Thursday, August 10, 2017


Washington, D.C. - August 10, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Dwight Evans (PA-02) introduced the No Conflict of Interest Presidency Act of 2017.

The No Conflict of Interest Presidency Act of 2017 requires the conversion of the Trump Organization’s businesses, which include real estate, golf courses, hotels, resorts and a range of other investments, into cash; with which he would then be required to buy treasury bills and widely diversified mutual funds, which are considered conflict free under federal law.

“The American people have heightened concerns about President Trump’s untamed business interests,” Congressman Evans said. “The No Conflict of Interest Presidency Act of 2017 aims to calm fears of conflict and collusion by creating a clear wall between President Trump’s duty to govern and his family and business interests.”

“There is a big difference between campaigning and governing,” Evans said. “It is time for President Trump to govern for the well-being of the American people. Their needs to be a clear wall, a clear line between President Trump’s business connections and his role as President. My hope is that the No Conflict of Interest Presidency Act of 2017 will provide much needed clarity so that the Trump Administration can start to focus on issues that matter such as improving the quality of life for Philadelphians, Pennsylvanians and Americans—things like food policy, school modernization and necessary home repairs that give the residents in our cities and suburbs the tools they need to build strong, healthy neighborhoods.”


Washington, D.C. - August 10, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, made the following statement after Trump threatened North Korea with "fury like the world has never seen":

“President Trump has again undermined American credibility by drawing an absurd red line, committing to respond to North Korea’s bluster and missile tests with ‘fire and fury like the world has never seen.’ Make no mistake: North Korea is a real threat, but the President's unhinged reaction suggests he might consider using American nuclear weapons in response to a nasty comment from a North Korean despot.

“America’s security is based not just on the strength of our armed forces but on the credibility of our Commander-in-Chief. Today President Trump’s reckless behavior and impulsive outburst undermined the security of the American people, and that of our friends and allies. Kim Jong Un will call his bluff as America’s adversaries watch.”


Washington, D.C. - August 10, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, decried the decision of Secretary of State Tillerson to sideline American anti-propaganda efforts by rejecting $80 million designated for efforts to combat Russian and ISIS propaganda. In a letter to Secretary Tillerson, Rep. Engel underscored the risks to American security this decision poses, and called on the Secretary to reverse course or present a new strategy for dealing with this challenge.

“It is unacceptable to members of Congress that information warfare from Russia and ISIS will go unanswered. Doing nothing is not an option,” wrote Rep. Engel. “I urge you to come up with a strategy and work with Congress to implement it at once. Otherwise, the House and Senate will look for legislative alternatives to direct the Administration to treat the threats of Russia and ISIS with the seriousness they deserve.”

Full text of the letter follows:

Dear Mr. Secretary:

I'm seriously concerned by reportsthat you have decided not to use resources Congress provided to combat the propaganda campaigns of Russia and ISIS. The threats we face from these adversaries are clear, and I am troubled that you do not appear committed to the efforts needed to address them.

It seems again that this Administration just isn't getting the message about Russia, so let me put it plainly: Russia is not America's friend. President Putin attacked American democracy. He wants to splinter Western unity and undermine our alliances. His actions merit a tough response, not the coddling that President Trump seems determined to offer him.

To compound matters, ISIS has employed propaganda as a key tool for recruitment and disseminating its violent anti-American message. They show no sign of backing down from their online efforts. Failing to come up with an effective strategy to combat that threat could seriously reverse the gains we've made and embolden ISIS and other terrorist groups to expand their propaganda campaigns.

Furthermore, since you've been Secretary, the State Department has struggled to understand Congress's intentions on these issues. While we, too, would ultimately like to see better relations with Russia, the Kremlin’s actions simply do not permit such improvement. Despite what the President tweets, Putin—not Congress—is responsible for the tensions between the United States and Russia. And despite the baffling statementfrom your spokesperson, our bipartisan legislation, passed by overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate, was designed to protect the United States from Vladimir Putin’s aggression and punish Moscow for interfering with American democracy, invading Ukraine, and other malign actions. As such, when Congress allocated nearly $80 million for anti-propaganda efforts, the signal should have been clear that Congress wants this issue addressed.

It is unacceptable to members of Congress that information warfare from Russia and ISIS will go unanswered. Doing nothing is not an option. I urge you to come up with a strategy and work with Congress to implement it at once. Otherwise, the House and Senate will look for legislative alternatives to direct the Administration to treat the threats of Russia and ISIS with the seriousness they deserve.

I look forward to your reply on this matter.



Ranking Member

Committee on Foreign Affairs

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

'Pink slime' settlement cost ABC News as much as $177 million

Des Moines:Register

The parent company of ABC News paid as much as $177 million to settle litigation associated with a defamation lawsuit filed by a South Dakota beef processing company, according to a financial report released to investors.

Walt Disney Co., the owner of ABC, made the disclosure to investors in its quarterly report on Tuesday. The company reported a one-time charge of $177 million “incurred in connection with the settlement of litigation,” according to the report. The charge did not include penalties covered by insurance.

Dakota Dunes-based BPI filed a defamation suit against ABC and reporter Jim Avila in 2012 after a series of reports that described the company’s Lean Finely Textured Beef products as “pink slime.” Following ABC’s reports, the company closed three of its four plants and laid off more than half its workforce as BPI’s customers stopped including LFTB in their hamburger specifications.


Coons (D) and Tillis (R) introduce bill to protect special counsel

Dover:Delaware State News

Sen. Coons on CNN New Day: “It is in everyone’s best interest ... that Bob Mueller be allowed to continue this investigation to its logical conclusion.” Bipartisan bill from Sens. Chris Coons and Thom Tillis allows judicial review if a special counsel is removed.


Lawsuit opposes Trump's ban on transgender military service


Two LGBT-rights organizations filed a lawsuit in federal court Wednesday challenging President Donald Trump's tweets declaring he wants a ban on transgender people serving in the military.

The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Washington on behalf of five transgender service members with nearly 60 years of combined military service.

Transgender people have been allowed to serve openly in the military since June 2016. Trump, in a series of tweets on July 26, announced that he planned to end that policy.


Alabama: Common Core debate coming back to state board of education

Decatur Daily

A renewed effort to repeal the state’s Common Core education standards is on the Alabama State Board of Education’s work session agenda for Thursday.

At least one board member has asked for a discussion on repealing the Alabama College and Career Readiness Standards in several recent meetings. Other members have questions about a draft resolution.

Board member Betty Peters, R-Dothan, for years has been an opponent of the standards. She wants a repeal and change to make state education standards “what we want them to be.”


Donnelly Statement on Reports of North Korea’s Miniaturized Nuclear Warhead

Washington, D.C. - August 9, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly released the following statement following reports that North Korea has successfully miniaturized a nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles. If accurate, this would be a significant step forward in the country’s effort to build a nuclear-armed missile capable of reaching the United States. Recently, Donnelly helped the Senate pass bipartisan legislation, which President Trump signed into law, that would increase sanctions on North Korea.

Donnelly said, “North Korea is pressing forward on the development of a nuclear missile that threatens our country as well as tens of thousands of deployed American servicemembers and our allies in the region. It is long past time for the United States to have a clear, comprehensive strategy to address this rapidly growing threat. This should be our top national security priority in the Pacific. While recent sanctions from Congress and the United Nations are a good start, we need to focus the full economic and diplomatic force of our nation on this problem – and get other countries in the region to do the same. In the meantime, I will continue working with my colleagues in the Senate – both Republican and Democratic – to strengthen our missile defenses, maintain our nuclear arsenal as a deterrent to our adversaries, and give the Administration the tools it needs to be successful.”

As Ranking Member of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Donnelly has led efforts to increase funding for U.S. missile defense programs and supported provisions in this year’s national defense bill to significantly strengthen the U.S. homeland missile defense system against the threat of an intercontinental ballistic missile attack. As Ranking Member of the National Security and International Trade and Finance Subcommittee, Donnelly co-led a hearing with subcommittee chairman Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) to assess U.S. and international sanctions against North Korea and China in relation to North Korea’s nuclear missile program.

Eric Bolling Lawyer Just Dropped Evidence Bomb That Clears His Name – Accusers Running!

Real 24 News

Eric Bolling has been caught in the middle of yet another witch hunt against Fox News. Liberals love to give this network a hard time because of its conservative values. And a lot of the time, they actually succeed in getting something done. Look what they got Fox News to do to their all star host Bill O’Reilly. He was fired even on baseless claims of abuse.

Next it was Sean Hannity and now it is Eric Bolling. Bolling has been accused of sending lewd photographs to several women that he used to work with. None of the accusers came out with any evidence and sadly, it is still being taken seriously. Fox News has made a name for itself as of late as being a easy target.


Doyle-Barton Bill to Help Wounded Police Officers is Signed into Law

Washington, D.C. - August 9, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Legislation introduced by U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle (D-PA) and Joe Barton (R-TX) was signed into law.

The Wounded Officers Recovery Act (H.R. 3298) amends the United States Capitol Police Memorial Fund so that any United States Capitol Police employee who is seriously injured in the line of duty will be eligible for assistance from the fund, which is supported exclusively by private donations. Until now, federal law only allowed the fund to disburse money to families of officers killed in the line of duty.

The two Congressmen introduced the bipartisan Wounded Officers Recovery Act of 2017 (H.R. 3298) with more than 100 Members of Congress as cosponsors on July 19. It was passed by the House on July 24 by voice vote. The bill was amended and passed by Unanimous Consent in the Senate on July 27, and the slightly altered bill was agreed to unanimously by the House the same afternoon and sent to the White House for signature.

“The Wounded Officers Recovery Act was signed into law only 17 days after it was introduced,” Congressman Doyle noted proudly. “Congress and the White House can act swiftly when we all agree that something should be done, and this was clearly one of those cases. Passing the Wounded Officers Recovery Act is an opportunity for Congress to express our appreciation for the bravery of the US Capitol Police, the risks they take, and the sacrifices they make every day to keep the Capitol and the people in it safe. As a result of this bill’s rapid consideration, Officers Griner and Bailey will receive timely assistance with their health care expenses.”

Representatives Barton and Doyle introduced the Wounded Officers Recovery Act after the June 14 attack on the Congressional Republicans’ baseball team, in which two Capitol Police Officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey, were wounded while bravely working to stop the gunman.