Thursday, April 25, 2019

Health Insurance

Today's News about Health Insurance

Statement from Chairman Yarmuth on CBO Report on Single-Payer Policy Considerations
Source: House Committee on the Budget
May 1, 2019
“Last summer, I promised that if I became Chairman of the House Budget Committee I would hold hearings on single-payer health care. To jump start that process, I immediately requested this report from the CBO to help us examine the important policy considerations associated with single-payer health systems and their potential impact on the federal budget, national health care spending, and access to care.


FAH Leader Reacts to CBO Report on Single-Payer
Source: Federation of American Hospitals
May 1, 2019
Today's CBO report on single-payer health care raises sobering questions. But what needs to be asked, is it worth the risk of upending health care for every American when the law on the books already contains a roadmap to universal coverage? Instead of such a high stakes gamble, lawmakers should build upon the current foundation so we can continue to improve quality and affordability for families across the country.


CBO report looks at policy considerations for single-payer health system
Source: American Hospital Association
May 1, 2019
Establishing a single-payer system would be a major undertaking that would involve substantial changes in the sources and extent of coverage, provider payment rates, and financing methods of health care in the United States, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. The report focuses on key design components and considerations for policymakers interested in establishing a single-payer system, but “does not address all of the issues that the complex task of designing, implementing and transitioning to a single-payer system would entail, nor does it analyze the budgetary effects of any specific bill or proposal,” CBO notes. Among other topics, the report includes high-level discussions about hospital ownership, provider employment and payment rates, but does not make any recommendations.


AMA on ruling blocking administration’s Title X restrictions
Source: American Medical Association
May 1, 2019
“Judge McShane’s ruling is a victory for patients, physicians and the open conversations that are essential to improving health outcomes. In siding with patients and doctors in this case, the judge decisively said the free exchange of medical information is an essential patient right. The AMA will not stand by when the government interferes with the patient-doctor relationship by foisting a gag rule on physicians. Patients trusting their doctors is the foundation of good health, and there must be open communication about health care options.”


Scalise Statement on Louisiana Efforts to Protect Patients with Pre-Existing Conditions
Source: Steve Scalise (R-LA, 1st)
May 1, 2019
"As we have been working to fix serious problems with our healthcare system in Washington, I have also been following the healthcare debate in the Louisiana Legislature. We should all want a quality healthcare system that lowers costs, gives patients more choices, and protects people with pre-existing conditions from higher costs, while also improving the quality of care for everyone.


Burgess Acts to Protect North Texans’ Health Care
Source: Michael Burgess (R-TX, 26th)
April 24, 2019
“Association health plans expand opportunities for Americans to choose insurance that meets their needs, and for employers to provide quality insurance to their employees. As a physician who once owned my own practice, I am encouraged that these plans allow employers, by partnering together, to offer quality coverage that can be more affordable,” said Dr. Burgess. “This strategy is working – in North Texas, several chambers of commerce already have begun offering health plans to their members through the North Texas Employer Health Plan Cooperative. Although federal courts have jeopardized the individuals in North Texas and around the country who are covered by existing association health plans, I have introduced this legislation to protect Americans’ access to quality care.”


First Responders

Today's News about First Responders

Goji berries

Carbajal to Announce Bill Expanding Disability Benefits for Federal Firefighters

Source: Salud Carbajal (D-CA, 24th)
April 24, 2019
“When a fire breaks out it means all hands on deck to protect our communities, regardless of whether you are a federal, state or municipal firefighter,” said Rep. Carbajal. “The threshold for federal firefighters to prove work-related illness is much higher than their civilian counterparts here in California and around the nation. This legislation gives our brave federal firefighters the healthcare benefits that they deserve for putting themselves in harm’s way to protect us all.”


Environment and Climate

Today's News about Environment and Climate Issues

Senior US military officials tour the Arctic as the region copes with changing climate and shifting security demands
Source: US Air Force
May 1, 2019
A contingent of senior Air Force leaders and other high-ranking officials are visiting multiple locations across the Arctic April 27-May 3 in an attempt to better understand operational challenges and refine approaches for meeting the changing security dynamics in the region


Free Market Groups Oppose House Attempt to Reinstate Harmful Paris Treaty
Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute
May 1, 2019
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), joined by 16 organizations – including Heritage Action, FreedomWorks, and Americans for Limited Government – sent a letter today to the House of Representatives opposing H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act. The legislation, if enacted, would reverse the decision made by President Trump to withdraw the United States from the damaging Paris climate treaty.


Phillips Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act
Source: Dean Phillips (D-MN, 3rd)
May 1, 2019
“We didn’t leave the Stone Age because we ran out of rocks. We found a better way of doing things,” said Phillips. “Climate change is an urgent problem and we need to reach a solution as quickly as possible. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act empowers a new generation of innovators to do just that. Everyone has a stake in preserving our planet and finding ways to make a green economy possible.”


Mucarsel-Powell Urges Prioritization of Climate Change Research in FY2020 Appropriations
Source: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL, 26th)
May 1, 2019
“Not only is President Trump denying the threat to South Florida posed by climate change is real, but he is impeding our country’s ability to fight it by not prioritizing scientific research,” said Mucarsel-Powell. “The effects of climate change are getting worse by the day: our coastlines are crumbling faster, our drinking water is becoming dirtier, and extreme weather patterns are becoming more common. We must spur innovation to address climate change now. Trump’s attempts to eliminate climate change research from the budget are reckless and put South Florida in danger. Congress should do right by South Florida and fully fund climate research today.”


AMS celebrates two years of building the case for conservative, pro-growth solutions to climate change
Source: Alliance for Market Solutions
May 1, 2019
AMS supports a pro-growth policy that would eliminate harmful regulations and replace them with a revenue-neutral carbon tax that enables markets, instead of government, to allocate resources, stimulate innovation and capital investment, support clean energy, and effectively reduce carbon pollution.


Congressman Francis Rooney Urges Congress to Consider the Effects of Damaging Chemicals on our Coral Reefs
Source: Francis Rooney (R-FL, 19th)
April 29, 2019
Congressman Rooney sent a letter to Chairman Grijalva and Ranking Member Bishop of the House Natural Resources Committee requesting a hearing on the Defending Our National Marine Sanctuaries from Harmful Chemicals Act (H.R. 1834).


Pallone and Piscataway Officials Stress Need for Federal Energy Efficiency Program to Combat Climate Change in New Jersey
Source: Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ, 6th)
April 29, 2019
Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06), State Senator Bob Smith, and Mayor Brian Wahler touted the need to pass legislation to authorize funding for state and local energy efficiency and conservation programs to help reduce the effects of climate change in New Jersey.


Congressman Pappas reacts to EPA's PFAS standards and reports of DoD pressure to weaken them
Source: Chris Pappas (D-NH, 1st)
April 26, 2019
On Thursday the EPA announced new standards on the issue of PFAS that are at odds with recent health studies. A recent report by the New York Times reveals that the Department of Defense played a part in pressuring the EPA to weaken the newly released standards. New Hampshire's First Congressional District has been significantly impacted by the presence of PFAS contaminants, including communities across the Seacoast near Pease Air National Guard Base and communities around the St. Gobain factory in Merrimack.


Kaptur Introduces Legislation to Reestablish Civilian Conservation Corps
Source: Marcy Kaptur (D-OH, 9th)
April 24, 2019
“The magnitude of the Civilian Conservation Corps and the incredible work it accomplished is hard to overstate,” said Rep. Kaptur. “At the height of the Great Depression, the CCC successfully lifted millions of Americans out of poverty while constructing hundreds of national, state, and local parks – parks that countless Americans enjoy to this day. The 21st Century CCC will emulate the success of the original program, while taking steps to address the unique and important issues we face today, including the effects of climate change.”


Source: Adrianno Espaillat (D-NY, 13th)
April 24, 2019
During remarks before the Full House Foreign Affairs Committee Markup to address various issues, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) spoke on the urgency to put forth policies that will address the existential threat of climate change and the impact to communities around the nation.


Source: Sean Casten (D-IL, 6th)
April 24, 2019
“As you consider the Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 2020) Appropriations bills, we urge you to provide robust funding for our nation’s climate change research programs,” reads the opening of the letter from Neguse, Levin and Casten. “We have an opportunity and a moral obligation to act on climate, and this responsibility must be built on the foundation of robust and sustained climate research funding. As the freshman class of the 116th congress, we urge appropriators to recognize the timely nature of this crisis by robustly funding climate science in FY 2020 and beyond,” the letter goes on to say.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Donald Trump (did/said) WHAT?

News about Donald Trump's Latest Antics

President Trump SUES House Democrats To Halt Demands For His Financial Records
Source: The Daily Wire
April 22, 2019
President Donald Trump and the Trump Corporation filed suit Monday against House Democrats, led by House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), to prevent the committee from issuing subpoenas seeking the president's financial records, both from his companies and from an accounting firm hired to handle Trump finances.



Today's News about Veteran's Issues

Congressmen Tim Ryan and Conor Lamb Introduce The Whole Veteran Act to Promote Overall Mental Health and Wellness
Source: Tim Ryan (D-OH, 13th)
April 29, 2019
“Twenty veterans die by suicide every day in the United States. That’s unacceptable. Some of the wounds our veterans face aren’t always visible, so we need to do a better job of providing them with the mental health resources and tools needed to get on the path to recovery,” said Congressman Ryan. “The Whole Veteran Act will advance our efforts to ensure critical Whole Health programs—including chiropractic services, whole health group services, meditation, and yoga—are available and accessible at every VA facility. Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country. We owe it to them to provide the care they need when they return home.”


Rep. Cuellar Announces Over $2 Million for Webb County’s Veterans Court Program
Source: Henry Cuellar (D-TX, 28th)
April 24, 2019
Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced $2,000,000 over the next 5 years in federal funding for Webb County’s Veterans Court Program awarded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The funds will go to support the continuation of Webb County’s Veteran Court Program which will be able to provide 200 veterans in areas of Webb County, Zapata, Jim Hogg, Starr, Duvall and Jim Wells County with individualized treatment for co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders


Trump Admin Responds to Buchanan Over Vets Suicides
Source: Vern Buchanan (R-FL, 16th)
April 24, 2019
The Trump administration has assured Congressman Vern Buchanan that it is taking aggressive steps to curb the growing number of suicides among veterans and members of the armed forces.


Medical Research

Today's News about Medical Research

Davis Announces the Jonny Wade Pediatric Cancer Research Act with the Wade Family and HSHS St. John’s Children’s Hospital Doctors
Source: Rodney Davis (R-IL, 13th)
April 24, 2019
U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) yesterday announced the introduction of the Jonny Wade Pediatric Cancer Research Act (H.R. 2234) at HSHS St. John’s Children’s Hospital and toured the pediatric oncology floor. Davis was joined by the Wade family from Jerseyville who lost their 8-year-old son, Jonny Wade, to brain cancer Christmas Eve 2015 and doctors from HSHS St. John’s Hospital and SIU Medicine.


Source: Brendan Boyle (D-PA, 2nd)
April 24, 2019
Congressman Brendan F. Boyle (PA-02) led a bipartisan letter urging the Appropriations Committee to increase funding for lung cancer research, especially with regard to the disease’s disproportionate impact on young women who have never smoked. Boyle released the following statement upon the submission of his letter.


Criminal Records and Rehabilitation

Today's News about Criminal Records and Convict Rehabilitation Issues

Norton Introduces Bills to Remove Halfway House Subsistence Fees and Co-pays for Federal Inmates During Second Chance Month
Source: Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.)
April 29, 2019
In recognition of Second Chance Month, which is in April, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) has announced she has introduced two bills regarding Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) inmates and returning citizens. First, she introduced the Fairness in Federal Bureau of Prisons Medical Care Act of 2019, which would remove the copay BOP inmates are required to pay to visit a BOP-provided doctor. Currently, BOP inmates are required to “pay a fee for health services of $2.00 per healthcare visit.” While $2.00 may seem insignificant, when inmates earn only twelve to forty cents per hour on their work assignments, $2.00 is substantial.


Blunt Rochester, Reschenthaler Introduce Bipartisan Federal Second Chance Legislation
Source: Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Delaware at Large)
April 24, 2019
Representatives Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE-AL) and Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA-14) introduced H.R. 2348, the Clean Slate Act. The bipartisan bill would automatically seal an individual’s federal criminal record if they have been convicted of simple possession or any federal nonviolent offense involving marijuana, and it would create a groundbreaking new procedure that allows individuals to petition the United States Courts to seal records for nonviolent offenses that are not automatically sealed.


Broadband Infrastructure

Today's News about the Broadband Infrastructure

USDA Opens Application Portal for New ReConnect Rural Broadband Infrastructure Program
Source: Jack Bergman (R-MI, 1st)
April 23, 2019
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now accepting online applications for funding through the new ReConnect Rural Broadband Pilot Program. These funds will enable the federal government to partner with the private sector and rural communities to build modern broadband infrastructure in areas with insufficient internet service. Insufficient service is defined as connection speeds of less than 10 megabits per second download and 1 megabit per second upload.



Today's News about Housing Issues

Congresswoman Beatty Celebrates Fair Housing Month
Source: The Stuff Gazette
April 24, 2019
“Thanks to the Fair Housing Act, Americans have the right to live where they choose, regardless of race, gender, religion, disability, and family status. But the dream of equal housing opportunity is far from fulfilled; still today, it is legal to refuse housing based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and institutional racism continues to make it very difficult for people of color to access affordable, quality housing. I will not rest until every hardworking family in Central Ohio and beyond can access housing that best meets their needs.”



Today's News about Issues Relating to Israel

Reps. Allen and Lieu Introduce Bipartisan Resolution in Support of U.S.-Israel Economic Relationship
Source: Rick Allen (R-GA, 12th)
April 22, 2019
“I am proud to join Congressman Lieu today as we work in a bipartisan manner to introduce H. Res 324, which recognizes the significance of our nation’s strong and meaningful economic relationship with the state of Israel. Israel has been one of our most beloved allies and we must continue to stand in solidarity with this beacon of democracy. I look forward to advancing our mutually beneficial friendship and partnership with Israel for years to come.”