Apparently, the President has said some words about where our immigrants are coming from that offended people -- again.
The Ponder would like to know, When did the term "s***hole" become racist terminology? When did asking a valid question (regardless of the wording) become racist ideology? The President, in our opinion, has every right to question our policies of allowing people who are most likely coming here to live off the taxpayer dime rather than make a contribution for the betterment of our country. We want immigrants who are eager to live the American Dream, not suck the life out of it by burdening us with more taxes. That's not being racist, that's being prudent.
Leave it up to the Democrats (and a few RINOs) to play the race card, though.
Below are a list of reactions from the newsmakers:
Dwight Evans (D PA, 2nd)
“President Trump's continued hateful rhetoric is vile, reprehensible, and racist. Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection. We, like most Americans, have our problems, but we work to make them better and that’s what has historically made our nation the envy of the world. If we want to be our brother’s and sister’s keeper we must strive to lift each other up, not tear each other down. The President’s destructive and divisive language continues to show his lack of understanding and appreciation for what makes our nation great--our diversity. And let me be clear, Haitians and Africans are real Americans too and any notion to the contrary is unjustified. America's rich history of diversity is something to be celebrated not attacked. Although I am not in any way surprised by the President’s comments, I am again disappointed to see his actions and tone run counter to the society we want to and have worked hard to live in.”
Lois Frankel (D-FL, 22nd)
“Our country has been built by the toil of immigrants. Donald Trump's reported bigoted remarks are disgraceful and embarrassing. He should apologize immediately and work with Republicans and Democrats to fix the DACA crisis that threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent DREAMers that call America their home.”
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ, 11th)
“The President’s remarks about Haiti and other nations are deplorable and deserve universal condemnation.
“The ‘Dreamers’ are young people who were brought to our country through no fault of their own, often as young children, by their parents. For many, this is the only country they have ever known.
“I look forward to supporting legislation that provides a comprehensive solution to their plight, ensuring that those who have done nothing wrong can remain a part of this great country.”
Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI, 2nd)
“Growing up in HawaiĘ»i, we learn about and believe in the aloha spirit—showing respect to others no matter their race or religion, what country they come from, how much money or education they have, or anything else. President Trump’s comments fly directly in the face of that aloha spirit and the values our country stands on. The very people that President Trump seeks to exclude are those who have contributed so greatly to making our country the strong nation that it is.”
John Garamendi (D-CA, 3rd)
“In 1783, George Washington wrote that the bosom of America is open to receive not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and religions. A century later, Emma Lazarus wrote the words that welcomed the wretched refuse of teeming shores—words now inscribed on America’s most iconic beacon of hope and freedom. President Trump’s language is obviously coarse and corrosive. But his values fly in the face of the principles that have guided our country since the days of George Washington. Trump’s behavior and attitudes shame our nation on a daily basis.”
Raul Grijalva (D-AZ, 3rd)
“Disgusting remarks like these have become all too commonplace for this disgraceful president. With xenophobic, racist rhetoric spewing from the White House at regular intervals, Trump continues to poison national discourse on some of the most important issues facing our nation. Comments like these imperil our ability to reach any agreement on DACA, TPS, and common-sense immigration reform—but this is nothing new for Donald Trump.
“It should come as no surprise that a man who opened his campaign referring to Mexican immigrants as rapists and murderers or stating that African immigrants from Nigeria should ‘go back to their huts’ would not carry himself with the dignity that behooves the presidency.
“The individuals from the countries that Trump singled out in his despicable remarks are just as worthy of being included in our nation as those from any other country. No matter the bigoted character of his attitudes, statements, and actions, we will never hesitate to stand up for our values and defend the dignity of others.
“Republicans are at an important political crossroads, and they must make a decision on whether that will enable this abhorrent rhetoric, or stand up for basic human decency. Anyone—regardless of party affiliation—seeking to represent their constituents in Congress should condemn these remarks and reaffirm their commitment to serving all Americans, regardless of their national origin.”
Luis Gutierrez (D-IL, 4th)
As an American, I am ashamed of the President. His comments are disappointing, unbelievable, but not surprising. We always knew that President Trump doesn’t like people from certain countries or people or certain colors. We can now we say with 100% confidence that the President is a racist who does not share the values enshrined in our Constitution or Declaration of Independence.
He has embraced racists, white nationalists and neo-Nazis and makes excuses for them. He launched his campaign saying Mexicans are rapists and murderers. He has refused to address the crisis facing the American citizens of Puerto Rico. He has tried several times to bar people of certain religions or nationalities from legal entry to the U.S. He attacks professional sports stars to entertain his base and has boasted about his habit of groping women inappropriately. Now he has spent most of the last six months undocumenting immigrants who have work permits and deep roots in the U.S. by killing DACA and TPS.
This is the real Donald Trump and my biggest fear is that his voters will applaud him.
What you should be ashamed of is the Democrat policies about immigration that drove his voters to elect him in the first place.
Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL, 20th)
“President Donald John Trump’s comments about Haiti and African countries were offensive and below the dignity of the office of the President. The President has demonstrated time and time again that he lacks morality or compassion. His ignorant, misguided view of the world was on full display tonight.
“The President is constantly degrading the presidency, thereby degrading America’s image. We all know extraordinary people from Haiti, Africa, and Latin American countries. Fortunately, Donald John Trump doesn’t represent the views of all Americans.
“In the run up to the celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life, I commend one of his comments: ‘Every person must decide whether he or she will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.’
“Trump’s comments are the manifestation of destructive selfishness. He must apologize!”
Maybe Trump should apologize for using the term "s***hole". However, he should not apologize for asking the question. Perhaps he should have been more specific in what he was saying, using multiple words that mean the same thing, such as: "Why are we letting people from underdeveloped countries come here for the sole purpose of living off the taxpayer dime? What can they contribute? Why are we letting them in?" It is not racist to ask the question.
Randy Hultgren (R-IL, 14th)
“I strongly disagree with President Trump’s reported choice of words. Words like these diminish and undermine our standing in the world as a trusted partner and beacon of hope.
“The difficult humanitarian, economic and political situations in certain countries following natural disasters is exactly why I support a program for Temporary Protected Status which provides safe harbor following these unavoidable calamities. We must set good policy for our country while remaining a refuge to displaced peoples facing humanitarian crisis. I support the desire of TPS recipients living in the United States to return to the home they love where they can thrive. However, until their countries can adequately reintegrate their citizens, which U.S. law requires, we should extend protections for these individuals and families living here in the United States.”
Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX, 30th)
“The president’s most recent comments about the immigrants from Haiti and Africa are beyond disgraceful. The president’s ongoing war against immigrants appears to be solely directed toward those immigrants of color. America is America because of the slaves who were bought, purchased and shipped here unwillingly from Africa and Haiti to build the infrastructure that makes this country what it is today. And if the president needs a reminder the home where he resides, The White House was built by slaves—immigrants.
“No person’s merits or character should ever be attacked based on where they are from. I have been a strong advocate in protecting DREAMers, children who were unknowingly brought into this country by their parents, and those who benefit from Temporary Protection Status (TPS) who have fled civil unrest or natural disasters in search of a better life. My hope and continuous fight is that we will have the opportunity to fix our immigration system so it continues to be diverse and inclusive of those immigrants who are often overlooked from parts of the world such as Africa. May the president’s ignorance not impact the growth of ideas, innovation and development from immigrants who are willing to contribute to building a better union.”
Brenda Lawrence (D-MI, 14th)
As an American, I am ashamed of the comments made by the President. This nation – along with Michigan’s 14th district – was built by immigrants of all races, nationalities, and religions. These hardworking individuals should be welcomed and celebrated, not insulted with ignorant remarks. The President’s comments do not reflect the values of the American people and deserve the strongest condemnation from all sides.
While these comments are racist and shameful, they are unfortunately not surprising. These recent remarks are part of a larger anti-immigrant agenda. It is clear that President Trump would rather do away with the idea of the American dream than provide relief to hard working immigrants who want nothing more than to contribute to this country. The President must take responsibility and apologize for these reprehensible comments and work towards meaningful solutions for DACA and TPS recipients.
Sander Levin (D-MI, 9th)
“President Trump is sinking into lower and lower depths. We must not let him take our beloved nation with him. We must together repudiate his unquestionably intolerant remarks. Together we cannot tolerate his intolerance.
We cannot let anyone excuse the inexcusable. We must speak out against the unspeakable. Silence is not an option”
Pat Meehan (R-PA, 7th)
"If accurate as reported, the President’s words were offensive, divisive, unproductive and unbecoming of the office. They come at a time when important negotiations on immigration issues are at a critical point. It’s possible to fight for principles without resorting to hurtful rhetoric."
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY, 10th)
“Donald Trump’s history of divisive, bigoted, and racist remarks is nothing new – goes back a long way, from his discrimination towards minority tenants in New York City in the early 1970s, to his racist comments in a full page ad against the innocent Central Park 5 in the late 1980s.
“What makes this more dangerous now is that as President, Trump’s views and comments guide U.S. policy, and we MUST step up and speak out to prevent Trump’s racism and despicable rhetoric from defining who we are as a country, the way we deal with each other, and how we interact with the world.
“He knowingly and willingly associates and plays to extremist and divisive figures and rhetoric – seen throughout the campaign at his rallies, and in his appointment of people like Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, and Stephen Miller, who help him appease the nationalist, alt-Right elements in his base and in our society.
“After Charlottesville and Trump’s comments failing to condemn the white supremacist neo-Nazi rally, blaming “both sides” for the violence, I introduced the first resolution of censure with House Judiciary Member Pramila Jayapal and CBC Member Bonnie Watson Coleman. Congressman Meeks and I moved to censure Trump in November after the President re-tweeted a British ultra-nationalist propaganda video encouraging anti-immigrant hatred. And now, after Trump’s latest remarks regarding American immigration policy towards Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries, Congress again is compelled to formally censure Donald Trump for his comments and to make clear that this is not the sanctioned policy or official position of the United States government.
“We need to be clear on what President Trump is doing here. He uses remarks like this to stir up peoples’ emotions; to play to his minority base of extremist supporters (i.e. Anne Coulter) who don’t want any solution for Dreamers and support the most nationalist, xenophobic and bigoted policies; and he wants to turn the subject away from other issues that show he is losing control as investigators close in, his influence diminishes, and his popularity continues to plummet.
“We are here today to fulfill Congress’s duty to officially condemn and separate itself and the U.S. government from President Trump’s racist remarks, and I am proud to be standing here with Chairman Richmond, the Congressional Black Caucus, every single Democratic Member of the House Judiciary Committee, and more than 130 of my colleagues to show that we will not stand quietly by and let this Administration continue to unravel our values and divide this country.”
Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd)
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In bizarre Washington news of the last week, the raging controversy is whether the President of the United States referred to other countries and a continent as s---holes or s---houses.
As if either word means a drop of difference, especially when you insult other nations in the world as our President did.
Equally worrisome is that the leadership of this branch of government, the U.S. House of Representatives – a co-equal branch of government – has been complicit or silent about how to respond to the comments made by our President.
In fact, Speaker Paul Ryan took 19 hours and 53 minutes to respond – and with all that time – enough time to have driven from Washington to Dallas, Texas, or to watch the movie Jaws nine times – what was his stinging and necessary rebuke after that much time and thought?
The Speaker said the president’s comments were “unfortunate” and “unhelpful.” Look, it’s unfortunate when you walk outside and step in a puddle of water. This was more like walking into a global sized pile of s---.
We are not on the staff of the White House. We are a co-equal branch of government. And it’s about time we acted like it.
Saying nothing or basically nothing is unacceptable. We need to put our country before our political party.
Calling other countries, and even a continent, names like s---holes or s---houses puts our service members and our Americans overseas at greater risk. And weak words or silence makes Congress complicit with the President’s racist rhetoric.
And by the way, people outside of the beltway just think Congress is full of s---. Everyone else had the proper response to the President’s comments. That they were just pure “BS.”
I yield back.
Talk about undermining the President!:
I happen to agree with the Vice President:
Related News:
Trump derides protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Cosponsors Resolution to Censure President Trump for Racist Remarks Against African Countries, Haiti and El Salvador
Click here for a pdf of the resolution.