Meals on Wheels could take funding hit in Trump budget
March 16, 2017
The preliminary outline for President Donald Trump's 2018 budget could slash some funding for a program that provides meals for older, impoverished Americans.
Bipartisan Group of House Members Seek Additional Information on Marine Obscene Photo Sharing Scandal
Lois Frankel (D-FL, 22nd)
March 15, 2017
A Bipartisan group of Members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of Defense James Mattis seeking additional information on the reports that as many as 30,000 Marines are being investigated as part of their involvement in distributing and commenting on obscene photos of female Marines. The Members are specifically requesting “an update to the investigation conducted by NCIS and a detailed explanation of actions taken to date by the Marine Corps, Navy, and DoD.”
Chairman Frelinghuysen statement on President's FY18 budget blueprint
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ, 11th)
March 16, 2017
U.S. Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11), Chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, made the following statement today on the release of the President’s budget blueprint:
Goodlatte Praises Committee Approval of Legislation to Honor Vietnam Veterans
Bob Goodlatte (R-VA, 6th)
March 16, 2017
Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) released the following statement upon House Judiciary Committee approval of the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 (S. 305) by voice vote:
Reps. Gosar, Beyer, McSally, Schneider, Suozzi, Comstock Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Give Parents Time Off to Mourn Loss of a Child
Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ, 4th)
March 16, 2017
Today a bipartisan group of Representatives including Paul Gosar (AZ-04), Don Beyer (VA-08), Martha McSally (AZ-02), Brad Schneider (IL-10), Tom Suozzi (NY-03) and Barbra Comstock (VA-10) introduced the Sarah Grace-Farley-Kluger Act. This legislation would add “death of a child” as a life event that would qualify for unpaid leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), allowing a grieving parent up to 12 weeks to deal with the trauma and then return to work.

Rep. Tom Graves: Start Cleaning House at the VA
Tom Graves (R-GA, 14th)
March 16, 2017
Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA-14) voted for and the House passed the VA Accountability First Act (H.R. 1259), which increases accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
Democratic Senators Ask Ethics Watchdog if Trump Trademarks Run Afoul of Constitution and Anti-Bribery Laws
Senator Tom Udall - (D - NM)
March 16, 2017
After President Trump and the Trump Organization were granted 38 trademarks by the Chinese Government, U.S Senators Tom Udall, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and a group of 17 other senators wrote the Office of Government for guidance on whether the award betrays ethics laws, policies, or established norms. The senators also asked whether or not the government ethics watchdog was even consulted before the trademarks were sought or granted.
Joint Statement from Senate Intel Committee Leaders on Wiretapping Evidence at Trump Tower
Mark R.Warner - (D - VA)
March 16, 2017
“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”
Senator Warren: Cruel GOP Health Care Bill Will Hurt Efforts to Address Opioid Crisis
Senator Elizabeth Warren- (D - MA)
March 16, 2017
In a Senate floor speech on Wednesday, Senator Elizabeth Warren raised concerns about how the Republican health care bill would hamper efforts in Massachusetts and across the country to address the opioid crisis.
Sheldon Whitehouse- (D - RI)
March 16, 2017
“Looking at these pages makes me wonder what ‘America First’ means to President Trump. This proposal would gut programs that support jobs, education, and public health for all Americans, while handing out favors to the wealthy and big corporations. And it would abdicate American leadership in the world. It’s light on details, but it’s chock full of terrible ideas.

Wyden, Merkley Join Congressional Members to Introduce “NO HATE” Act
Wyden, Ron - (D - OR)
March 16, 2017
Following a national surge in hate crimes, Oregon’s U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley joined Democratic legislators in the House and Senate to introduce legislation that would strengthen federal laws combatting hate speech, threats and attacks.
Senator Young's statement on confirmation of Senator Dan Coats
Senator Todd Young
March 16, 2017
"Senator Coats will be an effective Director of National Intelligence. He has made our state proud, and I know he will serve our country well."
Smith Statement on President Trump’s Budget Blueprint
House Committee on Science, Space and Technology
March 17, 2017
“Today President Trump took the first step in rebalancing and reprioritizing the federal budget. For far too long, vital programs have fallen by the wayside while climate funding continues to escalate. Hard decisions have to be made to better protect American taxpayers. This new budget continues to fund priority basic research that will enable policy makers to make informed decisions based on sound science.”
Cafeteria Plans: A Menu of Non-Options for Small Business Owners
House Committee on Small Business
March 16, 2017
“Cafeteria plans are available across the board to large and mid-size companies, non-profits, schools, universities, and the federal government,” said Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access Chairman Dave Brat (R-VA) in his opening statement. “However, one major category of people who are not allowed to participate in a cafeteria plan is small business owners. They can sponsor these plans for their employees, but they cannot personally participate. This provides a disincentive to offering the plan in the first place.”
House Passes Bill Improving VA’s Ability To Hire, Retain High-Quality Providers
House Committee on Veterans Affairs
March 17, 2017
H.R. 1367, introduced by Rep. Brad Wenstrup, contains a number of provisions that would strengthen VA’s ability to identify staffing shortages, recruit employees to fill vacant positions, quickly on-board new hires, and retain high-performing workers across the country. It also contains provisions that would improve leadership and accountability throughout VA and increase the number of veterans in the federal workforce.

Support Continues to Grow for the House GOP Pro-Growth Tax Reform Blueprint
House Committee on Ways and Means
March 17, 2017
In his Joint Address to Congress on February 28, 2017, President Trump called for bold tax reform that will allow our country to “compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone.” House Republicans are ready to deliver. Our pro-growth tax reform Blueprint will unleash U.S. economic growth and provide unprecedented simplicity and fairness for all taxpayers.
Joni and Friends News
March 16, 2017
Less than one week before the Trump Administration’s 68-nation coalition focused on fighting the Islamic State meets in Washington March 22-23, an insightful new survey reveals a plurality of Americans believe we are losing the war against the Islamic State.
Religious Liberty Law Firm: Chaplain Prayers Are Allowed on Military Base
Liberty Institute
March 14, 2017
On February 6, a special interest group sent a letter to Pease Air National Guard Base, demanding that the base commander forbid military chaplains from performing invocations at military events held on the base. The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, an organization of chaplain endorsers that speaks for nearly half of all chaplains in the military, asked First Liberty Institute, a national religious freedom law firm, to advise the Air Force base on the constitutionality of the practice.
NASA Acting Administrator Statement on Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Proposal
March 16, 2017
“The President mentioned in his speech to both houses of Congress that, ‘American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream.’ NASA is already working toward that goal, and we look forward to exciting achievements that this budget will help us reach."
NAPO Calls for Resignation of Florida State Attorney Aramis Ayala
National Association of Police Organizations
March 17, 2017
On behalf of the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) and the more than 240,000 law enforcement officers we represent across the United States, especially those represented by the Florida Police Benevolent Association, we write to you to express our extreme concern and disappointment with your decision not to seek the death penalty for Markeith Loyd, who is charged with murdering his pregnant ex-girlfriend, Sade Dixon, and then assassinating Orlando Lieutenant Debra Clayton as she tried to apprehend him.

Trump Budget Abandons the Nation's Public Schools
National Association of Secondary School Principals
March 16, 2017
“The President’s proposed budget abandons the nation’s public schools at a time when states are working to implement the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The nation’s school leaders are especially concerned about the elimination of Title II, Part A, which provide $2.4 billion in flexible funding for states and districts to improve teacher and principal quality. More than a decade of intensive research by the Wallace Foundation concluded that quality instruction and quality leadership are the two largest school-based factors in student achievement. As states are ramping up their school improvement plans under ESSA, the president is ramping down support for the very professionals committed to educating our nation’s students, 80 percent of whom are in public schools."
Addressing the Intersection of Domestic Violence and HIV: What You Can Do To Help Survivors
National Network to End Domestic Violence
March 17, 2017
Since 2010, the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) has brought awareness to the intersection of domestic violence and HIV through the Positively Safe project. Positively Safe mobilizes domestic violence and HIV service providers and allies by building partnerships, increasing capacity, and enhancing linkage to care for persons exposed to domestic violence and HIV. At nearly double the national rate, 55 percent of women living with HIV have experienced domestic violence, and domestic violence victims have a 4x greater risk of contracting STIs, including HIV.
Nurses: Proposed Budget Latest Attack on the Public Protections and the Most Vulnerable People
National Nurses United
March 16, 2017
National Nurses United sharply criticized President Trump’s proposed federal budget as a broad attack on public protections that also targets some of the nation’s most vulnerable people while shifting resources to the least needed areas.