I can't get them all, but here are a few items from our elected officials about Kavanaugh.
News from the Lawmakers
Bennet Statement on Testimony By Dr. Ford And Judge Kavanaugh
Senator Michael F. Bennet (D - CO)
September 27, 2018
“A hearing is neither a trial nor an investigation. Dr. Ford has made clear in compelling testimony that she is 100% certain Judge Kavanaugh assaulted her. Judge Kavanaugh denies this. Before we vote on a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, the FBI should investigate the underlying facts of the dispute. If Leader McConnell can hold open a Supreme Court vacancy for more than 400 days, the FBI can surely spend the time required for a formal investigation.”
Cantwell Statement on Today’s Judiciary Committee Hearing
Senator Maria Cantwell - (D - WA)
September 27, 2018
"The Senate should not move forward on the Kavanaugh nomination. Dr. Ford's strong testimony should be enough to stop any further votes before a complete nonpartisan investigation takes place. Dr. Ford showed great strength and courage in painting for the nation the long-lasting impacts of sexual assault."
Sen. Cruz: Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford’s Treatment by Democrats and the Media is One of the Most Shameful Chapters in the History of the Senate
Senator Ted Cruz (R - TX)
September 27, 2018
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, participated in a hearing on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. There, he expressed his concerns over Senate Judiciary Democrats’ inaction and delay in handling the allegations presented before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and especially how this delay harmed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, their families, their reputations, and their personal lives.
Daines: I Stand with Judge Kavanaugh
Senator Steve Daines (R-MT)
September 27, 2018
“I watched the entire hearing from gavel to gavel. I made it very clear from the beginning that I wanted to hear from both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh because of the seriousness of these allegations. And I thank both of them for coming before the Committee to be heard. But as I watched it today, I concluded that there is no corroborating evidence to support this serious allegation. Rather, this seems to be an orchestrated smear campaign intended to destroy Judge Kavanaugh at the eleventh hour. The Democrats turned this process into an embarrassing, political circus that will have lasting effects for generations to come. They should be ashamed. I look forward to casting my vote for Judge Kavanaugh.”
Durbin Presses Judge Kavanaugh To Call For FBI Investigation Into Allegations Of Sexual Assault; Judge Kavanaugh Refuses
Senator Richard J. Durbin - (D - IL)
September 27, 2018
Following the release of a sworn declaration from Julie Swetnick detailing new allegations of sexual assault by Judge Kavanaugh, Durbin called for Senate Republicans and the White House to either immediately call for the FBI to conduct an investigation into the multiple allegations of sexual assault by Judge Kavanaugh or withdraw his nomination.

Feinstein Speaks on Brett Kavanaugh’s Credibility and Character
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D - CA)
September 27, 2018
“I hope the majority changes their tactics, opens their minds and seriously reflects on why we are here. We are here for one reason: to determine whether Judge Kavanaugh should be elevated to one of the most powerful positions in our country. This is not a trial of Dr. Ford. It’s a job interview for Judge Kavanaugh. Is Brett Kavanaugh who we want on the most prestigious court in our country? Is he the best we can do?”
Transcript of Graham's Remarks on Kavanaugh Nomination
Senator Lindsey Graham (R - SC)
September 27, 2018
“I hope you're on the Supreme Court, that's exactly where you should be. And I hope that the American people will see through this charade. And I wish you well. And I intend to vote for you and I hope everybody who's fair-minded will.”

Senator Lamar Alexander Statement on Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Senator Lamar Alexander (R - TN)
September 28, 2018
“I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh because of his 26 years of distinguished public service and his reputation as a superior jurist, lawyer and teacher.
“Judge Kavanaugh denies under oath Dr. Ford’s account of an alleged incident 36 years ago. The FBI has conducted six background investigations of Judge Kavanaugh since that alleged incident and found no such conduct. Every person Dr. Ford alleges was present at the incident says under penalty of a felony it didn’t happen.
“Senate Democrats have treated Judge Kavanaugh as innocent until nominated. They have victimized Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Ford and their families. They have diminished the United States Senate by their embarrassing irresponsibility.”
Cardin Statement on Judiciary Committee Testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh
Sendator Benjamin L.Cardin (D - MD)
September 28, 2018
“Republicans’ righteous indignation over Democrats’ handling of the process fails to address the key question relevant to today’s proceedings: whether Dr. Ford was telling the truth. For my part, I believe Dr. Ford, and I believe she showed remarkable courage in sharing her experience with the American people. I call on my Republican colleagues to now meet her courage with their own. Chairman Grassley should specifically ask President Trump to direct the FBI to fully investigate the incidents brought forward to the Judiciary Committee. The committee vote should be postponed until that investigation is completed. Failing a complete accounting of what happened and when, Judge Kavanaugh’s name should be withdrawn from consideration for the Supreme Court.”
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) - (R - TN)
September 28, 2018
“While both individuals provided compelling testimony, nothing that has been presented corroborates the allegation.
“There is no question that Judge Kavanaugh is qualified to serve on the Supreme Court, and in a different political environment, he would be confirmed overwhelmingly.
“I believe Judge Kavanaugh has conducted himself as well as anyone could expect throughout this process and plan to vote to confirm him.”
On Fox, Cornyn Discusses Ford, Kavanaugh Hearing
Senator John Cornyn- (R - TX)
September 28, 2018
U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) appeared on Fox News’ Fox & Friends to discuss yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Flake Statement on SCOTUS Nomination
Senator Jeff Flake - (R - AZ)
September 28, 2018
"...What I do know is that our system of justice affords a presumption of innocence to the accused, absent corroborating evidence. That is what binds us to the rule of law. While some may argue that a different standard should apply regarding the Senate’s advice and consent responsibilities, I believe that the constitution’s provisions of fairness and due process apply here as well.
I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”