DeGette calls on HHS to lift restrictions on human fetal tissue research
Source: U.S. Representative Diana Degette (D-CO, 1st)
April 6, 2020
In June 2019, the Trump administration banned all research using human fetal tissue within the National Institutes of Health and placed new restrictions on such research at independent labs. As a result, scientists at NIH and labs across the country have been unable to pursue promising biomedical research into conditions and diseases that affect millions – including coronavirus – because it involves the use of human fetal tissue.
Cassidy Pushes for More Protective Equipment for First Responders
Source: Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
April 7, 2020
“[We] urge you to continue exploring every possible avenue to increase the supply of PPE to put more of this critical equipment into the hands of those who need it most, including first responders,” wrote the senators. “Specifically, this requires utilizing your authorities under the Defense Production Act to strengthen domestic manufacturing capacity by incentivizing private firms to produce PPE, including respirators, gloves, gowns, and eye protection, and to allocate some of these resources to first responders.
Cheney: We Need To Help Americans Who Are Hurting
Source: U.S Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming at large)
April 7, 2020
“The spread of the coronavirus has created economic uncertainty for many across the country, and the Paycheck Protection Program is an important resource that allows small businesses to keep their employees on payroll, providing crucial economic relief during this unprecedented crisis."
Source: Christian and Missionary Alliance
April 7, 2020
“Access to this form of government funding for churches is largely unprecedented. For many reasons familiar to church leaders, the United States has a long history of church autonomy and the avoidance of any government financial entanglement with the church."
Cicilline Calls on Car Insurance Companies to Provide Partial Rebate of Premiums
Source: U.S Representative David Cicilline (D-RI, 1st)
April 7, 2020
“Allstate Corporation and American Family Mutual Insurance Company have agreed to pay it forward by refunding hundreds of millions of dollars in refund checks to their policy holders, and I applaud them for taking action on this issue,” Cicilline wrote in an open letter to the auto insurance industry. “I urge you to follow their lead, review your data, and reach out to the appropriate state insurance regulators to determine how to best implement a system that refunds excess premium charges to consumers.”

Cicilline Calls on Car Insurance Companies to Provide Partial Rebate of Premiums
Source: U.S Representative David Cicilline (D-RI, 1st)
April 7, 2020
“Allstate Corporation and American Family Mutual Insurance Company have agreed to pay it forward by refunding hundreds of millions of dollars in refund checks to their policy holders, and I applaud them for taking action on this issue,” Cicilline wrote in an open letter to the auto insurance industry. “I urge you to follow their lead, review your data, and reach out to the appropriate state insurance regulators to determine how to best implement a system that refunds excess premium charges to consumers.”
Cole Statement on Additional Funding for Paycheck Protection Program
Source: U.S Representative Tom Cole (R-OK, 4th)
April 7, 2020
“As Americans hunker down in their homes and wait for this coronavirus crisis to pass, many families and businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Small businesses and their dedicated workers are some of the hardest hit and by no fault of their own. While I am encouraged that the Paycheck Protection Program will provide some desperately needed help for small businesses trying to maintain their workforce, it is critical that Congress and the Trump Administration ensure the program remains fully funded and able to deliver the promised aid to those who need it.”
Congressman Anthony Brown Highlights Racial Disparities in Coronavirus Outbreak, Requests Additional Data
Source: U.S. Representative Anthony Brown (D-MD, 4th)
April 8, 2020
“We must have more information to confront this pandemic, not less. The lack of information will only exacerbate the existing health disparities—both in terms of care and treatment—and hinder our efforts to contain the spread of the virus in communities that may be at the highest risk,” wrote Congressman Brown. “We need this data to ensure we can address the implications of these disparities as we expand testing and treatment around our state.”
Source: U.S Representative Doug Collins (R-GA, 9th)
April 7, 2020
“On behalf of the people of Georgia, I want to thank Amneal Pharmaceuticals for this incredible donation,” said Collins. “This medication could be pivotal in Georgia’s fight against COVID—19 and could potentially save thousands of lives across our state. Acts of generosity like this remind us of the remarkable ways in which our country has rallied together to support one another in the face of this crisis, and I’m humbled to have worked with Amneal and Georgia’s Department of Public Health to help secure this donation on behalf of our state. We will beat this virus, and our nation will emerge stronger than ever before.”
Report: Repeal #NeverNeeded Regulations to Help COVID-19 Response
Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute
April 7, 2020
“Lawmakers should prioritize policies that mitigate the effects of the pandemic on everyday life,” said Kent Lassman, CEI president. “We need flexibility to solve problems without rigid regulations that make economic recovery more difficult.”

Chairman Courtney Statement On Reports That Acting Secretary Of The Navy Thomas Modly Has Submitted Letter Of Resignation
Source: U.S Representative Joe Courtney (D-CT, 2nd)
April 7, 2020
“Today’s decision by former Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly to resign was a necessary step to restore the confidence of every sailor and member of the US Navy that its leadership is committed to their wellbeing,” said Chairman Courtney. “Our nation asks a lot of the men and women who wear its uniform, especially during a time of pandemic when their enduring mission becomes even more perilous. The ordeal of the USS Roosevelt was bad enough for its crew without the uncalled-for scapegoating of Captain Brett Crozier. Mr. Modly did the right thing in stepping aside. Hopefully it will allow the Navy to focus on caring for the crew and their families, as well as for a fresh review of the Captain Crozier’s punishment, which simple fairness demands.”
Congresswoman Angie Craig Introduces Legislation Investing in Small Towns
Source: U.S Representative Angie Craig (D-MN, 2nd)
April 7, 2020
U.S. Rep. Angie Craig introduced the Small Cities and Towns Investment Act to provide small cities, towns and townships with a new grant program that would allow them to invest in their communities and stimulate their economies following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Advocates Sound the Alarm: Deaths in ICE Detention are Imminent
Source: Detention Watch Network
April 7, 2020
The number of COVID-19 cases in ICE facilities is rising rapidly. The evidence is clear: if ICE continues to keep people locked up, we know that a COVID-19 related death of a person in immigration detention is imminent. ICE will cause preventable deaths if they don’t act now by releasing all people from detention.
Rep. Jim Banks Calls on United States to Bring Case Against China to International Court of Justice
Source: U.S. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN, 3rd)
April 8, 2020
Rep. Banks says, “If China’s leaders hadn’t become embarrassed by the outbreak and tried to cover up its spread, the world may have had a better chance to prepare for this or even contain it in Wuhan or China. Instead, we have a pandemic. China shoulders most of that blame. Rather than succumb to the propaganda and spin of Chinese officials, the world must hold them accountable for mishandling this outbreak. If the United Nations cannot even do that, it has completely lost its purpose.”
Transparency Is Critical for the Defense Production Act to Be Effective and for Allocation of Supplies
Source: Bipartisan Policy Center
April 8, 2020
“The Bipartisan Policy Center appreciates the work of the administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency in working with states to ensure the right critical medical material and personal protective equipment get to the right areas at the right time during the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government has the unique ability and visibility to ensure coordination, provide logistical support, and direct manufacturing of material and equipment all of which are crucial in the response to this public health emergency.”

Congresswoman Beatty Cosponsors Bill Directing $250 Billion to Local Communities Combating the Coronavirus
Source: U.S. Representative Joyce Beatty (D-OH, 3rd)
April 8, 2020
“Cities and townships across Ohio’s Third Congressional District—wholly contained in Franklin County—are struggling with the impacts of this public health crisis,” Beatty said. “That includes funding and maintaining emergency operations, public awareness and outreach, and much more, all while facing a depleted income tax revenue base required to financially sustain these critical services.” Beatty continued, “I urge my Democratic and Republican colleagues to support this important piece of legislation because the coronavirus is affecting all of us—whether we live in small towns, large metropolitan areas, or anywhere in between.”
Bera Urges Administration to Develop National Testing Strategy
Source: U.S. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA, 7th)
April 8, 2020
“As a doctor, I strongly urge the Administration to prioritize the creation of a national testing strategy, including the rapid and widespread deployment of serologic and diagnostic testing, ” said Rep. Bera “Only with a national testing strategy will we be able to help states and communities identify who is infected and who may be immune, which will allow our country to soon get back on a road to economic recovery. An effective national testing strategy will also require a trained and dedicated personnel to implement it. I encourage the Administration to establish a public health workforce that would be used to conduct widespread contact tracing and to administer vaccines when available.”
Bergman Supports Federal Tax Holiday For Front Line Responders
Source: U.S. Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI, 1st)
April 8, 2020
Rep. Jack Bergman cosponsored the HEROES Act, which was recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Bill Huizenga. This legislation will give a four-month federal tax holiday to law enforcement officers, corrections officers, firefighters, EMT’s, paramedics, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors, hospital and licensed medical facility support staff, and senior care facility staff.
Beyer Highlights Food Security Resources To Prevent Hunger Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Source: U.S. Representative Don Beyer (D-VA, 8th)
April 8, 2020
Even in these hard times there are community supports in place which should ensure that no one goes hungry. We can help each other by sharing information, looking out for those who need assistance, and for those of us who have the ability, donating food and goods to these organizations.
Booker, Feinstein Introduce Bill to Help State, Local Prisons Test, Treat COVID-19
Source: Senator Cory A. Booker (D-NJ)
April 8, 2020
The bill would also incentivize states to reduce the number of people behind bars by curtailing arrests and in-facility processing for technical parole or probation violations and implementing “cite and release” procedures for individuals who do not pose a violent threat to the community.

Source: U.S. Representative Diana Degette (D-CO, 1st)
April 6, 2020
In June 2019, the Trump administration banned all research using human fetal tissue within the National Institutes of Health and placed new restrictions on such research at independent labs. As a result, scientists at NIH and labs across the country have been unable to pursue promising biomedical research into conditions and diseases that affect millions – including coronavirus – because it involves the use of human fetal tissue.
Cassidy Pushes for More Protective Equipment for First Responders
Source: Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
April 7, 2020
“[We] urge you to continue exploring every possible avenue to increase the supply of PPE to put more of this critical equipment into the hands of those who need it most, including first responders,” wrote the senators. “Specifically, this requires utilizing your authorities under the Defense Production Act to strengthen domestic manufacturing capacity by incentivizing private firms to produce PPE, including respirators, gloves, gowns, and eye protection, and to allocate some of these resources to first responders.
Cheney: We Need To Help Americans Who Are Hurting
Source: U.S Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyoming at large)
April 7, 2020
“The spread of the coronavirus has created economic uncertainty for many across the country, and the Paycheck Protection Program is an important resource that allows small businesses to keep their employees on payroll, providing crucial economic relief during this unprecedented crisis."
Source: Christian and Missionary Alliance
April 7, 2020
“Access to this form of government funding for churches is largely unprecedented. For many reasons familiar to church leaders, the United States has a long history of church autonomy and the avoidance of any government financial entanglement with the church."
Cicilline Calls on Car Insurance Companies to Provide Partial Rebate of Premiums
Source: U.S Representative David Cicilline (D-RI, 1st)
April 7, 2020
“Allstate Corporation and American Family Mutual Insurance Company have agreed to pay it forward by refunding hundreds of millions of dollars in refund checks to their policy holders, and I applaud them for taking action on this issue,” Cicilline wrote in an open letter to the auto insurance industry. “I urge you to follow their lead, review your data, and reach out to the appropriate state insurance regulators to determine how to best implement a system that refunds excess premium charges to consumers.”
Cicilline Calls on Car Insurance Companies to Provide Partial Rebate of Premiums
Source: U.S Representative David Cicilline (D-RI, 1st)
April 7, 2020
“Allstate Corporation and American Family Mutual Insurance Company have agreed to pay it forward by refunding hundreds of millions of dollars in refund checks to their policy holders, and I applaud them for taking action on this issue,” Cicilline wrote in an open letter to the auto insurance industry. “I urge you to follow their lead, review your data, and reach out to the appropriate state insurance regulators to determine how to best implement a system that refunds excess premium charges to consumers.”
Cole Statement on Additional Funding for Paycheck Protection Program
Source: U.S Representative Tom Cole (R-OK, 4th)
April 7, 2020
“As Americans hunker down in their homes and wait for this coronavirus crisis to pass, many families and businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Small businesses and their dedicated workers are some of the hardest hit and by no fault of their own. While I am encouraged that the Paycheck Protection Program will provide some desperately needed help for small businesses trying to maintain their workforce, it is critical that Congress and the Trump Administration ensure the program remains fully funded and able to deliver the promised aid to those who need it.”
Congressman Anthony Brown Highlights Racial Disparities in Coronavirus Outbreak, Requests Additional Data
Source: U.S. Representative Anthony Brown (D-MD, 4th)
April 8, 2020
“We must have more information to confront this pandemic, not less. The lack of information will only exacerbate the existing health disparities—both in terms of care and treatment—and hinder our efforts to contain the spread of the virus in communities that may be at the highest risk,” wrote Congressman Brown. “We need this data to ensure we can address the implications of these disparities as we expand testing and treatment around our state.”
Source: U.S Representative Doug Collins (R-GA, 9th)
April 7, 2020
“On behalf of the people of Georgia, I want to thank Amneal Pharmaceuticals for this incredible donation,” said Collins. “This medication could be pivotal in Georgia’s fight against COVID—19 and could potentially save thousands of lives across our state. Acts of generosity like this remind us of the remarkable ways in which our country has rallied together to support one another in the face of this crisis, and I’m humbled to have worked with Amneal and Georgia’s Department of Public Health to help secure this donation on behalf of our state. We will beat this virus, and our nation will emerge stronger than ever before.”
Report: Repeal #NeverNeeded Regulations to Help COVID-19 Response
Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute
April 7, 2020
“Lawmakers should prioritize policies that mitigate the effects of the pandemic on everyday life,” said Kent Lassman, CEI president. “We need flexibility to solve problems without rigid regulations that make economic recovery more difficult.”
Chairman Courtney Statement On Reports That Acting Secretary Of The Navy Thomas Modly Has Submitted Letter Of Resignation
Source: U.S Representative Joe Courtney (D-CT, 2nd)
April 7, 2020
“Today’s decision by former Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly to resign was a necessary step to restore the confidence of every sailor and member of the US Navy that its leadership is committed to their wellbeing,” said Chairman Courtney. “Our nation asks a lot of the men and women who wear its uniform, especially during a time of pandemic when their enduring mission becomes even more perilous. The ordeal of the USS Roosevelt was bad enough for its crew without the uncalled-for scapegoating of Captain Brett Crozier. Mr. Modly did the right thing in stepping aside. Hopefully it will allow the Navy to focus on caring for the crew and their families, as well as for a fresh review of the Captain Crozier’s punishment, which simple fairness demands.”
Congresswoman Angie Craig Introduces Legislation Investing in Small Towns
Source: U.S Representative Angie Craig (D-MN, 2nd)
April 7, 2020
U.S. Rep. Angie Craig introduced the Small Cities and Towns Investment Act to provide small cities, towns and townships with a new grant program that would allow them to invest in their communities and stimulate their economies following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Advocates Sound the Alarm: Deaths in ICE Detention are Imminent
Source: Detention Watch Network
April 7, 2020
The number of COVID-19 cases in ICE facilities is rising rapidly. The evidence is clear: if ICE continues to keep people locked up, we know that a COVID-19 related death of a person in immigration detention is imminent. ICE will cause preventable deaths if they don’t act now by releasing all people from detention.
Rep. Jim Banks Calls on United States to Bring Case Against China to International Court of Justice
Source: U.S. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN, 3rd)
April 8, 2020
Rep. Banks says, “If China’s leaders hadn’t become embarrassed by the outbreak and tried to cover up its spread, the world may have had a better chance to prepare for this or even contain it in Wuhan or China. Instead, we have a pandemic. China shoulders most of that blame. Rather than succumb to the propaganda and spin of Chinese officials, the world must hold them accountable for mishandling this outbreak. If the United Nations cannot even do that, it has completely lost its purpose.”
Transparency Is Critical for the Defense Production Act to Be Effective and for Allocation of Supplies
Source: Bipartisan Policy Center
April 8, 2020
“The Bipartisan Policy Center appreciates the work of the administration and Federal Emergency Management Agency in working with states to ensure the right critical medical material and personal protective equipment get to the right areas at the right time during the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government has the unique ability and visibility to ensure coordination, provide logistical support, and direct manufacturing of material and equipment all of which are crucial in the response to this public health emergency.”
Congresswoman Beatty Cosponsors Bill Directing $250 Billion to Local Communities Combating the Coronavirus
Source: U.S. Representative Joyce Beatty (D-OH, 3rd)
April 8, 2020
“Cities and townships across Ohio’s Third Congressional District—wholly contained in Franklin County—are struggling with the impacts of this public health crisis,” Beatty said. “That includes funding and maintaining emergency operations, public awareness and outreach, and much more, all while facing a depleted income tax revenue base required to financially sustain these critical services.” Beatty continued, “I urge my Democratic and Republican colleagues to support this important piece of legislation because the coronavirus is affecting all of us—whether we live in small towns, large metropolitan areas, or anywhere in between.”
Bera Urges Administration to Develop National Testing Strategy
Source: U.S. Representative Ami Bera (D-CA, 7th)
April 8, 2020
“As a doctor, I strongly urge the Administration to prioritize the creation of a national testing strategy, including the rapid and widespread deployment of serologic and diagnostic testing, ” said Rep. Bera “Only with a national testing strategy will we be able to help states and communities identify who is infected and who may be immune, which will allow our country to soon get back on a road to economic recovery. An effective national testing strategy will also require a trained and dedicated personnel to implement it. I encourage the Administration to establish a public health workforce that would be used to conduct widespread contact tracing and to administer vaccines when available.”
Bergman Supports Federal Tax Holiday For Front Line Responders
Source: U.S. Representative Jack Bergman (R-MI, 1st)
April 8, 2020
Rep. Jack Bergman cosponsored the HEROES Act, which was recently introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Bill Huizenga. This legislation will give a four-month federal tax holiday to law enforcement officers, corrections officers, firefighters, EMT’s, paramedics, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors, hospital and licensed medical facility support staff, and senior care facility staff.
Beyer Highlights Food Security Resources To Prevent Hunger Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Source: U.S. Representative Don Beyer (D-VA, 8th)
April 8, 2020
Even in these hard times there are community supports in place which should ensure that no one goes hungry. We can help each other by sharing information, looking out for those who need assistance, and for those of us who have the ability, donating food and goods to these organizations.
Booker, Feinstein Introduce Bill to Help State, Local Prisons Test, Treat COVID-19
Source: Senator Cory A. Booker (D-NJ)
April 8, 2020
The bill would also incentivize states to reduce the number of people behind bars by curtailing arrests and in-facility processing for technical parole or probation violations and implementing “cite and release” procedures for individuals who do not pose a violent threat to the community.