Thursday, October 26, 2017

Griffith Responds to McAuliffe Letter on CHIP

Source: Morgan Griffith (R-VA, 9th)


Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Morgan Griffith (R-VA) earlier sent a letter responding to Governor Terry McAuliffe’s letter regarding reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). In the letter, Congressman Griffith noted that the House Energy and Commerce Committee passed a bill reauthorizing CHIP on October 4, 2017, and that the delay in bringing the bill to the House floor is at the request of Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee Frank Pallone (D-NJ).

The full text of the letter is below:

Dear Honorable McAuliffe,

I am writing in response to your letter dated and received on the evening of October 24, 2017 regarding the reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). As the sole Member of Congress from Virginia on the committee of jurisdiction, the Energy and Commerce Committee, I want to inform you that the committee passed the reauthorizing legislation on October 4, 2017. Unfortunately, the Ranking Member of the Committee, Congressman Pallone, is on record in the press stating he wants to hold up the measure for Floor consideration. It is my understanding from House Leadership that they prefer this not be a partisan issue and are trying to resolve the “pay-fors” or funding issues with Congressman Pallone before bringing it to the Floor.

For background, please see the enclosed CQ News article where Congressman Pallone has stated his position publicly.

I strongly encourage you, should you wish, to contact Ranking Member Pallone’s Washington, DC office at 202-225-4671 and share your concerns.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 202-225-3861.

Sincerely yours,

Member of Congress


Source: Adrianno Espaillat (D-NY, 13th)

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) was joined by Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi; Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA-38), Vice Chair of the House Democratic Caucus; Rep. José E. Serrano (NY-15); Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18); Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23); Rep. Robin Kelly (IL-02); Rep. Debbie Dingell (MI-12); Rep. Alma Adams (NC-12); Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26); and Rep. Yvette Clarke (NY-09) for a press conference to raise awareness of domestic violence and remember the life of Washington Heights bride-to-be Gladys Ricart and domestic violence victims and survivors around the nation.

“Today, we stand united with the family of Gladys Ricart, survivors and advocates in support of victims of domestic violence and continue to lend our collective voices to stop the abuse that impacts each of our communities,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat.

“Freedom from abuse is a basic human right,” said Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. “We are all grateful for the leadership of Congressman Espaillat, New York Latinas Against Domestic Violence, Brides Marchers and all the activists fighting for a future free from the scourge of domestic violence. Together, we must honor the life of Gladys Ricart and all victims of abuse with activism, action and courage.”

“By speaking out and offering a helping hand, we can end the cycle of domestic abuse. For far too long countless of domestic violence victims have been left to suffer in silence. That time is over. We must break the silence,” said House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Linda T. Sánchez. “It’s our responsibility to continue talking about domestic abuse and teach young boys and girls that any sort of violence, be it physical, verbal, or emotional, is wrong and has no place in our society. We owe to domestic violence victims the assurance that they are not alone, and that we will keep making our voices louder to raise awareness of this important issue.”

“In New York City alone, the NYPD responds to nearly 300,000 domestic violence incidents each year. It is time to stop the abuse and stand in solidarity with all the victims who oftentimes suffer in silence. I was proud to join Rep. Espaillat and Brides March to raise awareness on an issue that has an impact not only on women but in many cases also their children. As the lead Democrat on the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the Department of Justice, I will continue to fight for VAWA funding to help prevent domestic violence and support survivors,” said Rep. José E. Serrano.

“During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it is imperative that we rededicate ourselves to the unfinished work of ensuring that every individual can live in safety, security, and without fear of domestic violence,” said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee.

“I was proud to stand with Congressman Espaillat, my colleagues and brides who are speaking out against domestic violence. Far too often, women, men and families suffer domestic violence in silence because they do not have the resources to make themselves safe and break the cycle,” said Rep. Robin Kelly. “It’s time for Congress to act and support women and families escaping the ever-escalating cycle of domestic violence. We must also act to prevent stalkers, abusive boyfriends and convicted domestic abusers from accessing firearms.”

“Every individual deserves to feel safe and live in homes and communities that are free from violence and abuse,” said Rep. Debbie Dingell. “I thank Congressman Espaillat and the brides for raising awareness throughout this country. The Brides March helps give voice to those who don’t have a voice and create communities without violence.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime, a number that is even greater in minority communities. The purpose of today’s press event was to raise awareness and address initiatives to help support victims of domestic violence in communities around the nation. New York Latinas Against Domestic Violence participated as part of the organization’s annual “Brides March” vigil in honor of murdered Washington Heights, New York bride-to-be Gladys Ricart, a victim of domestic violence who lost her life tragically on her wedding day.


Source: A. Drew Ferguson (R -GA, 3rd)

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Congressman Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.) has introduced the PARTNERS Act with Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.). This bill would establish a grant program to promote local partnerships to help small and medium sized businesses develop work-based learning programs. Funding for this grant would come from fees collected for H1-B visas.

“The Central Education Center in Newnan led Georgia by implementing an innovative style of apprenticeship that prepares our young people for 21st century careers,” said Ferguson. “I am introducing this bill to allow workers across the nation to have access to work-based training. The United States needs a workforce that’s competitive on the world stage, but we must also face the stark realities of our current fiscal situation. By using H1-B visa fees to fund a direct path into the workplace, we can ensure workers receive the skills for success at no cost to the American taxpayer.”

“When I visit communities in my district, I hear from hard-working Oregonians who feel left behind because they do not have the skills they need to compete in today’s economy,” said Bonamici. “Our bipartisan PARTNERS Act will bring together employers, education, training, labor, and community-based organizations to develop work-based learning programs that benefit workers and rapidly growing sectors like health care and technology. We can build pathways to get more people back to work and provide our nation’s businesses with a skilled workforce that will improve productivity and efficiency.”

The bill has received support from the National Skills Coalition, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and Georgia Business Leaders United (BLU).

National Skills Coalition issued the following statement from Kermit Kaleba, Federal Policy Director

“National Skills Coalition (NSC) enthusiastically supports the bipartisan Promoting Apprenticeship with Regional Training Networks for Employers Required Skills (PARTNERS) Act of 2017. The bill would support partnerships between businesses and local workforce stakeholders that enable small- and medium- sized employers to develop and expand apprenticeships and work-based learning programs.”

“Small- and medium-sized businesses often lack the infrastructure to establish apprenticeships or work-based learning programs on their own. Industry and sector partnerships can help lessen the burdens businesses face when starting or expanding work-based learning programs, like apprenticeships, and help workers access and succeed in these programs.”

“Work based learning, including apprenticeship, is good for both working people and local businesses. For companies in desperate need of workers, work-based learning immediately puts motivated hires on site. Working people obtain market-driven skills and can “earn while they learn.”

“NSC applauds Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) and Drew Ferguson (R-GA) for introducing this bipartisan bill.”

Duncan’s Statement on Clinton Corruption Investigation

Source: Jeff Duncan (R-SC, 3rd)

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Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Jeff Duncan released the following statement after three House committees announced new investigations into the Russian acquisition of uranium and the Department of Justice’s 2016 investigation of Secretary Clinton’s possible misconduct:

“Hillary Clinton’s gross negligence has brought us to yet another congressional inquiry into her illegal behavior while serving as Secretary of State. We must investigate the botched 2016 probe by Former FBI Director James Comey to the fullest extent to ensure the legitimacy of the rule of law is upheld. Further, the twisted love triangle between the Clinton Foundation, the Obama Administration, and Russia is another shocking example of the deeply rooted corruption that we are up against.

“I applaud Chairman Goodlatte, Chairman Gowdy, and Chairman Nunes for opening investigations into the alleged fraudulent and nefarious behavior of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and the Obama Administration. The indisputable corruption of the Clinton family and their allies is slowly coming to light for the world to see, and I believe this is just the beginning. Justice must and will be served.”

Donovan Calls on City to Drop Sanctuary Policies

Source: Daniel Donovan (R-NY, 11th)

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Staten Island, NY - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Dan Donovan (NY-11) today called on the City of New York to adjust its sanctuary policies to comply with federal law instead of risking the loss of Department of Justice (DOJ) grants. On October 11, DOJ notified the City of New York that it must adjust its sanctuary policies to maintain eligibility for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grants Program (Byrne JAG), which provided $4.3 million to the City last year.

Congressman Donovan said, “Cities shouldn’t be able to pick and choose which laws to follow. The federal law is clear: the City cannot instruct law enforcement agents to withhold information on immigration status from federal authorities. New York City should adjust its policies to comply with federal law.”

In one example of the City’s non-compliance, DOJ cites a section of New York Administrative Code stating the Department of Correction may not “honor a civil immigration detainer…by notifying federal immigration authorities of [a] person’s release.” To remain eligible for Byrne JAG grants, DOJ says the City must certify that it does not restrict the Department of Correction from sharing release information with the federal government, and that the City has communicated this interpretation to its employees.

Donovan, a former prosecutor, has long opposed sanctuary cities that refuse to comply with or enforce the law. Earlier this year, he voted in support of Kate’s Law, which enhances criminal penalties for deported felons who return to the United States so they’re not free to commit further crimes. He also voted in support of the Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act, which updates immigration law to permit deportation of known members of a criminal gang who are in the country illegally.

Donovan also voted against legislation that would have ended anti-terror initiatives in New York City as a consequence of being a sanctuary city. In a joint op-ed with Congressman Peter King (NY-2), the lawmakers wrote:

[The bill] would make New York City ineligible for hundreds of millions of dollars every year that go toward thwarting terror attacks. These dollars have no connection to immigration whatsoever, except for the fact that the NYPD hunts down terror threats and also sometimes arrests illegal aliens.

It’s a cruel irony that security concerns over criminal undocumented immigrants have been given as a rationale for a bill that disembowels the anti-terror apparatus in the world’s top terror target.


Source: Colleen Hanabusa, (D-HI, 1st)

Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Hanabusa shared a new report detailing the impact of the Ryan-McConnell tax plan on families across Hawaii. While 80 percent of the tax benefits in the GOP plan go to the wealthiest 1 percent alone, 123,000 hard-working Hawaii families would pay higher taxes.

According to the report, “199,685 households in Hawaii deduct state and local taxes, with an average deduction of $9,905.” The Ryan-McConnell tax plan eliminates this deduction.

“It concerns me that Republicans are pushing a tax plan that favors the wealthiest in our society at the expense of working families and individuals who live modestly in Hawaii and strive to save for retirement,” said Rep. Hanabusa. “The GOP is essentially asking middle class Hawaii families to pay more, while borrowing trillions from our children in order to benefit the wealthiest among us.”

The state-by-state report finds that under the Ryan-McConnell framework:

  • 123,000 Hawaii households will pay higher taxes;
  • The average nationwide tax increase for families earning up to $86,100 would be $794;
  • 199,685 Hawaii households will lose their State and Local Tax Deduction, with an average deduction of $9,905;
  • The mortgage interest payments deduction, claimed by 141,980 Hawaii households would become useless for many families unless their home was worth more than $801,000 – more than 1.5 times the median home value in Hawaii of $604,800.

    The report also documents that the GOP tax plan “eliminates the personal exemption, which deducts $4,050 for each taxpayer and dependent on a return from taxable income. In Hawaii, 384,170 dependent exemptions were claimed in 2015.”

    The report was compiled by the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.
  • Rep. Doggett: Republican Tax Scheme Should be Rejected

    Source: Lloyd Doggett (D-TX, 35th)

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    Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee, twice spoke in opposition to the Republican budget, which would fast track tax legislation. Rep. Doggett said:

    “This bill is about one thing only. It is about lavishing tax breaks on Donald Trump personally, on his family, and all of his billionaire buddies. It is about lavishing tax breaks and incentives on the very same giant multinationals that have shipped away so many American jobs, that have refused to pay their fair share for our national security by hiding their profits in offshore island tax havens.

    “With Halloween coming, they can try to trick American middle class families into believing that a little of those tax benefits will trickle down to them. Because if they can do that, if they can pass this bill, they will treat themselves – the billionaires and the job exporters – to tax breaks of almost astronomical proportions.

    “The Republicans want the public to know as little about the details of their sham as possible. And that’s why they’ll have it introduced next week, passed in committee the following week, forced onto this floor and into the Senate. The American people have to understand what is in it, and speak up, and say no.”

    Dingell Statement on CBO Score for Alexander-Murray Health Care Plan

    Source: Debbie Dingell (D-MI, 12th)

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    Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that the Alexander-Murray health care plan to restore the cost-sharing reduction payments ended by President Trump would decrease the deficit and not impact the number of people with health insurance.

    “This urgently-needed bipartisan fix would restore critical cost-sharing payments working families depend upon and stabilize the marketplace. This is what we are supposed to do. Rather than pushing through partisan bills that kick millions off their insurance, Congress should be working together to improve health care and bring down costs for the American people. The Alexander-Murray plan represents a commonsense, responsible step to lower premiums and ensure protections for those with pre-existing conditions. We should have a clean vote on this bill as soon as possible.”

    Senator Jeff Flake Will Not Serve Another Term

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    Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Jeff Flake - (R - AZ) spoke on the Senate floor announcing that he will be retiring from the Senate at the end of his first term.

    “I have decided that I will be better able to represent the people of Arizona and to better serve my country and my conscience by freeing myself from the political considerations that consume far too much bandwidth and would cause me to compromise far too many principles. To that end, I am announcing today that my service in the Senate will conclude at the end of my term in early January 2019,” said Flake.

    Charles W. Dent (R-PA, 15th)

    "Today's announcement by my friend Senator Jeff Flake is sad news for the people of Arizona, the U.S. Senate and the entire United States. Jeff has always acted according to a clear compass of conservative principles, with recognition and respect for the responsibility to govern. A true statesman and dedicated public servant--Jeff never shied away from speaking out against the dysfunction and instability that has come to dominate Washington. I wish Jeff, his wife Cheryl, and their family all the best in whatever may lie ahead."

    Trent Franks (R-AR, 8th)

    “In spite of our sometimes stark political differences, I consider Senator Jeff Flake a truly decent human being and a man who loves God, his country and his fellow human beings. I wish him and his family the very best God can give them during his remaining time in the Senate and going forward in life.”

    Jeb Hensarling (R-TX, 5th)

    “Jeff is a dear friend and someone I worked closely with in the House of Representatives. His commitment to limited government, freedom, responsibility, and genuine compassion for people across the world will not soon be forgotten. Jeff is a strong leader and fiscal conservative who will be missed in Congress. I wish him the best of luck on his next journey.”

    Senate votes to undermine Americans’ right to a day in court

    Source: National Consumers League

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    Washington, D.C. - October 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- The National Consumers League (NCL) condemns the Senate’s passage of a Congressional Review Act resolution to repeal the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) arbitration rule. The rule would have allowed consumers access to courts after big banks like Wells Fargo steal their identity, or credit bureaus like Equifax compromise consumers’ most personal information.

    The following statement is attributable to Sally Greenberg, NCL executive director:

    “Last night, while most Americans were sleeping, 50 Senate Republicans and Vice President Mike Pence voted to take away our sacred right to a day in court. Today, in the aftermath of massive financial wrongdoings like Wells Fargo’s nearly 1.4 million fraudulent accounts scandal or Equifax’s massive data breach, financial companies will continue to be free to bury binding arbitration clauses in their terms of service. These ‘rip-off clauses’ are designed to prevent consumers from having their day in court or joining together to form a class action lawsuit after they are harmed.

    In fact, earlier this year the NCL Board of Directors voted to take NCL’s operating capital out of Wells Fargo and switch to Bank of Labor precisely because of Wells’ requirement that customers to give up their rights. Bank of Labor, Bank of America and many credit unions are thriving without forcing their customers to sign away rights through these odious ‘rip-off clauses.” We applaud CFPB director Richard Cordray, whom NCL is honoring this evening, for his efforts to protect the consumer rights that were just taken away in one fell swoop by this unfortunate Senate vote.

    The Senate’s decision to side with Wall Street over consumers is shameful. The denial of one of our most basic rights as Americans -- the right to our day in court -- is a massive step backwards for consumers and our nation. While this may be a setback, the National Consumers league will continue fighting before Congress and the Administration to reaffirm consumers basic rights, including, the right to justice.”

    The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America's pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad.