Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamacare. Show all posts

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Trump signs executive order on Healthcare (page 2)

This page is continued from "Trump signs executive order on Healthcare"

House Representative Warren Davidson (R-OH, 8th)

“As a manufacturer and job creator a little over one year ago, I can appreciate that this order expands the ability of small businesses and their employees to participate in new types of health insurance arrangements which is why I supported a similar measure that passed the House earlier this year. While this order makes many positive strides concerning healthcare affordability, Congress must act to make these and other reforms permanent. More importantly, Congress cannot simply give up on our promise and accept failure on Obamacare repeal. Republicans in Congress, and particularly in the Senate, need to pick up the torch and repeal Obamacare so families in Ohio and across the country can finally have the relief they were promised.”

Diana Degette (D-CO, 1st)

“This latest act of sabotage by the failing Trump presidency against the ACA will cause a million people to lose insurance in just the first year, drive up premiums and out-of-pocket payments for the rest and cause damaging instability in the insurance markets,” DeGette said. “President Trump is trying to achieve via edict what he couldn’t do through legislation: Dismantle the ACA and replace it with a cruel system that punishes the most vulnerable. This is Trumpcare by a thousand cuts.

“Congress needs to act immediately to provide funding for the cost-sharing reductions,” DeGette noted. “And we must work together in a bipartisan fashion to improve health care coverage in this country, rather than ripping it to bits.”

John Delaney (D-MD, 6th)

“Once again, President Trump is taking a completely backwards approach on health care: instead of trying to solve problems, he is deliberately creating them and instead of trying to expand access to coverage, he is deliberately trying to take it away.

“There’s no attempt at good policy here, no attempt at serving the people, just a blind and frenzied effort to secure some kind of political ‘win’ at any cost, all with nary a voice in his own party willing to speak out. We truly need thoughtful and responsible Republicans to stand up and put country before party, because we can’t let our great country be governed by tweets and empty slogans anymore. Decisions like this have a direct impact on people’s lives. There are bipartisan solutions in front of us that could fix the individual marketplaces – let’s put petty politics aside and actually do what’s right.”

Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA, 11th)

“This is yet another attack by President Trump to undermine the success and stability of the ACA. This irresponsible decision will make it easier for insurance companies to discriminate against Americans with pre-existing conditions and take advantage of those most in need of affordable, comprehensive health coverage. It is appalling that this Administration, despite public opposition, is prioritizing reckless campaign promises over working on behalf of the American people to improve our health care system.”

Debbie Dingell (D-MI, 12th)

“This spiteful decision by President Trump will have devastating consequences for the health care that families, seniors and children rely upon. The President’s action does nothing to improve care or bring down costs for the American people, which should be a shared goal of the President and every Member of Congress. Instead, this decision will directly result in higher costs for working families, create instability in the marketplace, and result in millions being uninsured in 2018.

“This is absolutely unacceptable. The American people have rejected Trumpcare time and again. Since the President was unsuccessful in ramming his awful repeal bill through Congress, he has taken it upon himself to dismantle health care for the American people. This is shameful. President Trump is directly responsible for the negative impacts this will have on families across the country. Congressional Republicans should work with Democrats to reinstate these critical payments and improve, not undermine, the health care Americans depend upon.”

Scott DesJarlais (R-TN, 4th)

“Since its inception, Obamacare has failed America’s middle class, bearing the brunt of increased health care costs, fewer insurance options and a decline in the quality of medical care, as doctors and facilities disappear, particularly in rural districts like mine. Because of excessive taxes and regulations, employers are dropping coverage. At the same time, insurers have fled state exchanges, and millions remain uninsured.

“More federal interference, such as single-payer, is the wrong answer. Giving workers, families and small businesses more choice and flexibility is the right one. The President’s order should help Tennesseans negotiate better prices, find inexpensive, short-term insurance, if necessary, and take advantage of tax-free accounts to purchase better health care. But ultimately, Congress must pass free-market reforms Republicans have advocated for years. The Senate must act.”

Eliot Engel (D-NY, 16th)

“The President’s decision to cut off cost-sharing reduction payments is his most outrageous act of sabotage against our health care system yet.

“These payments enable insurers to keep consumers’ out-of-pocket costs down. Per the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), ending them will cause premiums to rise and spur insurers to leave markets, in turn leaving Americans with fewer choices – the exact opposite of what the President has promised for months.

“If the President truly believed that action was needed on Congress’s part, he would have called on Congress to act. I have cosponsored the Marketplace Certainty Act, along with dozens of my colleagues, to appropriate funding for the cost-sharing reduction payments and remove any ambiguity on this issue. But, instead, the President chose to put millions of Americans’ health care at risk.

“Just yesterday, the President signed an Executive Order that could bring back the junk insurance policies that, before the ACA, offered little value for your money and punished sick people for their health status. Now, he’s doubled-down with a move that will hike up premiums and limit consumer choice. All of this amounts to the same ‘pay more, get less’ plan that the American people rejected in Trumpcare.

“Make no mistake: any instability in our health care system going forward will be a direct consequence of the President’s actions over the past two days. There is no reason for the President to make this move other than to hurt Americans. I am deeply saddened that in his desperation to see the ACA fail, he has made this egregious decision.”

Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT, 3rd)

“President Trump’s unilateral latest decision to stop making cost-sharing reduction payments will increase premiums for millions of Americans and will destabilize the marketplaces. The President is dead wrong when he calls these payments ‘bailouts.’ The truth is that they help people with modest means reduce their out-of-pocket healthcare costs. This action hurts the working and middle class Americans that President Trump promised to advocate for. He has now turned his back on them and is using them as a bargaining chip.”

“Congressional Republicans must immediately come to the table and work with Democrats to ensure these vital payments are continued and to make healthcare more affordable.”

Friday, October 13, 2017

Trump signs executive order on Healthcare

Washington, D.C. - October 13, 2017 - (The Ponder News) -- President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order directing his Administration to craft new policies increasing competition, choice, and affordability for health care across the American workforce.

According to the White House, the order:

1. directs the Secretary of Labor to consider expanding access to Association Health Plans, which could potentially allow American employers to form groups across State Lines;

2. directs the Departments of Labor, Treasury, and Health and Human Services to consider expanding coverage through low cost shorter-term limited duration insurance; and

3. directs the Departments of Treasury, Labor, and Health and Human Services to consider changes to Health Reimbursement Arrangements so employers can make better use of them for their employees.

Below are statements from House Representatives about the executive order:

Buddy Carter (R-GA, 1st)

"Thanks to dysfunction in the Senate, Congress has not been able to deliver on our promise to repeal Obamacare and replace it with a patient-centered system." said Carter. "While I would have preferred these moves come from Congress, I am grateful President Trump acted today to deliver relief to Americans suffering under Obamacare. This Executive Order works to deliver choice and control back to patients and is a good step towards lowering health care costs. I look forward to continued work with President Trump to finally repeal Obamacare and lower health care costs for all Americans."

Judy Chu (D-CA, 27th)

“Donald Trump will do anything to avoid working with Democrats to improve the healthcare of Americans – including intentionally sabotaging our country's healthcare system. That is what he is doing with this executive order. It is a craven attempt by the President to justify his party’s attacks on the ACA, which has been successful at increasing coverage for millions. That is why Republicans have been unable to pass a repeal of the law. But refusing to accept his failure, Trump is trying to double down with this plan to peel healthy individuals away from the ACA marketplaces and make costs rise for consumers. By offering cheap plans with poor coverage, he is ensuring that only healthy people will buy them – leaving the sick and elderly with more expensive options. This signals a return to the segmented healthcare system we had before the ACA, where being sick could mean bankruptcy or worse. And it is the most vulnerable Americans who will pay this price to salve Trump’s ego.” 

David Cicilline (D-RI, 1st)

“The American people are hurting. And President Trump continues to fail them. This executive order will sabotage the health care market and drive up costs for working people. The President should be working with Democrats to make the Affordable Care Act even stronger. Instead, he’s creating chaos and undermining access.”

Katherine Clark (D-MA, 5th)

“Make no mistake: Trump and Republicans will risk the lives of our most vulnerable to fulfill a dangerous political promise to their base. Trump is using the highest office in the nation to sabotage our healthcare system and ignore the will of the majority of Americans who rejected Trumpcare. Republicans are bent on dragging us back to the days when insurance companies decided who lived or died, and I will fight this every step of the way.”

Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO, 5th)

“Instead of working with Congress to determine what’s best for Americans and their health care, the President has decided to force his political agenda on the American people. There is a reason why the GOP effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has failed time and time again. The President wants to blame Democrats but the truth is, the proposed health care changes will hurt millions, regardless of their party affiliation. These changes are designed to allow loopholes around ACA core requirements, such as the coverage of essential health benefits.

Associations that band together to buy insurance will be exempt from having to cover certain prescription drug benefits, maternity care, or mental health services. The executive order will allow insurance companies to offer skimpy, short-term plans that don’t actually provide good coverage. This will attract the young and healthy customers at the expense of older or sicker individuals and their families, and will destabilize the insurance markets. The American people have spoken – more than once – and they want Congress to work together to find ways to improve upon the ACA, not continue to roll back patient protections.”

Gerald E. “Gerry” Connolly (D-VA, 11th)

"The Trumpcare executive order is the latest act of sabotage on the Affordable Care Act that will threaten coverage of pre-existing conditions and increase costs. Americans have repeatedly rejected Trumpcare. Let’s improve the Affordable Care Act, not leave millions of people more vulnerable."

Jim Cooper (D-TN, 5th)

“Today’s announcement is one of many steps this administration has taken to undermine the Affordable Care Act. It creates an exclusive market for the healthy at the expense of the sick, and is opposed by all kinds of health care experts,” Rep. Cooper said. “In the end, Washington lobbyists stand to benefit the most. This executive order will only hurt Americans, not help them.”

Kevin Cramer (R-North Dakota)

“Given the Senate’s unwillingness to repeal and replace Obamacare, I greatly appreciate President Trump’s decisive actions. While an executive order can never take the place of passing meaningful health care reform legislation, it’s the least we can do until another U.S. Senator decides to put the interests of the American people first by voting to fix our collapsing health care system.”

Kathy Castor (D-FL, 14th)

“I am especially concerned that President Trump supports erosion of coverage for pre-existing conditions and other essential health benefits.  This will prove costly to American families.  After the American people fought off Republican attempts to gut the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid, President Trump takes another tack to purposely sabotage affordable health care for hardworking families.  He is unwilling to engage in the difficult work to fix and improve affordable health insurance so instead chooses to raise premiums significantly and price people with pre-existing conditions out of the market.  These measures will hurt my neighbors over the long run as affordable coverage options shrink every year, all so the President can settle a political score.  I am calling on President Trump and his administration to stand on the side of hardworking Americans and stop their cruel sabotage of our health care.”

Click Here to go to page 2

Saturday, October 7, 2017

CCAGW Supports “Death Panel” Repeal

Source: Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Washington, D.C. - October 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) President Tom Schatz released the following statement regarding the respective mark-ups tomorrow of H.R. 849, the Protecting Senior’s Access to Medicare Act of 2017, by the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House Ways and Means Committee:

“I am pleased to see the House is moving to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), often referred to as the ‘Death Panel.’ IPAB is an outrageous and dangerous provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare. The board, composed of 15 unelected bureaucrats appointed by the President, would have unprecedented power to cut payments to Medicare providers and would be beholden to no one, including Congress.”

“IPAB is tasked with reducing the per capita rate of growth in Medicare spending, but is prevented from raising premiums, increasing cost sharing, or restricting benefits for beneficiaries. What it can do is cut payments to doctors, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and other providers. Reduced payment rates will encourage providers to treat fewer Medicare beneficiaries. Even though the ACA specifically states the board cannot ration care, that is a distinction without a difference; if a physician must reduce the number of Medicare patients he or she treats because of reduced rates, seniors by default will have their care rationed. IPAB also has the power to consider the private sector’s effects on healthcare costs and the authority to write regulations that modify both government and private healthcare. Its decisions are not subject to judicial review and legislative oversight.”

“Repealing IPAB is one of the few healthcare-related matters that has bipartisan support. H.R. 849 has 221 Republican and 43 Democratic co-sponsors. Members of both parties understand the alarming power IPAB was given under ACA and must be eliminated for good.”

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.

Monday, September 25, 2017

AANP President urges Senate to Ensure Health Care Legislation Upholds Patient Protections, Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions

Source: American Association of Nurse Practitioners

Washington, D.C. - September 25, 2017  (The Ponder News) -- The following statement is being issued by AANP President Joyce Knestrick, PhD, C-FNP, FAANP:

"As the Senate moves closer to action on health care reform, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) urges Senators to take a measured approach ensuring that any final legislation protects patient access to Medicaid, Medicare and other programs that cover the cost of care. There are more than 234,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) delivering health care to patients throughout the country. Currently, three of four NPs treat Medicare beneficiaries, and 78 percent see Medicaid patients. As this process moves forward, proposals must protect affordable coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions, uphold the principles of essential benefits, safeguard patients' access to the health care provider of their choice, including nurse practitioners, and strengthen the health care workforce while bringing greater overall efficiency to the health care system."

Friday, September 22, 2017

Cassidy-Graham is the beginning of the end for Obamacare, failure could lead to single payer

Source: Americans for Limited Government

Fairfax, VA - September 22, 2017  (The Ponder News) -- Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in support of the Cassidy-Graham legislation:

“For anyone arguing that the Cassidy-Graham bill is not good enough and needs to be better, we agree, it’s not perfect. It’s not close to perfect. But it is the only bill that repeals individual and employer mandates, block grants funding to states and offers waivers for Obamacare regulations that has any chance of passing this year.

“Failure to pass legislation that repeals Obamacare mandates and taxes to reduce health care costs will be a catastrophe politically, as the recent McLaughlin & Associates poll shows, with 66 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of Independents saying they are less likely to reelect their Congressman who opposes such legislation.

“Politics aside, the 6.5 million Americans who had to pay the individual mandate, under this bill will no longer be subjected to a tax, and their costs will go down, saving $3 billion based upon 2016 IRS figures. Those who live in states that apply for waivers from Obamacare regulations stand a chance of having their costs go down. And job seekers will no longer be discriminated against for seeking full-time employment because of the employer mandate, will see their incomes rise.

“So, anyone who would sacrifice the granting of regulatory relief for the states, and the destruction of two of the main pillars of Obamacare on the altar of perfection is making a huge mistake. Passage of the Cassidy-Graham bill is the beginning of the end for Obamacare. Failure would legitimize the push for single payer as the only alternative to Obamacare for the vast majority of Americans who do not pay attention to policy nuances. The only thing most people will know is that Republicans failed to keep their promise to replace Obamacare and they can’t be trusted on health care moving forward. That would be a recipe for disaster.”

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bill Introduced to Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate

Source: House Representative Pat Tiberi (R-OH, 12th)

Washington, D.C. - September 14, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-OH), chairman of the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee and Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. (R-TX), chairman of the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, introduced legislation that would repeal Obamacare’s individual health insurance mandate.

“We need to put patients and families, not the federal government, in charge of their own health care,” said Tiberi. “However, the individual mandate is forcing Americans to purchase plans they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford to use. This legislation would provide relief to Americans who are trapped in overpriced and unreliable Obamacare plans and eliminate the threat of an unfair fine from the IRS.”

“Obamacare’s individual mandate fundamentally alters the relationship between the government and the governed, severely limiting individual freedom,” said Burgess. “Since its conception, the individual mandate has been a direct attack on our personal liberty. This bill will provide the American people immediate relief from this overstep.”

Click Here to read H.R. 3725.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Shea-Porter Submits Amendment to Save ACA’s Navigator Program

Source: House Representative Carol Shea Porter (D NH, 1st)


Washington, D.C. - September 5, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) has submitted an amendment that would save the Affordable Care Act’s Navigator enrollment assistance grant program from elimination in this week’s House omnibus appropriations bill.

“Navigators provide an essential, free service to people in New Hampshire and around the country who need help finding the best plan for their needs and budget,” said Shea-Porter. “Comparing coverage options can be confusing, especially for people who haven’t had insurance in the past. I’ve seen New Hampshire Navigators’ skill and compassion firsthand, which is why I’m fighting to protect this essential community program from partisan Washington attacks.”

The enrollment assistance program, which provided $600,000 for New Hampshire grantees to hire Navigators last year, faces escalating threats from the Trump administration and House Republicans. On Friday, the Trump administration proposed cutting the Navigator program by $23 million, while this week’s House Republican Omnibus bill would completely eliminate the program by prohibiting any funding for Navigator grants during the upcoming fiscal year. Shea-Porter’s amendment strikes this prohibition and instructs the Administration to return $3 million to the Navigator program. Earlier this year, the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO), which administers the Navigator program, transferred $3 million in Navigator funding to conduct an anti-ACA study.

“Without local Navigator support, individuals and their families may lack information to make a thoughtful decision on insurance coverage options,” said Tess Stack Kuenning, President and CEO of Bi-State Primary Care Association, one of New Hampshire’s Navigator grantees. “Navigators are an ongoing community resource to help ensure that New Hampshire families have the coverage they need to stay healthy.”

Since its inception, the Navigator program has helped educate over 9 million consumers about their coverage options. In New Hampshire, Navigators work through the Bi-State Primary Care Association and the state’s Community Health Centers to provide impartial information about Marketplace plans, help consumers understand and evaluate all their options and apply for federal tax subsidies to lower the cost of premiums and out-of-pocket costs, and assist residents throughout the enrollment process.

On Wednesday (Sept 6), the House Rules Committee will decide whether Shea-Porter’s amendment is in order for a House floor vote later in the week.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Uncertainty looms ahead for GOP effort to repeal and replace Affordable Care Act

Alaska Dispatch News

WASHINGTON – Congressional Republicans on Friday glumly confronted the wreckage of their seven-year quest to abolish the Affordable Care Act, blaming each other and President Donald Trump for the dramatic early-morning collapse of the effort but finding no consensus on a way forward.

Some GOP lawmakers clung to long-shot hopes that some version of the legislation might be revived and that a deal might yet be struck before the fall. But the Senate's rejection early Friday of a last-ditch, bare-bones proposal to roll back just a few key planks of the law left GOP leaders with few options for uniting their sharply polarized ranks.

Hours later, House Republicans gathered in the Capitol to take stock of the situation. Some raised the prospect of abandoning their long-standing pledge to "repeal and replace" the ACA and instead working with Democrats to shore up weak spots in the law known as Obamacare. But Trump signaled little interest in that approach, leaving many lawmakers baffled about how to proceed.

"I'm not a prophet," said Rep. Tom MacArthur, R-N.J., who helped push an earlier version of the repeal bill through the House. "I don't know what comes next."

[Democrats urge investigations into Trump administration efforts to pressure Murkowski]

Politically, the collapse of the repeal effort is potentially devastating for Republicans. It leaves Trump without a significant policy achievement in the critical first six months of his presidency; it casts a pall over the party's coming drives to pass a budget and overhaul the tax code; and it exposes GOP lawmakers to rising anger from their conservative base.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Congress fails to repeal Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C. - July 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- United States Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) released the following statement on his vote against the amendment to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement plan:

“I agree with President Trump that we should repeal and replace major parts of the Affordable Care Act at the same time. In 2015, we could have waited two years for relief, but we cannot now, when Tennessee insurance commissioner Julie McPeak says the state’s individual insurance market is ‘very near collapse.’ We have 350,000 Tennesseans who buy insurance in the individual market—songwriters, small businessmen and women, farmers—who are worried today that they may have zero options for insurance in just six months.

“In addition, I don’t think Tennesseans would be comfortable canceling insurance for 22 million Americans, and trusting Congress to find a replacement in two years. Pilots like to know where they’re going to land when they take off, and we should too.”

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) issued the below statement following today’s vote on President Trump and Senate Republicans’ latest bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“Tonight is a victory for the millions of Americans who will not lose health coverage because Senate Republicans failed to pass their latest disgraceful attempt at a health repeal bill.”

“This is also a victory for the thousands upon thousands of Americans across the country who rallied, marched, and called their Senator to demand the right to affordable, quality health care. Your voices were heard. Tonight’s failed vote is a testament to your power – the power of the people, which we all know is greater than the people in power.”

“In the United States, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make or where you live – you should have access to quality, affordable health care, because health care is a human right.”

“The fight isn’t over. Republicans in both chambers have made it clear they’ll stop at nothing to enact their dangerous agenda. If we don’t stop them, they'll strip health coverage from millions of Americans, raise premiums, and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions. We must remain vigilant and continue speaking up and out against those who would prefer to play politics with the nation’s health care system rather than earnestly work to improve it.”

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Family Research Council Statement on Senate Vote on Motion to Proceed to Obamacare Repeal

On Tuesday, the Senate agreed to proceed to a debate on H.R. 1628, the House-passed American Health Care Act of 2017. In order for the Senate to debate the important elements of Obamacare's repeal and replacement, senators needed first to support a procedural motion to begin consideration of H.R. 1628. Family Research Council (FRC) scored in favor of the motion to proceed to H.R. 1628.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement:

"Finally, the U.S. Senate has taken a crucial step toward repealing Obamacare, redirecting dollars away from the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and putting America's healthcare system on a path to recovery. For more than 7 years, Republicans have promised the American people that they would repeal Obamacare, they did so in 2015, and now Congress finally has a president who will put his signature on the legislation.

"Family Research Council supported beginning debate on this health care legislation in order to get to amendments to repeal Obamacare with its massive expansion of subsidies for health care plans that cover elective abortion, to defund abortion organizations from mandatory spending programs and pull back on this onerous law that has harmed so many families. The motion to proceed was only the first step, and now senators need to support amendments to rid America of the moral, regulatory, and cost burden that the so-called 'Affordable' Care Act has been.

"We owe a deep debt of gratitude to the many Members of Congress who make the protection of unborn children in the context of health care reform a high priority. The eyes of the pro-life movement are now intensely focused on the U.S. Senate as they vote on amendments to repeal Obamacare and replace it without also subsidizing elective abortion. We strongly support amendments to ensure that, if abortion funding protections on credits are struck on procedural grounds, that Americans' tax dollars are redirected in a way that does not subsidize abortion coverage.

"We strongly oppose any amendments to continue funding for abortion organizations, such as Planned Parenthood. It's the moral responsibility of Republican senators to support the repeal bill and fulfill their campaign promises that helped them secure the congressional majority," concluded Perkins.

AARP Statement on Senate Vote to Proceed on Health Care Bill

Washington, D.C. - July 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- In response to the Senate vote on the motion to proceed to consider a health care bill that would cut Medicare and Medicaid and impose an Age Tax on older Americans, AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond released the following statement:

"AARP is disheartened that a majority of Senators voted to move forward on a bill that would devastate millions of Americans. Today's vote means the Senate is one step closer to passing legislation that will price gouge people over age 50 and strip health insurance from tens of millions of Americans.

"AARP will continue fighting to stop the Senate from passing any bill that increases costs, imposes an Age Tax, strips coverage from people, cuts Medicare, and cuts the Medicaid services seniors need to stay in their homes.

"Any Senator considering voting for the health care bill should understand the consequences of ignoring AARP's 38 million members. People over age 50 overwhelmingly vote and they will remember who voted to give them a $13,000 premium hike. AARP will print every Senator's vote in AARP Bulletin, a publication read by 30.4 million people.

"None of the current bills is the right way to fix health care. AARP stands ready to work with Congress on bipartisan solutions that will lower costs and improve care."

AARP is the nation's largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. With nearly 38 million members and offices in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and advocate for what matters most to families with a focus on health security, financial stability and personal fulfillment. AARP also works for individuals in the marketplace by sparking new solutions and allowing carefully chosen, high-quality products and services to carry the AARP name.

The Senate’s Latest Obamacare Replacement Effort will not improve the Nation’s Health, Affordable Care Act

Washington, D.C. - July 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) --The below is a statement from John Auerbach, president and CEO, of Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) on the Senate’s motion to proceed.

“Each new iteration of Obamacare repeal legislation has failed to do what a health bill should: improve the nation’s health.

We know—according to the Congressional Budget Office’s scores on any number of the attempted bills—that tens of millions of people will quickly lose access to health insurance and the preventive services and programs which keep them from developing debilitating and costly chronic diseases.

That is, simply, the opposite of what a bill—intended to improve the nation’s health—should do.

Continued attempts to eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund would irreparably harm the nation’s health. States and communities rely on the hundreds of millions of dollars they receive annually to work on the critical health issues—including the opioid epidemic, lead poisoning, obesity, tobacco use and vaccine-preventable illnesses—facing their citizens.

To date, any funding included in repeal legislation for the opioid crisis has been nowhere near enough to solve the problem and will not make up for the substantially larger cuts to Medicaid and the Prevention Fund.

Estimates have found that the total coverage cost for people receiving treatment for substance misuse disorders could reach $220 billion over the next decade. And, people with substance misuse disorders often suffer from additional health problems – for example, mental illness and chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes – and need the routine access to care and services provided by Medicaid. As such, substance misuse treatment must remain part of the Medicaid integrated care system.

TFAH encourages the Administration and Congress to start over and create a true healthcare bill that will improve upon Obamacare, keep people covered and safeguard the nation’s health.”

Trust for America’s Health is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to saving lives by protecting the health of every community and working to make disease prevention a national priority.

=====Event Announcement=====

School Choice Debate to be held August 3!

RNC Statement on Senate Health Care Bill

Washington, D.C. - July 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement on the Senate's vote on the motion to proceed towards Obamacare repeal:

"Republicans answered President Trump's call, taking another step towards fulfilling our promise to the American people to implement a better health care system," said Chairwoman McDaniel. "As Obamacare continues to collapse, millions of Americans are suffering from skyrocketing costs and crumbling marketplaces, yet Democrats continue to obstruct and resist. It is unfortunate that not a single Democrat agreed to proceed to vote on any fixes whatsoever to this disastrous Obamacare law. It’s time for the political games by Democrats to end. Americans deserve better.”

Thursday, July 20, 2017

While Obamacare Struggle Continues, Tax Reform is Questionable...

John McCain, Republican senator from Arizona, diagnosed with brain tumor
Washington Post
July 19, 2017

The Mayo Clinic said doctors diagnosed a tumor called a glioblastoma after surgery to remove a blood clot above McCain’s left eye last week. The senator and his family are considering treatment options, including a combination of chemotherapy and radiation, according to the hospital.

Prayers, indeed. I have never known anyone who survived this. Politics aside, I feel for his family.

Should doctors be paid a premium for assisting deaths?
July 12, 2017

Daws was among the first assisted-dying providers in Canada and had been a vocal advocate for the service long before it became legal 13 months ago. For the first six months the law was in place—before the province had formal fee codes for how doctors would be paid—Daws and the other seven early providers in B.C. worked for free, assuming that they would be paid retroactively, and fairly, for their work. But that hasn’t happened, and providers are losing faith that it will.

Why should death be profitable? Only an undertaker should make money off of death -- but that is just my opinion.

Minneapolis Mayor ENCOURAGED Muslim Cop To Kill White Woman With What She Did Days Earlier
USA Daily News 24
July 19, 2017

America is still in shock over the death of Minneapolis resident Justine Damond, who called police after witnessing an assault in her neighborhood. Minutes after her 911 call was placed, Damond would be dead, after a Somali Muslim police officer turned off his body cam and shot her in cold blood through his police car window. Now sickening information is coming about about Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges’ intimate ties with the Muslim police officer, who now has innocent blood on her hands thanks to sickening thing she did in the months leading up to Damond’s murder.

Still think it will never come here? I hate to tell you, it already is.

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Mawson Homeschooled Study Reveals Who is Sicker
Children's Medical Safety Research Institute
May 4, 2017

A pilot study of 666 homeschooled six to 12-year-olds from four American states published on April 27th in the Journal of Translational Sciences, compared 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children, and assessed their overall health based on their mothers' reports of vaccinations and physician-diagnosed illnesses. What it found about increases in immune-mediated diseases like allergies and neurodevelopmental diseases including autism, should make all parents think twice before they ever vaccinate again:

I usually don't put out news this old, but it is still recent enough that I thought it was worth relaying.

After healthcare failure, Republicans face similar divisions on tax reform
Yahoo! News
July 18, 2017

"If we move too much in the mandatory area, then it will make tax reform that much more difficult to get. It's that basic," Dent told Reuters.

Trump tells Republican senators to send him ObamaCare repeal bill before August recess
Fox News
July 19, 2017

President Trump told Republican senators Wednesday that they shouldn’t leave Washington for August recess until they send him an ObamaCare repeal bill to sign.

Surveillance footage captures last days of boy fed to pigs
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This is soooo horrific...
I have no words...How could this happen!!!


Great Tweets!

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If GOP Senators Murkowski, Collins, and Capito won't stop Planned Parenthood $$ to vacuum babies from womb, then vacuum them out of office!

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Russia, Guns, The Wall, Obamacare, CNN, Charlie Gard, Black Lives Matter and more...

The Ongoing Frustration of Trump's Conservative Critics
Town Hall
July 7, 2017

Most Trump supporters are not cultists who are blind and indifferent to his faults and indelicacies, but nor are they soiling themselves in agony over them. They have not betrayed their principles in supporting and defending Trump. They are not hypocrites for cheering him on against the plethora of leftist assaults. They don't root for Trump because they seek revenge against the left, as some have wrongly supposed. The left's war on America, as founded, is ongoing, not some one-off offense for which we seek redress.

Trump at G20 with Mexican President: Mexico ‘Absolutely’ Paying for Border Wall
July 7, 2017

Members of the press were briefly allowed in the meeting where an AP reporter asked Trump, “Mr. Trump, do you still want Mexico to pay for the wall?”

Trump, Putin Agree to Tackle Cybersecurity Together
July 7, 2017

"It was agreed that all of these issues, including anti-terrorism efforts, fight against organized crime, and hacker activities in any of their manifestations will be a focus of bilateral Russian-U.S. cooperation," Lavrov said. "A bilateral working group will be set up for these [issues]."

Conservative warns McConnell to not give up on ObamaCare repeal
The Hill
JUly 7, 2017

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, is not happy about talk that Senate Republicans might give up that effort and instead work with Democrats on legislation to shore up troubled insurance markets.

CNN May Have Had The Worst Week In Washington
The Daily Caller
July 8, 2017

The network’s rough week started on Sunday when President Trump jumpstarted controversy by tweeting a video that showed him body-slamming the CNN logo. The tweet was met with widespread condemnation in the media, which resulted in the video being shown over and over again on national television.

Meet the Colorado Woman Training Teachers to Use Guns to Stop School Violence
The Daily Signal
July 8, 2017

FASTER trains school workers “not to replace police and EMT, but to allow teachers, administrators, and other personnel on-site to stop school violence rapidly and render medical aid immediately,” according to the FASTER website.

GOP Senator’s Bill Passes, Makes Gun Seizure Order Without Gun Owner’s Knowledge Possible
Right Wing News
July 8, 2017

The bill is SB 719, and it has now gone through and passed Oregon’s House and Senate. It appoints an Extreme Risk Protection Order, which forces the subject of the order to give up all firearms, as well as his hidden carry permit if he possesses one.

Charlie Gard Gets A Second Chance At Life
Red State
July 7, 2017

The Mengele-esque medical claque at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital has found playing God has responsibility. They’ve “reconsidered” their unilateral decision to remove 11-month-old Charlie Gard from life support over the wishes of his parents.

A Texas Judge Turns Back an Irrational Challenge to Campus Carry
National Review
July 7, 2017

Here’s a piece of judicial good news. Yesterday, a Texas trial court dismissed a court challenge to Texas’s campus carry law that was based, of all things, on the First Amendment. No, really:

BLM Leader Receives His Court Date As Officer Recovers From Deadly Ambush
Conservative Daily Post
July 7, 2017

A federal lawsuit has been filed in Louisiana, which blames Black Lives Matter, and several leaders, of inciting racial violence, especially against cops. This suit specifically refers to a deadly incident last summer that resulted in the death of Baton Rouge law enforcement officers, and the shooter.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Japan, Mining, Obamacare, Neil Gorsuch, AIDS, Statue, Fair Pay, Federal Public Access, Gateway West Transmission Line, Education, Russia, Veterans, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Contamination, Clean Air

Roe Statement on the Nomination of Bill Hagerty of Tennessee to be U.S. Ambassador to Japan
Phil Roe (R-TN, 1st)
March 24, 2017

“I am thrilled President Trump has nominated a great Tennessean, Bill Hagerty, to serve as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to Japan. With superb credentials, Bill served under Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam as the Commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development, where his leadership helped make Tennessee the top state for jobs and economic growth from 2013 to 2015. I congratulate him and thank President Trump for this nomination. I’m confident Bill will be a successful conduit for U.S.-Japan relations.”

Bipartisan RECLAIM Act of 2017 Introduced for 115th Congress
Harold Rogers (R-KY, 5th)
March 27, 2017

Congressional leaders united across the aisle and the Capitol Dome to reintroduce the bipartisan RECLAIM Act. The legislation aims to accelerate $1 billion in available funding in the Abandoned Mine Reclamation (AML) Fund over the next five years to revitalize coal communities hit hardest by the downturn of the coal industry. The RECLAIM Act: Revitalizing the Economy of Coal Communities by Leveraging Local Activities and Investing More, was filed today in both chambers by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.), Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-Pa.), Rep. Evan Jenkins (R-WV.), Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) and Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-Pa.).

Rohrabacher: Congress and the Administration will Rally to End Obamacare
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA, 48th)
March 27, 2017

With Obamacare still in place, the hardship and pain brought on by the last administration’s nonsensical healthcare policy will increase. As time goes on and payments double and quadruple, insurance companies end service, and Americans find themselves paying more and getting less, the need for dramatic change will become even more evident than it is today. So expect Republicans to bring the issue back in a more perfected form.

Todd Rokita (R-IN, 4th)
March 27, 2017

“The Obama-era accountability rule disregarded Congressional intent and would have taken authority away from local school corporations and given it back to Washington. This law signed by the President today undoes that rule, making sure that local education leaders have the ability and flexibility to craft plans for their schools that address the unique needs of their students. The previous Washington-knows-best approach to education has officially ended, and I am proud of our work here to ensure that our nation’s education system is working for students, not federal bureaucrats.”

Rooney Extremely Disappointed with Senator Bill Nelson
Tom Rooney (R-FL, 17th)
March 27, 2017

“Today, Florida Senator Bill Nelson stated that he will vote no on Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation. I am extremely disappointed, though utterly unsurprised, that Senator Nelson would put political posturing above the needs of the American people. Ten years ago, not a single Democratic Senator opposed Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit, including Senator Nelson. Nelson has not provided any substantive concerns or misgivings as to why he supported Gorsuch in the past but will not vote to confirm now. Nelson is hypocritically putting his own wants and needs above objectively considering a Judge who has shown nothing but full capability to serve on the Supreme Court. He should be ashamed of himself and I hope Florida voters replace him next year in the 2018 election. Unfortunately because of the actions of Senators like Bill Nelson who are threatening a filibuster for a capable jurist, Republicans may be forced to exercise the nuclear option.”

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HIV Caucus Co-Chairs Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Eliminate Discriminatory HIV/AIDS Laws
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL, 27th)
March 27, 2017

HIV Caucus Co-Chairs U.S. Representatives Barbara Lee and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen reintroduced the REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act 2017, which would modernize laws and policies to eliminate discrimination against those living with HIV/AIDS. This bill expresses the sense of Congress that federal and state laws, policies, and regulations should not place a unique or additional burden on individuals solely as a result of their HIV status, and offers a step-by-step plan to work with states to modernize their laws.

Roskam Statement on Russia Protests
Peter J. Roskam (R-IL, 6th)
March 27, 2017

“I’m encouraged by reports of peaceful demonstrations across Russia against the corrupt, autocratic regime in Moscow. Vladimir Putin has made a mockery of human rights and democracy both at home and abroad. We must support the Russian people, as well as our allies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, in their struggle against Putin’s authoritarianism and expansionism.”

Congressman Royce Applauds Decision to Let Comfort Women Statue Stand
Ed Royce (R-CA, 39th)
March 27, 2017

“I applaud the Supreme Court's decision to let the Glendale Peace Memorial stand. By remembering the past, including the women who suffered immensely, we help ensure these atrocities are never committed again. Now that the highest court in the land has spoken, I hope those who’ve wasted years trying to rewrite history will finally move on.”

Schakowsky statement on Republican attack on American workers
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL, 9th)
March 28, 2017

“Repealing the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule is an outrageous affront to the American taxpayer and the American worker. These protections simply required companies seeking government contracts to disclose their labor violations, like not complying with workplace safety standards or breaking wage theft and non-discrimination laws. American taxpayers deserve to know how their dollars are being spent, and if they are going to law-breakers. Repealing these protections is not fair to the workers whose labor rights have been violated. It is not fair to put companies that abide by the law and respect their employees at a competitive disadvantage. I will continue to fight for better, higher-paying jobs; greater protections for workers; and safer, more inclusive workplaces.”

Representatives Johnson, Sensenbrenner Question Federal Public Access Policies
James F. Sensenbrenner (R-WI, 5th)
March 28, 2017

Representatives Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) sent the following letter to the Government Accountability Office, asking it to evaluate the status, effectiveness and benefits of current federal public access policies. This letter builds upon previous legislative efforts between these Members to ensure taxpayers, who are footing the bill for federal research, have adequate access to the published results free of charge.

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Simpson, Labrador Introduce Agreement on Gateway West Transmission Line
Mike Simpson (R-ID, 2nd)
March 27, 2017

Congressman Mike Simpson and Congressman Raul Labrador have introduced legislation to address the routing of the Gateway West Transmission Line, through the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA). The project – jointly proposed by Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power - will construct and operate 1,000 miles of high voltage transmission line across Wyoming and Idaho and creates more than 1,200 jobs and represents $3.5 billion in economic investment. The legislation is a compromise agreement between key stakeholders in Idaho including the State of Idaho, Idaho Power, and conservation organizations.

Ranking Member Smith Reintroduces Legislation to End Harmful Effects of Sequestration
Adam Smith (D-WA, 9th)
March 28, 2017

It is apparent that the mechanism of sequestration is not effective or necessary to spur the creation of a comprehensive deficit reduction plan. In fact, the author of the 1987 law that first employed the sequester as an enforcement mechanism never intended for the sequester to be triggered; rather that only the threat of it be used to spur action and compromise. Clearly, it has failed in that regard. The Relief from Sequestration Act of 2017 would end years of harmful and unnecessary cuts to discretionary programs by eliminating the automatic across-the-board cuts that are triggered anytime a discretionary account goes beyond the BCA caps.

Darren Soto (D-FL, 9th)
March 27, 2017

Soto’s bill will scale up this proven model and take it nationwide. The “Direct Connect to Success Act” will require each state to designate one or more public universities to establish a Direct Connect program open to students of all that state’s community colleges. Direct Connect will provide graduates of a two-year community college with at least a 2.0 GPA to be guaranteed admission into a participating four-year state university.

Congresswoman Speier Calls on Chairman Nunes to Recuse Himself from House Intelligence Committee Investigation into Russia’s Ties to Trump Team
Jackie Speier (D-CA, 14th)
March 27, 2017

“My fears have been validated. Through his bizarre and partisan actions over the last week, Chairman Nunes has demonstrated to the entire nation why he is unfit to lead our critical investigation into ties between President Trump’s Administration and Moscow. The Chairman’s admission this morning that he met with an unnamed ‘source’ on White House grounds ‘in order to have proximity to a secure location where he could view [classified] information’ is the last straw. This implies that the Chairman and the White House colluded in a desperate attempt to salvage the President’s credibility, after the President’s bogus wiretapping claims were debunked by his own FBI Director,” Rep. Speier said.

Rep. Stewart Participates in White House Bill Signing to Rollback Regulations
Chris Stewart (R-UT, 2nd)
March 27, 2017

"I applaud today’s signing of H.J. Res 44, making the critical and necessary move to roll back the BLM Planning 2.0 Rule. This rule ignored thousands of meaningful comments submitted by state and local officials. By signing this resolution of disapproval, President Trump is returning power back to the states and local communities.”

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Swalwell Urges Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes to Recuse Himself from Trump-Russia Investigation
Eric Swalwell (D-CA, 15th)
March 27, 2017

“Russia attacked our democracy this last election. Our constituents are counting on us to find out how they did it, whether any U.S. persons assisted them, and how to make sure it never happens again. That requires an impartial pursuit of the truth. So far, too many people in the White House and Administration, and now, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, have betrayed their duty to conduct an independent, bipartisan inquiry into the Trump team’s ties with Russia.

Claudia Tenney (R NY, 22nd)
March 28, 2017

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22) and Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) joined together to call on the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs to investigate ongoing problems with the Veterans Crisis Line (VCL). In a bipartisan letter to the Secretary of the VA, Tenney and Collins requested that the VA provide information on changes being made to the VCL to ensure deficiencies in the program are overcome efficiently. The letter was signed by 86 Members of Congress.

COLUMN: The CFPB Goes Against Government of the People, by the People
Scott Tipton (R-CO, 3rd)
March 27, 2017

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) was created by the Dodd-Frank Act as an independent agency within the Federal Reserve System, with the purpose of regulating consumer financial products. The core mission of the CFPB, protecting consumers from bad actors, is important, but we should all be concerned about the unconstitutional structure of the Bureau.

Reps. Tonko & Pallone Introduce Bill to Clean & Restore Contaminated Industrial Sites
Paul D. Tonko (D-NY, 20th)
March 28, 2017

“The EPA Brownfields Program works to clean up contaminated properties and put them back to use. In so doing, it has an important economic multiplier for local communities, turning environmentally degraded areas into productive economically active sites. With an estimated 450,000 brownfield sites across the country, we have a lot of work left to do. This legislation delivers funding, flexibility, capacity-building and technical assistance to those that want to turn unproductive land into positive development. I want to thank Ranking Member Pallone for his leadership on this issue, and I look forward to continuing our efforts to reauthorize and expand this proven program.”

Tsongas Statement on Trump's "Dirty Air" Executive Order
Niki Tsongas (D-MA, 3rd)
March 28, 2017

President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order later today that attempts to undo President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, as well as undermine other environmental conservation and climate change prevention efforts.

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The Ponder News Answers Your Questions!

Sometimes the Ponder receives questions from our readers, and we would like to address some of them as we get them. Recently, a reader asked:

How come my congressman's press release wasn't included in today's news?


Give us a break! We are very limited in the amount of time we have to spend posting the news. We try to include everyone at one time or another, but we only have time for up to twenty news items per day at this time (and sometimes not that many) because we only have one person working to post the news. If you want more than that, then we need your financial support. That is what the advertising is for, but that only works if you actually BUY something from the advertisers, not if you just click on them. Of course, if you would like to donate, every $20 will pay for 10 more news items to be posted that day. Just send the money through Pay Pal by clicking HERE (be sure to leave a note that it is for The Ponder News).

In the meantime, we have listed our sources according to House Representatives, Senators, Organizations, and other Press Pages, in that order. We go down the list of all them (with the exception of other press pages, which we only use as fillers when we have the urge to), posting as many as we have time for, and when we reach the end of the list, we start over. If your Congressman or Senator wasn't included the day we click on him, it's because the news he offers is now outdated. If the press release is over a few days old or not relevant to our interests (we could care less about art competitions, we want to know how what they are doing is going to effect us) we do not post it. Simple as that.

If you don't see your organization, then make sure we have their press release page in our database by contacting Shonda Ponder on Facebook by clicking HERE.

If you would like to pay for advertisement, contact Shonda on Facebook and I am sure she will work something out with you.


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Monday, March 27, 2017

News about Trumpcare, Obamacare, Keystone XL Pipeline, Wiretapping, Israel, Campaign Finance

Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ, 1st)
March 24, 2017

Today, following news that Congressional leaders cancelled votes on the American Health Care Act, Congressman Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01) called the move a positive opportunity to start on real work for rural Arizona, those nearing retirement, and hardworking families.

Pallone on Keystone XL Approval
Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ, 6th)
March 24, 2017

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (NJ-06) Ranking Member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement upon news that the Trump administration granted a permit authorizing construction of the Keystone XL pipeline this morning:

We Can Provide The American People A Better Solution
Gary Palmer (R-AL, 6th)
March 24, 2017

“After hearing from me and many of my colleagues the Republican leadership decided not to hold the vote on the American Health Care Act. I believe pulling the bill from the House floor was the right call. The American people have suffered for the last 7 years under Obamacare, and I know we can provide them a better solution that will put healthcare decisions back in their hands, not in the hands of the Federal Government. I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress and President Trump to do just that. Working together we can still pass a bill that allows Americans to access the doctors they want, decide the coverage they need, and lower their healthcare expenses.”

Jimmy Panetta (D-CA, 20th)
March 24, 2017

“It is understandable that the AHCA was pulled from a vote on the House Floor by Speaker Paul Ryan not only because of the division in the majority, but because it was a quickly and carelessly crafted bill. I opposed this legislation because if passed, it would have taken health care away from millions, and forced families to pay more for less care,” said Congressman Panetta. “Moving forward, members of Congress on both sides of the aisle must come together to build upon the progress the Affordable Care Act (ACA) made in protecting the most vulnerable Americans. We must address insurance cost increases, and make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans.”

Rep. Pascrell Statement Pulling of Republican Health Plan
Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ, 9th)
March 24, 2017

"As this rushed process unfolded, it became clear that Republicans could not present workable health care policies but instead were constructing an incoherent hodgepodge of proposals," Rep. Pascrell said. "Fortunately, the American people vigorously responded and derailed this destructive legislation. This was a case of political expedience over sound policy ideas. Rather than coming together with Democrats to make basic fixes to the ACA Marketplaces, they opted for a 'repeal' plan centered around gutting Medicaid and shifting costs onto vulnerable populations in order to give a windfall to the wealthy."

Payne, Jr. Statement After House Republicans Pull TrumpCare
Donald Payne, Jr. (D-NJ, 10th)
March 24, 2017

“Given the devastating consequences it would have on access to affordable, quality health care, the collapse of TrumpCare is welcome news. The bill would strip 24 million Americans, including more than 50,000 of my constituents, of their health care while driving up costs for millions of others and taxing older Americans. Republicans aren’t serious about health care, and it shows in their rush to pass one of the worst pieces of legislation ever introduced. The Affordable Care Act isn’t perfect, but it has improved the lives of so many of my constituents, and I will fight every day to defend it."


Steve Pearce (R-NM, 2nd)
March 24, 2017

“I am disappointed that we were unable to get to an agreement this week on a plan that would bring affordability and accessibility back to health care marketplaces in the state of New Mexico and around the nation. The failing Obamacare system has reduced choices and increased prices in the state of New Mexico."

Perlmutter Statement on Delay of AHCA Vote
Ed Perlmutter (D-CO, 7th)
March 24, 2017

“This is a good day for the thousands of Coloradans and millions of Americans who were at risk of losing affordable healthcare coverage under the Republicans’ disastrous healthcare plan. Republicans have spent the last seven years criticizing and undermining the ACA, and now it is time for the White House and Congressional leadership to come to the table and work with Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act.”

Perry, House Conservatives Fight for Full ACA Repeal
Scott Perry (R-PA, 4th)
March 24, 2017

“I ran on repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) - or “Obamacare” – not two-thirds of it, but the entire thing. The replacement bill - the American Health Care Act, as currently written - repeals the individual mandate and the employer mandate, but fails to end government control of personal health care. The fundamental problem with the ACA was the government takeover of personal health care decisions. Until we address that key point, we’ll never get to the root of the issue of rising costs and providing people with greater choice and flexibility in their health care coverage. During my four years in Congress, more people than I can count have told me – repeatedly – that they can’t afford health care. We simply must get costs down, and that starts with removing one-size-fits-all federal mandates. Instead of trying to get this done quickly, let’s get it done right. I’ll continue to work with the President and my House colleagues to get a reasonable proposal through the House to repeal the ACA once and for all.”

Rep. Peters Helps Stop Reckless Healthcare Repeal Bill from Getting a Vote in the House
Scott Peters (D-CA, 52nd)
March 24, 2017

U.S. Congressman Scott Peters (CA-52) marked the defeat of the Congressional Republicans’ reckless healthcare repeal, lauded the progress made under the Affordable Care Act, and reasserted his commitment to fixing what needs fixing in our nation’s current health care law and system. Republican leadership cancelled the vote on their healthcare repeal bill just minutes before it was scheduled because it didn’t have the support it needed to pass. The bill would have dismantled many of the protections of the Affordable Care Act, gutted funding for Medicaid and Planned Parenthood, raised out-of-pocket costs for seniors and working families, and led to 24 million fewer Americans having health insurance.

Pingree Calls Trumpcare’s Failure in House a Victory for Mainers, Millions of Americans
Chellie Pingree (D-ME, 1st)
March 24, 2017

“This is a huge win for tens of thousands of Mainers who made their voices heard and rely on the Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood. This bill was bad from the start and got worse as President Trump and House Republicans negotiated behind closed doors. Trumpcare would have increased costs for older, rural, and low-income Mainers, stripped funding from Planned Parenthood health centers, and given billions in tax breaks to health insurance companies and the wealthiest Americans. Since the bill did not pass today, I hope President Trump commits to giving the ACA the support it needs to continue protecting and covering millions of Americans."

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Robert Pittenger (R-NC, 9th)
March 27, 2017

“(Democrats) shouldn’t be cheering when next month they’re going to have an increase in rates again. The reform that they passed is collapsing on its own weight. When Aetna says it’s on a death spiral, when Humana says they’re leaving next year, there is no opportunity for this health care plan they passed to succeed, and it has to be reformed.”

Forty Members of Congress Tell Trump to Apologize to Obama Over Baseless Wiretapping Lies
Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd)
March 27, 2017

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) led a letter with 39 Members of Congress to President Trump demanding he apologize for repeatedly spreading a lie that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. Last week, the Chair of the House Intel Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, tried to spin Trump’s widely debunked wiretapping claims by releasing new unconfirmed information to the press concerning surveillance of associates to Trump. Yesterday, in an interview on FOX News Sunday with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Chris Wallace asked if Trump was ready to apologize regarding his accusations of wiretapping.

Bruce Poliquin (R-MN, 2nd)
March 24, 2017

“I agree that all legislation, especially a proposal for such an important policy change, must have enough time to be thoroughly reviewed by the American people and all lawmakers of all political parties. As I said, I have pushed to ensure those nearing retirement and in rural areas receive support in any proposed legislation.

Polis statement on health care victory
Jared Polis (D-CO, 2nd)
March 24, 2017

“Power to the people! Today is about each and every person in my district who spoke up and said, ‘Not my health care, not today.’ Health care policy is high stakes. It’s life or death for many, and I am so very happy that political games didn’t win out over the health and wellbeing of Americans. We have work to do going forward, but with my community by my side, I have no doubt we will continue the progress of making sure all Americans have access to affordable, comprehensive health care,” Polis said.

Rep. Posey’s Statement on the Health Care Bill
Bill Posey (R-FL, 8th)
March 24, 2017

“Early on in the Obama Administration I met with then-Secretary of Health and Human Services Sebelius. I asked if we could move forward together with legislation to address three areas of health care with a bipartisan consensus: helping people with pre-existing conditions, allowing young people to stay on a parent’s insurance plan, and preventing insurance companies from dropping people when they fell ill. Unfortunately, Secretary Sebelius stated that Administration would not work with Congress in these three areas. Instead, they planned to transform America’s health care in its entirety. "

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David Price (D-NC, 4th)
March 24, 2017

Representatives David Price (D-NC) and Gerry Connolly (D-VA) sent a bipartisan letter signed by 191 of Members of Congress urging President Trump to reaffirm support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “There must be absolute clarity regarding the United States’ continued support for a negotiated settlement leading to a sustainable two-state solution,” Price and Connolly said.

Mike Quigley (D-IL, 5th)
March 24, 2017

“Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act seven years ago, we have seen two things: an increase of quality, affordable care for millions, coupled with empty Republican threats to roll back this undeniable progress. Today, House Republicans tried – and failed – to deliver on their shameful, years-long pledge to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Their efforts to force a vote on TrumpCare had far less to do with the health of the American people, and much more to do with fulfilling a misguided campaign promise, no matter the devastating consequences. Under their replacement plan, up to 24 million Americans would lose health care coverage over the next decade and premiums would skyrocket, not only for those in the marketplaces, but those across our health care system. I am not surprised that President Trump and Speaker Ryan decided to pull this dangerous bill once they realized that it could not pass in the House. I would encourage them to take this opportunity to pursue a bipartisan plan to improve and strengthen the Affordable Care Act so it works for even more hardworking Americans.”

American Samoa not Affected by Federal Health Care Vote
Amata Radewagen (R-American Samoa, At Large)
March 24, 2017

“Although House leadership has pulled the bill for now it would not have affected American Samoa in the first place,” said Congresswoman Aumua Amata. “Because this is a reconciliation bill, only those provisions included in the 2010 Affordable Care Act can be considered in this bill. The reason reconciliation is being used, is to make it easier to pass in the Senate where it will only require 51 votes instead of the usual 60. The good news is that there is a three step process and the territories will be considered in step three,” continued the Congresswoman.

Jamie Raskin (D-MD, 8th)
March 21, 2017

Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08) has introduced the ‘Get Foreign Money Out of U.S. Elections Act’ (H.R. 1615). The bill would close a campaign finance loophole that allows foreign-owned, foreign-controlled, and foreign-influenced corporations to funnel unlimited cash into U.S. elections.

Roby Statement on Withdrawal of Health Care Bill
Martha Roby (R-AL, 2nd)
March 24, 2017

“The American people gave Republicans a tremendous opportunity to deliver results on their behalf. Our Republican majority’s failure to rally around this priority and keep good faith on the promise we made is disappointing to say the least,” Roby said. “Today I was prepared to keep my promise and vote ‘yes,’ and I am disheartened that I did not have the chance to be a voice for the people I serve. I fought hard for this bill, and I will continue to fight for those burdened by Obamacare. The status quo is simply unacceptable, and I appreciate that President Trump and Speaker Ryan worked diligently to build support for this plan.”

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The Ponder News Answers Your Questions!

Sometimes the Ponder receives questions from our readers, and we would like to address some of them as we get them. Recently, a reader asked:

If this is a Christian Conservative News Blog, then why is there so much information from Democrats?

Information is information. Most of the information you will find here come directly from the web sites of those who make the news, not from those who report it.

It is not our job to tell you what to think or how to think. All we, as a news site, can honestly do is tell you what other people think and what other people have to say about a particular issue. With this information, we are praying you, the reader, have the discernment to know right from wrong and can use the information we give you to take action for or against the issue at hand. By denying information from any (and every) source available to us, we deny you the opportunity to create your own opinion, or make an educational decision about the issue.

If you see more from one side than you do the other, you must remain vigilant to wait for both sides of the issue to speak. Only uneducated people tend to "circle the wagon" because they feel that "everybody else is doing it, why not?" The whole idea of conservatism is surrounded by the ability to think for one's self.

Here is an idea, if you think it is unfair that Democrats make more comments than Republicans, or have more ideas, or introduce more laws, and you are a Republican reader, then it is up to you to write your representative and tell him or her to get to work.

We promise you that we are not, as some other sites are apt to do, going to with-hold information from you just because someone we don't like gave it to us, if it is relevant to the times in which we live and the issues we are facing. Besides, if they outright tell a lie, or wish to make a fool of themselves, who are we to keep you from seeing it?

Remember, there are Christians who are Democrats as well as Christians who are Republicans. Besides, don't you want to know what the opposition is up to so you can stop it if it is wrong?


Friday, March 24, 2017

Small Business, London Attack, Trumpcare, Obamacare, Keystone XL Pipeline, Planned Parenthood, Black Communities, Women, Students, Addiction, Identity Theft, Agriculture

Loudermilk Supports Small Business/Lower Cost Health Insurance for Employees
Barry Loudermilk (R-GA, 11th)
March 22, 2017

“For 15 of the 20 years I owned a small business, my employees received affordable health insurance through a group plan. However, even though my employees were promised they could keep their existing health care plan under the ACA, the government determined their insurance wasn't good enough and forced them into more expensive plans with less coverage. Obamacare was a complete disaster for my employees and my business. The House has passed legislation that will allow businesses to join together to form group health insurance plans for their employees. As promised, we are removing government restrictions, giving these business owners freedom to negotiate lower costs of health care for their employees.”

Mia Love (R-UT, 4th)
March 23, 2017

"I am heartbroken to hear about the violent death of Kurt Cochran and the serious injury of his wife Melissa in London Wednesday. This kind of vicious terrorist attack cannot be tolerated. We, as Utahns are united in grief and loss, and our thoughts and prayers go out to their friends and family."

Nita Lowey (D-NY, 17th)
March 22, 2017

"Today’s evil attack on Great Britain is horrifying, and I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. It is still too early to determine what exactly occurred, but it is clear that those responsible must be brought to justice immediately. The special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom has endured for generations, and I will continue working to ensure that we fully supports our friends in their investigation of this apparent act of terror. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of London and the victims of this senseless attack."

Luetkemeyer Supports Bill to Help Small Businesses and Workers Receive Affordable Health-Care
Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MI, 3rd)
March 21, 2017

“Over the last several years, the number of small business, with fewer than 10 employees, offering health insurance to their employees has dropped by almost 36 percent – in large part due to Obamacare,” Luetkemeyer said. “By creating these Association Health Plans for small businesses to purchase quality health care for workers and families at an affordable cost, the House of Representatives has taken the next step in the repeal and repeal process."

Ben R. Lujan (D-NM, 3rd)
March 23, 2017

“President Trump and Congressional Republicans hatched a bill in a back room and tried to slip it through the House with no hearings before anyone – even members of their own party – were able to understand the details,” said Lujan. “And when those details did come out – the fact that this bill strips health insurance from millions of Americans, increases the cost of premiums and deductibles, and creates a crushing age tax on Americans over 50 – President Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan and House Republicans got caught pulling a fast one on the American people.”

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Politifact: Rep. Maloney Claim that More than Half of Planned Parenthood Centers Serve Rural or Medically Underserved Communities is True
Carolyn Maloney (D-NY, 12th)
March 24, 2017

“Americans need to know how much damage taking away funding from Planned Parenthood would cause, which is why I took to the floorto urge my colleagues to vote no on the Republican American Health Care Act. Planned Parenthood provides services to so many men and women who would otherwise be unable to access care. A vote for this bill, a vote to defund Planned Parenthood, is a vote to endanger the health of millions of Americans.”

Maloney Introduces Federal Legislation to Combat Heroin and Opioid Epidemic
Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY, 18th)
March 20, 2017

In response to the heroin and opioid epidemic, Representative Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) joined Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro and City of Poughkeepsie Mayor Rob Rolison in Poughkeepsie to introduce federal legislation to combat the opioid and heroin crisis and stop mass incarceration of abusers and low-level drug offenders nationwide. By allowing police officers to use their discretion to divert individuals directly to treatment instead of booking them and processing them through the criminal justice system, these programs give police officers the flexibility they need to help curb the growing opioid epidemic, decrease low-level drug crime, and reduce the number of low-level drug related arrests.

Kenny Marchant (R-TX, 24th)
March 15, 2017

U.S. Congressmen Kenny Marchant (R-TX-24) and Lloyd Doggett (D-TX-35) introduced the Social Security Child Protection Act (HR 1512). The legislation allows the Social Security Administration (SSA) to issue a new Social Security Number (SSN) to children age 13 and under who have had their SSN stolen due to inadvertent disclosure.

Rep. McCaul and Sens. Moran, Ernst Introduce Legislation to Support Young People in Agriculture
Michael T. McCaul (R-TX, 10th)
March 21, 2017

U.S. Representative Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) today introduced legislation to support young people in agriculture by creating a tax exemption for the first $5,000 of income students 18 years of age or younger earn from projects completed through 4-H or FFA. Their bills, the Student Agriculture Protection Act (SAPA) (H.R. 1626) and the Agriculture Students Encourage, Acknowledge, Reward, Nurture (EARN) Act (S. 671), enable students to keep more of the modest income they earn, which can then be invested in education savings or future agricultural projects.

Repeal and Replace
Tom McClintock (R-CA, 4th)
March 21, 2017

Any discussion of the American Health Care Act needs first to consider where we will be without it. Obamacare is collapsing. More people are paying the steep tax penalty or claiming hardship exemptions than are choosing to buy Obamacare policies. In a third of the counties across America, there is only one provider to choose and soon we will see counties where there are no providers at all. Obamacare premiums soared an average of 25 percent last year, and we’re warned this year will be worse.


McCollum Floor Remarks Opposing TrumpCare
Betty McCollum (D-MN, 4th)
March 24, 2017

Mr. Speaker, TrumpCare is a disaster for children, families, seniors, and people with disabilities.

McGovern: Taking Healthcare Away Requires a Heart of Stone
James McGovern (D-MA, 2nd)
March 24, 2017

U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), the top Democrat leading debate today against the American Health Care Act, delivered the following speech on the House floor in an appeal to the compassion of both Republicans and Democrats to stand up for the families they represent and stop this dangerous bill from becoming law.

Rep. McSally Secures $15 Billion in the AHCA for Maternity Care, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Mental Health Care
Martha McSally (R-AZ, 2nd)
March 23, 2017

U.S. Representatives Martha McSally (AZ-02) worked with House Republican Leadership and the Trump Administration to further improve the American Health Care Act (AHCA). She successfully negotiated to provide states, through the Patient and State Stability Fund, with supplemental funding so they have the ability to obtain additional resources that will provide new mothers and those struggling with mental and substance abuse disorders access to care while the nation transitions to the new health care system. House leadership and the White House has agreed to incorporate these changes into the AHCA.

Meehan, DelBene Introduce HELP for Students and Parents Act
Pat Meehan (R-PA, 7th)
March 22, 2017

Congressman Patrick Meehan (R-Pa.) and Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (D-Wa.) this week introduced the Higher Education Loan Payments (HELP) for Students and Parents Act, bipartisan legislation that will make college more affordable by modernizing how the tax code treats employer contributions toward student loan repayment.

House Passes Meng Legislation Honoring 100th Anniversary of First Woman Sworn-Into Congress
Grace Meng (D-NY, 6th)
March 21, 2017

As the nation continues its observance of Women’s History Month, the House of Representatives passed legislation sponsored by U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY) that would honor the 100th anniversary of the first woman sworn-into Congress, former Rep. Jeannette Rankin (R-Montana).

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Paul Mitchell (R MI, 10th)
March 24, 2017

“Like many of my colleagues, I ran for Congress with the promise of fixing our broken health care system. The American Health Care Act is an important step toward restoring health care in America.

Moore Meets with Trump to Discuss Issues Facing Black Communities
Gwen Moore (D-WI, 4th)
March 23, 2017

“We met with President Trump to express our concerns over a disturbing trend of disregard for our communities and to convey our collective alarm over his proposed budget and policy agenda. I entered the meeting with a healthy dose of skepticism and left the White House with a sense of cautious optimism, but only time will tell if the president and his advisors are willing to take action on our recommendations. For the sake of every constituent who is far too familiar with the sting of racism and discrimination, living in communities that are underserved and overpoliced, I truly hope our words didn’t fall on deaf ears."

Congressman Nadler Speaks in Opposition to Republican’s “Pay More, Get Less” Health Care Proposal
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY, 10th)
March 24, 2017

Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) spoke in opposition to the House Republican’s proposed American Health Care Act, which throws 24 million Americans off their health insurance while raising heath care costs. For New York, the Republican bill would take away health care from 2.7 million people, costing State taxpayers $6.9 billion in additional costs.

Noem: Keystone XL Opens Opportunities for South Dakota
Kristi Noem (R-South Dakota)
March 24, 2017

“Access to energy is central to improving our national security and building a more robust economy that offers better jobs and higher wages. Not only does the Keystone XL Pipeline offer these large-scale benefits for our country, its construction will translate into added revenue for cash-strapped South Dakota counties, relief on our roads and rails, and job opportunities for folks across our state. I’m glad to see President Trump move forward on this critical piece of American infrastructure.”

Congressman Norcross Demands Republicans Reinstate Addiction Coverage in TrumpCare Bill
Donald Norcross (D-NJ, 1st)
March 24, 2017

As Republicans in Congress debated changes to their health care bill, Congressman Donald Norcross (NJ-01) today led a group of Representatives petitioning President Donald Trump to reverse provisions that would threaten coverage for drug addiction treatment.

Norton to Introduce Legislation to Collect and Publish National Demographic Data on Missing Children
Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.)
March 24, 2017

“Congress has long recognized that missing children is a national problem,” Norton said. “In 2013, Congress required the Department of Justice to conduct every three years national incidence studies of missing children. Such a study is now underway. However, my bill would require the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to collect, break down, and publish demographic subsets of these missing children. It is critical that the public know if there is a disproportionate number of missing children of color, particularly missing girls of color, which we believe is an underreported national problem. Experts need to first measure the incidences, and then study whether children have been trafficked, abducted, are running away, or are missing for other reasons, and what they recommend we can do about it.”

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