Brady, Roskam on Policies Included in Continuing Resolution to Improve Medicare, Extend Medicare Policies
House Committee on Ways and Means
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Health Subcommittee Chairman Peter Roskam (R-IL) issued the following statements after House Republicans introduced a continuing resolution that includes reforms to improve the Medicare program and extend specific Medicare policies that could cause people to lose access to care unless Congress acts:
Read it...
Sen. McCain, Coons Introduce Bipartisan Dreamer Bill
Human Rights First
Human Rights First has urged senators to support the Uniting and Securing America (USA) Act, introduced by Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Chris Coons (D-DE), which would provide legal protection for Dreamers and increase border security without erecting further barriers to the U.S. asylum and refugee systems.
On Anniversary of FMLA, A Chance to Improve Paid Leave
Independent Women's Forum
Monday, February 4, is the 25th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), requiring employers to give some workers 12 weeks of paid time off—but not requiring any paid leave.
Marcy Kaptur (D-OH, 9th)
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) and Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) wrote to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb regarding the current shortage of IV saline and other critical medical products. The shortage resulted from the devastation Hurricane Maria wrought on Puerto Rico’s many major manufacturing facilities. Months after the storm, many of these factories still lack full and consistent access to power. At the height of the deadliest flu season in recent history, the shortage threatens to further endanger public health.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Reactions about the FISA MEMO
President Trump approved the release of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence memo. Below are reactions:
Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL, 20th)
“As the Former Vice Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I am outraged that Republicans wrote a classified memo and then voted to make it public in order to undermine the Mueller investigation. The partisan memo is rife with misrepresentations and inaccuracies, and it was released for purely political reasons against the advice of the FBI and the Justice Department.
“Even more shocking is the fact that House Republicans on the Committee blocked a counter-memo on the same subject from being released, preventing any refutation of their partisan smear-campaign. Their decision to politicize the intelligence and selectively release information to drive a political narrative is extraordinarily reckless, and does a grave disservice to the brave men and women in our Intelligence Community. For weeks, social media accounts linked to Russian networks have saturated the airwaves calling for a release of the memo. I am stunned that Republicans actually fell for it.”
Jeb Hensarling (R-TX, 5th)
“Congress has the constitutional responsibility to conduct oversight over the Executive Branch, and our citizens have the right to be informed on these matters unless doing so would present a true threat to national security. The FBI and Justice Department should be held to the highest standards because of their immense power. We must zealously guard these institutions against being politicized. Evidence of inappropriate and potentially politicized actions by individuals entrusted to enforce and uphold the law should not be withheld from the American people. I look forward to this matter being thoroughly investigated and Congress doing what is necessary to correct any abuses."
Richard Hudson (R-NC, 8th)
“After I read the classified memo, I was very troubled and called for it to be declassified and made public. I’m pleased to see President Donald Trump agrees that the American people should see the facts and judge for themselves. This memo raises grave concerns. First and foremost, an American’s civil liberties may have been violated because it appears intelligence officials may have misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to obtain a warrant. Secondly, our intelligence community should be impartial and isolated from politics. They must rely on facts – not unverified documents funded by a political party. Now that this information is public, we must continue to work to protect Americans’ civil liberties and make sure any bad actors are held accountable. This is about transparency, which is why I also support the release of the minority’s memo once it is scrubbed of any information that could pose a national security risk.”
Pramila Jayapal (D-WA, 7th)
“This a dangerous and troubling time for our country. The Nunes memo is a misleading, partisan document – not an intelligence document. It is crafted to undermine any real oversight of this administration and to distract from mountains of evidence suggesting the Trump presidential campaign colluded with the Russian government. Even the president’s hand-picked FBI director has opposed the decision to release the memo.
“Donald Trump clearly wishes he was a dictator with no checks and balances. He is waging war against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s independent investigation – and what are Republicans in Congress doing? Doubling down on the president’s apparent obstruction of justice and circling the wagons.
“It is critical that the Judiciary Committee hear from FBI Director Christopher Wray about this disturbing development. Now is the time for all Americans to stand up against this slide into authoritarianism, and to take action to defend against the unraveling of our democracy by the president and his accomplices in Congress.”
Evan Jenkins (R-WV, 3rd)
“I read the memo once it was made available to House members, and I called immediately for it to be made available to the American public. This is a matter of transparency and accountability, and Americans can now read the findings for themselves.”
Bill Johnson (R-OH, 6th)
I am glad the memo was released today. I read it, and last week called for it to be released. This is just one piece of information; I will be reading the House Democrats’ memo when it is available as well – and it should also be released to the public. I also look forward to reading the FBI Inspector General’s report when it is completed. There is still a lot of information yet to come forward before we get the full picture.
But, the bottom line is that manufactured work products produced from a political process should not be used to obtain warrants to conduct surveillance on American citizens. Using secret documents in a secret court must have the highest safeguards to protect both national security and civil liberties.
The declassified memo contains deeply disturbing allegations. It certainly does appear that the FBI and Department of Justice used a partisan campaign document to get a warrant to spy on a rival campaign, by omitting critical information from the court - like where the still unverified information came from.
Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D - ND)
“The goal of this memo is clear: distraction,” said Heitkamp. “It’s a distraction from a valid, important, and fact-based investigation into Russian interference in our election. It’s a distraction to try to turn the focus of this critical investigation into a smear campaign on law enforcement officers who have dedicated their lives to protecting our national security and keeping American families safe from criminals, terrorists, and other adversaries. And it’s a distraction to create a hyper-political food fight around a non-partisan and independent investigation. This memo is politics at its very worst.
“There is no question that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. That is fact. We know they have interfered in the elections of other countries as well, seeking to create distrust and disorder. Unfortunately, it becomes clearer every day that Russia’s goal of creating chaos and division in the U.S. and delegitimizing our most important institutions is succeeding. This memo is the latest example. It’s past time for Congress and the administration to enable the investigation to determine the facts about Russian interference in our election without political sideshows or pressure and follow the rule of law.”
Senator John Hoeven (R - ND)
“Our Constitution provides for a system of checks and balances between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. These checks are important so that the American people know what their government is doing on their behalf and to keep all branches of government accountable to the people. The memo provides this transparency to the people. The House Intel Committee followed the proper procedure necessary to release the memo, which included getting approval from the Administration after review by the National Security Council. Further, House Speaker Paul Ryan indicated that House Democrats could release their memo as well, provided they follow the steps necessary to do it.”
Note: Speaker Paul Ryan released a statement today regarding the memo, which included the following: “I am glad that this memo helps to provide greater transparency, and I reiterate my support for the similar release of the minority’s memo once it is properly scrubbed of all intelligence sources and methods.”
Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL, 20th)
“As the Former Vice Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I am outraged that Republicans wrote a classified memo and then voted to make it public in order to undermine the Mueller investigation. The partisan memo is rife with misrepresentations and inaccuracies, and it was released for purely political reasons against the advice of the FBI and the Justice Department.
“Even more shocking is the fact that House Republicans on the Committee blocked a counter-memo on the same subject from being released, preventing any refutation of their partisan smear-campaign. Their decision to politicize the intelligence and selectively release information to drive a political narrative is extraordinarily reckless, and does a grave disservice to the brave men and women in our Intelligence Community. For weeks, social media accounts linked to Russian networks have saturated the airwaves calling for a release of the memo. I am stunned that Republicans actually fell for it.”
Jeb Hensarling (R-TX, 5th)
“Congress has the constitutional responsibility to conduct oversight over the Executive Branch, and our citizens have the right to be informed on these matters unless doing so would present a true threat to national security. The FBI and Justice Department should be held to the highest standards because of their immense power. We must zealously guard these institutions against being politicized. Evidence of inappropriate and potentially politicized actions by individuals entrusted to enforce and uphold the law should not be withheld from the American people. I look forward to this matter being thoroughly investigated and Congress doing what is necessary to correct any abuses."
Richard Hudson (R-NC, 8th)
“After I read the classified memo, I was very troubled and called for it to be declassified and made public. I’m pleased to see President Donald Trump agrees that the American people should see the facts and judge for themselves. This memo raises grave concerns. First and foremost, an American’s civil liberties may have been violated because it appears intelligence officials may have misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to obtain a warrant. Secondly, our intelligence community should be impartial and isolated from politics. They must rely on facts – not unverified documents funded by a political party. Now that this information is public, we must continue to work to protect Americans’ civil liberties and make sure any bad actors are held accountable. This is about transparency, which is why I also support the release of the minority’s memo once it is scrubbed of any information that could pose a national security risk.”
Pramila Jayapal (D-WA, 7th)
“This a dangerous and troubling time for our country. The Nunes memo is a misleading, partisan document – not an intelligence document. It is crafted to undermine any real oversight of this administration and to distract from mountains of evidence suggesting the Trump presidential campaign colluded with the Russian government. Even the president’s hand-picked FBI director has opposed the decision to release the memo.
“Donald Trump clearly wishes he was a dictator with no checks and balances. He is waging war against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s independent investigation – and what are Republicans in Congress doing? Doubling down on the president’s apparent obstruction of justice and circling the wagons.
“It is critical that the Judiciary Committee hear from FBI Director Christopher Wray about this disturbing development. Now is the time for all Americans to stand up against this slide into authoritarianism, and to take action to defend against the unraveling of our democracy by the president and his accomplices in Congress.”
Evan Jenkins (R-WV, 3rd)
“I read the memo once it was made available to House members, and I called immediately for it to be made available to the American public. This is a matter of transparency and accountability, and Americans can now read the findings for themselves.”
Bill Johnson (R-OH, 6th)
I am glad the memo was released today. I read it, and last week called for it to be released. This is just one piece of information; I will be reading the House Democrats’ memo when it is available as well – and it should also be released to the public. I also look forward to reading the FBI Inspector General’s report when it is completed. There is still a lot of information yet to come forward before we get the full picture.
But, the bottom line is that manufactured work products produced from a political process should not be used to obtain warrants to conduct surveillance on American citizens. Using secret documents in a secret court must have the highest safeguards to protect both national security and civil liberties.
The declassified memo contains deeply disturbing allegations. It certainly does appear that the FBI and Department of Justice used a partisan campaign document to get a warrant to spy on a rival campaign, by omitting critical information from the court - like where the still unverified information came from.
Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D - ND)
“The goal of this memo is clear: distraction,” said Heitkamp. “It’s a distraction from a valid, important, and fact-based investigation into Russian interference in our election. It’s a distraction to try to turn the focus of this critical investigation into a smear campaign on law enforcement officers who have dedicated their lives to protecting our national security and keeping American families safe from criminals, terrorists, and other adversaries. And it’s a distraction to create a hyper-political food fight around a non-partisan and independent investigation. This memo is politics at its very worst.
“There is no question that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. That is fact. We know they have interfered in the elections of other countries as well, seeking to create distrust and disorder. Unfortunately, it becomes clearer every day that Russia’s goal of creating chaos and division in the U.S. and delegitimizing our most important institutions is succeeding. This memo is the latest example. It’s past time for Congress and the administration to enable the investigation to determine the facts about Russian interference in our election without political sideshows or pressure and follow the rule of law.”
Senator John Hoeven (R - ND)
“Our Constitution provides for a system of checks and balances between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government. These checks are important so that the American people know what their government is doing on their behalf and to keep all branches of government accountable to the people. The memo provides this transparency to the people. The House Intel Committee followed the proper procedure necessary to release the memo, which included getting approval from the Administration after review by the National Security Council. Further, House Speaker Paul Ryan indicated that House Democrats could release their memo as well, provided they follow the steps necessary to do it.”
Note: Speaker Paul Ryan released a statement today regarding the memo, which included the following: “I am glad that this memo helps to provide greater transparency, and I reiterate my support for the similar release of the minority’s memo once it is properly scrubbed of all intelligence sources and methods.”
Reaction about the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review
President Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review, a strategy document that aligns with the previously released National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy was released. Below are reactions:

Colleen Hanabusa, (D-HI, 1st)
“We are extremely concerned with the President’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) because it represents a profound shift in policy that undermines our national security and puts our allies, especially the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in a very difficult position. Additionally, like so many of the proposals offered by this administration, they do not provide a plan to pay for it. Congress does not have the money to fund the current $1.2 trillion plan to upgrade our nuclear arsenal.”
“While I agree with the NPR’s assessment that Russia presents our greatest nuclear threat, I do not think initiating new weapon systems and expanding our arsenal is the type of deterrence we should employ. Moreover, increasing our stockpile of low-yield nuclear weapons, particularly on submarines, sends the message that we are preparing for regional conflicts and more likely to use these weapons in targeted circumstances. Finally, the interactions between the President and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and our opaque, confusing relationship with the current Russian leadership, do not suggest we should increase this administration’s ability to initiate a nuclear arms race and risk conflict.”
Senator James M. Inhofe (R - OK)
“As long as there are nuclear weapons, the United States must possess an arsenal that can effectively deter any threat. President Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review recognizes we haven’t been keeping up with the progress of our adversaries and competitors, especially China and Russia. While our aging arsenal is effective for now, without a serious commitment to modernization, we are at risk of losing our strategic advantage.
“This Nuclear Posture Review looks to modernize and diversify our arsenal to keep up with new threats in a changing world. I commend President Trump for making this a priority of his administration, as he outlined in his State of the Union address this week.”
Colleen Hanabusa, (D-HI, 1st)
“We are extremely concerned with the President’s Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) because it represents a profound shift in policy that undermines our national security and puts our allies, especially the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in a very difficult position. Additionally, like so many of the proposals offered by this administration, they do not provide a plan to pay for it. Congress does not have the money to fund the current $1.2 trillion plan to upgrade our nuclear arsenal.”
“While I agree with the NPR’s assessment that Russia presents our greatest nuclear threat, I do not think initiating new weapon systems and expanding our arsenal is the type of deterrence we should employ. Moreover, increasing our stockpile of low-yield nuclear weapons, particularly on submarines, sends the message that we are preparing for regional conflicts and more likely to use these weapons in targeted circumstances. Finally, the interactions between the President and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and our opaque, confusing relationship with the current Russian leadership, do not suggest we should increase this administration’s ability to initiate a nuclear arms race and risk conflict.”
Senator James M. Inhofe (R - OK)
“As long as there are nuclear weapons, the United States must possess an arsenal that can effectively deter any threat. President Trump’s Nuclear Posture Review recognizes we haven’t been keeping up with the progress of our adversaries and competitors, especially China and Russia. While our aging arsenal is effective for now, without a serious commitment to modernization, we are at risk of losing our strategic advantage.
“This Nuclear Posture Review looks to modernize and diversify our arsenal to keep up with new threats in a changing world. I commend President Trump for making this a priority of his administration, as he outlined in his State of the Union address this week.”
Monday, February 5, 2018
Senators Sound Alarm Over South Korea Ambassador Vacancy, Warn Of Significant Risk Of Preemptive Strike Against North Korea
Source: Senator Martin Heinrich - (D - NM)

Washington, D.C. - February 5, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, led a group of 18 Senators, including Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-R.I.), expressing serious concerns over the continued absence of a U.S. Ambassador to South Korea and asked for justification on the reported removal from consideration of a highly qualified candidate, Dr. Victor Cha, for that position. The senators also warned against the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation.
In a letter to President Trump, the senators emphasized the urgent need for diplomatic leadership, stating, “The challenge posed by North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs is perhaps the most significant foreign policy challenge our nation has faced in decades. It is therefore shocking that the Administration – a full year into its term – has yet to formally nominate someone to be the ambassador, which is the highest-ranking U.S. government official in South Korea. It is equally disturbing that the individual being considered for this position, Dr. Victor Cha, who has extensive qualifications and experience, has been removed from consideration after receiving Agrément from South Korea.”
The senators outlined Dr. Cha’s extensive vetting and qualifications and raised concern with reports that the reason for Dr. Cha’s removal was his disagreement with a “bloody nose” strategy under consideration by the White House, and called for the Administration to provide clear reasoning and justification for his removal from consideration.
“Like many, we are deeply concerned about the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation. Ultimately, it is an enormous gamble to believe that a particular type of limited, preemptive strike will not be met with an escalatory response from Kim Jong Un and neither the United States nor our allies should take that step lightly,” continued the senators.
In a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on North Korea on January 30, 2018, each of the expert witnesses believed that such a “bloody nose” strategy carried extreme risks. Last month, Senator Heinrich sent a letter to Secretary of Defense James Mattisexpressing his deep concerns regarding the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation.
On January 30th, Dr. Victor Cha, posted an Op-Ed in the Washington Post arguing that “Giving North Korea a ‘bloody nose’ carries a huge risk to Americans.”
The letter was signed by U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Jeffrey Merkley (D-Ore.), Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Christopher Murphy (D-Conn.) and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).
A copy of letter is available here and below.
President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Trump:
We write to express our serious concerns regarding the continued absence of a U.S. Ambassador to South Korea and the reported removal from consideration of a highly qualified candidate, Dr. Victor Cha, for that position. We ask that you provide clear reasoning and justification for his removal from consideration.
The challenge posed by North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs is perhaps the most significant foreign policy challenge our nation has faced in decades. It is therefore shocking that the Administration – a full year into its term – has yet to formally nominate someone to be the ambassador, which is the highest-ranking U.S. government official in South Korea. It is equally disturbing that the individual being considered for this position, Dr. Victor Cha, who has extensive qualifications and experience, has been removed from consideration after receiving Agrément from South Korea.
We may or may not agree with Dr. Cha on every issue, and of course an administration is entitled to the nominees of its choosing, but it is our understanding that the White House conducted lengthy vetting, including security and financial background checks on Dr. Cha and that the Administration had formally notified Seoul of its intent to nominate Dr. Cha. According to reports, South Korean officials quickly approved Dr. Cha through its formal process and South Koreans lauded his potential nomination.
While we reserve our rights to provide advice and consent on ambassadorial nominations, it is our understanding that he is an eminently qualified individual to serve at a senior level in the U.S. Government. As you know, Dr. Cha previously served as director for Asian affairs on the National Security Council under the George W. Bush administration. Dr. Cha also served as the Deputy Head of Delegation for the United States at the Six Party Talks in Beijing. Currently, Dr. Cha is the Director of Asian Studies in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and is also a Senior Adviser and Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Despite Dr. Cha’s qualifications, it is being reported that Administration officials are asserting that the removal of Dr. Cha from consideration was based on a flag that was raised only after the lengthy background checks and other vetting that, typically, an individual under consideration for nomination undergoes prior to their name being submitted for the formal diplomatic process of Agrément. As a result, we respectfully request that you provide the justification for his removal from consideration.
According to some media reports, the real reason for Dr. Cha’s removal was his disagreement with a “bloody nose” strategy under consideration by the White House. Like many, we are deeply concerned about the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation. Ultimately, it is an enormous gamble to believe that a particular type of limited, preemptive strike will not be met with an escalatory response from Kim Jong Un and neither the United States nor our allies should take that step lightly. In a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on North Korea on January 30th, 2018, each of the expert witnesses believed that such a “bloody nose” strategy carried extreme risks. Moreover, without congressional authorization a preventative or preemptive U.S. military strike would lack either a Constitutional basis or legal authority.
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are as high as they have ever been, and the Olympics are fast approaching. While we must always be ready to respond with decisive action to a North Korean provocation, it would be extremely irresponsible to instigate military conflict prior to exhausting every diplomatic option.
We request your immediate attention to ensure the United States has in place its highest-ranking diplomat to serve as Ambassador to South Korea. We urge you to nominate a qualified individual for this critical position as soon as possible.
Washington, D.C. - February 5, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, led a group of 18 Senators, including Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Jack Reed (D-R.I.), expressing serious concerns over the continued absence of a U.S. Ambassador to South Korea and asked for justification on the reported removal from consideration of a highly qualified candidate, Dr. Victor Cha, for that position. The senators also warned against the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation.
In a letter to President Trump, the senators emphasized the urgent need for diplomatic leadership, stating, “The challenge posed by North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs is perhaps the most significant foreign policy challenge our nation has faced in decades. It is therefore shocking that the Administration – a full year into its term – has yet to formally nominate someone to be the ambassador, which is the highest-ranking U.S. government official in South Korea. It is equally disturbing that the individual being considered for this position, Dr. Victor Cha, who has extensive qualifications and experience, has been removed from consideration after receiving Agrément from South Korea.”
The senators outlined Dr. Cha’s extensive vetting and qualifications and raised concern with reports that the reason for Dr. Cha’s removal was his disagreement with a “bloody nose” strategy under consideration by the White House, and called for the Administration to provide clear reasoning and justification for his removal from consideration.
“Like many, we are deeply concerned about the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation. Ultimately, it is an enormous gamble to believe that a particular type of limited, preemptive strike will not be met with an escalatory response from Kim Jong Un and neither the United States nor our allies should take that step lightly,” continued the senators.
In a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on North Korea on January 30, 2018, each of the expert witnesses believed that such a “bloody nose” strategy carried extreme risks. Last month, Senator Heinrich sent a letter to Secretary of Defense James Mattisexpressing his deep concerns regarding the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation.
On January 30th, Dr. Victor Cha, posted an Op-Ed in the Washington Post arguing that “Giving North Korea a ‘bloody nose’ carries a huge risk to Americans.”
The letter was signed by U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Tim Kaine (D-Va.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Christopher Coons (D-Del.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Edward Markey (D-Mass.), Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), Jeffrey Merkley (D-Ore.), Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Christopher Murphy (D-Conn.) and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).
A copy of letter is available here and below.
President Donald Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Trump:
We write to express our serious concerns regarding the continued absence of a U.S. Ambassador to South Korea and the reported removal from consideration of a highly qualified candidate, Dr. Victor Cha, for that position. We ask that you provide clear reasoning and justification for his removal from consideration.
The challenge posed by North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs is perhaps the most significant foreign policy challenge our nation has faced in decades. It is therefore shocking that the Administration – a full year into its term – has yet to formally nominate someone to be the ambassador, which is the highest-ranking U.S. government official in South Korea. It is equally disturbing that the individual being considered for this position, Dr. Victor Cha, who has extensive qualifications and experience, has been removed from consideration after receiving Agrément from South Korea.
We may or may not agree with Dr. Cha on every issue, and of course an administration is entitled to the nominees of its choosing, but it is our understanding that the White House conducted lengthy vetting, including security and financial background checks on Dr. Cha and that the Administration had formally notified Seoul of its intent to nominate Dr. Cha. According to reports, South Korean officials quickly approved Dr. Cha through its formal process and South Koreans lauded his potential nomination.
While we reserve our rights to provide advice and consent on ambassadorial nominations, it is our understanding that he is an eminently qualified individual to serve at a senior level in the U.S. Government. As you know, Dr. Cha previously served as director for Asian affairs on the National Security Council under the George W. Bush administration. Dr. Cha also served as the Deputy Head of Delegation for the United States at the Six Party Talks in Beijing. Currently, Dr. Cha is the Director of Asian Studies in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and is also a Senior Adviser and Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Despite Dr. Cha’s qualifications, it is being reported that Administration officials are asserting that the removal of Dr. Cha from consideration was based on a flag that was raised only after the lengthy background checks and other vetting that, typically, an individual under consideration for nomination undergoes prior to their name being submitted for the formal diplomatic process of Agrément. As a result, we respectfully request that you provide the justification for his removal from consideration.
According to some media reports, the real reason for Dr. Cha’s removal was his disagreement with a “bloody nose” strategy under consideration by the White House. Like many, we are deeply concerned about the potential consequences of a preemptive military strike on North Korea and the risks of miscalculation and retaliation. Ultimately, it is an enormous gamble to believe that a particular type of limited, preemptive strike will not be met with an escalatory response from Kim Jong Un and neither the United States nor our allies should take that step lightly. In a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on North Korea on January 30th, 2018, each of the expert witnesses believed that such a “bloody nose” strategy carried extreme risks. Moreover, without congressional authorization a preventative or preemptive U.S. military strike would lack either a Constitutional basis or legal authority.
Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are as high as they have ever been, and the Olympics are fast approaching. While we must always be ready to respond with decisive action to a North Korean provocation, it would be extremely irresponsible to instigate military conflict prior to exhausting every diplomatic option.
We request your immediate attention to ensure the United States has in place its highest-ranking diplomat to serve as Ambassador to South Korea. We urge you to nominate a qualified individual for this critical position as soon as possible.
Reps. Hurd and Aguilar Praise Senate Introduction of the Bipartisan USA Act
Source: Will Hurd (R-TX, 23rd)

Washington, D.C. - February 5, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) praised Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Christopher Coons (D-DE) for introducing the bipartisan Uniting and Securing America (USA) Act in the Senate. Like the House version, the Senate companion provides a permanent, legislative fix for DACA recipients and calls for smart border security measures to gain operational control of our borders by 2020. It is also a vehicle that will allow Congress to finally vote on long-term appropriations for our military and Department of Homeland Security.
“Our plan offers a permanent legislative solution for children who came here of no fault of their own – while achieving operational control of the border by 2020 – two things we all can agree on. I am pleased that Senators McCain and Coons are working together to introduce this legislation in the Senate so we can solve this increasingly urgent issue.” said Rep. Hurd whose district includes over 800 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, more than any other Member of Congress. “Americans are tired of partisan gridlock. They deserve solutions. This is about Congress doing our job and it proves that Republicans and Democrats in both Chambers of Congress are willing to work together to unite and secure America.”
“Hundreds of thousands of young people are waiting for answers about their futures while Congress continues to talk rather than act. Now is the time to work across party lines to provide certainty to Dreamers,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “The USA Act is a targeted approach that can pass the House and Senate today. I’m grateful to Senators McCain and Coons for their leadership on this issue and for introducing the Senate companion to the USA Act.”
Washington, D.C. - February 5, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) and Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) praised Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Christopher Coons (D-DE) for introducing the bipartisan Uniting and Securing America (USA) Act in the Senate. Like the House version, the Senate companion provides a permanent, legislative fix for DACA recipients and calls for smart border security measures to gain operational control of our borders by 2020. It is also a vehicle that will allow Congress to finally vote on long-term appropriations for our military and Department of Homeland Security.
“Our plan offers a permanent legislative solution for children who came here of no fault of their own – while achieving operational control of the border by 2020 – two things we all can agree on. I am pleased that Senators McCain and Coons are working together to introduce this legislation in the Senate so we can solve this increasingly urgent issue.” said Rep. Hurd whose district includes over 800 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, more than any other Member of Congress. “Americans are tired of partisan gridlock. They deserve solutions. This is about Congress doing our job and it proves that Republicans and Democrats in both Chambers of Congress are willing to work together to unite and secure America.”
“Hundreds of thousands of young people are waiting for answers about their futures while Congress continues to talk rather than act. Now is the time to work across party lines to provide certainty to Dreamers,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “The USA Act is a targeted approach that can pass the House and Senate today. I’m grateful to Senators McCain and Coons for their leadership on this issue and for introducing the Senate companion to the USA Act.”
Hultgren Welcomes Encouraging January Jobs Report
From the office of House Representative Randy Hultgren (R-IL, 14th)

Washington, D.C. - February 5, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) welcomed news that American employers added 200,000 jobs in January, and wages rose at their fastest pace in more than eight years. Many employers with locations throughout the 14th Congressional District have delivered higher wages, more bonuses and more investments, and have cited as a contributing factor the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Click here for an ongoing list of employers who are taking action as a result of the legislation.
“My number one priority in Congress has always been getting Illinois back to work, and that’s going to be my continued laser focus. These jobs numbers at the beginning of the year give us great hope for 2018. American employers are enthusiastic about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and a predictable economy—and American workers and families are reaping the benefits,” said Rep. Hultgren. “Employers throughout northern Illinois and the 14th District are confident in the direction of our economy, and are already delivering higher wages, more bonuses and investing more to expand and hire.”
Washington, D.C. - February 5, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- U.S. Representative Randy Hultgren (IL-14) welcomed news that American employers added 200,000 jobs in January, and wages rose at their fastest pace in more than eight years. Many employers with locations throughout the 14th Congressional District have delivered higher wages, more bonuses and more investments, and have cited as a contributing factor the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
Click here for an ongoing list of employers who are taking action as a result of the legislation.
“My number one priority in Congress has always been getting Illinois back to work, and that’s going to be my continued laser focus. These jobs numbers at the beginning of the year give us great hope for 2018. American employers are enthusiastic about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and a predictable economy—and American workers and families are reaping the benefits,” said Rep. Hultgren. “Employers throughout northern Illinois and the 14th District are confident in the direction of our economy, and are already delivering higher wages, more bonuses and investing more to expand and hire.”
Jaime Herrera Beutler Joins Pacific Northwest Lawmakers in Opposing Oil Drilling Off Washington, Oregon Coast
Washington, D.C. - February 6, 2018 - (The Ponder News) -- Ahead of the Interior Department’s public meeting in Tacoma, Washington on February 5, Washington, Ranking Member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), led a bicameral, bipartisan group of 16 Pacific Northwest lawmakers in a letter to Secretary Zinke calling for the removal of the Washington/Oregon planning area from the National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024.
The bipartisan group of lawmakers wrote, “We write to express our strong opposition to inclusion of Pacific Northwest waters in the Trump Administration’s National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024. The states of Washington and Oregon have made clear through local, state, and federal action, as well as extensive public comment, that oil and gas lease sales off the Pacific Coast are not in the best interest of our economies or environment.”
In addition to Senator Cantwell, Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Sen. Jeffrey A. Merkley (D-OR), Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA), Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA), Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), Rep. Rick Larsen (D-WA), Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (D-OR), Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR), Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA), Rep. Denny Heck (D-WA), Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Rep. Suzan K. DelBene (D-WA) signed the letter.
Oil drilling and exploration off the Pacific Northwest coastline or an oil spill from drilling anywhere along the Pacific coast poses a devastating threat to the fishing, shellfish, and tourism industries at the heart of Washington state’s and Oregon’s economy. The maritime economy in Washington alone contributes $50 billion dollars to the state economy and supports 191,000 jobs. In Oregon, coastal tourism alone generates $1.9 billion in revenues and supports over 20,000 jobs.
“There is a reason it has been decades since the waters off the coasts of Washington and Oregon have been considered for oil and gas leasing,” the lawmakers continue. “Voluminous existing information documents the lack of oil and gas resources; absence of oil and gas industry interest; strong state and local opposition as expressed through laws, goals and policies of affected states; other uses of the waters to support our coastal economies that conflict with oil and gas activities; and extreme environmental and ecological risks.”
Here is a copy of the letter:
The Honorable Ryan Zinke
Secretary, U. S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20240
Dear Secretary Zinke:
We write to express our strong opposition to inclusion of Pacific Northwest waters in the Trump Administration’s National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024. The states of Washington and Oregon have made clear through local, state, and federal action, as well as extensive public comment, that oil and gas lease sales off the Pacific Coast are not in the best interest of our economies or environment. The Department of the Interior’s proposal to consider drilling off the states we represent, absent stakeholder support and directly contradicting economic and environmental factors of the region, is a waste of time, government resources, and taxpayer dollars.
The importance of marine resources to our regional economy and the level of local opposition to offshore oil and gas development cannot be overstated. The coasts of Washington and Oregon are home to numerous seafood and tourism-dependent coastal communities. Washington state supports a $50 billion dollar maritime economy and 191,000 maritime related jobs. Oregon’s commercial fisheries contributed over $500 million in personal income to the state in 2016, with an economic impact of more than $2.1 billion. In Oregon, coastal tourism alone generates $1.9 billion in revenues and supports over 20,000 jobs. An oil spill off our shores would jeopardize jobs in commercial, recreational, and tribal fisheries, employment in the seafood processing industry, a robust tourism and recreation economy, a historic shipbuilding industry, and the clean water required for critical regional and international trade and transportation routes.
There is a reason it has been decades since the waters off the coasts of Washington and Oregon have been considered for oil and gas leasing. Voluminous existing information documents the lack of oil and gas resources; absence of oil and gas industry interest; strong state and local opposition as expressed through laws, goals and policies of affected states; other uses of the waters to support our coastal economies that conflict with oil and gas activities; and extreme environmental and ecological risks.
From healthy beaches serving as tourism hubs on the coast, to the 3,188 square mile pristine Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, protecting our sustainable marine resources is a priority for our states. As you finalize the Draft National Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2019-2024, we urge you to remove the Washington/Oregon planning area.
Thank you for your attention to this matter which is of the upmost importance to our constituents.
Monday, January 29, 2018
State of the Union Guests, Immigration Reform, Cadillac Tax Delay and more...
The Ponder News
January 29, 2018

Congresswoman Bustos announces her State of the Union Guest: Sarah Miller from Galesburg
Cheri Bustos (D-IL, 17th)
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos announced that her guest at tomorrow’s State of the Union address will be Sarah Miller from Galesburg, Illinois. In April 2016, when news broke that Galesburg had exceeded the federal “action level” in ongoing E.P.A. tests for lead content in water, Congresswoman Bustos strongly advised the city to apply for funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. Over the next several weeks, working with city officials and the Illinois E.P.A., Bustos helped secure a $4 million forgivable loan through this program.
Julia Brownly (D-CA, 26th)
on Net Neutrality Congressional Review Act Resolution
“FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s decision in December to roll back net neutrality protections was incredibly concerning. I’m proud to sign on as an original co-sponsor supporting the Congressional resolution to reverse this action, so that the net neutrality protections put in place by President Obama are restored. Rather than ping ponging back and forth from one Administration to another, Congress should pass legislation to lay down permanent rules of the road for industry, while ensuring that net neutrality continues to inspire innovation, create jobs, protect free speech, and enable the advancement of civil rights.”
Visit her website
Dave Brat (R-VA, 7th)
on White House Immigration Framework
“The White House amnesty plan may capture the wishes of the Washington establishment, but it does not represent the promises President Trump made to the American people. Giving amnesty beyond DACA recipients opens us up to fraud and corruption, as those who never signed up for the program attempt to become eligible. If you ask voters in states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania that swung to Donald Trump if this amnesty plan keeps his promises, they will tell you it does not.”
“House Republicans have been working to build support for Chairman Goodlatte’s bill. The legislation, while not perfect, represents a rational compromise that provides for DACA recipients but also reforms the underlying immigration system in a coherent way. We are interested in taking a common sense approach to ensure our immigration system works so we are not back here again in another 10 years dealing with millions more who came here illegally.”
Visit his website
Brady Briefing: Building American Prosperity
Kevin Brady (R-TX, 8th)
President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union Speech this week. My guest is Jim “Mac” McInvale, a successful businessman, founder of Gallery Furniture and world-class philanthropist who embodies the American Dream.
Bonamici Invites Oregon Dreamer to 2018 State of the Union
Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR, 1st)
Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) announced that a Dreamer from NW Oregon will be joining her at the President’s State of the Union Address on January 30.
Bishop Calls for Congressional Investigation into US Olympic Committee and USA Gymnastics
Mike Bishop (R-MI, 8th)
Following the sentencing of former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University doctor Larry Nassar for sexual misconduct, Congressman Mike Bishop (MI-08) submitted a letter to Congressman Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for a Congressional Investigation into the United States Olympic Committee and its subsidiary, USA Gymnastics.
Rep. Black Signs on to Securing America’s Future Act
Diane Black (R-TN, 6th)
“With President Trump in the Oval Office, we have an opportunity to fix our broken immigration system and secure the border once and for all. Our current system makes our country less safe and fails to put the interests of the American people first. This is wrong and must be brought to an end,” said Congressman Black. “The primary responsibility of the federal government is to protect its citizens – our Constitution specifically grants Congress the power to do so – and the Securing America’s Future Act does just that. By building the border wall, strictly enforcing our laws and ending chain migration, we are securing our nation for future generations and putting the safety and prosperity of the American people first.”
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN 7th)
On Section 201 Tariff Remedies
"While I support trade policies that strengthen American manufacturing and will put this nation on a fair playing field internationally, I am disappointed in the overly harsh ruling of Section 201 tariff remedies against imports of residential washing machines. Along with Secretary Ross, I attended the groundbreaking of LG Electronics’ $250 million home appliance manufacturing facility in Clarksville, TN last summer. As Secretary Ross said at the groundbreaking ceremony, “This is exactly the kind of job creation and investment that the administration is seeking for American workers […] I look forward to having LG’s high-quality home appliances made right here in the United States starting in early 2019.” This investment was expected to bring in 600 stable, high-paying jobs for Tennesseans. Unfortunately, these harsh tariffs will severely limit LG’s ability to scale up their operation, negatively affecting Tennessee jobs and American consumers. I look forward to working with the administration and other stakeholders to come up with remedies that reduce the economic impact of these tariffs."
Visit her website
Nanette Barragan (D-CA, 44th)
Representative Nanette Diaz Barragán will attend President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday with Marco Chavez, a previously deported Marine Corps veteran, as her guest.
Read her statement
Jim Banks (R-IN, 3rd)
On Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
“One of the primary goals of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was to ensure our tax code helps American businesses compete in a global market, enabling job and paycheck growth here at home. As a result, we’ve seen numerous companies commit to investing billions in communities across America, including the latest announcement from FedEx. They plan to invest $1.5 billion to significantly expand their Indianapolis hub over the next seven years. This long-term investment by FedEx in the Hoosier state is great news and will support quality jobs and add to the robust Indiana economy.”
Visit his web site
Don Bacon (R-NE, 2nd)
Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02) will be joined by Omaha Police Sergeant Jeff Kopietz at the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. on January 30. Sgt. Kopietz is a 27-year veteran with the Omaha Police Department (OPD), where he has worked in the Uniform Patrol Bureau, Weed and Seed Squad, Narcotics and is currently assigned to the Fugitive Squad/Metro Fugitive Task Force. A 25-year veteran of OPD’s swat team, Sgt. Kopietz has served over 1,000 high risk search warrants during that time. He also is a deputized US Marshal.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe resigns
Washington Examiner
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe resigned effective immediately Monday.
A source familiar with the situation told the Washington Examinerthan McCabe is taking "terminal leave" for now until he can officially retire when his pension kicks in.
NBC reported that his retirement would take effect mid-March. In December, the Washington Post first reported his retirement would come in the spring.
Brown on Trump Davos Speech: Take Action on Steel Imports Now
Senator Sherrod Brown (D - OH)
“President Trump is right that we must enforce the rules so American workers can compete on a level playing field, and he can start right now by taking strong action against China’s steel overcapacity,” said Brown. “China’s cheating is shuttering American factories and American steelworkers cannot afford to wait any longer for relief.”
Read it...
Veteran PEER Act will harness peer-to-peer relationships to more comprehensively treat veterans’ mental health conditions
Senator Roy Blunt (R - MO)
Bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) to expand veterans’ access to peer counseling specialists passed the Senate Thursday night by unanimous consent. Peer specialists can be particularly effective in combating the risks of suicide and addressing other mental health needs amongst veterans.
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D - CT)
About the Trump Administration's Immigration Proposal
“This proposal is immigration hostage taking. Hundreds of thousands of young people are being held hostage in the name of the far right’s repulsive and repugnant anti-immigrant fantasy. The party of so-called family values has revealed itself to care more for its nativist political base than the actual families that would be cruelly ripped or kept apart under this proposal. One of its most heartless provisions would send refugee children back to the countries they have fled without even a fig leaf of due process – a proposal almost certain to send children to their deaths,” Blumenthal said.
“This is not a serious proposal and it was not offered in a serious way – it was leaked Thursday night after close of business while Congress was out of session. Instead of playing political games with the lives of children while hobnobbing with billionaires overseas, the Trump Administration must come to the table and engage in real negotiations with Congress.”
Visit his website...
New CDC Study Shows State Tobacco Use Rates Remain High
American Lung Association
"Despite an overall decrease in use of tobacco products, not all states have seen meaningful reductions in tobacco use. Three states – Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky – have significantly higher tobacco use rates than most of the rest of the country, pointing to an urgent need for their state leaders to put in place proven effective policies to prevent and reduce tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of death in the United States, killing 480,000 Americans each year.
Congress: Groups Oppose Using CRA to Overturn Restoring Internet Freedom Order
American Legislative Exchange Council
We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of taxpayers and consumers nationwide, urge Congress to oppose usage of the Congressional Review Act to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Restoring Internet Freedom Order.
An issue for infrastructure reform: Too much road salt
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Faced with budget shortfalls and a decreasing ability to raise revenue, state and local lawmakers are ever eager to divert “savings” to their favorite pet projects. But during cold and snowy snaps, officials have long realized that massive quantities of road salt can cut down on cleanup and emergency response costs.
This cheap solution, however, comes with quite a few additional problems. Road salt is increasingly being recognized as a detriment to human health, the environment, and infrastructure, as reports from federal and state agencies shed light on the mineral’s unintended consequences. Absent long-overdue reforms, local, state, and federal incentives undergirding the salting system will continue to cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
Tell Senators to choose life and nuke filibuster on S. 2311
American Family Association
Next Monday, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, S. 2311.
The bill bans abortion after 20 weeks. It is undeniable that unborn babies feel pain at this stage of life. Therefore, this bill simply protects babies from a gruesome and cruel act of barbarism.
See how you can help...
Two-year delay of “Cadillac Tax” a timely, important step on road to full repeal
American Benefits Council
“We applaud Congress for approving a critically important twoyear delay of the 40 percent ‘Cadillac Tax’ on employer-sponsored health coverage as part of the government funding bill,” Council President James A. Klein said.
January 29, 2018
Congresswoman Bustos announces her State of the Union Guest: Sarah Miller from Galesburg
Cheri Bustos (D-IL, 17th)
Congresswoman Cheri Bustos announced that her guest at tomorrow’s State of the Union address will be Sarah Miller from Galesburg, Illinois. In April 2016, when news broke that Galesburg had exceeded the federal “action level” in ongoing E.P.A. tests for lead content in water, Congresswoman Bustos strongly advised the city to apply for funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. Over the next several weeks, working with city officials and the Illinois E.P.A., Bustos helped secure a $4 million forgivable loan through this program.
Julia Brownly (D-CA, 26th)
on Net Neutrality Congressional Review Act Resolution
“FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s decision in December to roll back net neutrality protections was incredibly concerning. I’m proud to sign on as an original co-sponsor supporting the Congressional resolution to reverse this action, so that the net neutrality protections put in place by President Obama are restored. Rather than ping ponging back and forth from one Administration to another, Congress should pass legislation to lay down permanent rules of the road for industry, while ensuring that net neutrality continues to inspire innovation, create jobs, protect free speech, and enable the advancement of civil rights.”
Visit her website
Dave Brat (R-VA, 7th)
on White House Immigration Framework
“The White House amnesty plan may capture the wishes of the Washington establishment, but it does not represent the promises President Trump made to the American people. Giving amnesty beyond DACA recipients opens us up to fraud and corruption, as those who never signed up for the program attempt to become eligible. If you ask voters in states like Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania that swung to Donald Trump if this amnesty plan keeps his promises, they will tell you it does not.”
“House Republicans have been working to build support for Chairman Goodlatte’s bill. The legislation, while not perfect, represents a rational compromise that provides for DACA recipients but also reforms the underlying immigration system in a coherent way. We are interested in taking a common sense approach to ensure our immigration system works so we are not back here again in another 10 years dealing with millions more who came here illegally.”
Visit his website
Brady Briefing: Building American Prosperity
Kevin Brady (R-TX, 8th)
President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union Speech this week. My guest is Jim “Mac” McInvale, a successful businessman, founder of Gallery Furniture and world-class philanthropist who embodies the American Dream.
Bonamici Invites Oregon Dreamer to 2018 State of the Union
Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR, 1st)
Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) announced that a Dreamer from NW Oregon will be joining her at the President’s State of the Union Address on January 30.
Bishop Calls for Congressional Investigation into US Olympic Committee and USA Gymnastics
Mike Bishop (R-MI, 8th)
Following the sentencing of former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University doctor Larry Nassar for sexual misconduct, Congressman Mike Bishop (MI-08) submitted a letter to Congressman Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and House Speaker Paul Ryan calling for a Congressional Investigation into the United States Olympic Committee and its subsidiary, USA Gymnastics.
Rep. Black Signs on to Securing America’s Future Act
Diane Black (R-TN, 6th)
“With President Trump in the Oval Office, we have an opportunity to fix our broken immigration system and secure the border once and for all. Our current system makes our country less safe and fails to put the interests of the American people first. This is wrong and must be brought to an end,” said Congressman Black. “The primary responsibility of the federal government is to protect its citizens – our Constitution specifically grants Congress the power to do so – and the Securing America’s Future Act does just that. By building the border wall, strictly enforcing our laws and ending chain migration, we are securing our nation for future generations and putting the safety and prosperity of the American people first.”
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN 7th)
On Section 201 Tariff Remedies
"While I support trade policies that strengthen American manufacturing and will put this nation on a fair playing field internationally, I am disappointed in the overly harsh ruling of Section 201 tariff remedies against imports of residential washing machines. Along with Secretary Ross, I attended the groundbreaking of LG Electronics’ $250 million home appliance manufacturing facility in Clarksville, TN last summer. As Secretary Ross said at the groundbreaking ceremony, “This is exactly the kind of job creation and investment that the administration is seeking for American workers […] I look forward to having LG’s high-quality home appliances made right here in the United States starting in early 2019.” This investment was expected to bring in 600 stable, high-paying jobs for Tennesseans. Unfortunately, these harsh tariffs will severely limit LG’s ability to scale up their operation, negatively affecting Tennessee jobs and American consumers. I look forward to working with the administration and other stakeholders to come up with remedies that reduce the economic impact of these tariffs."
Visit her website
Nanette Barragan (D-CA, 44th)
Representative Nanette Diaz Barragán will attend President Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday with Marco Chavez, a previously deported Marine Corps veteran, as her guest.
Read her statement
Jim Banks (R-IN, 3rd)
On Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
“One of the primary goals of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was to ensure our tax code helps American businesses compete in a global market, enabling job and paycheck growth here at home. As a result, we’ve seen numerous companies commit to investing billions in communities across America, including the latest announcement from FedEx. They plan to invest $1.5 billion to significantly expand their Indianapolis hub over the next seven years. This long-term investment by FedEx in the Hoosier state is great news and will support quality jobs and add to the robust Indiana economy.”
Visit his web site
Don Bacon (R-NE, 2nd)
Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02) will be joined by Omaha Police Sergeant Jeff Kopietz at the State of the Union address in Washington, D.C. on January 30. Sgt. Kopietz is a 27-year veteran with the Omaha Police Department (OPD), where he has worked in the Uniform Patrol Bureau, Weed and Seed Squad, Narcotics and is currently assigned to the Fugitive Squad/Metro Fugitive Task Force. A 25-year veteran of OPD’s swat team, Sgt. Kopietz has served over 1,000 high risk search warrants during that time. He also is a deputized US Marshal.
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe resigns
Washington Examiner
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe resigned effective immediately Monday.
A source familiar with the situation told the Washington Examinerthan McCabe is taking "terminal leave" for now until he can officially retire when his pension kicks in.
NBC reported that his retirement would take effect mid-March. In December, the Washington Post first reported his retirement would come in the spring.
Brown on Trump Davos Speech: Take Action on Steel Imports Now
Senator Sherrod Brown (D - OH)
“President Trump is right that we must enforce the rules so American workers can compete on a level playing field, and he can start right now by taking strong action against China’s steel overcapacity,” said Brown. “China’s cheating is shuttering American factories and American steelworkers cannot afford to wait any longer for relief.”
Read it...
Veteran PEER Act will harness peer-to-peer relationships to more comprehensively treat veterans’ mental health conditions
Senator Roy Blunt (R - MO)
Bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Senators Roy Blunt (Mo.) and Richard Blumenthal (Conn.) to expand veterans’ access to peer counseling specialists passed the Senate Thursday night by unanimous consent. Peer specialists can be particularly effective in combating the risks of suicide and addressing other mental health needs amongst veterans.
Senator Richard Blumenthal (D - CT)
About the Trump Administration's Immigration Proposal
“This proposal is immigration hostage taking. Hundreds of thousands of young people are being held hostage in the name of the far right’s repulsive and repugnant anti-immigrant fantasy. The party of so-called family values has revealed itself to care more for its nativist political base than the actual families that would be cruelly ripped or kept apart under this proposal. One of its most heartless provisions would send refugee children back to the countries they have fled without even a fig leaf of due process – a proposal almost certain to send children to their deaths,” Blumenthal said.
“This is not a serious proposal and it was not offered in a serious way – it was leaked Thursday night after close of business while Congress was out of session. Instead of playing political games with the lives of children while hobnobbing with billionaires overseas, the Trump Administration must come to the table and engage in real negotiations with Congress.”
Visit his website...
New CDC Study Shows State Tobacco Use Rates Remain High
American Lung Association
"Despite an overall decrease in use of tobacco products, not all states have seen meaningful reductions in tobacco use. Three states – Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky – have significantly higher tobacco use rates than most of the rest of the country, pointing to an urgent need for their state leaders to put in place proven effective policies to prevent and reduce tobacco use, which remains the leading cause of death in the United States, killing 480,000 Americans each year.
Congress: Groups Oppose Using CRA to Overturn Restoring Internet Freedom Order
American Legislative Exchange Council
We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of taxpayers and consumers nationwide, urge Congress to oppose usage of the Congressional Review Act to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Restoring Internet Freedom Order.
An issue for infrastructure reform: Too much road salt
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Faced with budget shortfalls and a decreasing ability to raise revenue, state and local lawmakers are ever eager to divert “savings” to their favorite pet projects. But during cold and snowy snaps, officials have long realized that massive quantities of road salt can cut down on cleanup and emergency response costs.
This cheap solution, however, comes with quite a few additional problems. Road salt is increasingly being recognized as a detriment to human health, the environment, and infrastructure, as reports from federal and state agencies shed light on the mineral’s unintended consequences. Absent long-overdue reforms, local, state, and federal incentives undergirding the salting system will continue to cost taxpayers billions of dollars.
Tell Senators to choose life and nuke filibuster on S. 2311
American Family Association
Next Monday, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, S. 2311.
The bill bans abortion after 20 weeks. It is undeniable that unborn babies feel pain at this stage of life. Therefore, this bill simply protects babies from a gruesome and cruel act of barbarism.
See how you can help...
Two-year delay of “Cadillac Tax” a timely, important step on road to full repeal
American Benefits Council
“We applaud Congress for approving a critically important twoyear delay of the 40 percent ‘Cadillac Tax’ on employer-sponsored health coverage as part of the government funding bill,” Council President James A. Klein said.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
We're Back!
The Ponder News
January 28, 2018
We're Back
The Ponder News
After 4 days of trying to download the Bitcoin Wallet, we've changed our minds. It was taking too long, and we have too much to do, and was missing too much because of it.
So, rather than download the Wallet onto my computer, we've chosen another route:
Blockchain Wallet
Sorry about the inconvenience, and we look forward to going back to work.
Click Here to sign up for your Bitocoin Wallet!

Amata Welcomes Senator Hatch’s Companion Bill to Her House-Passed Air Service Legislation
Aumua Amata (R - American Samoa, At Large)
Thursday, Congresswoman Aumua Amata welcomed newly introduced companion legislation from the honorable Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, the President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, that mirrors her bill to ensure reliable air service in American Samoa.
1-25-2018 Sen. Alexander Joins Fox News To Talk About Immigration
Senator Lamar Alexander (R - TN)
Watch Senator Lamar Alexander on Fox News about Immigration
Click Here
Banks Stop $17 Billion in Fraud Attempts in 2016
American Bankers Association
America’s banks prevented $9 out of every $10 of attempted deposit account fraud in 2016, according to the 2017 American Bankers Association Deposit Account Fraud Survey Report released today. Facing increasingly sophisticated fraud schemes, banks have responded by investing in new technologies and enhancing overall customer protections.
Senate HELP Committee Holds Hearing on Mental Health Reform
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
On Wednesday, January 20th, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, held a hearing on mental health reform on the 114th Congress. The hearing focused primarily on the provisions of the Mental Health Reform Act (S. 1945)– legislation introduced by Committee members Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). While the Committee did not vote on this legislation, Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said he wants to “move promptly” to put forward a series of recommendation from a variety of mental health proposals.
American Action Network Continues Tax Reform Blitz, Releases $1 Million Digital Campaign
American Action Network
As support for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act continues to rise, American Action Network (@AAN) is launching digital ads in 20 congressional districts illustrating the positive benefits of pro-growth tax reform. The $1 million digital ad campaign will run for two weeks as part of AAN’s $10 million commitment to promote the merits of tax reform following the passage of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The district-specific ads indicate several popular tax provisions, such as increasing the Standard Tax Deduction, along with the $2,000 tax cut a typical family of four will save thanks to Congress making pro-growth tax reform a reality. View the districts targeted here.
Trump to Give First State of the Union
All Sides
President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address on Tuesday where he will outline the economic benefits of the tax cuts and will present his plans for immigration, infrastructure, and trade.
A Question Mark Just Saved James Woods $3 Million
Western Journalism
A single question mark saved one conservative celebrity from paying $3 million in defamation charges.
Alliance to Fight the 40
The Alliance to Fight the 40 | Don’t Tax My Health Care has applauded Congressional leaders for including a two-year delay of the 40% “Cadillac Tax” in their bill to end the government shutdown and provide funding through February 8th. This two-year delay will push the effective date for the “Cadillac Tax” to 2022, and will help to protect health care coverage for the more than 178 million Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance.
Solar Panel and Washing Machine Tariffs Signal Hope for American Workers
Alliance for American Manufacturing
The White House announced new tariffs on a flood of imported solar panels and washing machines on Monday. After determining that cheap imports took advantage of America's market, the president imposed tariffs of up to 20 percent for solar panels and up to 50 percent for washing machines.
Read about it
Alaska Governor's Office
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday took a step that both respects due process rights of the mining industry and acknowledges the concerns many Alaskans have about the potential effects of mining in the Bristol Bay region.
Read about it
January 28, 2018
We're Back
The Ponder News
After 4 days of trying to download the Bitcoin Wallet, we've changed our minds. It was taking too long, and we have too much to do, and was missing too much because of it.
So, rather than download the Wallet onto my computer, we've chosen another route:
Blockchain Wallet
Sorry about the inconvenience, and we look forward to going back to work.
Click Here to sign up for your Bitocoin Wallet!
Amata Welcomes Senator Hatch’s Companion Bill to Her House-Passed Air Service Legislation
Aumua Amata (R - American Samoa, At Large)
Thursday, Congresswoman Aumua Amata welcomed newly introduced companion legislation from the honorable Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, the President pro tempore of the U.S. Senate, that mirrors her bill to ensure reliable air service in American Samoa.
1-25-2018 Sen. Alexander Joins Fox News To Talk About Immigration
Senator Lamar Alexander (R - TN)
Watch Senator Lamar Alexander on Fox News about Immigration
Click Here
Banks Stop $17 Billion in Fraud Attempts in 2016
American Bankers Association
America’s banks prevented $9 out of every $10 of attempted deposit account fraud in 2016, according to the 2017 American Bankers Association Deposit Account Fraud Survey Report released today. Facing increasingly sophisticated fraud schemes, banks have responded by investing in new technologies and enhancing overall customer protections.
Senate HELP Committee Holds Hearing on Mental Health Reform
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
On Wednesday, January 20th, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, held a hearing on mental health reform on the 114th Congress. The hearing focused primarily on the provisions of the Mental Health Reform Act (S. 1945)– legislation introduced by Committee members Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). While the Committee did not vote on this legislation, Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said he wants to “move promptly” to put forward a series of recommendation from a variety of mental health proposals.
American Action Network Continues Tax Reform Blitz, Releases $1 Million Digital Campaign
American Action Network
As support for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act continues to rise, American Action Network (@AAN) is launching digital ads in 20 congressional districts illustrating the positive benefits of pro-growth tax reform. The $1 million digital ad campaign will run for two weeks as part of AAN’s $10 million commitment to promote the merits of tax reform following the passage of The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The district-specific ads indicate several popular tax provisions, such as increasing the Standard Tax Deduction, along with the $2,000 tax cut a typical family of four will save thanks to Congress making pro-growth tax reform a reality. View the districts targeted here.
Trump to Give First State of the Union
All Sides
President Trump will deliver his first State of the Union address on Tuesday where he will outline the economic benefits of the tax cuts and will present his plans for immigration, infrastructure, and trade.
A Question Mark Just Saved James Woods $3 Million
Western Journalism
A single question mark saved one conservative celebrity from paying $3 million in defamation charges.
Alliance to Fight the 40
The Alliance to Fight the 40 | Don’t Tax My Health Care has applauded Congressional leaders for including a two-year delay of the 40% “Cadillac Tax” in their bill to end the government shutdown and provide funding through February 8th. This two-year delay will push the effective date for the “Cadillac Tax” to 2022, and will help to protect health care coverage for the more than 178 million Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance.
Solar Panel and Washing Machine Tariffs Signal Hope for American Workers
Alliance for American Manufacturing
The White House announced new tariffs on a flood of imported solar panels and washing machines on Monday. After determining that cheap imports took advantage of America's market, the president imposed tariffs of up to 20 percent for solar panels and up to 50 percent for washing machines.
Read about it
Alaska Governor's Office
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday took a step that both respects due process rights of the mining industry and acknowledges the concerns many Alaskans have about the potential effects of mining in the Bristol Bay region.
Read about it
See Also:
cadillac tax,
Mental Health,
Tax Reform
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Government Re-opens, Missing FBI Texts and more...
January 23, 2018
The Ponder News Web Site
Julia Brownly (D-CA, 26th) signs as Co-sponsor to Protect Net Neutrality
The Ponder News
“FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s decision in December to roll back net neutrality protections was incredibly concerning. I’m proud to sign on as an original co-sponsor supporting the Congressional resolution to reverse this action, so that the net neutrality protections put in place by President Obama are restored. Rather than ping ponging back and forth from one Administration to another, Congress should pass legislation to lay down permanent rules of the road for industry, while ensuring that net neutrality continues to inspire innovation, create jobs, protect free speech, and enable the advancement of civil rights.”
Andy Biggs (R-AZ, 5th)
The Ponder News
“This latest revelation from the DOJ is outrageous, but not surprising. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page believed that then-candidate Donald Trump was a threat to this country and appeared to be taking steps, as sworn members of law enforcement, to subvert the will of the American people. Now, it seems that many of their text messages may have suspiciously disappeared.
“Few Americans would ever be allowed to offer up a specious excuse for losing information required for audit. Why should our government be any different? How is this different than the Hillary Clinton erased emails?
“As I’ve maintained since last summer, Robert Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel is tainted. His position is clouded by a disgruntled former FBI Director’s potentially criminal leaks of government memos to influence an ongoing investigation. At every step of Congress’s attempts to provide Constitutional oversight to the DOJ and the FBI, we have been met with unparalleled resistance. My patience is wearing thin. The FBI is not an independent agency, yet its leaders appear to think they do not answer to Congress or the President. They are wrong. If they continue to lose or withhold requested information, they will soon experience the consequences that Congress can – and should – provide.”
Missing FBI Text Messages
The Ponder News
On Sunday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed that it had failed to preserve five months of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. The end date of the missing texts coincides with the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Peter Strzok served on the Special Counsel’s team before being demoted due to the text messages he had sent to Ms. Page.
Send us your opinions!
Remarks by Vice President Mike Pence and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Joint Press Statements
The White House
Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed Vice President Mike Pence to Israel and expressed Israel’s appreciation to President Trump and the Vice President for the historic decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as the capital.
Read it...
Ami Bera (D-CA, 7th)
The Ponder News
"This shutdown was a failure of leadership. Congressional leaders refused to sit down and hammer out a deal.
Washington is broken, but if we refuse to negotiate we’ll never fix things. Republican leaders have pledged that we will get to vote on critical issues, including a responsible budget, stabilizing the health care marketplace, and bipartisan immigration reform.
Congress is elected to serve the people. It’s time we stop bickering, roll up our sleeves, and get to work.”
Joyce Beatty (D-OH, 3rd)
The Ponder News
“I support keeping the government open, but Congress should not be funding government operations on a week-by-week basis that just kicks the can down the road. The House, the Senate, and White House are under Republican control, so I would expect that a long-term agreement could be reached to fund community health centers, natural disaster relief, teaching hospitals, and on a whole host of critical federal government programs and initiatives. We should not have to choose between funding our military and saving lives in our communities.”
Nanette Barragan (D-CA, 44th)
The Ponder News
“I voted against the fifth continuing resolution because we are right back where we started: another short-term funding bill that does not address critical bipartisan issues. I will continue to oppose any budget deal that does not protect Dreamers. And I will insist that any budget deal adequately funds community health centers, provides resources to combat the opioid crisis and offers relief for victims of natural disasters.”
Andy Barr (R-KY, 6th)
The Ponder News
“While it is three days late, it is nonetheless a positive development that enough Senate Democrats have finally agreed to what Republicans proposed all along: a short term funding bill that keeps the government open and operating, funds our troops, and ensures that millions of American kids can still access the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The end of Senator Schumer’s obstruction allows us to return to good faith negotiations on a longer term funding agreement and also clears the path for work on a strong immigration reform and border security bill.”
Lou Barletta (R-PA, 11th)
National School Choice Week (NSCW) is held every January to celebrate effective education choice options for children in grades K through 12. NSCW celebrates all types of education choice – from traditional public schools to public charter schools, magnet schools, online academies, private schools, and homeschooling. This year, over 32,000 NSCW events will be held across the country from January 21 – 27. Congressman Lou Barletta (PA-11), who is the father of two teachers, applauded the tremendous strides taken for school choice across America.
Jim Banks (R-IN, 3rd)
The Ponder News
"This shutdown was reckless and unnecessary. I am glad Senate Democrats have decided to reopen the government and get back to work.
“This legislation is important for northeast Indiana. It stops the job-killing medical device tax for two years, which is vital to employers and workers in our region. The legislation also extends CHIP funding for six years, an important program that serves 13,155 children in Indiana’s Third District.”
Brian Babin (R-TX, 36th)
The Ponder News
“Senate Democrats have finally come to their senses and agreed to end the #SchumerShutdown and re-open the federal government. But let’s be clear: For three days, Democrats in Congress held our troops and children’s health care hostage in order to get their way on illegal immigration. In the end, their reckless tactics did not work and common sense prevailed. It is my hope that my Democrat colleagues will have learned their lesson and start focusing on the concerns of America’s citizens. The American people deserve much better than politically manufactured shutdowns that put a hand full of illegal immigrants over the safety and security of the American public.”
'Lost' Texts From Anti-Trump FBI Agents Are Basis To Dismiss Russia Investigation, Experts Suggest
Daily Wire
Legal experts say the revelation that the FBI somehow "lost" five months worth of text messages from two anti-Trump FBI employees could form the legal grounds needed to dismiss Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
No Deal: Schumer Yanks Offer Of Funding For Border Wall
Hot Air
C’mon, did anyone expect otherwise? Knowing that he was going to get clubbed by liberals for caving on the shutdown, the least Schumer could do to save a little face and soothe the progressive id would be to tear up the offer he made to Trump last Friday to carve out a few billion for the wall. Democrats just got thwarted on a DREAM amnesty; at a minimum, Schumer’s now obliged to thwart Trump on his big ask too.
Aumua Amata (R - American Samoa, At Large)
The Ponder News
“Authorization of CHIP for six years is great news for American Samoa, and I’m pleased the unnecessary government shutdown ended quickly. The Children’s Health Insurance Program helps make sure health care services are available to many children. Once again, we can count on this important plan being available to take care of needs and help keep children healthy.”
The End of the Government Shutdown Has Opened a Torrent of Media Anger at Democrats
Western Journalism
The three-day-long government shutdown ended Monday, sparking accusations from mainstream media reporters and liberal activists that Democrats caved on immigration reform.
Senate Democrats originally forced a shutdown by refusing to support a spending bill. They were upset that it did not address the roughly 700,000 illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and were protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
But on Monday, lawmakers reached a deal to keep the government funded through Feb. 8.
Rick Allen (R-GA, 12th)
The Ponder News
“I am relieved that my Senate Democratic colleagues finally did what was right and joined Republicans to vote to fund the government. It is simply inexcusable that they kept funding for our troops and this government hostage for the past three days. We heard their message loud and clear ‘illegal immigrants are more important than American citizens' – and that is just plain wrong.”
US kills 150 ISIS fighters in Syria airstrike during government shutdown, Pentagon says
Fox News
While ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory, the remaining 2 percent held by the terror group includes an area around the Syrian city of Al-Shaafah, where the strike took place. Top U.S. military officials believe the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is hiding in the area.
Ralph Abraham (R-LA, 5th)
The Ponder News
"Thanks to immense pressure from the American public and President Trump, Democrats in the Senate have finally agreed with Republicans to fund the government. Their shutdown accomplished nothing - it kept funding from sick children, risked pay checks for our troops and failed to resolve any immigration issue. Washington can come up with some crazy ways to waste time and money, but this pointless shutdown that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi orchestrated probably takes the cake."
The Ponder News Web Site
Julia Brownly (D-CA, 26th) signs as Co-sponsor to Protect Net Neutrality
The Ponder News
“FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s decision in December to roll back net neutrality protections was incredibly concerning. I’m proud to sign on as an original co-sponsor supporting the Congressional resolution to reverse this action, so that the net neutrality protections put in place by President Obama are restored. Rather than ping ponging back and forth from one Administration to another, Congress should pass legislation to lay down permanent rules of the road for industry, while ensuring that net neutrality continues to inspire innovation, create jobs, protect free speech, and enable the advancement of civil rights.”
Andy Biggs (R-AZ, 5th)
The Ponder News
“This latest revelation from the DOJ is outrageous, but not surprising. Peter Strzok and Lisa Page believed that then-candidate Donald Trump was a threat to this country and appeared to be taking steps, as sworn members of law enforcement, to subvert the will of the American people. Now, it seems that many of their text messages may have suspiciously disappeared.
“Few Americans would ever be allowed to offer up a specious excuse for losing information required for audit. Why should our government be any different? How is this different than the Hillary Clinton erased emails?
“As I’ve maintained since last summer, Robert Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel is tainted. His position is clouded by a disgruntled former FBI Director’s potentially criminal leaks of government memos to influence an ongoing investigation. At every step of Congress’s attempts to provide Constitutional oversight to the DOJ and the FBI, we have been met with unparalleled resistance. My patience is wearing thin. The FBI is not an independent agency, yet its leaders appear to think they do not answer to Congress or the President. They are wrong. If they continue to lose or withhold requested information, they will soon experience the consequences that Congress can – and should – provide.”
Missing FBI Text Messages
The Ponder News
On Sunday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) revealed that it had failed to preserve five months of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. The end date of the missing texts coincides with the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Peter Strzok served on the Special Counsel’s team before being demoted due to the text messages he had sent to Ms. Page.
Send us your opinions!
Remarks by Vice President Mike Pence and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in Joint Press Statements
The White House
Yesterday, Prime Minister Netanyahu welcomed Vice President Mike Pence to Israel and expressed Israel’s appreciation to President Trump and the Vice President for the historic decision last month to recognize Jerusalem as the capital.
Read it...
Ami Bera (D-CA, 7th)
The Ponder News
"This shutdown was a failure of leadership. Congressional leaders refused to sit down and hammer out a deal.
Washington is broken, but if we refuse to negotiate we’ll never fix things. Republican leaders have pledged that we will get to vote on critical issues, including a responsible budget, stabilizing the health care marketplace, and bipartisan immigration reform.
Congress is elected to serve the people. It’s time we stop bickering, roll up our sleeves, and get to work.”
Joyce Beatty (D-OH, 3rd)
The Ponder News
“I support keeping the government open, but Congress should not be funding government operations on a week-by-week basis that just kicks the can down the road. The House, the Senate, and White House are under Republican control, so I would expect that a long-term agreement could be reached to fund community health centers, natural disaster relief, teaching hospitals, and on a whole host of critical federal government programs and initiatives. We should not have to choose between funding our military and saving lives in our communities.”
Nanette Barragan (D-CA, 44th)
The Ponder News
“I voted against the fifth continuing resolution because we are right back where we started: another short-term funding bill that does not address critical bipartisan issues. I will continue to oppose any budget deal that does not protect Dreamers. And I will insist that any budget deal adequately funds community health centers, provides resources to combat the opioid crisis and offers relief for victims of natural disasters.”
Andy Barr (R-KY, 6th)
The Ponder News
“While it is three days late, it is nonetheless a positive development that enough Senate Democrats have finally agreed to what Republicans proposed all along: a short term funding bill that keeps the government open and operating, funds our troops, and ensures that millions of American kids can still access the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The end of Senator Schumer’s obstruction allows us to return to good faith negotiations on a longer term funding agreement and also clears the path for work on a strong immigration reform and border security bill.”
Lou Barletta (R-PA, 11th)
National School Choice Week (NSCW) is held every January to celebrate effective education choice options for children in grades K through 12. NSCW celebrates all types of education choice – from traditional public schools to public charter schools, magnet schools, online academies, private schools, and homeschooling. This year, over 32,000 NSCW events will be held across the country from January 21 – 27. Congressman Lou Barletta (PA-11), who is the father of two teachers, applauded the tremendous strides taken for school choice across America.
Jim Banks (R-IN, 3rd)
The Ponder News
"This shutdown was reckless and unnecessary. I am glad Senate Democrats have decided to reopen the government and get back to work.
“This legislation is important for northeast Indiana. It stops the job-killing medical device tax for two years, which is vital to employers and workers in our region. The legislation also extends CHIP funding for six years, an important program that serves 13,155 children in Indiana’s Third District.”
Brian Babin (R-TX, 36th)
The Ponder News
“Senate Democrats have finally come to their senses and agreed to end the #SchumerShutdown and re-open the federal government. But let’s be clear: For three days, Democrats in Congress held our troops and children’s health care hostage in order to get their way on illegal immigration. In the end, their reckless tactics did not work and common sense prevailed. It is my hope that my Democrat colleagues will have learned their lesson and start focusing on the concerns of America’s citizens. The American people deserve much better than politically manufactured shutdowns that put a hand full of illegal immigrants over the safety and security of the American public.”
'Lost' Texts From Anti-Trump FBI Agents Are Basis To Dismiss Russia Investigation, Experts Suggest
Daily Wire
Legal experts say the revelation that the FBI somehow "lost" five months worth of text messages from two anti-Trump FBI employees could form the legal grounds needed to dismiss Robert Mueller's Russia investigation.
No Deal: Schumer Yanks Offer Of Funding For Border Wall
Hot Air
C’mon, did anyone expect otherwise? Knowing that he was going to get clubbed by liberals for caving on the shutdown, the least Schumer could do to save a little face and soothe the progressive id would be to tear up the offer he made to Trump last Friday to carve out a few billion for the wall. Democrats just got thwarted on a DREAM amnesty; at a minimum, Schumer’s now obliged to thwart Trump on his big ask too.
Aumua Amata (R - American Samoa, At Large)
The Ponder News
“Authorization of CHIP for six years is great news for American Samoa, and I’m pleased the unnecessary government shutdown ended quickly. The Children’s Health Insurance Program helps make sure health care services are available to many children. Once again, we can count on this important plan being available to take care of needs and help keep children healthy.”
The End of the Government Shutdown Has Opened a Torrent of Media Anger at Democrats
Western Journalism
The three-day-long government shutdown ended Monday, sparking accusations from mainstream media reporters and liberal activists that Democrats caved on immigration reform.
Senate Democrats originally forced a shutdown by refusing to support a spending bill. They were upset that it did not address the roughly 700,000 illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and were protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
But on Monday, lawmakers reached a deal to keep the government funded through Feb. 8.
Rick Allen (R-GA, 12th)
The Ponder News
“I am relieved that my Senate Democratic colleagues finally did what was right and joined Republicans to vote to fund the government. It is simply inexcusable that they kept funding for our troops and this government hostage for the past three days. We heard their message loud and clear ‘illegal immigrants are more important than American citizens' – and that is just plain wrong.”
US kills 150 ISIS fighters in Syria airstrike during government shutdown, Pentagon says
Fox News
While ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory, the remaining 2 percent held by the terror group includes an area around the Syrian city of Al-Shaafah, where the strike took place. Top U.S. military officials believe the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is hiding in the area.
Ralph Abraham (R-LA, 5th)
The Ponder News
"Thanks to immense pressure from the American public and President Trump, Democrats in the Senate have finally agreed with Republicans to fund the government. Their shutdown accomplished nothing - it kept funding from sick children, risked pay checks for our troops and failed to resolve any immigration issue. Washington can come up with some crazy ways to waste time and money, but this pointless shutdown that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi orchestrated probably takes the cake."
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