Friday, October 27, 2017

No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act of 2017 Introduced in the House

If this bill is passed, it will weaken our efficiency in dealing with national threats in a timely manner.
Call your congressman and tell him to vote NO on this bill!

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Ted W. Lieu (D | Los Angeles County) helped lead more than 60 members of Congress in introducing bipartisan, bicameral legislation ensuring President Donald Trump seeks Congressional approval before attacking North Korea. The “No Unconstitutional Strike Against North Korea Act of 2017” requires the President to receive Congressional authorization to use funds for such a strike. Senator Markey introduced a companion bill in the Senate.

Upon introduction of the bill, Mr. Lieu said:

“Our Founders gave the greatest power they knew at the time – the power to declare war – solely and exclusively to Congress. Today, Congress is sending a crystal clear message to President Trump that no matter how many incendiary tweets he sends, we have not authorized the use of force against North Korea.

There are no good military options for North Korea. Before President Trump leads America down the uncertain and grisly path towards war, we owe it to our service members, the American people and our allies in Asia to have a thoughtful, deliberate plan of action for North Korea. As a Veteran, I am proud to join dozens of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers to ensure that the American people have a voice in whether we make the sobering decision to take military action. “

The introduction of this bill builds upon the Congressman’s efforts to stop the President from authorizing an unconstitutional strike against North Korea. Previously, the Congressman introduced “Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2016”, which would prohibit the President from launching a nuclear first strike without a declaration of war by Congress.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

National Opportunity for Lead Exposure Accountability and Deterrence (NO LEAD) Act of 2017 Introduced in the House

Source: Daniel Kildee (D-MA, 5th)

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (­­D-IL), the top Democrat on the Fisheries, Wildlife and Water Subcommittee, today introduced the National Opportunity for Lead Exposure Accountability and Deterrence (NO LEAD) Act of 2017 to help ensure drinking water across our nation is clean and safe from lead and copper exposure. The legislation would create a lead-service-line inventory to help monitor contaminated service lines, ensure the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) develops a universal testing protocol and make sure the entire lead service line is replaced if water contamination is detected because partial replacement does not eliminate the risk of contamination. The bill would also help guide the EPA review of the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) to make lead testing reports more comprehensive and ensure reports are easily available to the public, serving to make clean drinking water more accessible and strengthen education on lead contamination. Lastly, the bill would lower the lead action level from 15 parts per billion (ppb) to 10 ppb by 2020 and 5 ppb by 2026 to match world health standards. Representative Dan Kildee (D-MI) introduced companion legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

“When families send their children to school or turn on their faucet at home, they should not have to worry about their drinking water being contaminated with a dangerous neurotoxin like lead.” Duckworth said. “The threat of contaminated water is a national public health crisis in cities across the nation, including Chicago, Carbondale, Galesburg and East St. Louis, Illinois—and we have to do more to stop it. I will keep working to ensure every family in America – no matter where they live – has access to clean and safe drinking water, and I’m proud to introduce this bill to better protect our children from lead-contaminated water.”

“The lead in water crisis that happened in my hometown of Flint cannot be allowed to happen elsewhere,” Kildee said. “We must learn from the failures of state government that lead to the Flint water crisis and prevent a similar man-made tragedy. Updating the outdated Lead and Copper Rule will not only protect public health, it will restore public confidence in their water systems. I am proud to work with Senator Duckworth to introduce this legislation and work toward the goal of ensuring that all Americans do not have to worry about high levels of lead in their drinking water.”

Today, Senator Duckworth and Congressman Kildee also sent a joint letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt detailing their concerns about the revised LCR containing fewer protections than the current rule. The letter comes as part of Duckworth and Kildee’s efforts to ensure the EPA is being responsive to data gathered by their own scientists instead of capitulating to industry demands. The EPA is set to finalize the LCR at the end of next year.

Duckworth and Kildee have both been outspoken about the need to address failures in our public water systems. In June, they called upon the EPA to strengthen protections against lead poisoning in our nation’s pipes, fittings and fixtures that supply drinking water. Duckworth has also introduced several pieces of legislation on lead in America’s drinking water. Duckworth recently reintroduced the Get the Lead Out of Schools Act of 2017 with U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) to help ensure drinking water in schools across our nation is clean and safe from lead. She also introduced her new Recognizing the Environmental Gains in Overcoming Negligence (REGION) Act to prevent the closure of regional EPA offices, which would protect thousands of jobs while supporting efforts to ensure clean drinking water for children. Duckworth has also been critical of the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back drinking water protections and vocal about the need to strengthen initiatives to prevent lead contamination.

The following stakeholders have endorsed the NO LEAD Act: American Association of Pediatrics, EarthJustice, Food and Water Watch, Green Latinos, Dr. Marc Edwards, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council Parents for Nontoxic Alternatives and the Sierra Club.

State Public Option Act Introduced in the House

Source: Ruben Kihuen (D-NV, 4th)

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Ruben J. Kihuen signed on as an original co-sponsor of the State Public Option Act introduced in Congress by Representative Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI). Rep. Kihuen is joined by Nevada colleagues Rep. Jacky Rosen (NV-03) and Assemblyman Michael Sprinkle in offering support for the State Public Option Act which would give states the option to allow all residents to buy into the state Medicaid program through their state’s exchange.

“Nevada’s health care system ranks among the worst in the country in terms of cost and access, leaving countless Nevadans hanging out to dry when it comes to getting reliable and affordable health care coverage. That is why today, I am pleased to join my colleagues in Congress, Representative Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) and Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) in introducing the State Public Option Act, which would establish a Medicaid public option to provide an affordable, high-quality health insurance option to hardworking families across the country. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to continue working to find ways to improve Nevada’s health care system and ensure that all Nevadans have access to quality and affordable health care coverage,” Rep. Kihuen said.

“Giving individuals a public health insurance buy-in option is one of the best ways we can improve our health care system for all Nevadans, no matter your zip code,” said Rosen. “The ability to access quality health care should be a fundamental right, not a privilege for the wealthiest among us. Increasing choice and competition through a Medicaid buy-in program would ensure that all families have access to health care they know they can rely on. I have been vocal about the need for a public option to improve the progress we’ve made under the Affordable Care Act, and I will work with anyone in Congress to keep putting forward smart ideas that move us towards that goal and make health care more accessible and more affordable for every Nevadan,” Rep. Rosen said.

Assemblyman Michael C. Sprinkle said, “Health care is a right, not just a product or a privilege for the wealthy. Earlier this year, I set out to secure quality and affordable health care access for every Nevadan by introducing a plan to create a first of its kind state-level Medicaid buy-in program. While I am disappointed that ‘Sprinklecare’ did not become law this past session, our effort in Nevada was a reminder that states are incubators for innovative and forward-thinking policy ideas that can improve people's lives. I am incredibly proud to see Nevada's Democrats in Congress help lift this plan to create a Medicaid buy-in program to the national level, and I hope to see this effort succeed.”

The State Public Option Act would give states the option to allow (but would not require) all state residents that are not concurrently enrolled in another insurance plan to buy into the state Medicaid program through their state’s Exchange. States could charge premiums, copays, and deductibles for the plans based on current Affordable Care Act (ACA) standards. Individuals would be able to use their ACA tax credits to help cover the costs. If they do not have tax credits, the cost could not exceed 9.5% of the family income. The plans offered must be robust and cover the ACA’s 10 Essential Health Benefits.

Uranium One investigation raises a lot of questions

Source: Pete King (R-NY, 2nd)

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee announced on Tuesday they would be opening an investigation into the Obama-era Uranium One deal, which gave Russia a 20% stake in U.S. uranium mining capacity.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said that in 2010, he alerted then-Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner that the uranium deal was being made with a company controlled by the Russian government.

“[Geithner] said that the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) was thoroughly investigating this. Well if they were, were they told about the investigation? If so, why did they go ahead and approve it? I know Congress was never told about this investigation. Why did the FBI close the investigation? Bob Mueller was head of the FBI then, so it raises a lot of questions,” King told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on “Varney & Co.”

The Senate Judiciary Committee will also investigate whether federal agencies knew the FBI was probing possible corruption before the deal was approved. At the time, the Justice Department had a criminal investigation into the Russian company's Uranium One purchase.

“Our question is No. 1, if [the FBI investigation showed bribery, corruption and influence peddling by the Russians], did the FBI notify the Obama administration? Did they notify the Justice Department? Did they notify the Treasury Department and the State Department? And if so, why did the deal go forward?,” King asked.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton helped orchestrate the Uranium One deal and her foundations reportedly received millions from someone involved with the deal.

King also raised questions as to whether the Russian dossier, which the Clinton campaign and the DNC allegedly funded, has any bearing on the FBI investigation into possible Trump-Russia collusion.

“You could have had a document prepared at the request of Hillary Clinton’s campaign filled with lies as an excuse and as a rationale to go ahead with a federal investigation into the Trump campaign. If that’s true that is really police state tactics,” King said.

Related News:

BREAKING: Gowdy Opens Investigation Into DOJ's Exoneration of Hillary Clinton, 2016 Decisions

Congresswoman Kelly Releases Statement on Twitter’s Political Advertising Announcement

Source: Robin Kelly (D-IL, 7th)

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Kelly, ranking member of the IT oversight subcommittee, released this statement following Twitter’s announcement regarding political advertising transparency:

“I’m pleased to see Twitter taking the initiative to bring greater transparency to political advertising on its platform – nearly a year after the 2016 election and just weeks before gubernatorial elections in New Jersey and Virginia.

These are common sense standards that should have already existed. For decades, TV, radio and print advertising have required clear details about who paid for and authorized their advertising. Why should political advertising online be any different?”

Related News:

Twitter bows to Congress, announces political ad ‘transparency’ ahead of Russia testimony

Bill Johnson Calls On Congresswoman Wilson to Apologize

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Bill Johnson (R-Marietta) released the following statement after Congresswoman Wilson’s comments on President Trump’s phone call to the family of fallen Army Sgt. La David Johnson.

“Now that we know that the sentiments expressed in the President’s phone call to the grieving family of Army Sgt. La David Johnson were suggested to him by Gold Star father and former four-star General John Kelly, it’s clear that Congresswoman Frederica Wilson has inappropriately politicized this tragic situation. Her recent appearances on cable TV, bashing the commander-in-chief and talking about how she wanted to ‘curse him out’ while he was trying to console a grieving family are beneath the dignity of her office. General Kelly said he was ‘stunned’ and “disheartened” by her craven political stunt and we must all wonder if her actions didn’t reopen deep emotional wounds in General Kelly and his family.

After 26 years in the U.S. Air Force, serving with heroes and commanding brave men and women who were often in harm’s way, I was particularly appalled at Rep. Wilson’s interference in what should have been a time of grief and reverence for a fallen hero.

That’s why I’m publicly calling on Rep. Wilson to apologize to President Trump and General Kelly. If she does not, I will begin the legislative process of asking the House of Representatives to formally censure her for the heartless behavior she displayed in this situation.”

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson issued the following statement in response to White House allegations regarding her account of President Donald Trump’s call with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson:

“Despite President Trump’s suggestion that I have recanted my statement or misstated what he said, I stand firmly by my original account of his conversation with Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson. Moreover, this account has been confirmed by family members who also witnessed Mr. Trump’s incredible lack of compassion and sensitivity.

“The Johnson family and the families of the three other soldiers who tragically lost their lives in the Niger ambush are experiencing what I am certain must feel like an unbearable loss. Rather than engage in a petty war of words with Mr. Trump, it is so much more important to embrace and support the families and honor these fallen heroes.

“This is personal for me, not political. Sgt. Johnson was a member of my community and of the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project that I founded to help boys of color build successful futures. He was killed while on a mission to provide training and security assistance to West African armed forces battling vicious insurgents like Boko Haram, the group whose defeat I’ve been fighting for since it abducted nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls more than three years ago.

“The loved ones Sgt. Johnson leaves behind are my constituents and my job now is to do all that I can to help them heal. I’ll save the bully pulpit for the necessary task of uncovering the circumstances surrounding the ambush and working to help ensure that our soldiers have all of the resources and support that they need while putting their lives on the line to keep others safe.”

Related News:

Gen. John Kelly: ‘Stunned’ After ‘Empty Barrel’ Frederica Wilson Politicized President’s Phone Call

House Democrats seek GAO Investigation into Federal Scheme to Fund Delta Tunnels Project

Source: Jared Huffman (D-CA, 2nd)

Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Led by Reps. Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), the Natural Resources Committee’s Ranking Member, six House Democrats are calling on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to open a new investigation into the misuse of taxpayer funds by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Reclamation, following last month’s revelations that tens of millions of dollars were secretly spent by the federal agency to subsidize private interests and help develop plans for a massive new California water project.

In its September audit, the Interior Department’s Inspector General found that the Bureau of Reclamation improperly subsidized the planning process for the California WaterFix project, also known as the “Delta Tunnels.” The audit identified at least $84 million in taypayer funds spent without disclosure to Congress as required by law, and kept hidden from other water users, stakeholders, and the public. According to the Inspector General, at least $50 million of this total should have been paid by the local water agencies that sought to benefit from the massive infrastructure project, such as the powerful Westlands Water District. Instead, those costs were secretly reassigned by the Bureau of Reclamation so that taxpayers would pay most of the water districts’ share.

With today’s letter, the lawmakers are asking the GAO, the federal watchdog agency that conducts investigations and audits on behalf of Congress, to issue a legal opinion about the Bureau of Reclamation’s funding scheme. The penalty for this type of misuse of public money can include removal from office.

The Inspector General’s audit found that the controversial funding plan was first launched in 2008, during the period when David Bernhardt was the department’s top lawyer. Upon leaving the department, Bernhardt became one of the top lobbyists for the Westlands Water District, the major beneficiary of this funding plan. He has now returned to the Interior Department as Deputy Secretary. In responses to the Inspector General, Interior Department staff have indicated that there are no plans to recoup these millions of dollars in taxpayer funds that were spent without authorization or rationale.

In addition to Rep. Huffman and Rep. Grijalva, the letter was also signed by Mike Thompson (D-CA), Jerry McNerney (D-CA), Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA), and Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA).

The full text of the letter below.

The Honorable Gene L. Dodaro

Comptroller General of the United States

U.S. Government Accountability Office

441 G Street, NW

Washington, DC 20548

Dear Comptroller General Dodaro,

The Department of the Interior’s Office of Inspector General, (DOI OIG), recently issued a report regarding the Bureau of Reclamation’s (USBR) spending on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) – a state-led effort involving the construction of new water diversion facilities benefitting select water contractors in the state of California. See DOI OIG, Report No. 2016‑WR‑040, The Bureau of Reclamation Was Not Transparent in its Financial Participation in the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (Sept. 7, 2017) (DOI OIG Report). In its report, the DOI OIG found that USBR “did not fully disclose to Congress and other stakeholders the $84.8 million cost of its participation in the BDCP efforts.” DOI OIG Report, at 1. The DOI OIG report (at 1) states further that:

[USBR] did not report [to Congress] $50 million derived from an appropriation, available for other general purposes, that it also used for the BDCP. USBR obtained this $50 million over a 7‑year span by using a complex, obscure process that was not disclosed in the annual congressional budget justifications, Office of Management and Budget Calfed Bay‑Delta certified annual financial reports, or numerous briefing documents on BDCP issues and status prepared by USBR for senior management officials.

The complex, obscure process cited by DOI OIG report involved USBR altering its standard funding process for operation and maintenance activities which, according to the DOI OIG report, “obscured the source of its funding and the total cost of [USBR’s] participation in the BDCP.” DOI OIG Report, at 8. The DOI OIG report states that “USBR supplemented its BDCP activities with $50 million derived from funds appropriated for ‘water and related resources’ and authorized for application to reimbursable Federal [Central Valley Project Operation and Maintenance] activities and other purposes.” DOI OIG Report, at 8. That is, USBR may have “written off” reimbursable expenses and converted them to expenses borne by the taxpayer.

Given these troubling findings, we respectfully request a GAO legal opinion as to whether USBR’s actions with regard to the $50 million referenced above were consistent with, among other things, the rule against augmentation and the Miscellaneous Receipts Statute, 31 U.S.C. § 3302 (b). For your convenience, please find the full OIG report enclosed.

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Muirragui and Vic Edgerton, of the House Natural Resources Committee, at (202)-225-6065. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


House of Representatives Votes to Impose New Sanctions Against North Korea

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- On October 24, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 3898, the Otto Warmbier North Korea Nuclear Sanctions Act. The Otto Warmbier Nuclear Sanctions Act, H.R. 3898, incurs strict penalties on any individual that facilitates transfers to North Korea through U.S. accounts or any foreign account that may touch the U.S. financial system.

Statements from House Representatives are below:

Andy Harris (R-MD, 1st)

“I commend my colleagues in Congress for passing the Otto Warmbier North Korea Nuclear Sanctions Act. Otto’s death was the result of abuse by his North Korean captors – one of countless atrocities committed by Kim Jong Un and his oppressive dictatorship. Congress can no longer stand idly by while North Korea starves its citizens, abuses its American prisoners, and builds a nuclear arsenal with the intention of attacking the United States.”

French Hill (R-AR, 2nd)

“We took action in the House Financial Services Committee to impose stronger sanctions on North Korea. We passed legislation out of the committee with a strong bipartisan vote that would incentivize stricter sanction enforcement by foreign countries and require regular reports on sanction implementation from the Department of the Treasury. The legislation also would impose economic restrictions on a number of North Korean and Chinese banks as well as trading corporations and individuals associated with those entities. It also would give the International Monetary Fund the ability to use its budget to assist member states with improving their capacity to prevent money laundering and terrorism finance.

“This legislation comes at an important time as the United States and the international community are taking significant actions against the North Korean regime and their many threats. This legislation adds to the actions the Administration and Congress have already taken to reign in this rogue nation.”


Source: Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ, 5th)


Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressmen Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Francis Rooney (FL-19) introduced the bi-partisan North Korea Ballistic Missile Investigations Act.

Said Congressman Gottheimer, “To be clear, North Korea’s illegal nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) programs and its cooperation with Russia, China, and Iran pose a grave threat to the United States and our allies on the Korean Peninsula, the region, and around the world. We must use every tool at our disposal - including maximum political, diplomatic, and financial pressure – to defuel Pyongyang and cut off Kim Jong-un’s access to this deadly propellant. This bipartisan, national security bill I'm introducing with my colleague, Rep. Francis Rooney, will ultimately help stop the flow of fuel and technology to North Korea from abroad."

Congressman Rooney stated, “It is beyond time to defuel Kim Jong-Un and his rogue regime in North Korea. As the Korean missile crisis escalates, the United States must consider new methods to stop the aggressive nuclear program.

“The North Korea Ballistic Missile Investigations Act will require the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of State to investigate whether North Korea is obtaining unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH), or rocket fuel, engines, and parts from foreign countries. Reports suggest North Korea is using UDMH in their missile tests, and it is known that Russia and China are principal users of this fuel. These measures of accountability will further isolate the Kim regime by reducing its ability to receive foreign support, and de-escalate the threat of a missile attack on the United States.”

Last month, a bombshell report in the New York Times found that North Korea has acquired or produced the deadly fuel unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine (UDMH) -- known in Russia as “the devil’s venom” -- that is used to power intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of striking the continental United States. Reports also surfaced that North Korea tested a new solid fuel missile engine as recently as last week. This disturbing trend threatens the security of the region, especially when other international threats like Iran are involved.

Congressmen Rooney and Gottheimer introduced the bill in response to a New York Times report detailing North Korea’s use of UDMH and their possible procurement of the rocket fuel from Russia and China. The North Korea Ballistic Missile Investigations Act will:

Require the Director of National Intelligence and Secretary of State to investigate the Kim regime’s procurement of rocket fuel and engines from foreign entities

Require a report to Congress within 105 days on North Korea’s internal capabilities to produce the fuel and engines, and on Russia and China’s role in assisting the Kim regime

Require the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State to submit recommendations on improved implementation of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, which was established to combat proliferation, including foreign procurement of liquid propellant engines such as the ones used by North Korea

As a member of the House Committee on Financial Service’s Subcommittee on Terrorism and Illicit Finance, Rep. Gottheimer cosponsored the Otto Warmbier North Korea Nuclear Sanctions Act, which passed the House yesterday.

Rep. Rooney and members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee recently urged Secretary Tillerson to re-list North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Grothman: House Republicans Should Support Spending Cuts in Budget

Source: Glenn Grothman (R-WI, 6th)

Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) released the following statement about the U.S. Senate’s vote to remove $200 billion in mandatory spending cuts from the budget:

"For eight years, Republicans have promised to reign in out-of-control spending and scale back expanding deficits,” said Grothman. “Now that we’re in control, we have the chance to deliver on these promises. Unfortunately, the Senate budget did not include the $200 billion in mandatory spending cuts that were included in the House budget.

“That is why I today submitted an amendment to the House Rules Committee to include the House-passed $200 billion mandatory spending cuts in the Senate budget. While the amendment was not agreed to, it is something that I will continue fighting for in future budget discussions.”

Mandatory spending is government spending on certain programs, like entitlement programs, that’s required by current law.

The Senate approved a budget plan that removed spending cuts on Thurs., Oct. 19, 2017.

U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman is serving his second term representing Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.