This current crisis has, more than ever, highlighted the dangers our First Responders and Critical Care Workers walk into, selflessly, every day. Many of us have close family and friends who go out every day to put themselves in harm's way to save strangers. Today, The Ponder would like to say "Thank You!" on behalf of ourselves, and our readers, and the nation that we love! Our constant prayers go with you!
As Number of First Responders with COVID-19 Continues to Rise, Rose Calls on Mayor to Utilize Federal Funding to Increase PPE
Source: U.S. Representative Max Rose (D-NY, 11th)
March 27, 2020
“In the scariest of times and darkest of days, our City’s Finest and Bravest continue to show up and put their lives on the line,” Rose said. “We need to do all that we can and then some to keep them and those in the community they serve safe and healthy. In times of emergency and disaster like we’re facing, there’s no excuse for not spending whatever is necessary to protect our cops, firefighters and first responders.”
Rose Supports Relief Package, Calls Out Pork
Source: U.S. Representative John W. Rose (R-TN, 6th)
March 27, 2020
“For those in this Congress who have used this crisis to loot the public treasury and serve special interests above the common good,” Rose continued, “I trust that our people and history will judge you as harshly as you deserve.”
Rep. Chip Roy released the following statement on the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act”
Source: U.S. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX, 21st)
March 27, 2020
This bill provides needed relief for the many Central Texas small businesses – restaurants, hotels, music venues, bars, and others – suffering through the government-mandated “social distancing” period. I want to make sure workers in the 21st Congressional District of Texas have jobs to return to once we defeat coronavirus. And defeat it we will.
Roe Supports the CARES Act to Help Struggling Americans
Source: U.S. Representative Phil Roe (R-TN, 1st)
March 27, 2020
"This pandemic is affecting Americans across the country in every way possible – emotionally, physically and financially. I strongly support the CARES Act to help Americans struggling because of the unprecedented response we are undertaking to stop the spread of this deadly virus. This is not a typical economic recovery package because never before has our country shut down our economy intentionally. I am grateful for President Trump’s leadership and the work of the brave men and women in our public health community working around the clock to keep Americans safe. East Tennesseans should know their government will take whatever actions are necessary to ensure we restart and rebuild our economy as quickly as possible. This package is a major step in that direction. I hope it gives everyone the peace of mind that they can afford to stay safe during this critical period of social distancing and isolation, and help us in our effort to defeat this terrible threat to public health.”
Dr. Ruiz Applauds Passage of Historic Families & Workers-First Coronavirus Legislation and the Emergency Relief it Sends to California
Source: U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz (D-CA, 36th)
March 27, 2020
“The CARES Act provides billions of dollars to assist health care workers, small business owners, workers, and families in our community to weather the storm,” said Dr. Ruiz. “It is an unprecedented amount of money for an unprecedented pandemic. I voted for it because we need the assistance NOW! I will continue to problem-solve and push the envelope to best prepare and protect our communities and advocate for more support.”
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Rep. Roybal-Allard Applauds Passage of Historic Families & Workers-First Coronavirus Legislation and Its Emergency Relief for California
Source: U.S. Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA, 40th)
March 27, 2020
“I am proud to support the CARES Act, a historic piece of legislation, as part of House Democrats’ ongoing effort to bring urgently needed relief to families, workers, and small businesses in our 40th District and across America,” said Rep. Roybal-Allard. “While this legislation is a crucial step in the right direction, more still needs to be done. As Americans nationwide face uncertainty about their physical and financial well-being, I will keep fighting for additional policies that save lives and support our nation’s families, workers, and small businesses. Congress must ensure all Americans have the comfort of knowing that the government is there for them. This requires a coordinated, fully-funded, whole-of-government response. I am pleased that thanks to the hard work of Congressional Democrats, including our amazing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Senate’s corporate-focused coronavirus bill was turned into a bipartisan bill that puts the needs of America’s workers ahead of corporations. I will keep fighting alongside my Democratic colleagues and across the aisle to put Families and Workers First, including immigrant families and workers who did not receive relief from this bill to stay healthy and make ends meet.
Rep. Pressley, Massachusetts Lawmakers Urge USDA to Fully Reimburse School Districts and After-School Programs Providing Free Meals to Kids During COVID-19 Pandemic
Source: U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA, 7th)
March 27, 2020
"Schools and communities are acting urgently and creatively to adapt to this unprecedented threat, and we ask you to support their efforts without delay," the lawmakers wrote. "We request that you immediately use (your) authority to empower meal providers to adapt to their local conditions and needs in this unique time, and to guarantee reimbursement to all providers who are working to meet the needs of hungry children during this crisis."
Source: U.S. Representative Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD, 2nd)
March 27, 2020
“This package will save lives and livelihoods,” Congressman Ruppersberger said. “It’s about addressing the immediate concerns of treating sick people and making sure our nation’s economy can bounce back when the pandemic is over. This is a family-first compromise bill that we can all be proud to support.”
Rutherford Applauds House Passage of CARES Act
Source: U.S. Representative John Rutherford (R-FL, 4th)
March 27, 2020
“As the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread across our country, Congress knew we would need to put aside partisan politics and come together to deliver prompt relief for the American people,” said Rep. Rutherford. “While the bipartisan legislation we passed today is not the bill I would have written, it is the best that could be negotiated. It will deliver immediate, critical assistance to health care heroes on the front lines and support individual workers and small businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus. America is resilient in times of crisis – today’s challenges are no exception. Thank you to my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for getting this done.”
Senator David Perdue Discusses Coronavirus Relief On Georgia Radio
Source: Senator David Perdue (R-GA)
March 27, 2020
U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) today joined Morning Talk With Martha Zoller on WDUN Radio to discuss the Senate’s action to stabilize the U.S. economy and support workers and employers during the coronavirus crisis.
Dr. Rand Paul Sends Letter to President Trump Urging Support for Kentucky Disaster Declaration Request
Source: U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA, 7th)
March 26, 2020
“I respectfully urge you to promptly consider this request by Governor Beshear. Additionally, I ask that you work to expedite delivery of the 100,000 test kits and 5,000 swabs that have been requested by the Commonwealth of Kentucky,” he continued.

Source: U.S. Representative Cathy Rodgers McMorris (R-WA, 5th)
March 24, 2020
In the letter, Cathy and 26 other lawmakers said, “As you work to continue mitigating the impacts of this emergency on our nation’s agriculture industry, we ask that you include targeted relief for the specialty crop industry. Such relief will not only help producers who are facing significant financial challenges but also support efforts to provide food and nutrition assistance to the most vulnerable members of our communities.”
Roe, Schrier Lead Introduction of Bipartisan Immediate Relief for Rural Facilities and Providers Act of 2020
Source: U.S. Representative Phil Roe (R-TN, 1st)
March 24, 2020
“Hospitals and health care providers in rural America already struggle to keep their doors open, and the COVID-19 crisis is only making that harder. During a pandemic, it is critical our rural hospitals remain open to ensure all Americans – no matter where they live – have access to quality health care. We must also ensure individual doctors and small group medical practices are able to weather the storm and reopen once this crisis ends. I am proud to introduce this legislation to provide immediate relief to rural health facilities and providers so they have the resources needed to care for patients during and after the COVID-19 crisis,” said Rep. Roe.
Dr. Ruiz’s Bill Would Require Health Plans to Cover All COVID-19 Treatment
Source: U.S. Representative Raul Ruiz (D-CA, 36th)
March 24, 2020
Dr. Ruiz announced the introduction of the Care for COVID-19 Act, which would require health plans to cover diagnostic and treatment services related to COVID-19, at no cost to the patient. The bill also would create a special enrollment period for individuals who are impacted by COVID-19 to ensure that patients who are eligible for marketplace health plans would be able to enroll. The bill was introduced alongside Rep. Malinowski (NJ-07)
Senator David Perdue Salutes COVID-19 Critical Care Workers
Source: Senator David Perdue (R-GA)
March 23, 2020
“The best of America always comes out during moments of crisis,” said Senator Perdue. “It’s encouraging to see so many Georgians and Americans stepping up to help their neighbors, support their communities, and care for those in need. In these uncertain times, one thing rings true: no virus will ever break the American spirit.”
Rep. Porter Introduces Bill to Help Older Adults During Coronavirus Emergency
Source: U.S. Representative Katie Porter (D-CA, 45th)
March 23, 2020
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults age 65 years and older are at higher risk for severe illness. Porter’s legislation would allocate an additional $300 million to fund service coordinators that assist seniors.
Reps. Pressley & Tlaib Introduce Legislation to Protect Individuals Experiencing Homelessness During COVID-19 Public Health Crisis
Source: U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA, 7th)
March 23, 2020
“Housing is a critical determinant of public health, and that has never been more true than during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Congresswoman Pressley. “We have a moral obligation to protect the health and safety of all people, particularly our most vulnerable. By investing $15.5 billion in emergency grants to state and local governments, the Public Health Emergency Shelter Act will ensure that frontline workers have the resources and support they need to protect the health and safety of the nearly 500,000 people across this country experiencing homelessness. In these unprecedented times, this bill boldly affirms that poverty is not a character flaw, and nobody deserves less because they can’t afford more.”
Statement from Senator Rand Paul
Source: Senator Rand Paul (R - KY)
March 23, 2020
“I believe we need more testing immediately, even among those without symptoms. The nature of COVID-19 put me – and us all – in a Catch-22 situation. I didn’t fit the criteria for testing or quarantine. I had no symptoms and no specific encounter with a COVID-19 positive person. I had, however, traveled extensively in the U.S. and was required to continue doing so to vote in the Senate. That, together with the fact that I have a compromised lung, led me to seek testing. Despite my positive test result, I remain asymptomatic for COVID-19."
Kvellix LLC Offering Free NUTSO™ to Help Maintain Our National Family Sanity
March 23, 2020
Kvellix LLC, the makers of NUTSO™, a family poker styled card game, wants to do its share in keeping every family entertained during these trying times. Feeling the need to do something to overcome social distancing; Kvellix wants to help families create a new normal by gathering around the kitchen table and play NUTSO. To do this, Kvellix has two “NUTSO” related announcements that will help bring back some needed family sanity.

Rogers on Pelosi Putting Politics Ahead of American Families
Source: U.S. Representative Mike Rogers (R-AL, 3rd)
March 24, 2020
"Speaker Pelosi is more obsessed with putting her extreme liberal political wish list together than helping American families across our country who are struggling during this world crisis. She is making socialist demands that have nothing to do with stopping this deadly virus and stemming economic harm to families. All Americans should be extremely disappointed in Speaker Pelosi and her liberal allies for putting petty politics ahead of doing the job they were elected to do.
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