Utah Immigration Reform Coalition Responds to the Announcement of the SUCCEED Act Sponsored by Senator Hatch to Address DREAMers in the Economy
New American Economy
“Senator Hatch continues to look for thoughtful solutions for immigrants, their families and the communities where they live and work,” said Jason Mathis, Executive Vice President of the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce. “We appreciate his commitment to helping DACA recipients and encourage him to keep leading on common sense, bipartisan solutions.”
Pro-Life Leader Calls for McConnell’s Resignation Over Senate Inability to Defund Planned Parenthood
Operation Rescue
It was announced that the Graham-Cassidy Repeal and Replace Obamacare bill has been pulled due to three Republican defections, including Sen. John McCain of Arizona. That bill would have prevented over $500 million in tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation.
Outdoor Industry Association
As international leaders gathered in New York City last week for the United Nations General Assembly, another significant brain-trust convened simultaneously for the ninth Climate Week NYC. At a time when there is federal inaction on climate, businesses, governors, mayors, investors and NGOs engaged in meaningful discussions that exemplify and reiterate to the world that the United States business community is committed to the Paris Climate Agreement, even if the federal government currently is not.
Oxfam reaction to the new tax plan
OxFam America
“The tax plan introduced today is a blueprint for increased inequality. There is no doubt that the biggest winners in our global economy are those at the top, and this proposal will skew that even further.
SBA: President's Proposed Tax Reform Plan Will Support Small Business Growth
Small Business Association
President Donald J. Trump's proposed framework eliminates special interest tax breaks that benefit the wealthy and lowers the corporate tax rate, restoring our competitive edge and boosting our economy, which is always good for small business. It also caps the top rate for businesses that operate as pass-through entities (S-Corporations and LLCs).
October 2, 2017 Declared Thurgood Marshall Day
Open Road Films
Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes who introduced the bill declaring October 2 "Thurgood Marshall Day," which passed the state legislature unanimously, said, "Pennsylvania is proud to be taking part in honoring Thurgood Marshall with a statewide designated day. His spirit is very much alive in the many civil rights struggles still unfolding in our nation's courtrooms today, and now more than ever we need to honor and learn from his legacy."
AARP Applauds Unanimous Senate Passage of RAISE Family Caregivers Act
AARP applauds the unanimous passage in the U.S. Senate of the bipartisan Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act (S. 1028). The legislation, introduced by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), calls for the development of a strategy to support the nation's 40 million family caregivers. It would bring together stakeholders from the private and public sectors to recommend actions that communities, providers, government, and others are taking and may take to help make the big responsibilities of caregiving a little bit easier.
Alliance to Fight the 40
We applaud Congress and the Administration for not including a cap on the employee exclusion for employer sponsored
coverage. Americans will reject any new efforts to tax their health care benefits received through an
Edison Electric Institute
We applaud President Trump and Republican congressional leaders for releasing today’s tax reform framework. EEI's member companies strongly support tax reform because we believe that a simpler tax code, broader tax base, and lower tax rates will grow the economy and increase the competitiveness of the United States, support job creation in America, and benefit our customers.
Tax Plan Should Not Increase Debt
Concord Coalition
“Unfortunately, the new framework for revamping the tax code doesn’t contain much new information about how the proposed tax cuts would be financed,” said Robert L. Bixby, executive director of The Concord Coalition. “That’s the critical question. Elected officials are touting all the goodies in terms of tax cuts and lower rates while leaving the trade-offs hidden and which taxpayers would be affected unspecified. That’s hardly a model for legislative responsibility.”
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Read about the New Tax Reform and More at The Ponder Today!
Access all the links by going to http://thepondernews.blogspot.com/2017/09/read-about-new-tax-reform-and-more-at.html
New FAIR Study: Illegal Immigration Costs $116 Billion Annually
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR US)
Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year – an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates – according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation’s 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.
'Team Internet' Mobilizing Thousands of Net Neutrality Activists to Meet with Lawmakers Across the Country
Free Press
In late July, on the heels of the Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality, the advocacy groups Demand Progress, Free Press Action Fund and Fight for the Future announced the launch of Team Internet. Using a distributed-organizing model — which connects volunteers face to face and empowers them to lead organizing efforts in their communities — Team Internet has mobilized tens of thousands of local activists in just two months.
GOA Celebrates Roy Moore Primary Victory
Gun Owners of America
Moore, who is endorsed by GOA, will be a stalwart defender of the Second Amendment, if he wins the general election. “I thank all Alabama gun owners and activists who turned out to vote for Moore,” Tim Macy, chairman of GOA, said. “I look forward to rallying their support one more time in December to solidify Moore’s Senate seat.”
Response to the Introduction of the SUCCEED Act in the U.S. Senate
Hispanic Leadership Fund
Hispanic Leadership Fund President Mario H. Lopez issued the following statement in response to the introduction of the SUCCEED Act in the U.S. Senate, a bill that if enacted into law, would establish an earned path to legal status for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children if they serve in the military, graduate from college, or work.
Conaway, Peterson Announce Farm Bill Listening Session in New York
House Committee on Agriculture
House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (MN-7) announced a committee listening session, “The Next Farm Bill, Conversations in the Field” in Cobleskill, New York on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. The listening session is a continuation of the committee’s efforts to gather input from farmers, ranchers and stakeholders ahead of the upcoming farm bill. Upon announcement, the chairman and ranking member made the following remarks:
Members Review Proposals to Modernize Federal Fisheries Management
House Committee on Natural Resources
The Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans held a legislative hearing on a series of bills aimed at improving federal fisheries management for commercial and recreational fisherman.
Tribal Recognition Act of 2017
House Committee on Natural Resources
The bill establishes a statutory process within the Department of the Interior (DOI) for examining evidence submitted by groups seeking recognition and codifies the Constitutional authority of tribal recognition as solely vested with the legislative branch.
Personal Use of Government Aircraft Investigated
House Committee on Oversight and Governmental Reform
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) sent letters to the White House and 24 federal agencies requesting information related to senior officials’ use of government-owned aircraft or private non-commercial aircraft for official and personal travel.
Chairman Chabot Responds to Unified Plan to Fix Broken Tax Code
House Committee on Small Business
“Today, we took a positive step toward fixing our broken tax code and helping provide relief to the tens of millions of small businesses across our country who continue to be held back by a broken system. Small businesses deserved a voice in the largest tax reform in 31 years and today they were heard. This unified plan will provide small business owners, their families, and their employees with a simpler and fairer tax code that will help their bottom lines, and also grow our economy,” said Chairman Chabot.
TAX REFORM SPEECHES THIS THURSDAY: Chairman Brady to Discuss Republicans’ Unified Tax Reform Framework
House Committee on Ways and Means
On Thursday, September 28, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) will deliver two speeches to discuss how Republicans’ unified tax reform framework will create more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks.
NFL Players Have No First Amendment Right to Protest
Liberty Counsel
We have heard many people claim that the athletes have a First Amendment right to kneel in protest of the National Anthem and injustice, but this is not accurate. In order for the First Amendment to apply to any situation, there must be a government actor on one side and a private person, group or organization on the other side. In the NFL context, there is no government actor and thus, there is no First Amendment concern
Congratulations to Judge Roy Moore on Your Victory!
MAGA Coalition
MAGA Coalition Chief Strategist, Dr Sebastian Gorka, remarked that “Tonight’s victory for Judge Moore is a victory for President Trump and the MAGA Agenda we all voted for in November,” Gorka said, “The Establishment- both on Left AND Right – betrayed the sacred oath they made with the American people. It is time for change. Time to dismantle the D.C. Establishment. Judge Moore will be a frontline fighter for Donald Trump as we drain the Swamp together. Now let us together MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
NACo statement on the administration’s and Congress’ joint tax reform proposal
National Association of Counties
We are pleased to see the preservation of tax-exempt municipal bonds, a key financing tool counties and states leverage to build roads, schools, hospitals and other public facilities. However, we have major concerns with the proposal to eliminate federal deductibility of state and local taxes, or SALT.
Millions of Middle-Income Homeowners Stand to Lose Under “Big 6” Tax Proposal
National Association of Realtors
A group of legislators and administration leaders known as the “Big 6” today released an outline for comprehensive tax reform that if enacted, according to the National Association of Realtors®, could lead to a tax on homeownership for millions.
Cattlemen “Very Pleased” That Tax-Reform Blueprint Includes Death Tax Repeal, Will Fight to Maintain Existing Positive Provisions in Tax Code
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Our Nation’s cattle producers are very pleased that President Trump and Republican leaders in Congress have maintained their long-standing commitment to American agriculture by including a full repeal of the onerous death tax in the Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code. We look forward to working with the Administration and lawmakers on Capitol Hill as pen meets paper on tax legislation, and will continue to demonstrate how the death tax and its associated costs adversely affect family-owned operations and the rural communities they support.
Small Business Encouraged by Tax Reform Framework
National Federation of Independent Business
“This is the beginning of a long process, and we look forward to more details. NFIB will remain engaged to ensure that tax reform starts with small business. Small businesses need meaningful reform that lowers their tax bill, allows them to invest in their business, create jobs, and grow the economy.”
Revive CHIP; Stabilize the Health Insurance Market
National Governor’s Association
Following the Senate’s decision yesterday to move on from a broad health care reform bill, the National Governors Association (NGA) today released the following statement on the need to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and stabilize the nation’s health insurance markets:
America’s Cities to Congress: NO to Eliminating Key Deductions that Support Cities and Families
National League of Cities
“America’s cities agree that our tax code is overly-complicated and in need of reform. We are glad to see Congress and the administration willing to streamline the tax system and lower tax rates, but this reform effort cannot eliminate the critical tools that enable cities to strengthen communities, make infrastructure investments and keep residents safe.
Sen. Sanders, Lt. Gov. Newsom Stress Need for Single Payer Bills
National Nurses United
In a convention highlighted by Sen. Bernie Sanders and California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom promoting single payer legislation federally and in California, some 500 California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee delegates unanimously reaffirmed their commitment to work to implement an improved and expanded Medicare for all Saturday.
National Right to Life Urges Passage of Bill to Protect Pain-Capable Unborn Children
National Right to Life Committee
“This legislation has saved lives at a state level and would save thousands of unborn babies annually from terribly painful deaths,” said Jennifer Popik, J.D., National Right to Life legislative director. “Now is the time to say that these babies need to be protected across the country.”
Alaskan Bus Driver Asks NLRB to Reconsider ‘Successor Bar’ That Blocks Removal of Unwanted Union
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, an Alaskan worker has asked the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to review a case in which she and her co-workers were denied the right to vote to remove a union claiming to represent them, despite the fact that a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit signed a petition to remove the union as their representative.
Passing a Budget is Key to the Success of Tax Reform
National Taxpayers Union
Given the opposition from most Senate Democrats to the tax reform plan, the only realistic way that it can be passed into law is through budget reconciliation that prevents a Senate filibuster.
National Urban League President Responds to President Trump's Criticism of National Anthem Protests
National Urban League
"Rather than disparaging Colin Kaepernick and other athletes in vulgar terms, President Trump should be addressing the systemic racism and police brutality that inspire their protests. Kapernick and others are part of a long American tradition of sports as a force for social change, including Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, and Billie Jean King. Standing up - or kneeling down - for our ideals is the most patriotic of acts. We support the right of all athletes to free speech, and urge the President to pay more attention to the reason for their concerns rather than the manner in which they express them."
New FAIR Study: Illegal Immigration Costs $116 Billion Annually
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR US)
Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year – an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates – according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation’s 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children.
'Team Internet' Mobilizing Thousands of Net Neutrality Activists to Meet with Lawmakers Across the Country
Free Press
In late July, on the heels of the Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality, the advocacy groups Demand Progress, Free Press Action Fund and Fight for the Future announced the launch of Team Internet. Using a distributed-organizing model — which connects volunteers face to face and empowers them to lead organizing efforts in their communities — Team Internet has mobilized tens of thousands of local activists in just two months.
GOA Celebrates Roy Moore Primary Victory
Gun Owners of America
Moore, who is endorsed by GOA, will be a stalwart defender of the Second Amendment, if he wins the general election. “I thank all Alabama gun owners and activists who turned out to vote for Moore,” Tim Macy, chairman of GOA, said. “I look forward to rallying their support one more time in December to solidify Moore’s Senate seat.”
Response to the Introduction of the SUCCEED Act in the U.S. Senate
Hispanic Leadership Fund
Hispanic Leadership Fund President Mario H. Lopez issued the following statement in response to the introduction of the SUCCEED Act in the U.S. Senate, a bill that if enacted into law, would establish an earned path to legal status for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children if they serve in the military, graduate from college, or work.
Conaway, Peterson Announce Farm Bill Listening Session in New York
House Committee on Agriculture
House Agriculture Committee Chairman K. Michael Conaway (TX-11) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (MN-7) announced a committee listening session, “The Next Farm Bill, Conversations in the Field” in Cobleskill, New York on Monday, Oct. 9, 2017. The listening session is a continuation of the committee’s efforts to gather input from farmers, ranchers and stakeholders ahead of the upcoming farm bill. Upon announcement, the chairman and ranking member made the following remarks:
Members Review Proposals to Modernize Federal Fisheries Management
House Committee on Natural Resources
The Subcommittee on Water, Power and Oceans held a legislative hearing on a series of bills aimed at improving federal fisheries management for commercial and recreational fisherman.
Tribal Recognition Act of 2017
House Committee on Natural Resources
The bill establishes a statutory process within the Department of the Interior (DOI) for examining evidence submitted by groups seeking recognition and codifies the Constitutional authority of tribal recognition as solely vested with the legislative branch.
Personal Use of Government Aircraft Investigated
House Committee on Oversight and Governmental Reform
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) sent letters to the White House and 24 federal agencies requesting information related to senior officials’ use of government-owned aircraft or private non-commercial aircraft for official and personal travel.
Chairman Chabot Responds to Unified Plan to Fix Broken Tax Code
House Committee on Small Business
“Today, we took a positive step toward fixing our broken tax code and helping provide relief to the tens of millions of small businesses across our country who continue to be held back by a broken system. Small businesses deserved a voice in the largest tax reform in 31 years and today they were heard. This unified plan will provide small business owners, their families, and their employees with a simpler and fairer tax code that will help their bottom lines, and also grow our economy,” said Chairman Chabot.
TAX REFORM SPEECHES THIS THURSDAY: Chairman Brady to Discuss Republicans’ Unified Tax Reform Framework
House Committee on Ways and Means
On Thursday, September 28, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) will deliver two speeches to discuss how Republicans’ unified tax reform framework will create more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks.
NFL Players Have No First Amendment Right to Protest
Liberty Counsel
We have heard many people claim that the athletes have a First Amendment right to kneel in protest of the National Anthem and injustice, but this is not accurate. In order for the First Amendment to apply to any situation, there must be a government actor on one side and a private person, group or organization on the other side. In the NFL context, there is no government actor and thus, there is no First Amendment concern
Congratulations to Judge Roy Moore on Your Victory!
MAGA Coalition
MAGA Coalition Chief Strategist, Dr Sebastian Gorka, remarked that “Tonight’s victory for Judge Moore is a victory for President Trump and the MAGA Agenda we all voted for in November,” Gorka said, “The Establishment- both on Left AND Right – betrayed the sacred oath they made with the American people. It is time for change. Time to dismantle the D.C. Establishment. Judge Moore will be a frontline fighter for Donald Trump as we drain the Swamp together. Now let us together MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
NACo statement on the administration’s and Congress’ joint tax reform proposal
National Association of Counties
We are pleased to see the preservation of tax-exempt municipal bonds, a key financing tool counties and states leverage to build roads, schools, hospitals and other public facilities. However, we have major concerns with the proposal to eliminate federal deductibility of state and local taxes, or SALT.
Millions of Middle-Income Homeowners Stand to Lose Under “Big 6” Tax Proposal
National Association of Realtors
A group of legislators and administration leaders known as the “Big 6” today released an outline for comprehensive tax reform that if enacted, according to the National Association of Realtors®, could lead to a tax on homeownership for millions.
Cattlemen “Very Pleased” That Tax-Reform Blueprint Includes Death Tax Repeal, Will Fight to Maintain Existing Positive Provisions in Tax Code
National Cattlemen’s Beef Association
Our Nation’s cattle producers are very pleased that President Trump and Republican leaders in Congress have maintained their long-standing commitment to American agriculture by including a full repeal of the onerous death tax in the Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code. We look forward to working with the Administration and lawmakers on Capitol Hill as pen meets paper on tax legislation, and will continue to demonstrate how the death tax and its associated costs adversely affect family-owned operations and the rural communities they support.
Small Business Encouraged by Tax Reform Framework
National Federation of Independent Business
“This is the beginning of a long process, and we look forward to more details. NFIB will remain engaged to ensure that tax reform starts with small business. Small businesses need meaningful reform that lowers their tax bill, allows them to invest in their business, create jobs, and grow the economy.”
Revive CHIP; Stabilize the Health Insurance Market
National Governor’s Association
Following the Senate’s decision yesterday to move on from a broad health care reform bill, the National Governors Association (NGA) today released the following statement on the need to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and stabilize the nation’s health insurance markets:
America’s Cities to Congress: NO to Eliminating Key Deductions that Support Cities and Families
National League of Cities
“America’s cities agree that our tax code is overly-complicated and in need of reform. We are glad to see Congress and the administration willing to streamline the tax system and lower tax rates, but this reform effort cannot eliminate the critical tools that enable cities to strengthen communities, make infrastructure investments and keep residents safe.
Sen. Sanders, Lt. Gov. Newsom Stress Need for Single Payer Bills
National Nurses United
In a convention highlighted by Sen. Bernie Sanders and California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom promoting single payer legislation federally and in California, some 500 California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee delegates unanimously reaffirmed their commitment to work to implement an improved and expanded Medicare for all Saturday.
National Right to Life Urges Passage of Bill to Protect Pain-Capable Unborn Children
National Right to Life Committee
“This legislation has saved lives at a state level and would save thousands of unborn babies annually from terribly painful deaths,” said Jennifer Popik, J.D., National Right to Life legislative director. “Now is the time to say that these babies need to be protected across the country.”
Alaskan Bus Driver Asks NLRB to Reconsider ‘Successor Bar’ That Blocks Removal of Unwanted Union
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
With free legal assistance from National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation staff attorneys, an Alaskan worker has asked the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to review a case in which she and her co-workers were denied the right to vote to remove a union claiming to represent them, despite the fact that a majority of the employees in the bargaining unit signed a petition to remove the union as their representative.
Passing a Budget is Key to the Success of Tax Reform
National Taxpayers Union
Given the opposition from most Senate Democrats to the tax reform plan, the only realistic way that it can be passed into law is through budget reconciliation that prevents a Senate filibuster.
National Urban League President Responds to President Trump's Criticism of National Anthem Protests
National Urban League
"Rather than disparaging Colin Kaepernick and other athletes in vulgar terms, President Trump should be addressing the systemic racism and police brutality that inspire their protests. Kapernick and others are part of a long American tradition of sports as a force for social change, including Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, and Billie Jean King. Standing up - or kneeling down - for our ideals is the most patriotic of acts. We support the right of all athletes to free speech, and urge the President to pay more attention to the reason for their concerns rather than the manner in which they express them."
ICE, NFL, Graham-Cassidy Bill, Planned Parenthood, Alabama, Election, Terrorism, Earthquake, Taxes, Drugs, Overtime Rule, Title IX
The links can be accessed on this page: http://thepondernews.blogspot.com/2017/09/ice-nfl-graham-cassidy-bill-planned.html
Civil and Human Rights Organizations File Joint Complaint Against DHS on Behalf of Pregnant Women Detained by ICE
American Immigration Lawyer’s Association
AILA joined six other organizations filing a joint complaint today concerning ICE’s treatment of pregnant women in detention, highlighting inhumane conditions, inadequate medical care and failure to implement agency policy limiting the detention of pregnant women.
The American Legion blasts NFL for disrespect
American Legion
The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization characterized professional athletes and other Americans who fail to show respect for the national anthem as “misguided and ungrateful.”
Planned Parenthood Obviously Celebrates Defeat of Graham-Cassidy Bill
American Life League
American Life League president Judie Brown stated: “Planned Parenthood's celebration over the defeat of the latest effort to repeal and replace Obamacare is but one more example of its demonic hatred for innocent babies, not to mention its disregard for mothers. We must work harder than ever to defund these bloodthirsty advocates of death by abortion.”
APA Relieved Graham-Cassidy Bill Not Headed to Senate Vote, Encourages Bipartisan Solution to Health Care
American Psychiatric Association
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today expressed its relief that the Graham-Cassidy bill, legislation that would have greatly harmed our patients, is not going to the Senate floor. GOP Senate leadership announced today that it did not have the votes to proceed.
Maine Addiction Specialists Cheer Senator Collins’ Statement Opposing the Graham-Cassidy Proposal
American Society of Addiction Medicine
The Northern New England Society of Addiction Medicine (NNESAM), a Chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), commends Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) for her bold, thoughtful, and compassionate statement opposing the Graham-Cassidy proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As Senator Collins notes, the bill would have a devastating impact on the Medicaid program, which is the largest payer of addiction treatment services in the country, and would weaken protections for persons with pre-existing conditions like addiction.
Roy Moore win in Alabama a victory for the Trump agenda
Americans for Limited Government
“This election turned into a battle between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judge Roy Moore largely due to the sheer volume and vitriol of the spending by McConnell’s Leadership PAC which dumped millions of wasted dollars in advertising attacking Moore and Rep. Mo Brooks during the primary process in favor of appointed incumbent Senator Luther Strange. The net McConnell effect was to nationalize the election as a referendum on him and the Washington, D.C. swamp as a whole. Trump tried to bail McConnell out by campaigning from Strange, but like Trump himself, Judge Moore had a well-known record of standing up for his beliefs even in the face of those who could and did politically punish him. And it is that kind of drain the swamp persona that drew voters to Trump in the first place.
Center Catalogues Allegations of Qatar’s Terrorism Support
Center for Security Policy
Following the recent meeting of U.S. President Donald Trump’s and the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Center for Security Policy is proud to announce the publication of its most recent occasional paper, The Role of Select Non-Governmental Organizations in Doha’s Support for Terrorism.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
On Tuesday, September 19, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico City. Only a few days later on Saturday, September 23, two more earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.1 and 4.5 rattled Oaxaca, a few hundred miles southeast of the capital. 420 people have died, over 3,000 buildings are in danger of collapse, and more than $8 billion of damage has occurred so far as a result of these quakes.
Evangelist Alveda King: America, Take the Knee
Christian Newswire
There are challenges with today's young people wanting to "take the knee" and turn their backs on our National Anthem and American Flag. As we honor our nation, it would be good to extend the tradition of honoring America, not by attacking cherished symbols, but by including everyone in the conversations on peace and nonviolence. I for one would like to see the Negro National Anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing) included in tributes to our nation.
Club for Growth
Club for Growth along with nearly 30 other conservative groups sent a letter to President Trump and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin asking that they issue an executive order that would index capital gains to inflation so that taxpayers are no longer forced to pay taxes on “phantom” gains. In the letter, the conservative organizations explain that this Executive Order can essentially serve as a pro-growth “down payment” to help ignite the broader conversation of tax reform ahead of the Big Six’s proposal.
Video: Regulatory Dark Matter: A hidden tax on consumers and businesses
Competitive Enterprise Institute
The Competitive Enterprise Institute released a video, “Regulatory Dark Matter,” which explains a new, dangerous tool government bureaucrats are using to circumvent the law and Congressional review of new regulations. There are tens of thousands of executive branch and independent agency actions including guidance documents, proclamations, memoranda, bulletins, circulars, letters and more that are subject to little scrutiny or democratic accountability but carry practical, binding regulatory effects.
Outrageous 35% Anthem Rate Hike Could Have Been Prevented, Creates New Urgency For California Medicare-For-All Legislation, Says Consumer Watchdog
Consumer Watchdog
Anthem is raising rates on 135,000 California consumers who buy individual polices 35 percent because California is one of the few states without the ability to say no to unjustified rate hikes.
New FBI Report Shows Drug Arrests Increased in 2016, As Drug War Rages On
Drug Policy Alliance
According to the FBI’s latest Uniform Crime Report released today, law enforcement agencies in the US made more than 1.57 million arrests for drug law violations in 2016, a 5.63% increase over the previous year. That’s one drug arrest every 20 seconds – and over three times more arrests than for all violent crimes combined.
Leftist Agenda Attacks Christian Ministry's Online Donations
Earned Media
"This is now the FIFTH major company or service to terminate with us for the same reason. It began with Amazon Smile, which rejected us from its charitable services program because American Vision is listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center's ridiculous and notoriously biased 'hate group' list which is used to target conservative Christian organizations who dare to stand up for truth, liberty, and justice."
EPI submits comments to DOL on overtime rule
Economic Policy Institute
EPI Policy Director Heidi Shierholz filed comments today with the Department of Labor in response to a Request for Information (RFI) on the overtime pay rule. Shierholz writes that that the 2016 update to the rule was critically needed because the overtime threshold—under which workers were guaranteed time-and-a-half for working more than forty hours a week—had been allowed to erode dramatically, and urges DOL not to weaken the rule.
Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE)
Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), a not for profit organization that advocates for fairness and due process on our college campuses, strongly opposes transcript notations of disciplinary actions involving sexual and intimate partner impropriety. Transcript notations are an unnecessarily punitive measure, akin to public shaming, that will serve to inflate the disciplinary action, a confidential process that is slim on due process and is conducted by students and faculty with no professional legal or judicial experience, into a life sentence so that the student is permanently barred from education and jobs
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Civil and Human Rights Organizations File Joint Complaint Against DHS on Behalf of Pregnant Women Detained by ICE
American Immigration Lawyer’s Association
AILA joined six other organizations filing a joint complaint today concerning ICE’s treatment of pregnant women in detention, highlighting inhumane conditions, inadequate medical care and failure to implement agency policy limiting the detention of pregnant women.
The American Legion blasts NFL for disrespect
American Legion
The leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization characterized professional athletes and other Americans who fail to show respect for the national anthem as “misguided and ungrateful.”
Planned Parenthood Obviously Celebrates Defeat of Graham-Cassidy Bill
American Life League
American Life League president Judie Brown stated: “Planned Parenthood's celebration over the defeat of the latest effort to repeal and replace Obamacare is but one more example of its demonic hatred for innocent babies, not to mention its disregard for mothers. We must work harder than ever to defund these bloodthirsty advocates of death by abortion.”
APA Relieved Graham-Cassidy Bill Not Headed to Senate Vote, Encourages Bipartisan Solution to Health Care
American Psychiatric Association
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) today expressed its relief that the Graham-Cassidy bill, legislation that would have greatly harmed our patients, is not going to the Senate floor. GOP Senate leadership announced today that it did not have the votes to proceed.
Maine Addiction Specialists Cheer Senator Collins’ Statement Opposing the Graham-Cassidy Proposal
American Society of Addiction Medicine
The Northern New England Society of Addiction Medicine (NNESAM), a Chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), commends Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) for her bold, thoughtful, and compassionate statement opposing the Graham-Cassidy proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As Senator Collins notes, the bill would have a devastating impact on the Medicaid program, which is the largest payer of addiction treatment services in the country, and would weaken protections for persons with pre-existing conditions like addiction.
Roy Moore win in Alabama a victory for the Trump agenda
Americans for Limited Government
“This election turned into a battle between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judge Roy Moore largely due to the sheer volume and vitriol of the spending by McConnell’s Leadership PAC which dumped millions of wasted dollars in advertising attacking Moore and Rep. Mo Brooks during the primary process in favor of appointed incumbent Senator Luther Strange. The net McConnell effect was to nationalize the election as a referendum on him and the Washington, D.C. swamp as a whole. Trump tried to bail McConnell out by campaigning from Strange, but like Trump himself, Judge Moore had a well-known record of standing up for his beliefs even in the face of those who could and did politically punish him. And it is that kind of drain the swamp persona that drew voters to Trump in the first place.
Center Catalogues Allegations of Qatar’s Terrorism Support
Center for Security Policy
Following the recent meeting of U.S. President Donald Trump’s and the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Center for Security Policy is proud to announce the publication of its most recent occasional paper, The Role of Select Non-Governmental Organizations in Doha’s Support for Terrorism.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
On Tuesday, September 19, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico City. Only a few days later on Saturday, September 23, two more earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.1 and 4.5 rattled Oaxaca, a few hundred miles southeast of the capital. 420 people have died, over 3,000 buildings are in danger of collapse, and more than $8 billion of damage has occurred so far as a result of these quakes.
Evangelist Alveda King: America, Take the Knee
Christian Newswire
There are challenges with today's young people wanting to "take the knee" and turn their backs on our National Anthem and American Flag. As we honor our nation, it would be good to extend the tradition of honoring America, not by attacking cherished symbols, but by including everyone in the conversations on peace and nonviolence. I for one would like to see the Negro National Anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing) included in tributes to our nation.
Club for Growth
Club for Growth along with nearly 30 other conservative groups sent a letter to President Trump and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin asking that they issue an executive order that would index capital gains to inflation so that taxpayers are no longer forced to pay taxes on “phantom” gains. In the letter, the conservative organizations explain that this Executive Order can essentially serve as a pro-growth “down payment” to help ignite the broader conversation of tax reform ahead of the Big Six’s proposal.
Video: Regulatory Dark Matter: A hidden tax on consumers and businesses
Competitive Enterprise Institute
The Competitive Enterprise Institute released a video, “Regulatory Dark Matter,” which explains a new, dangerous tool government bureaucrats are using to circumvent the law and Congressional review of new regulations. There are tens of thousands of executive branch and independent agency actions including guidance documents, proclamations, memoranda, bulletins, circulars, letters and more that are subject to little scrutiny or democratic accountability but carry practical, binding regulatory effects.
Outrageous 35% Anthem Rate Hike Could Have Been Prevented, Creates New Urgency For California Medicare-For-All Legislation, Says Consumer Watchdog
Consumer Watchdog
Anthem is raising rates on 135,000 California consumers who buy individual polices 35 percent because California is one of the few states without the ability to say no to unjustified rate hikes.
New FBI Report Shows Drug Arrests Increased in 2016, As Drug War Rages On
Drug Policy Alliance
According to the FBI’s latest Uniform Crime Report released today, law enforcement agencies in the US made more than 1.57 million arrests for drug law violations in 2016, a 5.63% increase over the previous year. That’s one drug arrest every 20 seconds – and over three times more arrests than for all violent crimes combined.
Leftist Agenda Attacks Christian Ministry's Online Donations
Earned Media
"This is now the FIFTH major company or service to terminate with us for the same reason. It began with Amazon Smile, which rejected us from its charitable services program because American Vision is listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center's ridiculous and notoriously biased 'hate group' list which is used to target conservative Christian organizations who dare to stand up for truth, liberty, and justice."
EPI submits comments to DOL on overtime rule
Economic Policy Institute
EPI Policy Director Heidi Shierholz filed comments today with the Department of Labor in response to a Request for Information (RFI) on the overtime pay rule. Shierholz writes that that the 2016 update to the rule was critically needed because the overtime threshold—under which workers were guaranteed time-and-a-half for working more than forty hours a week—had been allowed to erode dramatically, and urges DOL not to weaken the rule.
Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE)
Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE), a not for profit organization that advocates for fairness and due process on our college campuses, strongly opposes transcript notations of disciplinary actions involving sexual and intimate partner impropriety. Transcript notations are an unnecessarily punitive measure, akin to public shaming, that will serve to inflate the disciplinary action, a confidential process that is slim on due process and is conducted by students and faculty with no professional legal or judicial experience, into a life sentence so that the student is permanently barred from education and jobs
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Tax Reform, Graham-Cassidy Bill, Civil Rights, Immigrants, Hurricane Relief, Puerto Rico, Orange is the New Black
The Address to this page at The Ponder News is http://thepondernews.blogspot.com/2017/09/tax-reform-graham-cassidy-bill-civil.html
Because the number of our sources has grown so much, (We now have a total of 753 Sources, and are adding more every day) we, at The Ponder have decided to stop posting individual news items -- except for editorial commentary and special notices. I hope you like our new format. There are just too many news items for our limited staff to go through each day to be able to continue doing the news as we have been.
New Poll: 7 in 10 Americans Say Passing Tax Reform Should Be A Priority For Congress
American Action Network
Ahead of the “Big Six” unveiling details on a tax reform plan, the American Action Network’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative (MCGI) released results from a national survey on Americans’ views on tax reform. The survey finds overwhelming support for passing comprehensive tax reform with 73% of Americans saying it should be a top priority or an important priority for Congress. Additionally, the survey found Americans, across party lines, view lowering middle-class tax rates as the most important tax reform initiative.
AAFP to Congress: Time to Work on Bipartisan Health Care Legislation
American Academy of Family Physicians
"The American Academy of Family Physicians is pleased that the U.S. Senate has determined that they will not proceed with efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. We applaud those Senators who rejected this proposal and stood up for health care coverage for people in their state. With today’s withdrawal of the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment, we call on Congress to return to bipartisan negotiations aimed at amending and improving current law, not repealing it.
American Civil Liberties Union
Faiz Shakir, American Civil Liberties Union national political director, had the following reaction to the Department of Homeland Security’s notice on immigrants’ social media information:
AFSCME Pres. Lee Saunders Calls on Trump and Congress to Act on Puerto Rico
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
AFSCME Pres. Lee Saunders issued the following statement calling on President Trump and Congress to act on hurricane relief to Puerto Rico:
AFT President Randi Weingarten on GOP’s Decision to Withdraw Graham-Cassidy
American Federation of Teachers
“Americans sent a message to Senate Republicans who thought a political win was more important than stripping millions of Americans of their healthcare: ‘Think again.’
Piper Kerman, Author of Orange is the New Black Keynotes American Probation and Parole Association
American Probation and Parole Association
The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) will hold its 42nd Annual Training Institute at the Marriott Marquis-Times Square, August 27-30 with over 100 engaging sessions including three exciting keynotes. Piper Kerman, the author of the national best-selling memoir Orange Is The New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison (Spiegel & Grau), will be featured at the opening session on Sunday, August 27th. Piper will discuss her personal experiences and the state of criminal justice in America.
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==Support The Ponder News==
Because the number of our sources has grown so much, (We now have a total of 753 Sources, and are adding more every day) we, at The Ponder have decided to stop posting individual news items -- except for editorial commentary and special notices. I hope you like our new format. There are just too many news items for our limited staff to go through each day to be able to continue doing the news as we have been.
New Poll: 7 in 10 Americans Say Passing Tax Reform Should Be A Priority For Congress
American Action Network
Ahead of the “Big Six” unveiling details on a tax reform plan, the American Action Network’s Middle-Class Growth Initiative (MCGI) released results from a national survey on Americans’ views on tax reform. The survey finds overwhelming support for passing comprehensive tax reform with 73% of Americans saying it should be a top priority or an important priority for Congress. Additionally, the survey found Americans, across party lines, view lowering middle-class tax rates as the most important tax reform initiative.
AAFP to Congress: Time to Work on Bipartisan Health Care Legislation
American Academy of Family Physicians
"The American Academy of Family Physicians is pleased that the U.S. Senate has determined that they will not proceed with efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. We applaud those Senators who rejected this proposal and stood up for health care coverage for people in their state. With today’s withdrawal of the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment, we call on Congress to return to bipartisan negotiations aimed at amending and improving current law, not repealing it.
American Civil Liberties Union
Faiz Shakir, American Civil Liberties Union national political director, had the following reaction to the Department of Homeland Security’s notice on immigrants’ social media information:
AFSCME Pres. Lee Saunders Calls on Trump and Congress to Act on Puerto Rico
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
AFSCME Pres. Lee Saunders issued the following statement calling on President Trump and Congress to act on hurricane relief to Puerto Rico:
AFT President Randi Weingarten on GOP’s Decision to Withdraw Graham-Cassidy
American Federation of Teachers
“Americans sent a message to Senate Republicans who thought a political win was more important than stripping millions of Americans of their healthcare: ‘Think again.’
Piper Kerman, Author of Orange is the New Black Keynotes American Probation and Parole Association
American Probation and Parole Association
The American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) will hold its 42nd Annual Training Institute at the Marriott Marquis-Times Square, August 27-30 with over 100 engaging sessions including three exciting keynotes. Piper Kerman, the author of the national best-selling memoir Orange Is The New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison (Spiegel & Grau), will be featured at the opening session on Sunday, August 27th. Piper will discuss her personal experiences and the state of criminal justice in America.
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National Fair Housing Alliance Settles Race Discrimination Complaint with Real Estate Groups in Jackson, Mississippi
Source: National Fair Housing Alliance
Washington, D.C. - September 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) has settled a housing discrimination complaint with Lorgroup, LLC, DBA RE/MAX Alliance, and The Lee Garland and Rita Jensen Team (Lorgroup). The terms of the settlement will open up housing opportunities for African Americans purchasing homes in metropolitan Jackson, Mississippi. According to one analysis, Jackson is the third most segregated city in the U.S. Following allegations of housing discrimination from African Americans in Jackson, NFHA launched an investigation of how Whites and Blacks were treated when inquiring about purchasing homes. NFHA found differences in treatment based on race and filed a federal housing discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development against the agents and companies.
The investigation included telephone and in-person testing. Testing is an investigation tool in which similarly situated Blacks and Whites make inquiries about available housing. NFHA’s testing revealed that when potential White homebuyers sought housing in integrated and predominantly African American neighborhoods, they were steered away. Instead, White homebuyers were provided with a plethora of information and assistance to help them buy a home in a predominantly White area. Meanwhile, African American homebuyers often never even received a call back from an agent after leaving messages about purchasing a specific home in Jackson.
The differences in treatment uncovered in NFHA’s investigation are examples of how Whites and Blacks are steered to different housing opportunities based on the racial composition of a neighborhood. “Steering intentionally perpetuates residential segregation and is illegal under the Fair Housing Act,” said NFHA’s President and CEO, Shanna L. Smith. “This is why it is imperative that real estate companies work to expand equal housing opportunities for everyone. When people choose where they want to live without artificial and illegal barriers, our communities and neighborhoods are stronger, Smith continued.”
Lorgroup will pay $46,000 to NFHA, participate in fair housing trainings, and display fair housing signs in its offices. Additionally, Lorgroup has agreed to promote fair housing in the communities where it does business and to expand equal housing opportunities for all consumers. The settlement agreement will be monitored by HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. The original complaint was filed on September 15, 2015. The settlement was signed and approved by HUD on September 7, 2017.
Charles Harris, Executive Director of Jackson-based Housing Education and Economic Develop, Inc., said of the discrimination uncovered in the investigation, “Fair housing is the law, believe it or not. But housing discrimination is still alive and well. Any person or group that violates the Fair Housing Act must face the consequences.” Smith added, “This victory should send a strong message to real estate agents in the Jackson area that racial steering will not be tolerated and that their practices are being monitored. Furthermore, African American homebuyers should expect equal treatment and services when they are buying homes. If they suspect steering or if real estate agents refuse to return calls or work with them, they should contact the National Fair Housing Alliance at 1-800-910-7315 or 202-898-1661.”
Washington, D.C. - September 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) has settled a housing discrimination complaint with Lorgroup, LLC, DBA RE/MAX Alliance, and The Lee Garland and Rita Jensen Team (Lorgroup). The terms of the settlement will open up housing opportunities for African Americans purchasing homes in metropolitan Jackson, Mississippi. According to one analysis, Jackson is the third most segregated city in the U.S. Following allegations of housing discrimination from African Americans in Jackson, NFHA launched an investigation of how Whites and Blacks were treated when inquiring about purchasing homes. NFHA found differences in treatment based on race and filed a federal housing discrimination complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development against the agents and companies.
The investigation included telephone and in-person testing. Testing is an investigation tool in which similarly situated Blacks and Whites make inquiries about available housing. NFHA’s testing revealed that when potential White homebuyers sought housing in integrated and predominantly African American neighborhoods, they were steered away. Instead, White homebuyers were provided with a plethora of information and assistance to help them buy a home in a predominantly White area. Meanwhile, African American homebuyers often never even received a call back from an agent after leaving messages about purchasing a specific home in Jackson.
The differences in treatment uncovered in NFHA’s investigation are examples of how Whites and Blacks are steered to different housing opportunities based on the racial composition of a neighborhood. “Steering intentionally perpetuates residential segregation and is illegal under the Fair Housing Act,” said NFHA’s President and CEO, Shanna L. Smith. “This is why it is imperative that real estate companies work to expand equal housing opportunities for everyone. When people choose where they want to live without artificial and illegal barriers, our communities and neighborhoods are stronger, Smith continued.”
Lorgroup will pay $46,000 to NFHA, participate in fair housing trainings, and display fair housing signs in its offices. Additionally, Lorgroup has agreed to promote fair housing in the communities where it does business and to expand equal housing opportunities for all consumers. The settlement agreement will be monitored by HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. The original complaint was filed on September 15, 2015. The settlement was signed and approved by HUD on September 7, 2017.
Charles Harris, Executive Director of Jackson-based Housing Education and Economic Develop, Inc., said of the discrimination uncovered in the investigation, “Fair housing is the law, believe it or not. But housing discrimination is still alive and well. Any person or group that violates the Fair Housing Act must face the consequences.” Smith added, “This victory should send a strong message to real estate agents in the Jackson area that racial steering will not be tolerated and that their practices are being monitored. Furthermore, African American homebuyers should expect equal treatment and services when they are buying homes. If they suspect steering or if real estate agents refuse to return calls or work with them, they should contact the National Fair Housing Alliance at 1-800-910-7315 or 202-898-1661.”
Roy Moore's Victory Shows Voters Want an End to Business as Usual, says Family Research Council Action
Source: Family Research Council Action
Washington, D.C. - September 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Family Research Council Action offered congratulations to Roy Moore on his primary election as the next U.S. Senator from the state of Alabama.
FRC Action PAC, the political action committee connected with Family Research Council Action, endorsed Moore’s Senate candidacy.
Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins released the following statement:
"Alabama voters are sending a clear and unmistakable message to Washington: ‘We want an end to business as usual.’ Roy Moore’s victory will echo throughout the country and help bring an end to the Senate’s trail of broken promises.
“Despite voters giving Republicans the majority in the House, the Senate and now control of the White House, almost every promise made to voters over the last seven years has been broken in the U.S. Senate.
“While Republicans in the House working with President Trump approved a measure to repeal Obamacare, it died in the Senate. The House approved a measure that would end taxpayer funding of abortion, and it died in the Senate. The House approved a measure that would repeal the onerous provision of Dodd-Frank that is choking our economy. And again, it is buried in the Senate.
“Judge Moore was elected because he is a promise keeper who will stand up for our Constitution. I congratulate Roy Moore and look forward to working with him on important issues in the U.S. Senate,” concluded Perkins.
Washington, D.C. - September 27, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Family Research Council Action offered congratulations to Roy Moore on his primary election as the next U.S. Senator from the state of Alabama.
FRC Action PAC, the political action committee connected with Family Research Council Action, endorsed Moore’s Senate candidacy.
Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins released the following statement:
"Alabama voters are sending a clear and unmistakable message to Washington: ‘We want an end to business as usual.’ Roy Moore’s victory will echo throughout the country and help bring an end to the Senate’s trail of broken promises.
“Despite voters giving Republicans the majority in the House, the Senate and now control of the White House, almost every promise made to voters over the last seven years has been broken in the U.S. Senate.
“While Republicans in the House working with President Trump approved a measure to repeal Obamacare, it died in the Senate. The House approved a measure that would end taxpayer funding of abortion, and it died in the Senate. The House approved a measure that would repeal the onerous provision of Dodd-Frank that is choking our economy. And again, it is buried in the Senate.
“Judge Moore was elected because he is a promise keeper who will stand up for our Constitution. I congratulate Roy Moore and look forward to working with him on important issues in the U.S. Senate,” concluded Perkins.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Congratulations to Roy Moore of Alabama!
by Shonda Ponder
When I read that Donald Trump endorsed Luther Strange, I thought I read that wrong. After all, Roy Moore, the outspoken Alabama judge against same-sex marriage, pro-2nd Amendment, and dubbed the "10 Commandments Judge" was also running for senate. How could Donald Trump go against Roy Moore?
Thank God I wasn't the only person who thought like that. Alabama agreed with me, and now Roy Moore has won the Alabama early GOP primaries.
Let that sink in, Democrats: We didn't elect Donald Trump to look good. We elected him because he was one of US. And, so is Roy Moore.
Congratulations, Judge Roy Moore!
When I read that Donald Trump endorsed Luther Strange, I thought I read that wrong. After all, Roy Moore, the outspoken Alabama judge against same-sex marriage, pro-2nd Amendment, and dubbed the "10 Commandments Judge" was also running for senate. How could Donald Trump go against Roy Moore?
Thank God I wasn't the only person who thought like that. Alabama agreed with me, and now Roy Moore has won the Alabama early GOP primaries.
Let that sink in, Democrats: We didn't elect Donald Trump to look good. We elected him because he was one of US. And, so is Roy Moore.
Congratulations, Judge Roy Moore!
Source: House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. - September 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. (FL-02), today introduced the Veterans Opioid Abuse Prevention Act, an important step in the fight against the nation’s opioid epidemic.
Dunn’s bill directs Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary David Shulkin to connect VA health care providers to a national network of state-based prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). PDMPs track prescribing data to identify abuse patterns in patients.
Just like private sector physicians, VA doctors consult state-based PDMPs before prescribing potentially dangerous pain medications to veterans. VA doctors, however, lack the ability to consult a national network of state-based PDMPs that can identify someone from another state who is at high risk for abuse, overdose, and death.
“More than 140 people in the U.S. die from opioid abuse each day, and veterans are twice as likely than civilians. This is unacceptable,” said Dr. Dunn, himself an Army veteran and member of the House VA Committee. “This bill instructs the VA to do what more and more private doctors are doing – connect to the national drug monitoring databases so no one slips through the cracks.”
The President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis issued a preliminary report in July that cited the lack of cross-state interoperability as one significant shortcoming of state PDMPs. The Commission recommended “enhancing interstate data sharing among state-based prescription drug monitoring programs.”
Existing national networks of state PDMPs allow providers to confidentially access prescribing data and history across state lines. Access to these networks will help VA health care workers prevent and stop opioid abuse among our veterans.
“We cannot stand silent and watch prescription opioid abuse destroy the lives of those who fought for our freedoms,” added Dr. Dunn.
In February, Dr. Dunn questioned VA officials in committee about the epidemic of prescription drug abuse among veterans and VA handling of controlled substances.
The legislation is cosponsored by Representatives Claudia Tenney (NY-22), Bruce Poliquin (ME-02), Jodey Arrington (TX-19), and Paul Tonko (NY-20).
Shop all outerwear specials at Jos. A. Bank. Valid 9/25-10/1.
Washington, D.C. - September 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congressman Neal Dunn, M.D. (FL-02), today introduced the Veterans Opioid Abuse Prevention Act, an important step in the fight against the nation’s opioid epidemic.
Dunn’s bill directs Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary David Shulkin to connect VA health care providers to a national network of state-based prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). PDMPs track prescribing data to identify abuse patterns in patients.
Just like private sector physicians, VA doctors consult state-based PDMPs before prescribing potentially dangerous pain medications to veterans. VA doctors, however, lack the ability to consult a national network of state-based PDMPs that can identify someone from another state who is at high risk for abuse, overdose, and death.
“More than 140 people in the U.S. die from opioid abuse each day, and veterans are twice as likely than civilians. This is unacceptable,” said Dr. Dunn, himself an Army veteran and member of the House VA Committee. “This bill instructs the VA to do what more and more private doctors are doing – connect to the national drug monitoring databases so no one slips through the cracks.”
The President's Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis issued a preliminary report in July that cited the lack of cross-state interoperability as one significant shortcoming of state PDMPs. The Commission recommended “enhancing interstate data sharing among state-based prescription drug monitoring programs.”
Existing national networks of state PDMPs allow providers to confidentially access prescribing data and history across state lines. Access to these networks will help VA health care workers prevent and stop opioid abuse among our veterans.
“We cannot stand silent and watch prescription opioid abuse destroy the lives of those who fought for our freedoms,” added Dr. Dunn.
In February, Dr. Dunn questioned VA officials in committee about the epidemic of prescription drug abuse among veterans and VA handling of controlled substances.
The legislation is cosponsored by Representatives Claudia Tenney (NY-22), Bruce Poliquin (ME-02), Jodey Arrington (TX-19), and Paul Tonko (NY-20).
Shop all outerwear specials at Jos. A. Bank. Valid 9/25-10/1.
DelBene Calls for Clean Reauthorization of Home Visiting Program
Source: House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. - September 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) has called on Republicans to work with Democrats on a clean reauthorization of the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program to ensure states and communities can continue helping children and families thrive. This traditionally bipartisan program provides in-home help to ensure new parents can raise children who are healthy, happy and ready for school.
“I strongly support reauthorization of the Home Visiting program before it expires on September 30th. We know it has an incredible track record of success improving child and family outcomes in our most vulnerable communities,” DelBene said in a floor speech that can be seen HERE. “Unfortunately, Republicans have put forward a partisan bill — with reckless policy changes that are not supported by experts — and with only three legislative days remaining. It’s incredibly disappointing.”
The House passed H.R. 2824, which would reauthorize MIECHV through 2022, but impose policy changes that would reduce the number of states and communities that offer home visiting. Last year, more than 29,000 eligible families in Washington state were already unserved.
Among the policy changes made by Republicans were requiring states and tribal communities to match funding in order to receive federal dollars. States and tribes have said this requirement would result in home visiting programs shutting down or reducing services, particularly in areas already struggling economically. DelBene offered an amendment to remove the matching requirement on tribes, which passed the House. Her floor remarks can be found HERE.
However, when DelBene offered a second amendment to make the bill a clean reauthorizations, Republicans blocked it. Now H.R. 2824 heads to the Senate for further action. If they fail to act by Sept. 30, the authorization for MIECHV will expire.
DelBene serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over MIECHV.

Washington, D.C. - September 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Suzan DelBene (WA-01) has called on Republicans to work with Democrats on a clean reauthorization of the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program to ensure states and communities can continue helping children and families thrive. This traditionally bipartisan program provides in-home help to ensure new parents can raise children who are healthy, happy and ready for school.
“I strongly support reauthorization of the Home Visiting program before it expires on September 30th. We know it has an incredible track record of success improving child and family outcomes in our most vulnerable communities,” DelBene said in a floor speech that can be seen HERE. “Unfortunately, Republicans have put forward a partisan bill — with reckless policy changes that are not supported by experts — and with only three legislative days remaining. It’s incredibly disappointing.”
The House passed H.R. 2824, which would reauthorize MIECHV through 2022, but impose policy changes that would reduce the number of states and communities that offer home visiting. Last year, more than 29,000 eligible families in Washington state were already unserved.
Among the policy changes made by Republicans were requiring states and tribal communities to match funding in order to receive federal dollars. States and tribes have said this requirement would result in home visiting programs shutting down or reducing services, particularly in areas already struggling economically. DelBene offered an amendment to remove the matching requirement on tribes, which passed the House. Her floor remarks can be found HERE.
However, when DelBene offered a second amendment to make the bill a clean reauthorizations, Republicans blocked it. Now H.R. 2824 heads to the Senate for further action. If they fail to act by Sept. 30, the authorization for MIECHV will expire.
DelBene serves on the House Ways and Means Committee, which has jurisdiction over MIECHV.
Investigation into Alleged Pill Dumping in West Virginia Amid Opioid Crisis
Source: House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. - September 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO) and other Energy and Commerce Committee leaders have sent a letter to Miami-Luken, a drug distributor, expanding on their investigation into alleged pill dumping in West Virginia. The letter requests documents regarding what steps the company has taken to comply with Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulations regarding suspicious orders for drugs, as well as information about the dosage and amounts of drugs the company had shipped to regional pharmacies.
Signing the letter along with DeGette were Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR), Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Rep. David McKinley (R-WV).
The committee has been investigating alleged pill dumping in West Virginia since earlier this year. This work stems from news reports by the Charleston Gazette-Mail and The Washington Post detailing an unusually large opioid presence in the state of West Virginia.
“It would appear that the state of West Virginia may have received extraordinary amounts of opioids from distributors beyond what the population could safely use,” the five members of Congress wrote
“There are specific allegations in the public domain relating to Miami-Luken’s distribution of opioids,” they added, noting that the DEA was seeking to revoke the company’s ability to operate in West Virginia because it allegedly failed to maintain effective controls over distribution there, including the disclosure of suspicious orders for controlled substances including oxycodone and hydrocodone.
The lawmakers set a deadline of October 9 for the company to respond to their letter.
Shop all outerwear specials at Jos. A. Bank. Valid 9/25-10/1.
Washington, D.C. - September 26, 2017 (The Ponder News) -- Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO) and other Energy and Commerce Committee leaders have sent a letter to Miami-Luken, a drug distributor, expanding on their investigation into alleged pill dumping in West Virginia. The letter requests documents regarding what steps the company has taken to comply with Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) regulations regarding suspicious orders for drugs, as well as information about the dosage and amounts of drugs the company had shipped to regional pharmacies.
Signing the letter along with DeGette were Committee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR), Ranking Member Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Rep. David McKinley (R-WV).
The committee has been investigating alleged pill dumping in West Virginia since earlier this year. This work stems from news reports by the Charleston Gazette-Mail and The Washington Post detailing an unusually large opioid presence in the state of West Virginia.
“It would appear that the state of West Virginia may have received extraordinary amounts of opioids from distributors beyond what the population could safely use,” the five members of Congress wrote
“There are specific allegations in the public domain relating to Miami-Luken’s distribution of opioids,” they added, noting that the DEA was seeking to revoke the company’s ability to operate in West Virginia because it allegedly failed to maintain effective controls over distribution there, including the disclosure of suspicious orders for controlled substances including oxycodone and hydrocodone.
The lawmakers set a deadline of October 9 for the company to respond to their letter.
Shop all outerwear specials at Jos. A. Bank. Valid 9/25-10/1.
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