Clay Higgins (R-LA, 3rd)
March 20, 2017
The bill, the DHS Acquisition Authorities Act of 2017, creates greater accountability for major acquisition programs within the Department of Homeland Security by ensuring proper oversight and implementing cost-saving budget measures.
Himes: No Obama wiretapping, Trump Russia
Jim Himes (D-CT, 4th)
March 21, 2017
Congressman Jim Himes released the following statement on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence’s hearing on Russian interference in our election, ties between the Trump campaign and Russian figures and President Trump’s claims that he was surveilled:
Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD, 5th)
March 20, 2017
Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD-05) joined Congressmen Elijah Cummings (MD-07), John Sarbanes (MD-03), and Jamie Raskin (MD-08) at a press conference this morning calling on Governor Larry Hogan to oppose House Republicans’ bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery.
Reps. Huffman, Russell, Bass & Sens. Gillibrand, Lankford Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Adoption Standards Nationwide
Jared Huffman (D-CA, 2nd)
March 21, 2017
Representatives Jared Huffman (D-CA), Steve Russell (R-OK), Karen Bass (D-CA) and Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and James Lankford (R-OK) today introduced the “National Adoption and Foster Care Home Study Act,” legislation that builds on successes in states like California to improve the matching of children and families in foster care and adoptions in the United States,
Huizenga Introduces Bill to Oppose IMF’s Third Greek Bailout
Bill Huizinga (R-MI, 2nd)
March 17, 2017
Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI-02), a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, introduced the IMF Reform and Integrity Act. This legislation would require the U.S. to oppose the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) co-financing of a third Greek bailout with the European Stability Mechanism. If such co-financing were to go forward, the bill would prohibit the U.S. from supporting an IMF quota increase until funds are repaid in full.

Hultgren to Speaker Ryan: New Medicaid Formula will Hurt Illinois
Randy Hultgren (R-IL, 14th)
March 22, 2017
U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) sent a letter to Speaker Ryan yesterday urging House leadership to “seriously consider including provisions” to the American Health Care Act as the bill moves through the legislative process “that would put fairness and parity into the [Medicaid] formula that underpins funding to states. Additionally, as we move forward with health care reform, I am urging my colleagues to make broader structural reforms to Medicaid that are fair for recipients a top priority.”
Reps. McSally and Hurd Call on DHS to Substantiate Funding Request for Border Wall
Will Hurd (R-TX, 23rd)
March 21, 2017
U.S. Representatives Martha McSally (AZ-02) and Will Hurd (TX-23), Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee on Homeland Security’s Border and Maritime Security Subcommittee, sent an oversight letter asking for specific details of the Administration’s request for $999 million to plan, design, and construct the first installment of a border wall between the United States and Mexico.
Alexander: Goal of Labor Secretary, Congress is to Create Environment for American Workers to Succeed in Rapidly Changing Workplace
Lamar Alexander - (R - TN)
March 22, 2017
The chairman of the Senate labor committee today said that the Labor Secretary and Congress’s goal is to create an environment for American workers to succeed in a rapidly changing workplace and that harmful Obama-era labor regulations have only made it harder for Americans to create, find, or keep good-paying jobs.
Baldwin, Murray, Gillibrand Introduce Legislation to Increase Availability of Preventive, Life-Saving Cancer Screenings for Women
Tammy Baldwin - (D - WI)
March 22, 2017
U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Patty Murray (D-WA) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) introduced the Invest in Women’s Health Act of 2017, legislation to provide women with more preventive and life-saving cancer screenings at safety net clinics like Planned Parenthood. This bill would help reduce health disparities by placing an emphasis on populations most at risk, including low-income women and women of color.
Barrasso: We Must Repair Damage Caused by Obamacare
John Barrasso - (R - WY)
March 21, 2017
U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding efforts to repair the damage caused by Obamacare.
Bennet, Murphy, Tester Introduce Bill to Provide Mental Health Services for Veterans with Other-Than-Honorable Discharges
Michael F. Bennet - (D - CO)
March 22, 2017
U.S. Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO), Chris Murphy (D-CN), and Jon Tester (D-MT) today introduced The Honor Our Commitment Act, requiring the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide mental and behavioral health services to veterans who received other-than-honorable discharges.
Blunt Applauds Expansion of Basic Combat Training Mission at Fort Leonard Wood
Roy Blunt - (R - MO)
March 20, 2017
“Fort Leonard Wood is the first stop for thousands of soldiers who answer the call to serve each year,” Blunt said. “The 10 incredibly challenging weeks they face in Basic Combat Training provide them with the knowledge, skills, and discipline to take on the threats we face. I’m proud that even more men and women will become soldiers in our state over the next year, and I'll continue backing efforts to ensure our military branches have the end strength they need to fulfill their missions.”
Boozman Promotes Increased Flexibility for Managing Wastewater and Storm Water Projects
Boozman, John - (R - AR)
March 22, 2017
U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) joined efforts to provide communities with increased flexibility when complying with Clean Water Act requirements for updates to water infrastructure projects by helping introduce the Water Infrastructure Flexibility Act. The bill would also give communities more autonomy as they prioritize and plan for wastewater and storm water investments.
Brown Introduces Legislation to Extend Higher Education Opportunities for Troops
Sherrod Brown- (D - OH)
March 21, 2017
U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, introduced the Educational Development (ED) for Troops and Veterans Act, legislation to improve higher education opportunities for troops and military families.
#FreeSpeechBus – It's Biology Not Bigotry
National Organization for Marriage
March 22, 2017
Marriage Supporter — I have an important announcement: NOM has joined with the International Organization for the Family (IOF) and CitizenGO, a community of active citizens who promote life, family and liberty, to sponsor a #FreeSpeechBus tour promoting the truth of gender. Starting today, our bus will make appearances at the United Nations, Trump Tower, Yale University and other locations with the message that gender is determined by biology rather than by emotions and feelings, and to call on all Americans to respect the free speech rights of citizens to debate these issues without fear of being demeaned, harassed, or threatened with retaliation.
Scientists discover urinary biomarker that may help track ALS
National Institutes of Health
March 22, 2017
A study in Neurology suggests that analyzing levels of the protein p75ECD in urine samples from people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) may help monitor disease progression as well as determine the effectiveness of therapies. The study was supported by National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), both part of the National Institutes of Health.
Worker Advocate Files Brief with Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Defense of Wisconsin Right to Work Law
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
March 21, 2017
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys have filed a legal brief for six Wisconsin workers with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in defense of Wisconsin’s Right to Work law. The brief was filed after union lawyers appealed a district court judge’s decision to dismiss a challenge by union officials to Wisconsin’s Right to Work law.
Minnesota: Your Urgent Action Needed to Ensure Self-Defense Bills Advance in the Legislature
March 22, 2017
Earlier this month, both House File 188, the constitutional/permitless carry bill, and House File 238, the stand your ground bill, were both held over by the House Committee on Public Safety & Security Policy and Finance with the intention of being included in the committee’s omnibus bill, House File 896. It is imperative that you contact Speaker Kurt Daudt, Majority Leader Joyce Peppin, and Committee Chairman Tony Cornish to voice support for the inclusion of both HF 188 and HF 238 in HF 896! Tell these legislators that law-abiding gun owners across Minnesota are eager to see these important self-defense bills move forward in the House of Representatives.
First Liberty Institute Condemns Lawsuit Against Judge's Courtroom Invocations
First Liberty Institute
March 22, 2017
Yesterday evening, an activist group filed a lawsuit against Judge Wayne Mack over his practice of allowing volunteer chaplains to open his court sessions in prayer.
Government Claims First Amendment Protects Only The "Right To Choose A Religion"
First Liberty Institute
March 21, 2017
Two police officers came to the home of Mary Anne Sause late at night and demanded to be let in to her apartment, without giving a specific reason for why they were there. The officers proceeded to harass Sause, telling her to prepare to go to jail, ordering her to stop praying in her own home, and saying the Constitution was “just a piece of paper.” Sause viewed the demand to stop praying as a direct violation of her religious freedom established in the First Amendment. First Liberty Institute is representing Sause before the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, arguing that no government official should tell someone to stop praying in his or her own home.