Saturday, October 7, 2017

New Mexico: Comments on Anti-Free Speech Measures Ignored

Source: Concerned Veterans for America

Albuquerque, NM - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) released a digital ad focusing on New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s refusal to acknowledge and consider the individual comments of hundreds of New Mexicans opposing her anti-free speech measure.

After several public hearings, the Secretary’s office received over 750 comments from citizens opposed to her rule, which will force citizens to publicly list personal information in order to support a cause in the state. However, Secretary Oliver refused to count these comments individually because they were submitted using CVA’s digital tool, which allowed New Mexicans to submit official comments to her office opposing the measure. This was not a distinction the Secretary chose to draw after the first round of public comments, when several citizens submitted comments from a form letter that favored her measure.

“Government officials abusing their power to shut out the voices who disagree. This is exactly why we need to protect freedom of speech,” the ad states. The group urges New Mexicans to take action and oppose the measure by contacting the Secretary’s office.

Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) Policy Director Dan Caldwell issued the following statement:

“Secretary Oliver has shown she is willing to do whatever it takes to limit free speech in New Mexico – even silencing the citizens she was elected to protect. It is startling to see her ignore hundreds of New Mexicans who have every reason to oppose this deeply flawed measure. We share the concerns of citizens who believe the Secretary is overstepping her authority by ignoring New Mexico’s legislative process in an attempt to force this rule into law.”

CVA released a coalition letter of 29 individuals representing 14 different organizations, including former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, to abandon her measure.

Governor Martinez vetoed S.B. 96, a similar anti-free speech measure that passed the legislature in April. CVA led a coalition of eleven different organizations and sent a letter to Governor Martinez asking her to reject the measure.

Earlier last year, CVA started “Defend the First,” a project dedicated to beating back threats against free speech at the state and federal level.

CEI’s Myron Ebell Hopes EPA Court Filing Will End Clean Power Plan “In Its Entirety”

Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute

Washington, D.C. - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- In anticipation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s upcoming filing in the litigation concerning the so-called Clean Power Plan, the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Myron Ebell said:

“If it had gone into effect, the ‘Clean Power’ Plan rule to limit greenhouse gas emissions from coal and natural gas power plants would have been one of the most expensive regulations ever imposed, causing electric rates for consumers to go up and threatening the reliability of the electric grid.

“We hope that in its court filing the EPA will propose to rescind the so-called Clean Power Plan in its entirety. Whether it should be replaced by a more modest regulation is something that can be discussed, and it is our understanding that this is what the EPA plans to do with an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.

“The Supreme Court blocked implementation of the rule in February 2016. There is little doubt that the court would have eventually decided that the rule is illegal. Thus the EPA under Administrator Scott Pruitt is not only doing the right thing for the economy, but is also simply following the laws that govern regulatory activity.

“Scrapping the ‘Clean Power’ Plan is a key part of President Trump’s de-regulatory agenda, which is designed to get the economy moving again. This rule and other greenhouse gas emissions rules are depressing investment and job growth in resource and manufacturing industries.”

See more from CEI on the Clean Power Plan here.

CCAGW Supports “Death Panel” Repeal

Source: Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Washington, D.C. - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) President Tom Schatz released the following statement regarding the respective mark-ups tomorrow of H.R. 849, the Protecting Senior’s Access to Medicare Act of 2017, by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Ways and Means Committee:

“I am pleased to see the House is moving to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), often referred to as the ‘Death Panel.’ IPAB is an outrageous and dangerous provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare. The board, composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats appointed by the President, would have unprecedented power to cut payments to Medicare providers and would be beholden to no one, including Congress.”

“IPAB is tasked with reducing the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending, but is prevented from raising premiums, increasing cost sharing, or restricting benefits for beneficiaries. What it can do is cut payments to doctors, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other providers. Reduced payment rates will encourage providers to treat fewer Medicare beneficiaries. Even though the ACA specifically states the board cannot ration care, that is a distinction without a difference; if a physician must reduce the number of Medicare patients he or she treats because of reduced rates, seniors by default will have their care rationed. IPAB also has the power to consider the private sector’s effects on healthcare costs and the authority to write regulations that modify both government and private healthcare. Its decisions are not subject to judicial review and legislative oversight.”

“Repealing IPAB is one of the few healthcare-related matters that has bipartisan support. H.R. 849 has 221 Republican and 43 Democratic co-sponsors. Members of both parties understand the alarming power IPAB was given under ACA and must be eliminated for good.”

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.

Christian Medical Association and Freedom2Care Applaud Administration's Actions to Protect Conscience in Healthcare

Source: Christian Medical and Dental Association

The nation's largest association of Christian health professionals, the 18,000-member Christian Medical Association applauded the administration's actions to restore conscience freedoms in healthcare. The administration took action concerning the Obamacare contraceptives mandate, insurance premiums used to pay for abortions, and regarding government respect for religious freedom.

"We are thankful to see these vital conscience freedoms restored in healthcare," noted CMA Senior Vice President Gene Rudd, MD, and Ob-Gyn physician. "For millennia, medical ethics have provided for conscientious opposition to abortion by physicians who took up the practice of medicine as a healing art never to be used for the destruction of human life. And until recently, our government reinforced those ethical principles with conscience protections. We are heartened to see our government heading back in the direction of these vital freedoms that protect patients, medicine and freedom in our country."

Jonathan Imbody, director of Freedom2Care, which is affiliated with CMA said, "As Americans who have inherited a nation founded upon freedom of faith, conscience and speech, we can agree that the government must never force individuals to violate their deepest held beliefs on vital and extremely controversial issues such as abortion. When our leaders forget these principles, and take to forcing nuns to participate in matters they consider wholly immoral, the American people realize that our fundamental freedoms are in jeopardy. If the government can take away the rights of one group, then no one is safe from government coercion.

"These actions today by the administration are an important step back in the direction of freedom and respect for one another, and we look forward to more actions in the future, including restoration of the conscience rule for health professionals that President Obama gutted."

Sputnik: 60 Years Later, CIA Releases Declassified Documents

Source: Central Intelligence Agency

Washington, D.C. - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- On 4 October 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the Sputnik-1 earth satellite into space—an achievement that stunned the American public and press, but not the U.S. policy and intelligence communities. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reported the advancements that led to this landmark launch to President Eisenhower, providing him with the strategic advantage to guide the U.S. response.

Today, on the 60th anniversary of Sputnik’s first launch, the CIA released a collection of previously classified documents on the Sputnik program. The collection includes CIA’s intelligence and analysis of Sputniks-1, -2, and -3 and the Soviet ballistic missile program from 1955 to the early 1960s. Encompassing 59 documents and 440 pages, the release provides new information to the public, to include memoranda and reports the CIA provided to President Eisenhower, on the Soviet Union’s early space and missile programs.

The entire collection is available here
and joins previous CIA releases that address the arms race during the Cold War, which are available here and here. In addition, to commemorate CIA’s strategic warning contributions about Sputnik, Studies in Intelligence, part of the Center for the Study of Intelligence, published an article, Sputnik and U.S. Intelligence: The Warning Record, available here.

In his public remarks at the fourth annual National Security Conference co-hosted by CIA and George Washington University, CIA Director Mike Pompeo summarized it all by highlighting the release of the Sputnik collection and the fitting theme of the conference, “Achieving Strategic Advantage,” stating, “The timing couldn’t be more fitting, as exactly 60 years ago today, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik-1 into space, stunning the public, but not America’s leaders.”

Implications of new HHS Rule on Little Sisters of the Poor lawsuit

Source: Becket Fund for Religious Liberty

Washington, D.C. - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- A new HHS mandate announced moments ago now provides an exemption for religious groups, including the Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious charities, while maintaining the existing federal contraceptive mandate for most employers. The interim rule aligns with the Supreme Court’s ruling last year in Zubik v. Burwell that the government cannot fine the religious groups for following their faith.

There will be a press call at noon EST today to discuss the new rule and what it means for the Little Sisters’ ongoing lawsuit.

The following statement may be attributed to Mark Rienzi, senior counsel at Becket and lead attorney for the Little Sisters of the Poor: “HHS has issued a balanced rule that respects all sides– it keeps the contraceptive mandate in place for most employers and now provides a religious exemption. The Little Sisters still need to get final relief in court, which should be easy now that the government admits it broke the law.”

Americans United for Life Asks MD U.S. Attorney to Charge Pregnant Teacher’s Murderer for Homicide of Unborn Baby

Source: Americans United for Life

Baltimore, MD - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Following the September murder of Maryland teacher Laura Wallen, Americans United for Life sent a letter to Maryland’s U.S. Attorney asking that he consider following the precedent set by the infamous Laci Peterson case and charge Tyler Tessier, Wallen’s assailant, with the murder of the baby she was 4 months pregnant with under the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.

“The horrible murder of Laura Wallen and her unborn baby have shocked the conscience of Washington area residents, and reminded us of the similar circumstances surrounding the murders of Laci Petersen and her unborn child, Conner, fifteen years ago. While we hope that Maryland will be able to grant justice to Laura’ family for her murder, it appears the state is unable to offer justice for the murder of her baby. AUL’s letter calls upon the United States Attorney’s office in Maryland to consider bringing charges for that murder under ‘Laci and Conner’s Law,’ the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which allows federal officials to prosecute a defendant for the murder of an unborn victim, regardless of his or her age in the womb,” said Catherine Glenn Foster, President and CEO of Americans United for Life.

Time to enforce antidumping rules against trade violators LG and Samsung

Source: Americans for Limited Government

Fairfax, VA - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement praising the International Trade Commission for finding LG and Samsung in violation of the U.S. antidumping rules:

“Every free trade agreement is dependent on enforcement, otherwise there is no reciprocity. Yesterday, the ITC unanimously found that Whirlpool was damaged by dumping by LG and Samsung in violation of U.S. law and South Korean Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) rules. These agreements must be enforced by the U.S. Department of Commerce in a meaningful way. If trade agreements are going to have any value and be sustainable, all parties must comply with their terms. In order to preserve the legitimacy of the overall KORUS trade deal, LG and Samsung’s repeated failure to follow the trade rules must be subjected to swift and significant sanctions.”

Joint Statement: CFPB Payday Lending Rule Will Disrupt Abusive Lending, Protect Families

Source: Americans for Financial Reform

Washington, D.C. - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Consumer and civil rights advocates from around the country representing the Stop the Debt Trap campaign welcomed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) new rule to limit short-term payday and car-title lenders’ ability to trap borrowers in an endless cycle of debt.

The payday lending rule will result in fewer families falling into financial ruin. At the heart of the rule is the common sense principle that lenders check a borrower’s ability to repay before lending money. While praising the CFPB for pushing to stop the debt trap, the coalition calls on the Bureau to build on this progress by quickly working to develop regulations to protect consumers from abusive long-term, high-cost loans. Also, strong state laws, such as rate caps, must continue to be defended and enacted. [Additional background at bottom of release]

Representatives from the Stop the Debt Trap campaign released the following statements:

“This new rule is a step toward stopping payday lenders from harming families who are struggling to make ends meet. It will disrupt the abusive predatory payday lending business model, which thrives on trapping financially distressed customers in a cycle of unaffordable loans,” said Mike Calhoun, President, Center for Responsible Lending. “Today’s rule release was years in the making, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the tireless effort of community and faith leaders, consumer and civil rights advocates, and countless people across the country who organized and worked hard to make their voices heard. We will continue to fight for safeguards that protect families from abusive long-term predatory loans and for state interest rate caps for all loans at reasonable levels of no more than 36 percent.”

“Payday and car title lenders profit from repeatedly dragging hard-pressed people deeper and deeper into debt, and taking advantage of families when they are financially vulnerable. Curbing the ability to push loans that borrowers clearly cannot repay is a key protection, and enshrining and enforcing this rule as federal policy should let Americans keep billions of hard-earned dollars. But more needs to be done to end lending abuses, and we will keep working alongside community leaders and advocates from around the country to fight for interest rate caps, and reforms for predatory longer-term loans,” said Lisa Donner, Executive Director, Americans for Financial Reform.

“Clearly more needs to be done to rein in these uniquely unscrupulous lenders, for example, states can push for interest rate caps to complement the CFPB’s rule and play an even greater role in ensuring consumers do not fall into debt traps. But today’s rule is a step in the right direction, but more can certainly be done to close loopholes and provide more robust oversight, given that a vast majority of Americans support oversight and rules that help protect consumers,” said Janet Murguia, President and CEO, UnidosUS.

“Payday lending is bad for many consumers, but like many predatory scams, it invariably ends up as a weapon against the disadvantaged communities that are least able to bear its terrible burden. It uses the lure of quick cash to trap struggling families in a cycle of debt and slowly drain them of what little money they have. President Trump and Congress should get on the side of civil rights advocates, the religious community, consumer organizations, and the public at large by supporting and strengthening the CFPB’s new rules on payday lending,” said Vanita Gupta, president and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

“For millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, seeking out a loan in a time of need shouldn’t end in financial disaster. The rule is an important step that starts the process of ending the nightmare of spiraling debt for so many consumers,” said Michael Best, Director of Advocacy Outreach at Consumer Federation of America. “But more steps need to be taken by the CFPB and states to protect consumers from the debt trap and stamp out abusive lending practices. We urge states to act quickly to build on this rule with interest rate caps.”

“The consumer watchdog’s payday loan rule takes an important first step by inhibiting lenders from pushing loans that people cannot afford to repay. But state interest rate caps remain critically important as the most effective way to prevent predatory lending,” said Lauren Saunders, Associate Director at National Consumer Law Center.

“People need financial services that build wealth. Payday and car title lenders do the opposite, they bleed dry families and communities that have little to begin with,” said George Goehl, executive director of People’s Action. “At its best the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the people’s agency, created to protect everyday people from consumer financial abuse and fraud. We fought to create the CFPB and we are encouraged that they are taking a first step to rein in the worst abuses of this industry. Our members are going to continue fighting for strong consumer protections nationwide”

“With little accountability for their actions, payday lenders have long preyed upon communities of color and drained them of their hard-earned savings. This CFPB rule establishes a much-needed set of transparent responsibilities for lenders and basic rights and protections for borrowers. We will work to defend and strengthen this rule, so Americans face fewer burdens in establishing financial security,” said Hilary O. Shelton, NAACP Washington Bureau Director and Senior Vice President for Policy and Advocacy.

“Payday and auto-title lenders may claim that they are providing a “safety net” to struggling families, but their business models often rely on keeping people in debt, not helping them build assets. For too long, these lenders have profited from predatory business practices that endanger consumers’ economic security. The Bureau’s rule is a commonsense step to help ensure that when a lender makes a short-term loan, the consumer has a reasonable chance of paying it off instead of falling behind,” said Suzanne Martindale, Senior Attorney, Consumers Union.

“This rule is a no-brainer. It simply requires lenders to determine whether a consumer has the ability to repay a loan without hardship or re-borrowing – a requirement that will help stop the debt trap and reduce defaults. The payday lending industry preys on the most vulnerable among us. Now, with this new rule, millions will be spared years of agony perpetrated by payday lenders looking to make a quick buck. Payday lenders have spent millions of dollars currying favor with powerful Washington politicians and they will do whatever it takes to kill this rule and keep this extremely lucrative predatory racket humming. We owe it to every American to remain vigilant and fight any effort in Congress to repeal this rule. We simply cannot allow the debt trap to continue,” said Karl Frisch, Executive Director of Allied Progress.

“The CFPB’s new protections are a good start at helping consumers avoid the long-term pain of payday loan debt traps,” said Linda Sherry, Consumer Action’s director of national priorities. “Finally those who peddle payday, car title & installment loans will be held accountable for their predatory actions masquerading as debt relief.”

“After nearly four years of research, stakeholder and community engagement, including the consideration of more than a million public comments, today’s announcement by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau moves us one step closer towards ending to debt trap perpetuated by payday and auto-title lenders,” said Andrea Levere, President of Prosperity Now. “We applaud the CFPB for crafting and releasing rules that provide consumers everywhere with much-needed federal protections against a predatory industry that is known for charging high fees and triple-digit interest rates. As the rule now moves towards implementation, we call on Congress to persevere and protect the historic measures the CFPB has put forward today.”

“By issuing this rule, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has made it more difficult for payday predators to trap people in financial quicksand. Unfortunately, the payday lending industry is notorious for finding creative ways to get around rules and separate hard-working people from their money. We look forward to continuing to work with the CFPB, Congress, and with state governments to ensure enforcement of this rule and protections against other permeations of abusive loans,” said Seema Agnani, Executive Director, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD)

  • At the heart of the CFPB rule is the common sense principle that lenders check a borrower’s ability to repay before lending money. In a recent poll of likely voters, more than 70% of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats support this idea. This requirement ensures that loans are affordable, meaning a borrower can repay without reborrowing and without defaulting on other expenses.
  • Currently, the debt trap is the cornerstone of the payday lending business model – three quarters of all payday loan fees are from borrowers with more than ten loans in the course of a year. The ability-to-pay requirement is a straightforward way to prevent this vicious cycle of debt and support lenders with legitimate business models.
  • Payday lenders have anticipated possible crackdowns on their abusive practices and begun morphing their business plans toward other schemes in order to evade the law, such as offering predatory long-term loans. Despite important progress with today’s announcement, the struggle for financial fairness will continue.
  • Psychiatric Association's Goldwater Rule Remains a Guiding Principle for Physician Members

    Source: American Psychiatric Association

    Arlington, VA - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today released the following statement regarding The Goldwater Rule:

    “In the past year and a half, there have been numerous news articles and commentaries on The Goldwater Rule. The Goldwater Rule is an ethics principle that guides our physician members not to provide professional opinions in the media about the mental health of someone they have not personally examined and without patient consent or other legal authority. A personal examination includes ruling out physical causes of or other reasons for a behavior. Nothing about the Goldwater Rule discourages psychiatrists from providing education to the public about mental illnesses; in fact, APA encourages psychiatrists to educate the public about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.

    The APA would also like to dispel a common misconception about the so-called “Duty to Warn.” The duty to warn is a legal concept which varies from state to state, but which generally requires psychiatrists to breach the confidentiality of the therapeutic session when a risk of danger to others becomes known during treatment of the patient. It does not apply if there is no physician-patient relationship.”

    The American Psychiatric Association, founded in 1844, is the oldest medical association in the country. The APA is also the largest psychiatric association in the world with more than 37,000 physician members specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and research of mental illnesses. APA’s vision is to ensure access to quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment.