Showing posts with label workforce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workforce. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Illegal Voting, Education and Workforce, Congressional Stock Trading, SNAP, Cybersecurity

Over 1,400 Organizations Sign Letter Calling on Congress to Protect and Strengthen SNAP
Source: Food Research and Action Center (FRAC)
July 9, 2024
The letter urges Congress to ensure that benefit adequacy, equitable access, and program administration, remain core tenets of SNAP. More must be done to ensure that SNAP benefits reach all those in need, encompassing households with children, older adults, veterans, people with disabilities, and residents of U.S. territories, so that all individuals have access to the nutrition they need to thrive. To safeguard SNAP, efforts to create a cost-neutral Thrifty Food Plan must be rejected. This includes opposing any proposed cuts, such as restricting future Thrifty Food Plan benefit adjustments, which could result in nearly $30 billion in cuts over 10 years. Such a cost-neutral plan would also negatively impact Summer EBT, the Emergency Food Assistance Program, and Puerto Rico’s Nutrition Assistance Program.

Fitzpatrick & Golden Lead Bipartisan Coalition Demanding Vote on Congressional Stock Trading Ban
Source: U.S. Representative Brian Fitzpatrick, (R PA, 8th)
July 9, 2024
“Americans should rightfully expect Members of Congress to work relentlessly on their behalf to tackle the challenges facing our communities and country, rather than exploit their public position for personal gain,” said Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1). “We must bring this common-sense, bipartisan legislation to the House floor and, once and for all, prohibit Members of Congress from trading stocks. Our constituents deserve better, and it is time to ensure we deliver results that benefit them and our communities across the country, not the pockets and unethical enrichment of elected officials.”

Finstad Applauds Committee Passage of Education and Workforce Freedom Act
Source: U.S. Representative Brad Finstad (R-MN, 1st)
July 9, 2024
“I’ve met with local businesses, truckers, manufacturers, tradesmen, and healthcare facilities across southern Minnesota, and many of them are facing an unprecedented workforce shortage and an increasing need for skilled labor,” said Rep. Finstad. “The Education and Workforce Freedom Act ensures that young people, especially those entering the trades, have access to the programs and resources they need to meet the demands of today’s workforce and succeed. I am pleased to see that this legislation passed the House Ways and Means Committee and I look forward to its progress through the legislative process.”

Feenstra Supports Legislation to Ban Illegal Immigrants from Voting in American Elections
Source: U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra (R-IO, 4th)
July 10, 2024
“Illegal immigrants should never be allowed to vote in American elections. It is a privilege reserved only for American citizens,” said Rep. Feenstra. “That’s why I voted for legislation to require proof of citizenship to register to vote in federal elections and to ensure that states remove illegal immigrants from their voter rolls. We must ban illegal immigrants from voting in American elections.”

The bill heads to the senate, and Biden has vowed to veto it if it passes.

Source: U.S. Representative Lois Frankel (D-FL, 22nd)
July 10, 2024
“While Democrats work to help families make ends meet, invest in our children, support our seniors, and protect reproductive freedom, Republicans’ proposed funding bill would gut public education, hamstring the delivery of Social Security benefits, and prevent women from accessing reproductive care in any way possible,” said Rep. Frankel. “I look forward to working with my colleagues to reach an agreement on a bill that uplifts all of our families.”

Congressman Maxwell Frost Defends U.S. Assets from China, Russia Cyberattacks, Introduces New Bill to Enhance Cybersecurity of American Spacecrafts
Source: U.S. Representative Maxwell Frost (D-FL, 10th)
July 10, 2024
“Cybersecurity threats by organized crime leaders and foreign adversaries are increasing and evolving rapidly, putting at risk our reliance on space for communications, intelligence, and business,” said Congressman Maxwell Frost. “As we enter a new era of cyber threats, establishing a reasonable timeline for NASA to incorporate cybersecurity measures into their acquisition process is more important than ever. The Spacecraft Cybersecurity Act would safeguard NASA's space missions and continue to advance our country's leadership in space exploration that contributes to our economy, security, and understanding of space.”