Thursday, December 14, 2017

Remarks by President Trump and American Taxpayers on Tax Reform

by The White House

Washington, D.C. - December 14, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- This is the readout of the Press Conference in the Grand Foyer of the White House about Tax Reform:

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you, everyone. Please.

We're joined today by college students, young entrepreneurs, families, workers, mothers, and fathers from all over our nation. You make this country run. It's an honor to be with you, and it's an honor to have you at the White House. And thank you all for being here -- really fantastic. Thank you. Great people. (Applause.)

As a candidate, I promised we would pass a massive tax cut for the everyday, working American families who are the backbone and the heartbeat of our country.

Now we're just days away -- I hope, I hope -- you know what that means, right -- from keeping that promise and delivering a truly amazing victory for American families. We want to give you, the American people, a giant tax cut for Christmas. And when I say giant, I mean giant. (Applause.)

As we speak, Congress has reached an agreement on tax legislation that will deliver more jobs, higher wages, and massive tax relief for American families and for American companies.

The typical family of four earning $75,000 will see an income tax cut of more than $2,000, slashing their tax bill in half. It's going to be a lot of money. You're going to have an extra $2,000.

But there are many more things than that. Our plan expands the child tax credit for working families. You'll hear the numbers very soon, but they're even larger than anticipated.

It nearly doubles the amount of income taxed at the rate of zero. I don't know if any of you are paying zero. I hope you're not; I hope you're paying above that. But a lot of people who are having it a little bit tough are going to be paying zero.

It closes special interest loopholes; it lowers tax rates for families; and our plan also cuts taxes on businesses, which is expected to raise income by an average of more than $4,000. So your income goes up. It's like having a $4,000 increase, which isn't bad, which isn't bad.

a lot of money to spend. A lot of jobs are going to be created with the money that you spend -- very special. And it makes America competitive again so we can bring back that simple but beautiful phrase, you've heard it before: Made in the USA. Right? I don't know if they've heard it, but you've heard it. (Applause.)

Our current tax code is burdensome, complex, and profoundly unfair. It has exported our jobs, closed our factories, and left millions of parents worried that their children might be the first generation to have less opportunity than the last. Our factories have left. So many of them, gone. But they're all coming back. And you see it, even before we do this, that they're starting to come back. Our country is starting to do really well again, and as a country we're being respected again. We're being respected again.

I'm here today to tell you that we will never let bad things happen, with respect to the economy of our country. We're not going to lose our businesses again like has happened over the last number of decades. America is coming back bigger and better and stronger than ever before. Okay? They'll see it, and they're going to see the result.

America isn't content just by getting by. America is about getting ahead, about finding the best in ourselves and in each other. We are reclaiming our destinies as Americans, a nation that thinks big, dreams bigger, and always reaches for the stars. We didn't become great through massive taxation and Washington regulation. And, by the way, we are cutting regulation at a rate never seen before in the history of our country.

We became great because our people, our families -- and because of our freedom. We became great because of our drive to find the next horizon, to unlock the next mystery, and to begin the next adventure. You know what I'm talking about. And that's who we are: a nation of strivers and builders and dreamers and doers, people who treasure their independence and don't know how to quit. Never quit. Never, ever give up -- never, ever.

I say that, also, to our great Cabinet. And they've done a great job. A lot of things have happened. Nobody's done the job that we've done.

When government loosens its grip, there is no summit we cannot reach. Our tax cuts will break down, and they'll break it down fast -- all forms of government, and all forms of government barriers -- and breathe new life into the American economy. They will unleash the American worker; they will tear down the restraints on discovery, innovation, and creation; and they will restore the hopes and dreams of the American family.

Millions of middle-class families will win under our plan. And today we are honored to hear from a few of those wonderful and truly great families.

Bryant and Ashley Glick -- right -- are from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I know it well. They have two beautiful children with a third on the way. Bryant manages a farm equipment store. Ashley works in healthcare. This year, they were in the 15-percent tax bracket.

Under our plan, they will drop to the 12-percent bracket. That's a big drop. Instead of itemizing their deductions, they will be able to file their taxes on a single, little, beautiful sheet of paper. That's good. That's good. (Applause.) And instead of paying $2,600 in income taxes, they will get it down to $2,000. They'll save at least $600 and probably more than that.

Bryant, Ashley, how about saying a few words? You want to? Come on. Thank you very much.

MR. GLICK: Well, thank you, Mr. President. It's an honor to be here. On behalf of the good people of Lancaster County; my family; and, specifically, my grandmother, Linda Martin, well done. Many of your predecessors promised that this reform was coming, but you did it. We are greatly excited about this.

With the tax savings that we are going to see, we are going to put that money into home renovations. And I'm excited that you were the one that got it over the finish line. Thank you, Mr. President. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: The Kovacs family also joins us today from Ohio. That's a great state. A lot of success in Ohio. (Laughter.) Adam is a veteran who works in telecommunications, Lindsay works in administration admissions at a university, and they have two beautiful children.

This year, they're currently in the 25-percent bracket and pay nearly $14,000 in taxes. Our plan gives them their time back because they won’t have to itemize, and it gives them nearly one-third of their money back -- more than $3,500 for one year.

I’d like to invite the Kovacs to explain what our tax cuts will mean for them. They've studied it very closely. These are very smart, sharp people. They know exactly what we're doing here, and they like it. Come on up. Thank you. (Applause.)

MR. KOVACS: Thank you, Mr. President. It is truly an honor that you invited the Kovacs family to the White House today. This is going to be great for our family. We have home renovations that we want to take care of, and hopefully save for our two children to go to college.

Thank you so much, Mr. President. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: The Giampolo family is from Polk County, Iowa. Anthony is a police officer and Aubyn is a 911 emergency dispatcher. When they’re not at work protecting and serving their fellow citizens, their hands are full with four wonderful children.

This year, they were in the 25-percent bracket, their itemized deductions, and they've done everything they can. They paid more than $19,000 in taxes -- thank you very much, by the way; that's a lot of money. (Laughter.) Under our plan, they will file on a single page and save $2,700. Anthony, Aubyn, maybe you'd like to say a few words? Come on in. (Applause.)

MR. GIAMPOLO: I just want to thank President Trump. Education is very important to our family. Under this bill, our family will be able to save a lot of money. We have a lot of people going to school. My wife and I are both in graduate school, finishing up, and we still got three other -- four other kids to get through college. So, it will help out a lot. (Laughter and applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Leon and Maria Benjamin are pastors of New Life Harvest Church -- and it's a beautiful church in Richmond, Virginia -- and they have three wonderful children.

Under our plan, they will get a larger tax refund to help them pay their bills. They'll receive a tax refund, this year, of $3,000. Leon and Maria, I would love you to discuss your middle-class tax cut a little bit with the millions of people watching right now on television. (Laughter.) You do very well, and we're very proud of you. And it is indeed a beautiful church. I got to see a very, very nice picture. We'll have to get there someday soon. Thank you. Come on in, please, please. (Applause.)

MR. BENJAMIN: (Laughter.) To God be the glory. Thank you, President Trump, for inviting us here. On behalf of the Benjamin family and of course, Richmond, Virginia, we represent a cadre of many families across the nation. African American families, urban communities, and families all across need this now. And it's time for a change, and it's time that we recognize that our President is making good on his promises. (Applause.) Thank you, Mr. President. God bless you, and we'll continue to keep praying for you and your team as you move forward and forge ahead with this new future in America. God bless you. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: He can be my minister anytime. (Laughter.)

The Howard family lives in Tenino, Washington. Issac owns an espresso machine service company, and Emily takes care of their four beautiful children. They are currently in the 15-percent bracket and pay $2,500 in taxes. Our plan will totally wipe out their tax bill, and they might even get a refund of substantially more than $700. I'd like to introduce them. Come on up. (Applause.)

MRS. HOWARD: I'm going to speak for us today. (Laughter.) We are absolutely blessed to be here, so thank you, Mr. President. It’s our joy to stand before you guys. And what this means to us as a family is that we will be able to pour out into our community -- whatever that looks like -- giving away to families that are in need, or setting them up for success in any way that -- whatever God has planned for our family.

I think that that is our goal, and that we are blessed to have such an amazing President -- and what a good steward he is of our country.

So thank you, Mr. President. (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all. It’s critically important for Congress to quickly pass these historic tax cuts, and that's going to take place, I think, even before the media -- I used the word “media.” Did you notice? As opposed to “fake news media” -- I don't say. (Laughter.) Because today is a very important day. We want everybody to be covered very accurately.

So I’m excited to announce that if Congress sends me a bill before Christmas, the IRS -- this is just out, this is breaking news -- has just confirmed that Americans will see lower taxes and bigger paychecks beginning in February, just two short months from now. (Applause.) Just got that. We just got that.

Fifty-five years ago this week, President John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, launched a historic effort to pass sweeping top-to-bottom tax cuts. A half a century later, we're reminded that lowering taxes is neither a Republican or Democrat idea, but an American principle and an American idea.

The goal of my administration is for every American to know the dignity of work, the pride of a paycheck, and the satisfaction of a job well done. We want people to love waking up in the morning and going to work -- just with that incredible enthusiasm that we have in this country. And that's what we're going to be doing, and that's what’s going to be happening.

Today we stand on the verge of a new economic miracle. Our economy has already surged to 3 percent growth -- far ahead of schedule, by the way -- far, far ahead -- in each of the last two quarters. And if we didn't have the hurricanes, we could have hit four last quarter. Four -- a number that was unthinkable two years ago when I started the campaign, and even my first month in office -- that was an unthinkable number. And I’ll tell you what, it’s going to go higher than that.

We’ve created 2.2 million jobs since the election. Unemployment is at a 17-year low. The unemployment rate in the manufacturing business is the lowest in recorded history. Consumer confidence is a 17-point high. Pensions and retirement accounts are soaring as the stock market hits 85 new record highs since the election. How are we doing? Are we doing okay? Not bad, right? (Applause.)

And if Congress sends me a tax reform, this is only a small beginning to the incredible things that our people will achieve over a very short period of time, and the tremendous heights that we will reach economically and so many other ways in our country.

Every day, as this victory draws closer -- I mean, we are so close, right now. So close. In fact, almost -- I don't want to talk about it. Maybe we shouldn’t talk about it. (Laughter.)

The cynical voices that opposed tax cuts grow smaller and weaker, and the American people grow stronger. I heard one of our opponents stand up the other day and say, this is for the rich. They had no idea. They didn't even see the final bill. I didn't see the final bill. This is for the people of middle-income. This is for companies that are going to create jobs. This is for very, very special people, the great people of America.

Everyday, hardworking Americans know that the future of this nation will never belong to those who say you can't; it will always belong to the American people who will say we will.

belongs to people like the Glicks, the Kovacs, the Giampolos, the Benjamins, the Howards, and the millions of Americans just like them across our nation, who pour out their hearts and souls every single day to take care of their families and the country they love and that we love.

We are going to have a country that celebrates you again -- hardworking, great people. You're being celebrated again. Remember that. Because you were a little bit forgotten. We had called it "the forgotten people." Somebody else called me and everybody else the “deplorables.” Have you ever heard that term? Right? We're proud to be the deplorables, and we're doing well.

going to make our tax system work for you again. We’re going to make our economy work for you again. And we are going to make the American Dream -- and that's the real dream -- that will be the dream that you want for your children and your grandchildren once again.

But we need your help to get Congress across that finish line. We’ll have very little Democrat support, probably none, and that's purely for political reasons. They like it a lot, and they can't say it. They don't like what’s happening. But they can't say it. Some day we have to come together and do bipartisan, and hopefully it can happen soon. Right? (Applause.)

If you make your voices heard, this moment will be forever remembered as a great new beginning, the dawn of a brilliant American future shining with patriotism, prosperity, and pride.

With your help, we will bring back our jobs; we will bring back our wealth as a country; and, for every citizen across this beautiful land, we will bring back our great American Dreams.

you and God bless you all. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)


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Tax Reform Must Move Forward: Americans Want Washington to Work

By Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

Washington, D.C. - December 14, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- The House-Senate conference committee hosted a public meeting to debate and discuss the differences between the two versions of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” and President Trump hosted middle-class families at the White House for a speech on tax reform. The positive movement continues on tax reform, but Democrats are calling for a delay in legislative activity on Capitol Hill because of the results of the special election in Alabama. Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) president & CEO Karen Kerrigan said the work of Congress – especially as it relates to tax reform – must keep moving forward.

“A special election involving one Senate seat must not change or interfere with the responsibility that Congress has to the American people. Tax reform is vital to the growth of our economy and providing families and small businesses with the tax relief they need. Entrepreneurs and families need certainty and the ability to plan for the upcoming year. Putting off or delaying legislation and bringing the gears of Congress to a standstill is not practical. In fact, it is irresponsible. The American people – especially hard working middle-class families and small business people – have waited long enough!

“As noted by President Trump in his speech today, the tax code is ‘profusely unfair.’ Lowering rates and improving the tax system for all taxpayers will give Americans the capital they need to save, educate their children, start a new business or invest in a local business. Our economy is getting back on track, and tax reform is essential to sustaining that growth. I agree with President Trump that status quo thinking has kept our economy and entrepreneurship in a weak state. The economy is getting stronger, and there is great optimism among entrepreneurs and small business owners. Tax reform will harness that optimism and fuel the positive growth that we are now experiencing. All Americans will benefit from a stronger economy that is producing more opportunity, quality jobs, and greater dynamism overall.”

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017


By Kevin Yoder (R-KS, 3rd)

Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Representative Kevin Yoder (R-KS) led a group of 12 Republican House members in sending a letter to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act conference committee, calling for the doubling of the educator expense deduction in the final version of the tax reform legislation. The letter urges House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, and the rest of the conference committee to adopt the Senate’s version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in regard to the educator expense deduction. The Senate’s plan would increase the deduction from $250 to $500 per year.

Representative Yoder issued the following statement regarding his letter:

“America’s teachers sacrifice their time, energy and personal finances every day to help our children learn and grow into our next generation of leaders. We've worked hard to produce tax legislation in the House that would give a typical Overland Park teacher a tax cut of about $1,800. But I've listened to many teachers and advocates who recognize the educator expense deduction as one small way to show teachers our appreciation for their hard work. This important deduction should remain in our tax code.

"The best way to legislate in Congress is to work together, listen to our constituents, and take their concerns to Washington. That's what I'm doing here today with this letter to the conference committee. Ultimately, the goal of tax reform is to increase economic opportunity for hardworking Americans like our teachers, and we can do it in an even better way by expanding this deduction in addition to cutting their taxes."

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Bullies Meet Their Match

By Shonda Ponder

Senator Kirsten E.Gillibrand (D-NY) attacked Donald Trump and called for his resignation. Conceding that he wouldn't resign, she called on her colleagues to harass him and make life miserable for him until he does. Okay, so she didn't say that exactly, but that's the gist of it. Democrats don't like someone, they punch and punch and punch until they get what they want -- no matter how irrational or wrong they are for doing it, just like the bullies they are.

People, we have a President in office who isn't afraid of bullies. He responded to her attack with:

Of course, this riled the Democrats up, and true to their mob(ster) mentality and circling the wagon, Congressman John A. Yarmuth (D-KY, 3rd) released the statement below on President Donald Trump’s tweet regarding Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:

“Responding to allegations of sexual misconduct by trying to publicly shame yet another woman, the president has shown us exactly what kind of person he is. This is not about politics. Donald Trump has proven to be a poison for the presidency, a cancer on the country, and a truly disgraceful human being.”

Well, what do you expect? He's dealing with disgraceful human beings. In order to deal with the dirt, sometimes you get dirty. The Ponder thinks that what is disgraceful is bullying someone, then whining when you get punched in the face, then calling them a bully because they fight back.

Wilson Introduces Pro-Israel Resolution In U.S. House

By Joe Wilson (R-SC, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Joe Wilson, a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement after introducing H. Res. 662, which recognizes Israel’s sovereignty to choose its own capital, reaffirms the relationship between the United States and Israel, recognizes that Israel is the United States’ strongest ally in the Middle East, and reiterates that the U.S. Congress strongly opposes the United Nations General Assembly’s anti-Israel actions.

“America’s bond with Israel is unique, and its strength is the foundation of American leadership in the Middle East. The president’s recent announcement that our embassy will be located in Jerusalem strengthens that bond. Recently, we have seen the United Nations General Assembly pass six anti-Israel resolutions. This is wrong. Israel has not only been our long-standing ally, but also is our strongest ally in the Middle East.

“When we see the United Nations and members of the international community target Israel, bullying a country that is surrounded by those who would do it harm, we’re going to – in the courageous words of Ambassador Nikki Haley – call them out. The people of Israel should know we have their back.

“I am grateful for the leadership of President Donald Trump and Ambassador Nikki Haley, who have restored American leadership on the world’s stage by renewing our commitment to peace through strength, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to recognize Israel as America’s strongest ally in the Middle East and condemn the anti-Israeli defamation that has defined the United Nations in recent years.”

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Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Amendment Signed Into Law

By Greg Walden (R-OR, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- President Trump signed into law legislation introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (R-Hood River) to ensure the military has access to lifesaving medical treatments. Walden’s legislation (H.R. 4374) passed the House and Senate unanimously, and will amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to authorize additional emergency uses for medical products to reduce deaths and severity of injuries caused by agents of war.

“This is an important day for our brave men and women in uniform, ensuring they get the timely care they need while protecting our country,” said Walden. “Today we are well on our way to delivering the newest treatments and devices to our war fighters without forgoing important safety mechanisms.”

Specifically, Walden’s legislation corrects language within the National Defense Authorization Act – which was also signed into law today – that could have usurped FDA’s critical authority of ensuring the safety and efficacy of cutting edge medicines for our soldiers on the front lines.

Walden’s bill will streamline the processes at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure America’s warfighters have access to new, lifesaving medications in a timely manner.

''Our men and women in uniform put their lives on the line for this country, and they deserve to have the earliest possible access to medical products that could save their lives on the battlefield,” said Walden in a speech on the House floor when the legislation passed the House in November. “In short, H.R. 4374 addresses the critical issue of military access to the newest available products by expanding the circumstances under which emergency use authorizations can be issued, and by establishing an expedited pathway to full approval of products that the Secretary of Defense requests.”

For Representative Walden’s legislation, please click here.

Gov. Bevin Orders Flags to Half-Staff Wednesday in Honor of Kentucky World War II Serviceman Pfc. Albert Strange

By Kentucky Governor's Office

Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Gov. Matt Bevin has directed that flags at all state office buildings be lowered to half-staff on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2017, in honor of a Kentucky serviceman who was killed in action during World War II but whose remains were only recently recovered and returned home.

Marine Corps Reserve Pfc. Albert Strange, of Mammoth Cave, was 18 years old when he died in battle in the Pacific theater on Nov. 20, 1943. Assigned to Company E, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, 2nd Marine Division, he was among approximately 1,000 U.S. casualties from the Battle of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands.

In May 2017, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) representatives traveled to the Tarawa Atoll to conduct excavations utilizing advanced investigative techniques. As part of this mission, investigators were able to identify the remains of Pfc. Strange.

Funeral services for Pfc. Strange will be held at 12 noon (CST) on Dec. 13 at Bob Hunt Funeral Chapel (410 North Dixie Highway, Cave City), with visitation beginning at 11 a.m. Burial with full military honors will be immediately following at Cave City Cemetery (Old Bardstown Road, Cave City).

Gov. Bevin encourages individuals, businesses, organizations and government agencies to join in this tribute by lowering the flag in honor of Pfc. Strange.

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RNC Statement Celebrating Hanukkah

By Republican National Committee

Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Co-Chair Bob Paduchik issued the following message celebrating Hanukkah:

"We wish our Jewish friends a blessed celebration during this joyous Hanukkah season," said Chairwoman McDaniel. "May the lighting of the menorah serve as a reminder of courage and unwavering faith, for eight nights and beyond."

"Happy Hanukkah to all those celebrating across the country," said Co-Chair Paduchik. "May the Festival of Lights bring you peace and hope."

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Congress Should Protect, Not Expose, Taxpayers to Mortgage Giants’ Bailouts

By National Taxpayers Union

Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- The House Financial Services Committee has had a productive year delivering real results to America’s taxpayers -- be it advancing the repeal and replacement of Dodd-Frank, reforming the broken National Flood Insurance Program, or replacing the DOL Fiduciary Rule with one that actually protects consumers rather than expands the bureaucracy. That’s why we are surprised to see legislation marked up in the Committee today that could, if it passes, end the year by missing the mark for taxpayers.

H.R. 4560, the “GSE Jumpstart Reauthorization Act” of 2017, has a catchy title, but in reality it would take a step backward for taxpayers by exposing them to the near-term prospect of a bailout for the Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This bill essentially puts further pressure on the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to continue paying the Net Worth Sweep, the ill-advised and risky policy of sending FHFA profits to the US Treasury. Should the Agency retain this profit for building a prudent capital cushion rather than sending it to the Treasury, Fannie and Freddie will be barred from making any contributions to the Housing Trust Fund.

Taxpayers -- and lawmakers -- have every reason to ask hard questions about financial accountability for the money being funneled into the Housing Trust Fund. Congressman Ed Royce introduced a bill in the previous Congress to strengthen the law that requires Fannie and Freddie to suspend housing trust fund payments if they would “cause the GSEs to be undercapitalized.” HR 4560, however, goes well beyond this approach by effectively blocking FHFA from taking interim steps to ensure the GSEs don’t have to tap Treasury resources to stay healthy.

Either way, the FHFA is stuck in a bad situation: the Net Worth Sweep leaves the Agency with less reserve capital to begin with, while the new bill would leave FHFA with fewer options to correct that situation.

Both scenarios increase the likelihood of a taxpayer-funded bailout, given warnings from FHFA that Fannie and Freddie are becoming seriously undercapitalized.

NTU has long advised Congress on the glaring threat Fannie and Freddie could pose to taxpayers, as well as the reckless practice of using the GSEs as ATMs. Rather than complicating and possibly impeding housing reform, NTU believes it is best to tackle all elements of reform at the beginning of 2018 when a complete, comprehensive package can be debated. Until then, all tools should be available, including those residing with the Executive Branch, to shield taxpayers from any potential liabilities from Fannie and Freddie. We strongly urge the Committee to bear in mind these critical taxpayer concerns instead of plowing ahead with unnecessary -- and potentially counterproductive -- legislation.

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Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act H.R. 3971 passed the House

By Claudia Tenney (R NY, 22nd)

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Washington, D.C. - December 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) announced that her bill, the Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act H.R. 3971 passed the House by a vote of 294-129. The bipartisan bill would rollback escrow regulations on small community financial institutions while providing relief from new regulations that have nearly doubled the cost of servicing loans, specifically for low-income borrowers. The bill would not prohibit community banks from providing escrow services if the institutions still desires to offer the service. The bill is cosponsored by Reps. Brad Sherman (D-CA), Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX), Rep. David Loebsack (D-IA) and Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX).

“Costly escrow regulations have continued to harm community lending institutions. With smaller staffs and significantly less resources than larger financial institutions, community lending institutions are often unable to bear the costly burden of maintaining escrow accounts for their customers. Mandating that all institutions follow these escrow requirements raises the cost of credit for borrowers who can least afford it while harming small local institutions. In rural areas like the 22nd District, consumers and small businesses rely on relationship lending with local institutions. If these regulations continue, mortgage-lending services will be consolidated within larger institutions which will hurt our family farmers, small business and lower-income borrowers who depend on their existing relationships with these community intuitions to access capital,” said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.

Tenney continued, “On average, America loses one community bank per day. The Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act works to reverse this problem by lowering the cost of credit for low-income borrowers and rolling back onerous escrow regulations that continue to drive community institutions out of the mortgage lending market. This bipartisan bill will ensure that small institutions can continue to lend to their communities. I’m grateful to Chairman Hensarling for his leadership in working to pass this important bill, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside the Financial Services Committee to roll back onerous regulations and get our economy moving again.”

Under current law, the Truth in Lending Act requires creditors to establish and hold escrow accounts on mortgage loans, a costly and burdensome requirement which small institutions are often unable to manage throughout the life of a loan. This regulation has hurt a number of smaller community lending institutions, forcing these institutions to sell off the loan to larger institutions or mortgage insurance companies that have the resources needed to manage escrow requirements.

Since 2006, more than 1,500 banks have failed, been acquired or merged due to economic factors and the overwhelmingly expensive regulation brought forth by the passage of the Dodd Frank Act. For the first time in over 125 years, there are fewer than 6,000 banks and roughly 6,000 credit unions serving all consumers in the United States. Additionally, a 2014 study by the Independent Community Bankers Association cited that regulatory burdens prevented 73 percent of banks from making residential mortgage loans.

The Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act will work to reverse this trend by exempting community institutions from this regulatory burden, ensuring small institutions can become active in residential mortgage lending once again.

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