Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Brown, Portman Introduce Buy American Bill to Improve Transparency, Support Manufacturing Jobs

By Senator Sherrod Brown (D - OH)

Washington, D.C. - January 9, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- In light of evidence that U.S. federal agencies have granted an excessive number of waivers to Buy American laws in the last few years, U.S. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Rob Portman (R-OH) have joined their colleagues, Sens. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), to introduce new legislation that would establish a centralized online hub to increase transparency and ensure federal agencies prioritize the purchase of American-made goods in compliance with existing law.

Under current law, federal agencies may use domestic content waivers to Buy American laws to purchase goods or services from foreign companies only in certain circumstances, for example, when an American-made good is unavailable or will significantly increase the cost of a product. However, federal agencies overuse this waiver authority. There is currently no government-wide system tracking the use and abuse of these waivers by federal agencies.

The new BuyAmerican.gov Act would direct the General Services Administration to establish a central, publicly-available website, called BuyAmerican.gov, to collect and display information about each requested waiver to Buy American laws. This new website will allow manufacturers and other interested parties to identify contract opportunities and hold federal agencies accountable for abusing Buy American waivers.

“Taxpayer dollars should support American-made products, and our federal agencies should lead the way in promoting U.S. jobs and products,” said Brown. “American workers are the best at what they do, and our federal agencies should always look to them first when awarding government contracts.”

“We must do everything we can to protect and maximize American jobs, and that starts by ensuring that our tax dollars aren’t used to create jobs overseas. Unfortunately, in the last five years alone, U.S. federal agencies have spent $47.7 billion on goods manufactured by foreign firms, resulting in contracts and jobs lost to overseas competitors,” said Portman. “By improving transparency, the BuyAmerican.gov Act will encourage federal agencies to support American workers and American jobs by faithfully complying with Buy American law. This is a bipartisan bill that is needed now to help protect American jobs.”

In the last five years, U.S federal agencies have spent $47.7 billion on goods manufactured by foreign firms. The Department of Defense (DoD), the largest purchaser of manufactured goods in the world, has spent almost $200 billion on manufactured goods made by foreign companies since 2007. At the same time, the United States has been shedding manufacturing jobs that could have been kept in the U.S.

In addition to creating the BuyAmerican.gov website, the bipartisan bill codifies President Trump’s Buy American Executive Order and requires agencies to report on the implementation of, and compliance with, Buy American laws.

Brown and Portman have also introduced legislation that would apply Buy America rules to all federally-funded infrastructure projects.

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Former White House Strategist Steve Bannon Steps Down From Breitbart News Network After Public Break With Trump

It is an unfortunate turn of events that Steve Bannon feels the need to step down from his post at Breitbart. Personally, I think the President really went too far in his slamming of Bannon. As a Christian, the President is still learning how to live as Christ would have him. Slamming people you have friction with to the point of destruction when that person is supporting you over all is self-destructive and not good witness material.

While I support our President, my criticism is honest. This is very unfortunate and I wish Steve Bannon the best, with prayers of healing for all parties involved in this matter. -- Shonda Ponder, The Ponder News

Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen Bannon is resigning — unable to quell a firestorm over his remarks in a new book disparaging President Donald Trump and his eldest son.

Read more at NewsMax

Focus on Farmers

President Trump gave a speech on Monday at the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in Nashville. The main-stream media wanted to focus on just one thing he said, (I'm sure you have all seen it on the news, about flags and the national anthem). They refused to focus on all the other stuff he said, even though the speech was nearly 40 minutes in length. What he said about the flag and the National Anthem only occurred ONCE, in a 5 second comment. That is why I refuse to give credence to the news on television. Here at The Ponder, I think it is right that we show you what you miss by watching the news on TV, and not getting your information from the sources on the internet.

After the speech, Trump signed an executive order to expand broadband to rural communities.

Below are some reactions:

Senator Steve Daines (R-MT)

“Montana farmers and ranchers put food on America’s tables" said Daines. "As the President highlighted today, our rural communities are vitally important to the success of our nation. I will continue to fight for rural development, infrastructure, telehealth and other critical issues for rural Montana.”

Senator Joe Donnely - (D - IN)

“Hoosier farmers and rural communities are a critical part of Indiana, and I hope the President will address their most important concerns and priorities. During my farm bill listening sessions throughout the state last year, the agricultural issues I heard most about included the need to manage and mitigate the risks associated with farming, protecting crop insurance, expanding market and trade opportunities, supporting biofuels, and improving soil health. Farmers also talked to me about the importance of supporting rural communities in their efforts to address the opioid epidemic and supporting rural economies by developing rural broadband. These are all ideas that should be bipartisan and easy to support. I hope to work with President Trump and my colleagues on the Ag Committee to address these priorities in 2018.”

Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA)

“Over the last year, this Administration has made great strides in providing relief to rural Americans and our agricultural community, including the sweeping tax reform that was just signed into law, which reduces the tax burden for rural Iowans. Additionally, the President has worked to reinvigorate our economy by rolling back harmful rules and regulations, such as the burdensome Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rule.

“Additionally, at the direction of the President, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity has worked to collect feedback from rural communities around the country. The priorities included in the report can play a vital role in strengthening our agricultural communities. Rural America is vital to our nation’s economy, and it’s my hope that these recommendations are turned into action for Iowans and rural communities across the nation.”

Senator Deb Fischer- (R - NE)

“The president’s remarks today illustrate once again his strong commitment to rural America and the hardworking farmers and ranchers in this country. I was happy he highlighted important policy initiatives like additional regulatory relief and signed an executive order to promote increased broadband access for agriculture. Working together, we can continue to open the door to greater prosperity for agriculture producers in Nebraska and this nation.”

Senator John Hoeven (R - ND)

“I had a good meeting with the President at the White House last week. We talked about agriculture, not only trade but the importance of a strong farm bill. Right up front, I emphasized crop insurance, so I was very pleased that the President expressed his strong support for crop insurance today during his speech to the American Farm Bureau, because it’s very important to our producers.

“The President today highlighted the importance of investing in rural America and making our communities stronger and more vibrant. He outlined the benefits of our work to provide tax and regulatory relief that enables our farmers and ranchers to grow and invest in their operations. We’ve worked hard to roll back burdensome regulations, like the Waters of the U.S. rule, which have hampered economic growth.

“We appreciate the administration’s focus on building rural infrastructure, including ensuring better internet access. As chairman of the Agriculture Appropriations Committee, I will continue our efforts to ensure that communities, regardless of zip code, have the infrastructure and services they need to provide rural residents with a high quality of life.

“We look forward to continuing to work with the President and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to support our nation’s farmers, ranchers and rural communities, including passing a good farm bill with strong crop insurance and counter-cyclical programs to provide our producers with the tools they need to succeed. As I reminded the President last week, good farm policy benefits every American, every day with the lowest cost, highest quality food supply in the world.”

More related news:

President Trump Pledges to Work with Chairman Roberts for an On-Time Farm Bill

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Trump Signs Executive Order to Expand Broadband to Rural Communities

Washington, D.C. - January 9, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- After his speech at the Farmer's Convention in Nashville on Monday, President Trump signed an executive order to expand broadband internet to rural communities.

“President Trump’s focus on expanding broadband to rural areas is good news for Missouri farmers, ranchers, and, most importantly, families,” Senator Roy Blunt - (R - MO) said. “Today, an estimated 61 percent of rural Missourians lack access to broadband. By ending the digital divide, we will help our agriculture industry thrive and meet world food demand. We will provide students and teachers access to new learning tools and educational opportunities. We will enable small businesses to compete in a global economy. And, we will expand access to quality healthcare through telemedicine. As a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, I’ll continue working with the administration and my Senate colleagues to bring high-speed internet to every community in Missouri.”

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Washington, D.C. - January 9, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- The Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act now heads to the president’s desk for his signature.

The RAISE Family Caregivers Act would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to develop and sustain a national strategy to recognize and support the more than 40 million family caregivers in the United States. This bipartisan legislation has been endorsed by over 60 aging and disability organizations, including the AARP, the Alzheimer’s Association, the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the Arc.

“Every day, family caregivers do right by their loved ones, and today I am proud to say we are doing right by them by passing the RAISE Family Caregivers Act to formally recognize and support family caregivers across this country,” said Senator Tammy Baldwin (D - WI). “This bipartisan effort is especially personal to me as I was raised by my maternal grandparents and later served as my grandmother’s primary caretaker as she grew older. I know the challenges that family caregivers face. I’ve listened to family caregivers across Wisconsin and I will keep working to help make a difference in their lives. This reform will provide much-needed support for family caregivers and help ensure that our older adults and loved ones with disabilities receive the highest quality care in their own homes. When we work together across party lines we can get things done and I look forward to seeing President Trump sign this bipartisan legislation into law as soon as possible.”

“Family caregivers play an essential role in our communities by dedicating time and attention and making countless personal and financial sacrifices to care for their loved ones,” said Senator Susan M. Collins - (R - ME). “I am delighted that our bipartisan legislation to develop a coordinated strategic plan to leverage our resources, promote best practices, and expand services and training available to caregivers will now become law. This law will provide family caregivers across America with the much-needed recognition they deserve as well as the resources and training they need to better balance the full-time job of caregiving along with everything else that life brings.”

“Thanks to the efforts of bipartisan Senate champions—Senators Collins and Baldwin—the RAISE Family Caregivers Act will help address the challenges family caregivers face,” said AARP Chief Advocacy & Engagement Officer Nancy A. LeaMond. “Family caregivers are the backbone of our care system in America. We need to make it easier for them to coordinate care for their loved ones, get information and resources, and take a break so they can rest and recharge.”

The RAISE Family Caregivers Act was supported by a broad bipartisan coalition of cosponsors including Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Chris Coons (D-DE), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Al Franken (D-MN), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Jon Tester (D-MT) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH).

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Monday, January 8, 2018

Supreme Court to Hear Argument Concerning Voter Roll Purges in Ohio

On January 10, the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the landmark voting rights case Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute—a challenge to Ohio’s voter roll purges.

In Husted v. Randolph Institute, the Supreme Court is considering whether Ohio’s practice of purging voters who are registered to vote in federal elections from voter rolls based on a registrant’s failure to vote violates the National Voting Rights Act (NVRA).

In Ohio, a registered voter will receive a confirmation notice from the state if he or she fails to vote within a two-year period. If the voter fails to respond to the notice and then does not vote within the next four years, Ohio will nullify that person’s voter registration and require that he or she register again. In 2016, the A. Phillip Randolph Institute filed suit in U.S. District Court, claiming that this practice violates the NVRA, which prohibits states from removing “any person from the official list of voters registered to vote in an election for Federal office by reason of the person’s failure to vote.” The district court upheld Ohio’s voter purge. On appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed the district court’s decision. Ohio asked the Supreme Court to hear the case, and it agreed to do so.

Read more about this at the Constitutional Accountability Center

More information and News:

Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute -- SCOTUS BLOG

Americans for Progress "Rally to Protect the Vote and End Voter Roll Purges at U.S. Supreme Court"


By Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

Washington, D.C. - January 8, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on the need for employers to upgrade their sexual misconduct policies:

The clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church made headline news in 2002, even though most of the offenses took place from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s. Over the past decade and a half, the Church launched many new policies to check this problem, the result being a dramatic reduction in cases of abuse. Indeed, there is no institution in the nation today, religious or secular, that has a better record in dealing with sexual misconduct than the Catholic Church.

Ironically, it is precisely the Church’s most prominent and vocal critics who are now undergoing their own sexual misconduct problems: journalism, the arts, Hollywood, and education have all been hit with scandal.

The media have had more than their fair share of problems dealing with sexual predators. Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, Glenn Thrush, Michael Oreskes, and Mark Halperin are the big names, but no one knows just how deep the scandal goes. Payouts are commonplace, but little in the way of policy changes have been announced.

The Society of Professional Journalists has an impressive list of resources available to members, ranging from freedom of information to ethics in the newsroom. But the only statement it has on its website regarding sexual harassment in the newsroom is a list of articles on the subject.

One of those recommended articles is from the New York Times, a rather strange source of advice given the newspaper’s serious problems with sexual misconduct. The suggested article offers nothing more than tips on training and the need to promote more women. The latter is particularly embarrassing: when Jill Abramson was deputy to Michael Oreskes, she knew of his alleged offenses yet she admits she never did anything about them.

For thirty years, Peter Martins ran the New York City Ballet. Insiders knew of his serial offenses: he verbally and physically abused men as well as women. Also, board members knew of his wife beating, yet did nothing about it.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences expelled Harvey Weinstein on October 14, but reports are surfacing saying that many members now regret doing so. Roman Polanski continues to be defended by many in Hollywood, even as new allegations are being made. A task force on sexual misconduct has been launched by the Academy, but it has yet to finalize anything.

Stories of predatory professors abound, and this is especially true of grad students. Yet the only formal committee on sexuality that is listed by the American Association of University Professors deals with “Sexual Diversity and Gender Identity.” There is no institutionalized mechanism to address the sexual exploitation of students by professors.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops not only has a comprehensive training program for all its employees on sexual abuse, it conducts background checks on all those who work with children. Regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, each diocese has its own policy. The Archdiocese of New York, for instance, has a detailed employee handbook section on this issue, which includes termination in cases of serious sexual misconduct.

The Catholic Church’s policies on sexual misconduct provide a model for all organizations and professions. It is high time it received credit for the progress it has made. More important, those who have been its harshest critics need to learn from what it has accomplished and start instituting policies that mirror those of the Church.

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AEM Signs Letter to Congress Urging Infrastructure Bill

By Association of Equipment Manufacturers

Washington, D.C. - January 8, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- AEM joined nearly 120 trade groups and other organizations to urge Congress to make infrastructure a top priority in 2018 and beyond.

AEM cosigned a letter sent to congressional leaders late last week, one which called for the passing of a comprehensive package to transform the nation’s infrastructure beyond the status quo.

Addressing the country’s infrastructure needs is critical to ensuring it can maintain economic competitiveness, and AEM is committed to elevating the conversation on the topic of infrastructure. Along with several equipment manufacturers, AEM recently put together a set of policy recommendations to help the U.S. regain its infrastructure advantage.

To learn more, download the U.S. Infrastructure Advantage™.

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Congress needs to end Obama housing rule through defund process

By Americans for Limited Government

Fairfax, VA - January 8, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning has issued the following statement urging Congress to defund the 2015 Obama HUD housing rule that rezones recipients of community development block grants along income and racial criteria:

“The Department of Housing and Urban Development is on the right track by delaying implementation of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing assessment tool until 2020, an unworkable bi-product of the 2015 Obama housing rule that effectively puts the federal government in charge of local zoning issues. The rule cites zoning no less than six times as a basis for compliance with the regulation. The House-passed omnibus bill defunds that aspect of the regulation, and we strongly support that rider’s inclusion or expansion in the final 2018 funding bill. This is a perfect way for Congress to begin to reassert its rightful Article I constitutional prerogatives, by defunding those regulations that go far beyond the scope of federal law.”

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ATA Offers Support for Proposed Association Health Plan Rule

By American Trucking Association

Arlington, VA - January 8, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- The American Trucking Associations said it welcomed a proposal by the U.S. Department of Labor making it easier for small businesses and self-employed individuals to purchase high-quality, lower cost health insurance through expanded association health plans.

“Today’s proposal is a step in the right direction for improving access to affordable, quality health care for all Americans,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “We were pleased in October when President Trump signed an executive order allowing self-employed individuals to pool together to purchase health insurance plans sponsored by larger associations and groups, and we are happy to see his Administration take the next step in advancing this plan today.”

The trucking industry is primarily comprised of small-businesses– with more than 90% of registered motor carriers operating fewer than six trucks – making it uniquely positioned to benefit from the establishment of association health plans. ATA, a 50-state federation of associations representing the trucking industry, has been a strong supporter of the Trump administration’s health care reform efforts.

“President Trump and Secretary Acosta should be commended for their leadership in increasing access to affordable health insurance for thousands of Americans through this action,” said ATA Chairman Dave Manning, president of TCW Inc., Nashville, Tennessee. “By allowing self-employed individuals and small businesses to pool their resources and offer affordable insurance options, this administration is making good on its promise to improve our health care system.”

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