Friday, July 28, 2017

The Megan Rondini Act Introduced

Washington, D.C. - July 28, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representative Ted Poe (R-TX) and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) filed H.R. 3415, the bi-partisan Megan Rondini Act, requiring hospitals to have a SAFE – Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner –available 24 hours a day/7 days a week, OR to have a plan in place to get that victim to another nearby hospital with a SAFE. The law honors young Texan Megan Rondini who committed suicide after being raped, failed by law enforcement, the University of Alabama, and the hospital.

Megan Rondini was enrolled at the University of Alabama when she was raped by a man from the richest family in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. After escaping her attacker, Megan went directly to the hospital for a rape kit, and contacted the police. The Hospital did not have a SAFE, a nurse or doctor trained in forensic procedure, on staff. The DNA from her rape kit was never properly examined, and its current whereabouts are publically unknown. She was dismissed, ignored, blamed, and forgotten. Feeling like she had nowhere to turn, Megan later took her own life.

“Rape is a crime that destroys the very soul of a victim,” said Congressman Ted Poe. Often times, it is a fate worse than death. A victim must relive their attack over and over again. I filed the Megan Rondini Act to ensure victims of crime have access to assistance and the ability to pursue justice. Hospitals across the country must have a SAFE on staff 24/7 or have a plan in place to get the victim to a nearby hospital that can provide forensic services. The failures that drove Megan to commit suicide must not be allowed to continue in our society. Victims must be given a voice and the ability to have evidence collected and tested to bring them justice. This legislation helps give them both.”

Pelosi Statement on Republicans’ Latest Empty Statement on Taxes

Washington, D.C. - July 28, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after the White House, Senate and House Republicans released a detail-free joint statement on taxes:

“More than six months into the Trump Administration, and Republicans still have no real details for tax reform. Today’s threadbare joint statement shows Republicans continuing to flounder instead of inviting bipartisan progress on real tax reform for hard-working Americans.

“Republicans latest statement is light on details, but their goals have been clear all along: hand massive tax cuts to big corporations and the wealthiest, paid for on the backs of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the middle class. Republicans will ransack the education and health care of hard-working Americans to fund deficit-busting tax breaks for billionaires.

“Democrats believe we need real tax reform that creates jobs for hard-working Americans and fuels economic growth, while ensuring the wealthy pay their fair share and ending tax breaks for big corporations hiding profits offshore. We will continue to oppose Republicans’ ceaseless trickle-down agenda.”

"Minibus" Spending Bill

Washington, D.C. - July 28, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- The House of Representatives voted to fund critical national defense programs through H.R. 3219, Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018. This appropriations package, also known as a “minibus,” included the Department of Defense, Military Construction – Department of Veteran’s Affairs, Energy and Water Development, and Legislative Branch funding bills.

“I remain committed to providing our armed forces with the tools and resources they need to complete their critical missions and protect the security of our nation. We cannot expect our nation’s military to defend against ever evolving threats without the ability to train, maintain equipment, and invest in new technologies. The only way to accomplish these goals is to modernize and reform the way our military operates. Today’s national security package tackles the readiness crisis of our military head on, while honoring the commitment we’ve made to our service members and their families,” stated Representative Steve Pearce (R-NM, 2nd).

Rep. Pearce continued to state, “National security also lies within energy advancement and development. New Mexico plays a vital role in the research, development, production, and disposal of nuclear resources that are fundamental to our nation’s security strategy. With strong funding to support these operations, New Mexico will continue to be a national leader in protecting the United States.

The funding package included a non-debatable provision that provides $1.6 billion to fund the construction of a physical barrier along the southern border. Rep. Pearce voted against this procedural motion earlier today.

“Today’s legislation was not perfect. The construction of a physical wall on the southern border will never be the solution. The only way to secure the border is through the use of modern technology and a comprehensive strategy for patrolling the border. I will continue to educate and work with my colleagues to make critical border security decisions that our nation needs, however, this bill does too much for those that protect our freedoms on a daily basis to vote against.”

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) voted Thursday for the Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018 (H.R. 3219), which passed the U.S. House of Representatives to enhance America’s safety through the construction of a border wall with Mexico. The bill fulfills the recent demand of a Ratcliffe-led coalition of lawmakers for the House not to begin its district work period until following through on President Trump’s request for border wall funding.

“I’m pleased my colleagues stepped up to the plate and joined me in meeting President Trump’s request to prioritize our national security through the construction of a border wall with Mexico,” Ratcliffe said.

“There’s no denying that inaction is simply no longer an option. The legislation we’ve just passed is long overdue, and I applaud it as a huge step forward in securing our borders once and for all.”

H.R. 3219 also contains $584.2 billion in funding to restore adequate military readiness and enhance homeland security, as well as $88.8 billion in funding for veterans’ benefits and programs, and for military housing and bases in the U.S. and around the world.

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Shared News Report

Fast food giant Subway has removed ham and bacon from almost 200 outlets, and switched to halal meat alternatives in an attempt to please its Muslim customers.

It has confirmed turkey ham and turkey rashers will be used instead in 185 of its stores, where all the meat will now be prepared according to halal rules.


Look Who Trump Will Donate His 2nd Quarter Salary To!


Not only is President Trump working harder than any president we’ve ever had, he’s doing it all for free.

President Trump has refused to accept a salary, and instead, donates it to charity.


President Trump is donating his second-quarter salary, totaling $100,000, to the U.S. Department of Education.


Congress fails to repeal Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- United States Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) released the following statement on his vote against the amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement plan:

“I agree with President Trump that we should repeal and replace major parts of the Affordable Care Act at the same time. In 2015, we could have waited two years for relief, but we cannot now, when Tennessee insurance commissioner Julie McPeak says the state’s individual insurance market is ‘very near collapse.’ We have 350,000 Tennesseans who buy insurance in the individual market—songwriters, small businessmen and women, farmers—who are worried today that they may have zero options for insurance in just six months.

“In addition, I don’t think Tennesseans would be comfortable canceling insurance for 22 million Americans, and trusting Congress to find a replacement in two years. Pilots like to know where they’re going to land when they take off, and we should too.”

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) issued the below statement following today’s vote on President Trump and Senate Republicans’ latest bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“Tonight is a victory for the millions of Americans who will not lose health coverage because Senate Republicans failed to pass their latest disgraceful attempt at a health repeal bill.”

“This is also a victory for the thousands upon thousands of Americans across the country who rallied, marched, and called their Senator to demand the right to affordable, quality health care. Your voices were heard. Tonight’s failed vote is a testament to your power – the power of the people, which we all know is greater than the people in power.”

“In the United States, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make or where you live – you should have access to quality, affordable health care, because health care is a human right.”

“The fight isn’t over. Republicans in both chambers have made it clear they’ll stop at nothing to enact their dangerous agenda. If we don’t stop them, they'll strip health coverage from millions of Americans, raise premiums, and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions. We must remain vigilant and continue speaking up and out against those who would prefer to play politics with the nation’s health care system rather than earnestly work to improve it.”


Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin introduced an amendment to the health care repeal bill to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions.

The amendment, led by Senator Baldwin and Senator Mazie K. Hirono (D-HI), would direct Congress to eliminate all the provisions in the partisan repeal legislation that threaten to make health care unaffordable for those with pre-existing conditions.

“People are speaking out in opposition to this repeal effort because health care is personal. It’s personal for me too because when I was young, I had a childhood illness and was branded as a child with a pre-existing condition. I’ve heard from Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions who are scared that the protections they have today won’t be there tomorrow if Republicans pass repeal legislation,” said Senator Baldwin. “The people of Wisconsin did not send me to Washington to take people's health care away. My amendment will protect access to affordable health care for the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions. This a guarantee that we must protect.”

Following Tuesday’s vote to begin debate, the Senate is currently considering amendments on the health care repeal legislation. Senators Baldwin and Hirono will introduce this amendment today and will push for a vote this week.

Specifically, this amendment would “eliminate provisions that threaten to make health care unaffordable for those with pre-existing conditions.” The current Republican health care repeal legislation would weaken guaranteed protections, rollback coverage of essential services, and could throw people with pre-existing conditions, struggling with a sickness, into a high-cost pool that could price them out of the health insurance they have today.

Norcross Provision to Help Vets Struggling with the Disease of Addiction Included in House Appropriations Bill

Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) successfully included a provision in the Department of Defense Appropriations Act that helps veterans struggling with the disease of addiction by directing the Department of Defense to set aside $5 million to study the connection between opioid addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

“Our vets dedicate their lives to protecting us. The least we can do is dedicate money to help them fight the disease of addiction,” said Congressman Norcross. “We must do all we can for vets struggling with PTSD and opioid abuse – and I’m glad my commonsense provision is now part of the Appropriations Act.”

Norcross is the Vice-Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic, a group of lawmakers from across the political spectrum who are united against the public health crisis. The growing opioid epidemic causes 75,000 drug overdose deaths a year and, according to the American Medical Association, veterans with PTSD are at particular risk of abusing opioids.

Noem Introduces Legislation to Reduce Poverty, Promote Financial Independence

Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Kristi Noem has introduced two bills that aim to improve the outcomes of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, the country’s primary assistance program for low-income individuals and families.

“The best poverty reduction program out there is a good job,” said Noem. “Unfortunately, today’s programs too often perpetuate poverty rather than opportunity. This legislation aims to bring greater integrity and accountability to the TANF program while reaffirming its core mission: offering upward mobility and the opportunity for greater financial independence to hardworking Americans.”

The Improving Employment Outcomes of TANF Recipients Act, aims to increase the employment, job retention, and earnings of TANF recipients. To accomplish this, Noem’s bill would base a portion of the TANF block grant on a state’s success in helping TANF recipients enter, retain, and advance in employment.

Meanwhile, the TANF Accountability and Integrity Improvement Act, aims to bring more accountability to the program. More specifically, TANF currently requires states to ensure 50% of program recipients participate in work-related activities, such as working, searching for a job, or training for one. If states spend more than the federal government requires, the 50% threshold can be decreased. In extreme cases, the threshold can be reduced to 0%.

Some states are counting third-party spending as “state spending” and driving their apparent investments to artificially high levels. As a result, those states don’t need as many TANF recipients to be engaged in work-related activities in order to continue receiving full federal funding. Under Noem’s legislation, states would no longer count spending by third parties as state spending, meaning states would need to engage more adults in work-related activities in exchange for federal benefits, as the program was originally intended.

Of note, South Dakota does not count third-party spending as state spending in order to reduce the portion of TANF recipients engaged in work-related activities.

“We need to ensure other states follow South Dakota’s example,” said Noem. “By continuing to engage participants in work activities at the level intended, South Dakota has upheld the integrity of the program and ensured the support we provide through TANF is support that really helps struggling families.”


Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18) introduced an amendment to H.R. 3219, the Department of Defense Appropriations bill, to combat veteran suicide. As the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) David Shulkin, M.D. recently noted, an average of fourteen out of twenty veterans committing suicide every day do not receive services from the VA. Congressman Murphy's amendment would allow VA funds to help more veterans access evidence-based care.

"It is tragically clear that we need to find new, better ways outside of the traditional system to reach and treat our veterans; the current system does not work for many and no one system can work for all," said Murphy, a Navy psychologist who currently treats veterans suffering from PTSD/Traumatic Brain Injury at Walter Reed Military Hospital in Bethesda.

"Allowing public-private partnership pilot programs to deliver innovative, evidence-based, accountable, forward-looking models of care to those who have served is crucial to improving veterans mental health care and turning the tide on veteran suicide."

Specifically, Murphy's amendment calls for greater ability for treatments to address the veteran suicide crisis by connecting veterans with community and non-profit mental health networks in order to provide expedited access to evidence-based mental health care services. Murphy’s amendment to the appropriations bill also gives VA Secretary Shulkin the authority to create an expedited credentialing process for veteran mental health networks to ensure they are delivering evidenced-based therapies with same-day access to care while demonstrating effective clinical patient outcomes.

Read the full text of the amendment here.