size of a bag of Doritos from 9.75 ounces to 9.25 ounces, while their profits increased 9 percent from 2021 to 2022. Meanwhile, Mondelez International shrunk a family size box of Wheat Thins from 16 ounces to 14 ounces, but kept the price the same.

ABC Survey: Biden’s Proposed Apprenticeship Rule Will Strongly Discourage Construction Apprenticeship Program Participation
Source: Associated Builders and Contractors Association
February 27, 2024
According to the results of a new survey of ABC contractor members and chapters published today, the U.S. Department of Labor’s controversial, 180,000-plus word proposed rule overhauling regulations related to government-registered apprenticeship programs—or GRAPs—will discourage apprentices, contractors and ABC chapter apprenticeship program providers from participating in the government-registered apprenticeship system.

Barrasso: Biden and Democrats Have Taken A Wrecking Ball to America’s Strength
Source: Senator John Barrasso (R-WY)
February 28, 2024
“There's a confluence of crisis all around the world from El Paso, Texas, to Jerusalem, Israel. These terrible crises did not emerge overnight…Joe Biden has failed fundamentally what should be the goal of any president, which is to make America stronger, safer, more secure. As the Commander in Chief, President Biden bears full responsibility for the continuity of the crisis that he has created.”

Source: U.S. Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI, 1st)
February 27, 2024
“It’s long past time the Senate take up H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, to secure our southern border and end this crisis. Our porous border is teetering on the verge of major catastrophe with the rampant rise of crime, fentanyl overdoses, and illegal crossings. Passing a so-called border bill which only allocates a mere 17% of a $118 billion total to securing our border is not the answer. Instead, we need the national security-bolstering measures in H.R. 2 – from its provisions that would restart construction of a border wall to its elimination of catch-and-release."

Blackburn, Graham, Senate Judiciary GOP to Secretary Mayorkas: Release Files On Migrant Murder Suspect’s Immigration Parole Status
Source: Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
February 28, 2024
By law, immigration parole is only to be granted at the discretion of the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on a case-by-case basis, in instances of “urgent humanitarian reason or significant public benefit.” Ibarra is the suspect charged in the murder of Augusta University student Laken Riley.

Blumenthal & Murphy Praise VA Expansion of Health Care for All Toxic-Exposed Veterans
Source: Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
February 27, 2024
Millions of veterans exposed to burn pits & toxins during their service will be eligible for health care starting March 5; Historic expansion accelerates progress of PACT Act, makes health care available to all affected veterans

Booker, Cardin, Meeks, Jacobs Welcome Announcement of High-Level Special Envoy for Sudan
Source: Senator Cory A. Booker (D-NJ)
February 27, 2024
“Having served as Special Envoy for the Great Lakes during the Obama Administration, former Congressman Tom Perriello has a strong track record of diligently working to find solutions to intractable conflicts in Africa, and we look forward to working with him to develop a sustainable path toward peace for the people of Sudan.”

Ranking Member Boozman to USDA at Oversight Hearing: Help Us Ease Worries, Make Things Right for Farmers and Rural Communities
Source: Senator John Boozman (R-AR)
February 28, 2024
The lede from a February 15th story in Agri-Pulse, reporting on a presentation made by USDA’s Chief Economist at the Ag Outlook Forum, read: “USDA is forecasting lower prices for most major crops this year as input costs remain elevated and farmers face growing export competition”. A week earlier USDA forecasted that net farm income would decrease by 27.1 percent, or $43.1 billion, when adjusted for inflation over the last year. When you consider that since 2022 inflation-adjusted net farm income has dropped by $80 billon, this will be the largest two-year decline in net farm income of all time.

Source:U.S. Representative Brendan Boyle (D-PA, 2nd)
February 26, 2024
“With today’s vote by the Hungarian Parliament, Sweden will become the 32nd NATO ally, dealing a profound geopolitical blow to Vladimir Putin. Today’s outcome is yet another clear example of the world unifying around Ukraine and Europe, and against Vladimir Putin as he continues his brutal and unprovoked invasion of a sovereign nation. Sweden's inclusion exponentially enhances NATO's collective strength and safety.”

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

SNAP, Electric Vehicles, SOTU, Illegal Alien

Today's News for the Week Prior and Up to February 27, 2024

Welch Introduces New Bills to Bolster SNAP Benefits for Social Security Recipients and Student Loan Borrowers
Source: Senator Peter Welch (D-Vermont)
February 27, 2024
U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-Vt.) today introduced the COLAs Don’t Count Act, and the Student Loan Deduction Act of 2024, bills that would exempt annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) and student loan payments from impacting the benefits of the families and individuals who utilize the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for food assistance. This would help ensure participants of SNAP are not losing benefits to the added costs of inflation and can more accurately report their available income after the expense of student loans is paid.

Source: Senator Roger F. Wicker (R - MS)
February 26, 2024
The lawmakers argue that the EPA rule should be rejected because it “is contradictory to all conventional predictions about where the automobile industry is headed in the coming years, including this administration’s own Department of Energy.”

ICYMI — Dallas Morning News: “Rep. Colin Allred invites Dallas doctor who fled state for abortion to State of the Union”
Source: U.S. Representative Colin Allred (D-TX, 32)
February 26, 2024
The Dallas Morning News reported that Congressman Colin Allred (TX-32) will host Dr. Austin Dennard as his guest at the State of the Union on March 7. Dr. Dennard is a Texas OBGYN and mom who had to flee the state to get an abortion.

Source: U.S. Representative Rick Allen (R-GA, 12th)
February 24, 2024
"President Biden and his administration’s complete disregard for the law and blatant refusal to secure the border undoubtedly led to this unfathomable tragedy and they must reverse course. Robin and I join our fellow Georgians and the nation in praying for Laken’s family and loved ones. She will not be forgotten."