Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Brooks and Murphy Introduce Bill that Prioritizes Better Access to Care for Female Veterans

Washington, D.C. - August 1, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Representatives Susan W. Brooks (R-IN) and Stephanie Murphy (D-FL) introduced H.R. 3558, the Improve Access to Care for Our Female Veterans Act. This bill, a product of efforts by the Bipartisan Working Group, ensures that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is better equipped and prepared to provide female veterans with the care and services they have earned and deserve.

“Since first elected to serve the Fifth District in Congress, I have heard from men and women in different branches of the military and from different veterans service organizations (VSOs) that when it comes to access to care, our female heroes face far greater challenges than their male counterparts,” said Brooks. “More women are joining the military, and therefore, we need to ensure the services and standards at the VA are capable of properly supporting the increasing number of female veterans. Access to mammograms, maternity care and routine gynecology visits are crucial for ensuring the overall health and wellbeing of our female vets.”

According to a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, women are the fastest growing population among the entire veteran community. The VA currently has policies in place to help ensure the privacy, safety, and dignity of women veterans when they receive care at its medical facilities, yet there have been many instances where the VA has not respected such policies. This bill provides accountability standards, instructing the VA to improve their services to better reflect the needs of not only men, but women. Members of the Bipartisan Working Group met with officials from GAO to discuss hundreds of reports on how the VA can improve.

“As a member of the Bipartisan Working group, I have met with the GAO and discussed the findings in their reports. One report that caught my attention specifically focuses on what we can do to provide our female veterans with appropriate care and better access to services that could save their lives,” continued Brooks. “We need to act on these recommendations from the GAO to ensure the VA works more efficiently. I am encouraged by Secretary Shulkin’s efforts to improve the VA, and I look forward to working with my colleagues in the House on a bill that prioritizes the best care for our female veterans.”

Rep. Brat Introduces WIC Improvement Legislation

Washington, D.C. - August 1, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Brat issued the following statement after introducing the WIC Improvement Act, H.R. 3529. This legislation would allow for multivitamin dietary supplements to be included in WIC food packages.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition for Program for Women, Infants, and Children, known as WIC provides nutritional food, education, and services to eligible low-income women. The program gives beneficiaries monthly benefits to be used to supplement their families diets.

“The goal of WIC is to improve the health of pregnant women, new mothers, and their infants. Including multivitamin dietary supplements in the list of acceptable products that can be purchased is simply a common sense reform to improve the effectiveness of the program. While there is never a good substitute for the nutrients found in whole foods, I believe multivitamin dietary supplements can help fill nutrient gaps. My legislation will empower mothers with the choice to purchase multivitamin dietary supplements to compensate for potential nutrient deficiencies so we have healthier moms and healthier babies.”

??? Ya. Right. Go ahead and encourage people who already can't afford to feed themselves to have more babies.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Rep. Black Statement on North Korea’s Ballistic Missile Launch

Washington, D.C. - July 31, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06) responded to North Korea’s ballistic missile launch with the following statement:

“It is our responsibility in Congress to protect our citizens and hold North Korea accountable for their actions. This latest ballistic missile launch continues North Korea’s alarming escalation of aggressive acts, and we will not tolerate it,” said Congressman Black. “Just this week, the House passed H.R. 3364, the Countering Adversarial Nations Through Sanctions Act, in a bipartisan vote sending the message that continued missile development and nuclear activity by North Korea is unacceptable. I urge President Trump to sign this legislation into law as quickly as possible.”

Beyer, Conyers, House Democrats Introduce Security Clearance Review Act

Washington, D.C. - July 31, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA) and John Conyers (D-MI), Ranking Member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, today introduced the Security Clearance Review Act. The bill would authorize the Director of the FBI to revoke the security clearance of an employee of the Executive Office of the President if the Director deems such actions necessary to national security. Their legislation was cosponsored by 19 additional Representatives.

“Donald Trump’s refusal to hold his senior staff accountable for their deceptions on Russia have sadly made this legislation necessary,” said Rep. Beyer. “Despite all we have learned about his secret meetings with Russians, Jared Kushner apparently continues to hold his clearance. Jared Kushner’s case and that of disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn make it clear that we need further protections when it comes to security clearances for the President’s family and closest advisers. I thank my colleague, Ranking Member Conyers, for working with me to craft legislation to protect our national security.”

“The Trump Administration has a very poor track record when it comes to their handling of classified information—and those are only incidents we know about,” said Rep. Conyers. “Given that several senior officials appear to have failed to disclose their contacts with foreign governments on their applications for a security clearance, given that President Trump is related by marriage to at least one of these officials, and given that the President himself appears to have played fast and loose with sensitive intelligence, it is imperative that the authority to revoke these clearances extend beyond the President, to include the Director of the FBI.”
The cosponsors of the bill are Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), Steve Cohen (D-TN), Donald Payne Jr. (D-NJ), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Norma Torres (D-CA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Ted Lieu (D-CA), Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Peter Welch (D-VT), David Cicilline (D-RI), Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH), Kathleen Rice (D-NY), Dwight Evans (D-PA), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Brendan Boyle (D-PA), Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Pramila Jayapal (D-WA).

Rep. Beyer has led congressional attempts to hold Jared Kushner accountable for “omitted” meetings with Russian officials from his SF-86 form since Kushner’s failure to disclose those meetings was revealed. In April, Beyer and four other Representatives asked the Administration to suspend Jared Kushner’s security clearance.

The FBI’s response to that letter alerted the Representatives to the surprising fact that the President alone holds final authority to suspend or revoke employees of the Executive Office of the President.

Beyer subsequently led over 50 Members of Congress in calling for immediate revocation of Kushner’s security clearance following revelations that the Special Prosecutor was investigating Kushner’s meetings with Russian officials.

Earlier this month, Beyer led nearly two dozen Representatives seeking FBI scrutiny of White House adviser Ivanka Trump over possible omissions on her SF-86.


Washington, D.C. - July 31, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragán (D-San Pedro) has co-sponsored legislation that would resolve the immigration status of 800,000 young Americans enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The American Hope Act of 2017 offers a pathway to citizenship to DREAMers—the young people who are studying, working and contributing to our society and who have greatly benefited from DACA.

“In my district, there’s a young woman named Diana Medel who has been able to attend college and become a passionate community leader because of DACA.

Separating her from her life in Wilmington by deporting her to Mexico, a country she hasn’t lived in since age seven, would be an act of extraordinary cruelty. She and the hundreds of thousands of people like her are why my colleagues and I are fighting hard to protect DACA.

Earlier this month I urged then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly to stand with me and members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in supporting a DREAMer law.

Mr. Kelly said he supports the DACA program. He has stood by Speaker Ryan’s side to publicly support anti-immigration legislation. Especially now that he’s at the White House, he should come back to Capitol Hill to take a stand with us to say that people like Diana Medel are Americans, and that they’re here to stay.”


Washington, D.C. - July 28, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- This week, Congressman Don Bacon (NE02) along with 22 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to exclude tinplate steel and aluminum for food packaging in any import restrictions initiated under, Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. This investigation was launched to determine whether steel and aluminum imports threaten or impair our national security.

“As a retired brigadier general who served nearly 30 years in the Air Force, I share the President’s strong commitment to ensuring both America’s security and a level playing field for American manufacturing” said Congressman Bacon. “However, if the investigation does not exclude tinplate steel and aluminum, primary components used in the domestic manufacturing of food packaging, we are concerned it could negatively affect U.S. food processers and increase food prices for consumers.”

Given that tinplate steel makes up approximately 60 percent of the cost of the can, even a tariff as low as 5 percent on imported tinplate steel would increase the cost of goods by $0.042 each. This cost would inevitably get passed on to consumers who in many cases are the most economically vulnerable. This would be unacceptable. Additionally, Congressman Bacon is concerned that the broad scope of the Section 232 investigations may impact aluminum as well.

“The domestic canned food supply chain and flexible packaging industry generates more than $100 billion in total economic activity in the U.S. and employs tens of thousands of American workers,” added Congressman Bacon. “This industry provides some of the safest, most affordable food available to consumers today. We will continue to keep pressing for what we believe is right for America and our constituents.”

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Democrat Governor Scams Taxpayers Out Of $6.4 million, And It’s Not Even His State

American Patriot News

Mississippi officials are demanding repayment of $6.4 million in taxpayer funds doled out to a politically-connected “green car” company that promised to create jobs in the state.

The good news is they know where to deliver the court documents, because the scammer is currently living in the Virginia Governor’s Mansion.


Fake Gwinnett attorney accused of bilking immigrants still on lam


Eddi Bueno-Cabrera was not, and is not, a real attorney, Gwinnett County police say.

Nevertheless, the native Dominican set up shop at flea market late last year and, using multiple aliases, began offering legal services.

He told one man he’d help his family get to the States legally and collected $6,000. He agreed to help a handful of foreign workers get legal status and collected $20,000. He promised someone else he’d assist with the immigration process and collected $10,000 more.


Japan Imposes Stiff Tariffs on Imported US Frozen Beef

Fumble Board

In unwelcome news for American farmers, Japan said Friday that it was imposing emergency tariffs of 50 percent on imports of frozen beef, mainly from the U.S. The increase, from 38.5 percent to 50 percent, will begin August 1, 2017 and last through March 31, 2018.

Under World Trade Organization rules, Japan can impose safeguard tariffs when imports rise more than 17 percent, year-on-year in any given quarter. The framework was to be scrapped under the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed 12-nation trade deal that included the USA and Japan, but Mr. Trump pulled the US out of the TPP before it went into effect. But U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from that accord after taking office.


Pitkin County, feds working on ATV ban enforcement plan

Aspen News

Come next summer, those who continue to ride off-road, unlicensed vehicles on Aspen Mountain and other Pitkin County roads may be in for a rude awakening.

That's because Pitkin County and U.S. Forest Service officials are working on a plan to hire two rangers to patrol Aspen Mountain and other areas in 2018 to enforce a ban on unlicensed, off-road vehicles on county roads, said Brian Pettet, Pitkin County's public works director.

Unlicensed, off-highway vehicles — which include the popular Razors, four-wheelers and other vehicles that don't have the proper equipment for an official license plate — never have been officially allowed on roads in Pitkin County or the city of Aspen. However, city and county law enforcement have traditionally not enforced the law.