Thursday, September 7, 2017


Source: Concerned Veterans for America

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Washington, D.C. - September 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Recently, Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) introduced the VA Information Technology Restructuring Act, or H.R. 3640, as a measure to modernize the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The bill is identical to a Senate measure introduced by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) earlier this year, which Concerned Veterans for America (CVA) supported immediately.

The bill will create a Chief Information Officer (CIO) position within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to help streamline the upgrading, acquisition, and operation of IT systems in the department.

CVA Texas Field Director Ben Rangel issued the following statement:

“The VA’s outdated IT system is one of the many barriers to veterans accessing timely care and benefits. Rep. Ratcliffe’s new bill would enable the VA to make well-informed decisions to upgrade, modernize, and consolidate its IT department. We applaud the efforts of Sen. Cruz and Rep. Ratcliffe to make the VHA more effective, and we proudly support the VA Information Technology Restructuring Act. With strong momentum in the House and Senate, there is no reason for Congress to delay taking up this important measure to improve the care our veterans receive.”

Response to Washington Post Account of CEI's Victory on Paris Climate Decision

Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute

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Washington, D.C. - September 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Competitive Enterprise Institute President Kent Lassman released the following statement in response to Robert O’Harrow’s article in The Washington Post about CEI’s Myron Ebell, the Cooler Heads Coalition, and their work relevant to President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement. The article also challenges the role and independence of think tanks in public policy debates.

"Although The Washington Post’s story about CEI, Myron Ebell, and the Cooler Heads Coalition correctly identifies the success that CEI and the Cooler Heads organizations have had debunking global warming alarmism and exposing the devastating, regulatory onslaught that comes along with it, the Post fails to show Americans how public policy groups like CEI help cut through the rhetoric and bring people together on the merits of policies rather than short-sighted politics. Thanks to Myron and Cooler Heads, millions of people continue to have access to reliable and affordable energy, a resource that has lifted people out of poverty around the globe.

“The Post spends a lot of space questioning CEI's nonprofit status and activities, while conveniently ignoring groups 10 times our size. These organizations advocate for radical changes in our national energy policies and rely upon the very same IRS provisions. We can, and should, debate what the climate science shows and the policies we should implement as a result. But, what we cannot stand for are ideologues who weaponize data, spread junk science, and stoke fears to force political decisions that will take away Americans’ freedoms, undermine the U.S. Constitution, and jeopardize our national interests.” ​

CAGW’s Deborah Collier Testifies Before Senate Commerce Committee on FCC’s Lifeline Program

Source: Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW)

Washington, D.C. - September 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) Director of Technology and Telecommunications Policy, Deborah Collier, testified this morning before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation’s hearing on the, “Risk of Waste, Fraud and Abuse in the Federal Communications Commission’s Lifeline Program.”

The testimony reads, in part:

“Many Americans have heard of the ‘Obamaphones,’ made infamous by the viral 2012 video of a Cleveland woman touting the ‘free’ Lifeline program. However, few Americans realize is that Lifeline is part of the Low-Income support program, which was created in 1985 to provide subsidies for low-income households to obtain a telephone enabling them to communicate in emergencies.

“Over the years, the Lifeline program has evolved from initially providing one landline telephone per household in need, to offering low-income, qualified subscribers a choice between a landline telephone, a wireless phone, or broadband internet service at a reduced cost (with a limit of one per household).”

“GAO also revealed multiple instances of fraud and abuse within the program. For example, some recipients were using Craigslist to advertise the sale of Lifeline-subsidized phones and service. In other instances, Lifeline beneficiaries violated the one phone line restriction of the program by signing up for service from multiple carriers.”

“Continued fraud and abuse within the Lifeline program has continued despite efforts to reform the verification process in 2012 and again in 2015. If Congress intends to continue the Lifeline program and make it sustainable in the future, CAGW strongly recommends that the USAC be required to implement a front end verification process, and the FCC engage in more stringent enforcement actions against companies that actively register ineligible or duplicate recipients into the program, and skirt the verification process.”

Citizens Against Government Waste is the nation's largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.

Defeating Terrorists, Not Terrorism

Source: The Bipartisan Policy Center

In the 16 years since the 9/11 attacks, U.S. counterterrorism efforts have succeeded in preventing another mass-casualty attack on U.S. soil. But despite that success at home, the terrorist threat continues to spread. Too often, U.S. counterterrorism efforts have focused on military operations against a specific group, while doing too little to prevent new generations from replenishing their ranks.

Washington, D.C. - September 7, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- A new Bipartisan Policy Center task force led by former Gov. Tom Kean and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, who led the 9/11 Commission, is examining why the terrorist threat remains so potent and developing a long-term strategy to defeat jihadist ideology.

The Task Force on Terrorism and Ideology today issued its first paper, Defeating Terrorists, Not Terrorism: Assessing U.S. Counterterrorism Policy from 9/11 to ISIS, which offers an in-depth look at why, despite the many successes of U.S. actions against terrorism, new groups have continued to emerge.

“Even as the military defeat of the Islamic State appears imminent, American policymakers must avoid the temptation of confusing the defeat of one brutal terrorist organization with victory against terrorism,” Hamilton said. “As long as jihadists can replenish their ranks as fast as we can take them off the battlefield, the threat will persist.”

“The generational struggle against Islamist terrorism will come to an end only when the ambitions that motivate groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State no longer inspire new recruits to violence,” Kean said. “We can, and must, do better to defeat terrorists’ ideas.”

The task force of top national security, diplomatic, and intelligence experts will release recommendations in the future.

BPC is holding an event on Sept. 8 to discuss these issues. Speakers include key congressional and executive branch officials and notable experts.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

85 percent of Americans support free speech for all, even the unpopular, 63 percent oppose political violence by Antifa

Source: Americans for Limited Government
Source: Center for Security Policy

Washington, D.C. - September 6, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- A new public opinion survey conducted by McLaughlin and Associates found the vast preponderance of those polled favors the constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of expression—and rejects the notion that some should be denied that right. This finding confirms that of a recent Rasmussen poll. Together, these distinguished pollsters’ data represent a powerful warning for government officials, lawmakers and activists intent on restricting free speech if, in their view or others, it gives “offense.”

Key results of the McLaughlin survey conducted last week included the following:

  • By a margin of 85 percent to 8 percent, respondents said that, in the aftermath of the riots in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month, “all Americans are entitled to free speech,” not “just some of us.”
  • 84.9 percent of respondents regarded “freedom of speech as a fundamental right.” Only 9.3 percent thought “it should be restricted if it offends some people.”
  • 63 percent opposed the violent leftist group Antifa’s attempts to silence those whose speech it disagrees with, while only 21 percent supported Antifa.
  • A plurality of 42.8 percent opposed the use by internet companies of a list compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) that accuses “many mainstream conservative groups” of engaging in “hate speech.” Only 31.8 percent supported such use.

  • Frank J. Gaffney, the president of one of those conservative groups, the Center for Security Policy, responded to the latest poll by observing:

    “Americans clearly understand the dangers associated with attempts to censor speech and other forms of expression. Today, it might be someone else who is being silenced. Tomorrow, it may well be you. And, to the extent that organizations funded by the likes of radical leftists like George Soros—including the Southern Poverty Law Center and Antifa—are allowed to act as the arbiters of who is allowed to communicate, about what and how, it’s just a matter of time before many millions of us are gagged.

    “The Left and the Islamist allies it enables have clearly crossed a line,” Gaffney continued. “Organizations like the SPLC, the Anti-Defamation League and the Council on American-Islamic Relations are engaged in political warfare pure and simple, aimed at denying their opponents’ free speech rights in academia, in the media, on the internet and in the public square. Politicians—and most especially Republican ones—acquiesce to such anti-constitutional conduct at their own electoral peril.”

    Indeed, the wake-up call to public office-holders offered by the McLaughlin and Rasmussen polls on free speech could hardly be more timely. After all, in April 2017—even before the bloodletting in Charlottesville spawned relentless, bipartisan demands for limiting “offensive” expression—the U.S. Senate unanimously approved S.Res. 118, co-sponsored by Sens. Marco Rubio, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris. It was described as “a resolution condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States.”

    Animus is a sweeping term that can include such highly subjective sentiments as hostility, ill-feeling and strong dislike. The resolution also called for federal investigation of not just hate crimes but “hate incidents” and “hate threats,” both undefined. A counterpart resolution is awaiting action in the House of Representatives, as are actual bills with names like the “NO HATE Act” in both the Senate and the House.

    Speaking of Soros and his ilk, the McLaughlin poll also found that by a nearly two-to-one margin, 48.5 to 26.3, respondents agreed that President Donald Trump should not employ “subordinates who can be shown to be colluding with George Soros, Barack Obama or others associated with them to undermine President Trump’s administration.” Among Trump voters, the spread was even wider, 67.6 percent to 18.4 percent.

    The Center for Security Policy strongly agrees with the prevailing sentiments documented in the McLaughlin and Associates poll. It calls on every American who loves freedom to exercise their First Amendment rights. That should, among other things, entail insisting that their lawmakers uphold freely sworn oaths to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

    Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement in response to a poll by Center for Security Policy/Eagle Forum/McLaughlin & Associates showing overwhelming support for the First Amendment and free speech rights:

    “At a time when the First Amendment is under unprecedented assault by the institutional left, the American people have proven once again that they are not willing to trade their essential liberty to avoid being potentially offended, with 85 percent unequivocally supporting free speech rights for everyone, including those they disagree with. Particularly telling is the result that nearly two-thirds of Americans are opposed to the radical Antifa movement, which supports and engages in violence against those they disagree with.

    “The fact that the First Amendment maintains broad suppport across America clearly shows that freedom runs through the very DNA of the American people, and those who seek to undermine basic freedoms or provide aid and comfort in that effort, do so at their own political peril.

    “Private companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Paypal need to proceed cautiously as they consider becoming arbiters of appropriate speech on the Internet, because if Americans believe that they have relinquished their neutrality, they will lose their dominance to market alternatives.”

    Over Twenty Leading Conservative Organizations Urge Congress to Pass Pro-Growth Tax Reform in Open Letter

    Source: American Action Network

    Washington, D.C. - September 6, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- As Congress returns from August recess, American Action Network’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative (MCGI) is pleased to lead a coalition of over 20 state and national conservative organizations calling on the U.S. House of Representatives to seize the opportunity to deliver transformative tax reform. In an open letter, the MCGI-led coalition highlighted the failures of America’s tax code and urged every member of the U.S. House to make the tax code simpler, fairer, and with lower rates to help revitalize America’s middle class.

    A personalized letter will be hand-delivered to every House member’s office in Washington. The coalition letter marks the first of several open letters released as part of AAN’s ongoing efforts on tax reform.

    “Now that Congress is back, it’s time to get to work and deliver transformational tax reform that will cut taxes on the middle class, raise wages, and allow U.S. job creators to compete,” said AAN Executive Director Corry Bliss. “After seeing years of stagnant wages, jobs lost to places like China, and slow economic growth, American families have had enough of our broken tax code. With this letter, we’re showing members of Congress that conservatives are united and will stand with them as they work to pass meaningful reforms that American job creators and middle-class families need.”

    The full letter, sent to every member of the House of Representatives, can be read here. List of signatories:

    Alabama Policy Institute
    American Action Network
    Americans for Tax Reform
    American Commitment
    Americans for Limited Government
    Beacon Center of Tennessee
    Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions
    Center for Freedom and Prosperity
    Center for Individual Freedom
    Citizens United
    Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
    FreedomWorks Freedom Foundation of Minnesota
    Georgia Public Policy Foundation
    Hispanic Leadership Fund
    Independence Institute
    Middle-Class Growth Initiative
    National Taxpayers Union
    Rio Grande Foundation
    R Street Institute
    Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
    Taxpayers Protection Alliance
    Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy
    60 Plus Association

    Colorado designer may appeal ruling that won’t let her challenge law forcing her to promote same-sex weddings

    Source: Alliance Defending Freedom

    Denver, CO - September 6, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- A Colorado graphic designer who specializes in designing and creating custom websites is likely to appeal a federal judge’s ruling issued Friday. The ruling doesn’t allow her to challenge a law that forces her to use her artistic talents to promote same-sex ceremonies if she creates custom websites and graphics celebrating weddings between one man and one woman. Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys represent Lorie Smith and her studio, 303 Creative.

    The judge ruled that Smith and her studio can’t sue to challenge a portion of Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act because a request that a couple with the first names “Stewart” and “Mike” sent Smith isn’t sufficient to prove that a same-sex couple has asked her to help them celebrate their wedding. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission has construed the law to force artists like Smith to create objectionable art even though Smith happily serves everyone and decides what art to create based on the art’s message—not her client’s personal characteristics.

    The law also prohibits artists from expressing any religious views about marriage that could indicate someone is “unwelcome, objectionable, unacceptable, or undesirable” because of their sexual orientation. The judge is allowing Smith to sue against that portion of the law but is holding the case until the U.S. Supreme Court rules in another ADF case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, involving Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips.

    “Artists shouldn’t be threatened with punishment for deciding, as artists always have, which messages they are going to promote or not promote,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jonathan Scruggs. “Because the court’s ruling allows the state to violate the freedom of artists like Lorie to make these kinds of personal decisions, she is considering appeal.”

    “Every American, including artists, should be free to peacefully live and work according to their faith without fear of unjust punishment by the government,” added ADF Legal Counsel Kate Anderson. “Just because an artist creates expression that communicates one viewpoint doesn’t mean Colorado can require her to express all viewpoints. Lorie should be allowed to proceed with her legal challenge in full because it’s unlawful to force an artist to create art against her will just because the government disagrees with her beliefs.”

    The lawsuit, 303 Creative v. Elenis, which ADF attorneys filed last year in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, explains how the state law runs afoul of various provisions of the U.S. Constitution, including the First Amendment’s Free Speech and Free Press clauses. Specifically, the suit challenges Colorado Revised Statute § 24-34-601(2)(a). The law is the same one the commission used against Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop.

    MRD Law partner Michael L. Francisco, one of nearly 3,200 attorneys allied with ADF, is serving as local counsel in the case for Smith and 303 Creative.

    Tuesday, September 5, 2017


    Source: House Representative Darren Soto (D-FL, 9th)

    Washington, D.C. - September 5, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- When Congress returns this week, the House of Representatives is scheduled to begin work on a spending bill to prevent a government shutdown at the end of September. Representatives Val Demings, Stephanie Murphy, and Darren Soto want the bill to include counter-terrorism funding for Orlando. The three filed an amendment that would add $20 million in additional funding to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) budget for grants to sustain training and equipment that was obtained with previous federal funds.

    “This funding would help Orlando and other cities avoid losing ground on preparedness,” said Congresswoman Val Demings. “The federal government has a continuing responsibility to assist this nation’s cities in preventing and preparing to respond to acts of terrorism. I believe we have no greater obligation than to keep the people that we represent safe from harm.”

    “We have seen too many recent international and national tragedies, including in our beloved Orlando. In this era of growing terror threats, it is vital we are proactive with our preparedness and prevention plans. Additional funding for UASI counter-terror programs will equip our Central Florida Police Departments and First Responders with the necessary training and resources to better protect our community in case of the unexpected. Orlando is a thriving, global city, and we must continue to do all we can to keep Floridians and our visitors safe and secure,” stated Congressman Darren Soto.

    “The safety of our communities must be a top priority. Additional funding for the UASI program will help ensure that cities like Orlando are prepared to handle potential terrorist attacks. As a global tourist destination, Orlando faces unique security challenges. An increase in UASI funding will give law enforcement and first responders the training and tools they need to keep our families safe,” said Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy.

    If the three lawmakers are successful in including the funding in Congress’ annual spending bill, cities like Orlando that previously received grants under the DHS’s Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) would be able to apply for new funding next year to sustain counter-terrorism training and equipment that was purchased with prior grant funds. The City of Orlando received funding through UASI in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014, but has not qualified for the funding since.

    The amendment to the spending bill is just the latest effort by Central Florida’s Congressional delegation to restore the federal funding Orlando previously received under this program. Earlier this year, the three voted for legislation that passed the House, H.R. 2825, with a provision authored by Rep. Demings to create a new, permanent grant program to assist former UASI jurisdictions. Rep. Demings, Murphy, and Soto have also called on the Federal Emergency Management Agency to fix the flawed formula for calculating terrorism risk that is responsible for Orlando being excluded from UASI program eligibility in recent years.

    “We will continue to urge Congress to expand the list of cities included and work to ensure that we have the proper funds to prepare and respond to terrorism in Central Florida,” the three Members of Congress said.

    Congressional Leaders Condemn Anti-Choice Provisions in 2018 Appropriations Bills

    Source: House Representative Louise Slaughter (D-NY, 25th)

    Washington, D.C. - September 5, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-25) and Congresswoman Diana DeGette (CO-1), co-chairs of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, and Nita Lowey (NY-17), Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee and State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, condemned the anti-choice provisions included in Fiscal Year 2018 appropriations bills as Congress considers these measures this week. There are an unprecedented number of anti-women provisions included in this legislation and additional amendments offered that attack women’s health and the constitutionally-protected right to choose. These attacks come despite the fact that members of the Pro-Choice Caucus have been instrumental in helping pass every bill to fund the government since 2011.

    “We are in the midst of an unprecedented attack on women’s health care rights. From trying to zero out Title X family planning funding to eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood, there is apparently no length the Majority won’t go to attack the women of this country. Republican leaders in Congress are playing with fire by including these amendments given that members of the Pro-Choice Caucus have been needed to pass every bill to fund the government for the last six years. That support is being put at risk by the Majority’s decision to include these provisions. There is an easy fix, and that is for the Majority to remove them from these bills. Anti-women provisions have no place in any government funding bill,” said Slaughter.

    “This year we have seen repeated Republican efforts to attack and undermine women’s access to comprehensive reproductive health care. Our fight is far from over,” said DeGette. “The House Republicans’ appropriations minibus is riddled with arbitrary and offensive anti-woman policies. The Pro-Choice Caucus strongly opposes these shameful riders and will not allow them to be included in any government funding bill.”

    "The 2018 appropriations bills represent a sustained and multi-faceted assault on women's health care," said Lowey. “These bills go far beyond the majority's floundering effort to strip health insurance from 20 million people by repealing the Affordable Care Act. With funding cuts and terminations, and poison pill riders targeting women's legal health choices, contraception, and family planning at home and abroad, the majority is making clear they will stop at nothing to attack women's health care."

    Shea-Porter Submits Amendment to Save ACA’s Navigator Program

    Source: House Representative Carol Shea Porter (D NH, 1st)


    Washington, D.C. - September 5, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) has submitted an amendment that would save the Affordable Care Act’s Navigator enrollment assistance grant program from elimination in this week’s House omnibus appropriations bill.

    “Navigators provide an essential, free service to people in New Hampshire and around the country who need help finding the best plan for their needs and budget,” said Shea-Porter. “Comparing coverage options can be confusing, especially for people who haven’t had insurance in the past. I’ve seen New Hampshire Navigators’ skill and compassion firsthand, which is why I’m fighting to protect this essential community program from partisan Washington attacks.”

    The enrollment assistance program, which provided $600,000 for New Hampshire grantees to hire Navigators last year, faces escalating threats from the Trump administration and House Republicans. On Friday, the Trump administration proposed cutting the Navigator program by $23 million, while this week’s House Republican Omnibus bill would completely eliminate the program by prohibiting any funding for Navigator grants during the upcoming fiscal year. Shea-Porter’s amendment strikes this prohibition and instructs the Administration to return $3 million to the Navigator program. Earlier this year, the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO), which administers the Navigator program, transferred $3 million in Navigator funding to conduct an anti-ACA study.

    “Without local Navigator support, individuals and their families may lack information to make a thoughtful decision on insurance coverage options,” said Tess Stack Kuenning, President and CEO of Bi-State Primary Care Association, one of New Hampshire’s Navigator grantees. “Navigators are an ongoing community resource to help ensure that New Hampshire families have the coverage they need to stay healthy.”

    Since its inception, the Navigator program has helped educate over 9 million consumers about their coverage options. In New Hampshire, Navigators work through the Bi-State Primary Care Association and the state’s Community Health Centers to provide impartial information about Marketplace plans, help consumers understand and evaluate all their options and apply for federal tax subsidies to lower the cost of premiums and out-of-pocket costs, and assist residents throughout the enrollment process.

    On Wednesday (Sept 6), the House Rules Committee will decide whether Shea-Porter’s amendment is in order for a House floor vote later in the week.